So it's no surprise that as it stands, stacking multiple control wizards in a dungeon is the easiest, and most efficient way of doing things, because you can basically perma-CC literally the entire dungeon (and let's be real, does any CN group go without using 2 CW's?). I suggest to fix this, adding some sort of immunity, to mobs if 2 or more different control wizards are casting control spells (more specifically, at least singularity... that's the biggest issue).
How this would work, is if there is only 1 control wizard in the party, he can freely CC as much as he wants without any immunity (basically how it's working now), but, if there's an additional control wizard in the party, if CW 'A' casts singularity, it will work as intended, but then if CW 'B' cast singularity after, the mobs will be immune to it for they cannot be controlled by two different CWs.
This would not totally kill off using 2 CWs in a dungeon party (let's say 2 friends are CWs and want to play together), only difference is, only 1 of them would be control oriented, while the other would be more damage oriented. However, it would promote more diversity, and not make stacking control wizards seem so needed and far more efficient. I understand content will become slightly harder, but let's be honest, the minute u grab 2 CWs, hell, even 3, all content in the game becomes a laughing joke for how easy it is. I don't think the game was intended to be played this way; stacking a certain class to make the game become easy mode, and I think my suggestion would help kill the stacking of control wizards issue, and also promote other classes that don't get invited as often (GWFs and GFs to an extent), to be invited to dungeon parties more frequently.
Post edited by ioannides5 on
aaronjfMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Sure, punish CW's for being useful and nerf them some more... Sounds like every other QQ complaint on the forum. OMG someone beat me in pvp, NERF THEM!!!! OMG someone has preference for a group over me, NERF THEM.. All the years of playing eq/wow and all the QQing, guess what, people are still crying to nerf this, nerf that. When people lack skill, the cry for nerfs is hear 'round the net.
Just imagine how much more in demand CW's will be when the whiners get their way this upcoming patch and rogues dmg is nerfed even further.
Maybe if the devs did something to make a fight difficult other than lets throw in a buttload of adds this would be viable. As it stands now, having 2 CW in many dungeons is the only feasible way to do them. I couldn't imagine doing the last boss in CN w/o 2 CW. Devs could make a boss that spawns a mini boss that would need to be off tanked by a gwf or something. Other than that though, I would be totally against this idea of immunity to cc. T2 dungeons are already ridiculously hard in a pug the way it is. Getting a relatively decent group via zone required at least 10.5k-11k as a CW which imo is ridiculous.
ioannides5Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Sure, punish CW's for being useful and nerf them some more... Sounds like every other QQ complaint on the forum. OMG someone beat me in pvp, NERF THEM!!!! OMG someone has preference for a group over me, NERF THEM.. All the years of playing eq/wow and all the QQing, guess what, people are still crying to nerf this, nerf that. When people lack skill, the cry for nerfs is hear 'round the net.
Just imagine how much more in demand CW's will be when the whiners get their way this upcoming patch and rogues dmg is nerfed even further.
Maybe if the devs did something to make a fight difficult other than lets throw in a buttload of adds this would be viable. As it stands now, having 2 CW in many dungeons is the only feasible way to do them. I couldn't imagine doing the last boss in CN w/o 2 CW. Devs could make a boss that spawns a mini boss that would need to be off tanked by a gwf or something. Other than that though, I would be totally against this idea of immunity to cc. T2 dungeons are already ridiculously hard in a pug the way it is. Getting a relatively decent group via zone required at least 10.5k-11k as a CW which imo is ridiculous.
You are severely misinformed. Eliminating multiple sources of CC between multiple CWs is more of a severe balance, not a nerf. Also, why are you bringing up 'skill'? Using multiple CWs in a group is not skill, it's basically abusing mechanics to perma-CC so nothing hits you. If anything, my changes would demand more skill from dungeon parties to actually be successful.
fathomfulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 207Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
There shouldnt be limits to party construction.
Two CW's sure why not? Two GF's, lets do this.
Some of the most fun i have had is with two DC's stacked in a group or other iterations of alternative party construction.
I think its great you can take almost anything and still deal with things.
TSome of the most fun i have had is with two DC's stacked in a group or other iterations of alternative party construction.
I ended up doing a skirmish with 3 DCs and 2 TRs by recruiting everyone I could get to join me instead of queuing alone. It worked fine, if probably slower than if we'd had more AoE damagers. Nice for healing, though in hindsight I wish I'd brought out my wizard pet instead of keeping my pocket cleric out, since she was redundant.
aaronjfMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
I think the op would have no issue if his class was wanted. This really seems to be a case of my class is in less demand than your class so nerf the other class to give my sorry butt a chance.. GWF's especially have been crying about not being useful enough since the beta was public.
