Well, not unless you count age as a disability. I'm just not as nimble fingered as I once was .
But I don't hold anything against you, I actually envy your skills. I do wish this game had a difficulty slider though. Sadly, I'm just not a very good player and if given the choice, I'm the pathetic soul who always chooses Easy or Normal mode.
Ah well, at least there are some Foundry Authors who understand this and add a difficulty slider to their missions. I just wish everybody (and that includes the Devs) would do the same!
I can understand a difficulty slider for this reason, but not because people think clerics can't do damage.
jjeshopMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
At level 45 I'm done with the official quests. They are simply too hard for me. As I have no interest in PvP and I loathe group dungeons, I've just been doing Foundry missions (which are great!).
The problem is, I'm still leveling just through Foundry missions and I want some way to stop it. Because the higher my level gets, the more difficult the Foundry missions become, and I'm rapidly reaching the point where I won't be able to play them either.
So I'd like to request some kind of option to allow people to lock their levels, so if they don't want to level any further, they can freeze at whatever level they feel comfortable at.
This is a great game, but the difficulty scaling is insane! I've really come to dread leveling up
If I could, I'd like to lock my level to around 40 and then just play Foundry missions.
You need a buddy! I'll help! what times are you online?
As pure as one person's intentions may be to have a level lock option, there are hundreds of other waiting to abuse the option once it becomes real. In PvP, there would be a few twinks just hanging out at the top of the level brackets. And if you're not grouped with them or match up to their gear and skill, there will only be WAY more complaints on the forums for "unfairness". To the OP, I know PvP might not be your cup of tea (or mine), but it is a thing people do for daily AD. And if the twinks are preventing anyone else from winning, there will be a huge outcry for even more changes to the game.
Speaking of AD, everyone knows that low level skirmishes are target rich environments for farming AD. If one could level lock at lvl 10, they could just sit and farm AD. What if someone programmed a bot to do the skirmish for farming AD ...... ?
We can't have nice things without sacrificing what is already good with the game due to human nature. Just my opinion.
As pure as one person's intentions may be to have a level lock option, there are hundreds of other waiting to abuse the option once it becomes real. In PvP, there would be a few twinks just hanging out at the top of the level brackets. And if you're not grouped with them or match up to their gear and skill, there will only be WAY more complaints on the forums for "unfairness". To the OP, I know PvP might not be your cup of tea (or mine), but it is a thing people do for daily AD. And if the twinks are preventing anyone else from winning, there will be a huge outcry for even more changes to the game.
Speaking of AD, everyone knows that low level skirmishes are target rich environments for farming AD. If one could level lock at lvl 10, they could just sit and farm AD. What if someone programmed a bot to do the skirmish for farming AD ...... ?
We can't have nice things without sacrificing what is already good with the game due to human nature. Just my opinion.
You make a very good point, I hadn't thought of that. But I still think it would be nice if I could make a level locked character just for playing Foundry missions and nothing else. I really like the Foundry and the talent of some people is incredible.
To everyone who offered to help me level, bless you! But I play at very odd times and to be honest, I think I need to take a break from the 'official' game for awhile. So I'm just playing with and in the Foundry at the moment
You make a very good point, I hadn't thought of that. But I still think it would be nice if I could make a level locked character just for playing Foundry missions and nothing else. I really like the Foundry and the talent of some people is incredible.
To everyone who offered to help me level, bless you! But I play at very odd times and to be honest, I think I need to take a break from the 'official' game for awhile. So I'm just playing with and in the Foundry at the moment
If you play Foundry missions, but skip out of the end chest surely you will level up fairly slowly? Also since you can lay Foundry missions from level 15 (level 4 for people who bough a Founders pack), it doesn't take much time to get a new character up there.
alienslofMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited July 2013
Like the OP, I have hit a similar brick wall with my wizard. I find Foundry quests now much too hard for him at level 52, and the Foundries are, for me, by far the best part of the game. People's imaginations are just amazing! My rogue is doing a bit better, but again, struggles with some bosses.
I AM disabled, with weak hands that are not terribly dexterous, especially my left one which was left very weak and without feeling after a stroke. I'm just not that good at getting out of the way sometimes.
But I will... suggest Bill's Tavern. I figure if my "squishy" cleric can take that one on, then a CW can. Even though they're not armed with Astral Shield and Divine Glow...
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
Like the OP, I have hit a similar brick wall with my wizard. I find Foundry quests now much too hard for him at level 52, and the Foundries are, for me, by far the best part of the game. People's imaginations are just amazing! My rogue is doing a bit better, but again, struggles with some bosses.
You may be using the wrong skills. Are you trying to just nuke things down faster than they nuke you down? A lot of folks do this at first. However, it can me made much easier if you use the "control" aspect of your class. This really reduces the amount of work that you need to do.
