So recently I found out from a friend that there is a CW build that allows you to build up your damage to be able to one shot any boss in game. It has to do with a feat in the thaumaturge tree Frozen Power Transfer. Some how the effect from this gives you some sort of hidden stacks that if you keep auto attacking never fall off. It seems to be about a 8-10 second time before you have to auto attack again. So that 5% damage keeps stacking until you can one shot bosses with your encounters. The encounters that are effected seem to be any non DoT Aoe spell ie Chill strike in spell mastery, steal time, shield, ice storm. I will post the Feats and powers I was using and the pictures from training dummies. This MUST be fixed before the expansion.
There also seems to be something with this build when you proc eye of the storm when you auto attack it keeps refreshing the duration of the spell. I noticed it only stacked up to a max of 30 seconds but you can have 100% up time on that.
EDIT: This does not work for me without Evocation Rank 3. Just tested.
This is just after a few minutes of building up the stacks. Please Fix this!
Here is a video:
Doesn't mean I can just sit by and watch the new content be ruined.
Which I'm guessing already fixes this.
I have tested this on the preview and it has NOT been fixed.
Here is a video of how it works.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
ticket ID #1,894,602
I believe I've tracked down the source of the problem and will get it fixed up.
Wonderful news, thank you very much!
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Thank you both very much! Very happy to see that this will be fixed.
10 char
From what I read here its a problem on live which still exists on preview so posting in either place would seem correct. Also of all the things to complain about you pick this...really?
I thought someone said earlier in the thread that it was on preview only. I wasn't complaining, I said it was interesting, which it would be if posting in the wrong area gets results, but apparently it wasn't. Please read what I say more carefully.
I'd like to see a boss fight where you can just comfortably stand back and fire off shots like he does on the dummy.
Thanks again for fixing this! Makes the game a whole lot more fun.