It is once class that I haven't played yet so can't speak from experience. From what I have seen in groups though, the majority of GWF's stink. It is super rare to get one that does well/is on top of dmg etc. Last night my spider temple group was a perfect example. We had myself gf, cleric, cw and 2 gwf's. I pug the early instances opposed to making pre formed groups sine gf is pretty much insta q it seems. The one gwf liked to charge the trash often before I would have a chance to pull it (was trying to wait for the rest of the group to get in close proximity at least) which made me think, you want to tank, roll a tank. Maybe they feel like a gwf is a tank w/o a shield since they wear plate. Anyhow, whatever, we continued to proceed After beating the final boss, the dmg done was cw, gwf, gf, gwf #2, cleric. I don't remember the exact numbers but the cw was about 1-1.5 million dmg above everyone, the gwf was 2nd, I was a few thousand damage below him, the 2nd gwf was way below that. I mean like several 100k below.. The one gwf was actually pretty decent while the other was laughable.
I know a good gwf can put out some good numbers. I have seen it in epic dungeons when playing my cw.. Sadly, the majority don't seem to be able to do that. Imo, the rankings should be dps top 3 slots easy, followed by the tank and the cleric being last. I have been in way too many gwf groups where they are 3rd or 4th place respectively.
I have seen/heard gf's cry that they are unwanted in a dungeon. Again, it really breaks down to your ability. If you are good, you are very needed and people understand that. If you aren't going to hold aggro and do poor dmg, can you blame the group for not wanting a tank (or any other dead weight for that matter)? Again, it comes down to ability to play. Knowing your class etc.
Until clerics get buffed to the point of being able to heal massive amounts of damage, there are and will be instance that just aren't very doable w/ only 1 cw able to do cc.. It will get especially worse now with rogues getting a nice damage debuff. Trash/bosses are going to take a lot more time to kill imo.
aaronjfMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Sure, instead of making classes more appealing lets just nerf everything so nobody wants to play any of the classes any more and the game dies.
Exactly. That is the sad thing. Folks were saying clerics were op.. I never saw that. Clerics in NW were never near as powerful as they were in other games or true "healers". Regardless, they went and nerfed clerics, now there are even less clerics playing than there were in the first place. That means longer que times, less interest for others in the game etc. The more nerfs they throw out, the more the population will decline.
Just imagine how much more in demand CW's will be when the whiners get their way this upcoming patch and rogues dmg is nerfed even further.
Maybe if the devs did something to make a fight difficult other than lets throw in a buttload of adds this would be viable. As it stands now, having 2 CW in many dungeons is the only feasible way to do them. I couldn't imagine doing the last boss in CN w/o 2 CW. Devs could make a boss that spawns a mini boss that would need to be off tanked by a gwf or something. Other than that though, I would be totally against this idea of immunity to cc. T2 dungeons are already ridiculously hard in a pug the way it is. Getting a relatively decent group via zone required at least 10.5k-11k as a CW which imo is ridiculous.
You are severely misinformed. Eliminating multiple sources of CC between multiple CWs is more of a severe balance, not a nerf. Also, why are you bringing up 'skill'? Using multiple CWs in a group is not skill, it's basically abusing mechanics to perma-CC so nothing hits you. If anything, my changes would demand more skill from dungeon parties to actually be successful.
Two CW's sure why not? Two GF's, lets do this.
Some of the most fun i have had is with two DC's stacked in a group or other iterations of alternative party construction.
I think its great you can take almost anything and still deal with things.
I ended up doing a skirmish with 3 DCs and 2 TRs by recruiting everyone I could get to join me instead of queuing alone. It worked fine, if probably slower than if we'd had more AoE damagers. Nice for healing, though in hindsight I wish I'd brought out my wizard pet instead of keeping my pocket cleric out, since she was redundant.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
It is once class that I haven't played yet so can't speak from experience. From what I have seen in groups though, the majority of GWF's stink. It is super rare to get one that does well/is on top of dmg etc. Last night my spider temple group was a perfect example. We had myself gf, cleric, cw and 2 gwf's. I pug the early instances opposed to making pre formed groups sine gf is pretty much insta q it seems. The one gwf liked to charge the trash often before I would have a chance to pull it (was trying to wait for the rest of the group to get in close proximity at least) which made me think, you want to tank, roll a tank. Maybe they feel like a gwf is a tank w/o a shield since they wear plate. Anyhow, whatever, we continued to proceed
I know a good gwf can put out some good numbers. I have seen it in epic dungeons when playing my cw.. Sadly, the majority don't seem to be able to do that. Imo, the rankings should be dps top 3 slots easy, followed by the tank and the cleric being last. I have been in way too many gwf groups where they are 3rd or 4th place respectively.
I have seen/heard gf's cry that they are unwanted in a dungeon. Again, it really breaks down to your ability. If you are good, you are very needed and people understand that. If you aren't going to hold aggro and do poor dmg, can you blame the group for not wanting a tank (or any other dead weight for that matter)? Again, it comes down to ability to play. Knowing your class etc.
Until clerics get buffed to the point of being able to heal massive amounts of damage, there are and will be instance that just aren't very doable w/ only 1 cw able to do cc.. It will get especially worse now with rogues getting a nice damage debuff. Trash/bosses are going to take a lot more time to kill imo.