Try Conduit Of Ice, Icy Terrain, Steal Time*, Shield, and Chilling Cloud as primary at-will (and Arcane Singularity on daily). You will lock down groups, so they won't be able to jump on you so much. While lightning reflexes and eight arms aren't needed, you will need to get the timing down to be able to look good doing it. Once you have managed this, things will flow nicely.
Once you have the knack, things will get a lot easier and less stressful. You can CC most things in the Foundry missions; they will just stand about looking peeved while you blow them up. Feel free to take advantage of this in an outrageous manner
*Yes, Steal Time is further down the powers pane, but you should have it by now if you haven't sprayed points around on dubious stuff, which is always tempting.
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention.. if your physical problems are making things tricky, don't forget that you can rebind your dodge move on various classes to the mouse wheel, if it makes things easier.
Edit 2: ..and another thing Are you on Beholder, by any chance? If so, I don't mind chatting about crowd control for CWs or somesuch, if that would be helpful.
If you play Foundry missions, but skip out of the end chest surely you will level up fairly slowly? Also since you can lay Foundry missions from level 15 (level 4 for people who bough a Founders pack), it doesn't take much time to get a new character up there.
I thought about doing this, but if I leave a mission before the end chest, I can't review it. And I think the very least I can do to thank an Author for all their hard work is give them a review
But I will... suggest Bill's Tavern. I figure if my "squishy" cleric can take that one on, then a CW can. Even though they're not armed with Astral Shield and Divine Glow...
"Bill's Tavern" is one of my favorite missions, "Protect The Caravan" is another one. Both are doable with a cleric, so a wizard shouldn't have any trouble
I too would love a toggle to lock my xp. I miss at-lvl skirmishes and dungeons simply because I invoke too may times or use the wrong leadership crafting or PvP too much or Foundry Quests. Just something to say XP Earning vs XP Free for non-PvE events. And forget about the Daily Skirmishes that require more than one run. Too much XP from multiple runs.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Actually, it is a pretty good suggestion - it is one of the best foundry quests and is certainly doable with a "squishy" lvl 60 DC - hard, but doable. However, when I was level 20 or so, the difficulty was more appropriate.
Only problem is, after doing it 20+ times, it gets kind-of boring, sorry. I really want a few other good quests too.
Hi klixan,
As others have suggested, the problem with allowing the halting of xp is that it opens up a number of exploiting opportunities.
I'm wondering if instead of not leveling at all, if maybe your best solution is to hit the level cap as soon as possible. Once you hit 60, your gear options really open up. When I was leveling my TR, things got significantly tougher in the high 50s (looking at you, Mt. Hotenow!). Once I hit 60 and started equipping better gear, everything went back to being a lot more manageable. AH prices are pretty low for T1 gear these days -- you could probably have a full set of T1 waiting for you in the bank just by doing leadership and foundries as you level.
Hi klixan,
As others have suggested, the problem with allowing the halting of xp is that it opens up a number of exploiting opportunities.
I'm wondering if instead of not leveling at all, if maybe your best solution is to hit the level cap as soon as possible. Once you hit 60, your gear options really open up. When I was leveling my TR, things got significantly tougher in the high 50s (looking at you, Mt. Hotenow!). Once I hit 60 and started equipping better gear, everything went back to being a lot more manageable. AH prices are pretty low for T1 gear these days -- you could probably have a full set of T1 waiting for you in the bank just by doing leadership and foundries as you level.
Yes, that's an option I'm considering, reaching the level cap and then coming back to finish the main quests. The trouble is, the only way I can level up with my level 45 character is by invoking and leadership, cause at level 45, the foundry missions are becoming too hard to complete as well.
Anyway, I've rolled a new character, just for doing foundry quests, and I'm having a blast with her! But each level she gains makes the missions harder and harder. For the first time ever, I actually wish I could lose XP when I die, then I could die a few times and de-level to stay at a comfortable level for the foundry quests.
I dunno, there's just something not quite right with the system here.
I wish. It would be the best solution for everyone with the incredibly fast leveling. I could just stop EXP gain and enable it when I'm ready for my next level-up. I still wish they'd slow leveling though.
City of Heroes had that in the end (after Cryptic sold it).
A patch on the test server lowers difficulty in the 50s.
It's definitely worth taking down a few names if you want to carry on with your level 45, since I'm guessing there are a ton of us who are capped and mostly spending time twiddling thumbs waiting for DD events to pop, many of whom would love to help you out just for something to do.
Hell, I'd be happy to healbot you through some foundries.
I've leveled 2 DC's to 60 solo by doing the quest lines and a few pub skirmishes and dungeons. I agree with a few of the people that have suggested using damaging powers while solo. I believe I mostly used Daunting Light and Chains of Blazing Light for good AoE damage. Sun Burst in divine is good to get everyone off of you quickly, plus it gives a bit of AoE damage and healing.
But one thing that can really make leveling easier is by getting an augmenting pet very early. If you get it first thing it should be maxed out by level 40. You can equip it with cheap T1 items and receive all of it's stats on your cleric. I know it costs a bit for an ion stone or cat, but if you can get the AD or Zen it really makes the leveling much easier.
Hi klixan,
As others have suggested, the problem with allowing the halting of xp is that it opens up a number of exploiting opportunities.
I'm wondering if instead of not leveling at all, if maybe your best solution is to hit the level cap as soon as possible. Once you hit 60, your gear options really open up. When I was leveling my TR, things got significantly tougher in the high 50s (looking at you, Mt. Hotenow!). Once I hit 60 and started equipping better gear, everything went back to being a lot more manageable. AH prices are pretty low for T1 gear these days -- you could probably have a full set of T1 waiting for you in the bank just by doing leadership and foundries as you level.
I have a 19lvl twink. I can no longer pray or do any professions on this toon that reward experience. What or how can someone exploit. Twinks are a huge part of the game and players want to do low lvl content and enjoy it. A lot of times its the best part of the game and being 60 sometimes can suck. I have my 60 main with all the gear and 15k GS but I love my 19 lvl twink and don't want to lvl at all. So there should be a exp lock so you can enjoy content, pvp and not have to sacrifice getting to much exp from praying which rewards way way way way to much. I now have lvled a alt from 30-50 just from praying. Soooo I just have to be careful and not get any experience on my twink or all will be lost if I hit 20. I had a fun PvP match earlier with 29kills was fun for the lols. Just wish I could run some skirmishes do some quest and dungeons on my Twink that would be fun. I just can't fully enjoy it cause of that silly experience thing that I want locked.
Simple fix. I can lock exp for 200 Zen. Unlock when I want to lvl again for 200 Zen. Tons of players will use this feature just helps the game and players enjoy content and characters more in the long run.
Simple fix. I can lock exp for 200 Zen. Unlock when I want to lvl again for 200 Zen. Tons of players
Now that's a brilliant idea! The only thing I've bought from the Zen store is some character slots, cause there's really not anything else I need or want. But a character XP Lock is something I would buy!
Those packs of 9 die in 3 key presses. Doing it wrong.
Wow, what a contribution. But you seemed to have missed a few things.
One, most AoEs will only hit up to 5 mobs. Two, the ash zombies are the first real mob grouping that exceeds this limit by design. Three, i'm aware they can be taken out with multiple blasts. My point however, clearly mentioned not being able to take them out in a single one. Nothing you said or offered, has changed that. Considering everything up to that point has generally stayed under the 5 mob limit. This is a fair observation.
Wow, what a contribution. But you seemed to have missed a few things.
One, most AoEs will only hit up to 5 mobs. Two, the ash zombies are the first real mob grouping that exceeds this limit by design. Three, i'm aware they can be taken out with multiple blasts. My point however, clearly mentioned not being able to take them out in a single one. Nothing you said or offered, has changed that. Considering everything up to that point has generally stayed under the 5 mob limit. This is a fair observation.
Even if you can't faceroll them with a single key, you hit what you can, and then move, sheesh. Standing there and wondering why you haven't won yet counts as Doing It Wrong.
As an experiment, I took my DC and then my GWF into the foundry's "50 hulk challenge" (my favourite target cappping test environment), just to see. Even though it was a little more work than on my CW, all of the classes I have can take down all 50 hulks without dying or needing pots. The only difference is that I some need to get up off their low-polygon rumps and avoid being crushed by obvious melee attacks.
Don't just slam your face against things and then be upset that you can't win. Abuse your advantages. Every class has some. A little intelligence and lateral thinking is a force multiplier.
Now that's a brilliant idea! The only thing I've bought from the Zen store is some character slots, cause there's really not anything else I need or want. But a character XP Lock is something I would buy!
I have a few and well this is in place in other games and working as intended. So as for brilliant I just modified it to suit NW. So I will only take 99% of the credit. Its really that simple I would have characters of all lvls and classes locked right now. Then be unlocking them to do new or different things to just lock them again. I probably would spend 1000's alone on locking and unlocking all my characters. So why they don't have it kinda stumps me.
Those dudes are probably one of the first times "panic divine sunburst" doesn't actually clear you space, though. Yes, it's entirely managable, but the first time it happens you could forgive someone for being unprepared.
Plus to be honest, the thrust of sockmunkey's argument was that saying "Those packs of 9 die in 3 key presses. Doing it wrong." is a woefully unhelpful thing to say, and that is unarguably the case.
If you were only level 45 after "completing" the quests, then you missed a lot of them that are given by NPCs because doing nothing but the main chain and side quests without touching dailies or pvp etc. can get you to level 60, you missed out on a lot of content somewhere.
Unless you only enjoy solo play, you may find that being part of a helpful guild will make it easier to level, or just finding a consistent partner to duo with. Two players should be able to get through the game without two much difficulty, with more making it an ever smoother experience.
I really, really, really cannot understand how can anyone have difficulty with this game... i might have played about 1 thousand? games in last 30 years... and this is in the top 10 of the easiest games ever...
I would love to find that kind of haardship you are finding... a challenge is the best in a game...
You've obviously never tried doing foundries at high level then. where the amount of potions you have to eat vastly outstrips the money you make running them.
I can understand a difficulty slider for this reason, but not because people think clerics can't do damage.
You need a buddy! I'll help! what times are you online?
Speaking of AD, everyone knows that low level skirmishes are target rich environments for farming AD. If one could level lock at lvl 10, they could just sit and farm AD. What if someone programmed a bot to do the skirmish for farming AD ...... ?
We can't have nice things without sacrificing what is already good with the game due to human nature. Just my opinion.
They already have I think for farming the Blacklake District skirmish.
Even bots level up, though.
A bot only running during skirmish hour would get a fair amount of AD before it out-levelled that skirmish.
You make a very good point, I hadn't thought of that. But I still think it would be nice if I could make a level locked character just for playing Foundry missions and nothing else. I really like the Foundry and the talent of some people is incredible.
To everyone who offered to help me level, bless you! But I play at very odd times and to be honest, I think I need to take a break from the 'official' game for awhile. So I'm just playing with and in the Foundry at the moment
If you play Foundry missions, but skip out of the end chest surely you will level up fairly slowly? Also since you can lay Foundry missions from level 15 (level 4 for people who bough a Founders pack), it doesn't take much time to get a new character up there.
I AM disabled, with weak hands that are not terribly dexterous, especially my left one which was left very weak and without feeling after a stroke. I'm just not that good at getting out of the way sometimes.
Lolth be praised!
But I will... suggest Bill's Tavern. I figure if my "squishy" cleric can take that one on, then a CW can. Even though they're not armed with Astral Shield and Divine Glow...
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
You may be using the wrong skills. Are you trying to just nuke things down faster than they nuke you down? A lot of folks do this at first. However, it can me made much easier if you use the "control" aspect of your class. This really reduces the amount of work that you need to do.
Try Conduit Of Ice, Icy Terrain, Steal Time*, Shield, and Chilling Cloud as primary at-will (and Arcane Singularity on daily). You will lock down groups, so they won't be able to jump on you so much. While lightning reflexes and eight arms aren't needed, you will need to get the timing down to be able to look good doing it. Once you have managed this, things will flow nicely.
Once you have the knack, things will get a lot easier and less stressful. You can CC most things in the Foundry missions; they will just stand about looking peeved while you blow them up. Feel free to take advantage of this in an outrageous manner
*Yes, Steal Time is further down the powers pane, but you should have it by now if you haven't sprayed points around on dubious stuff, which is always tempting.
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention.. if your physical problems are making things tricky, don't forget that you can rebind your dodge move on various classes to the mouse wheel, if it makes things easier.
Edit 2: ..and another thing
I thought about doing this, but if I leave a mission before the end chest, I can't review it. And I think the very least I can do to thank an Author for all their hard work is give them a review
"Bill's Tavern" is one of my favorite missions, "Protect The Caravan" is another one. Both are doable with a cleric, so a wizard shouldn't have any trouble
Actually, it is a pretty good suggestion - it is one of the best foundry quests and is certainly doable with a "squishy" lvl 60 DC - hard, but doable. However, when I was level 20 or so, the difficulty was more appropriate.
Only problem is, after doing it 20+ times, it gets kind-of boring, sorry. I really want a few other good quests too.
Also dispel this misconception that clerics can't do damage. Even healing spec ones can slot some high damage skills for solo play.
As others have suggested, the problem with allowing the halting of xp is that it opens up a number of exploiting opportunities.
I'm wondering if instead of not leveling at all, if maybe your best solution is to hit the level cap as soon as possible. Once you hit 60, your gear options really open up. When I was leveling my TR, things got significantly tougher in the high 50s (looking at you, Mt. Hotenow!). Once I hit 60 and started equipping better gear, everything went back to being a lot more manageable. AH prices are pretty low for T1 gear these days -- you could probably have a full set of T1 waiting for you in the bank just by doing leadership and foundries as you level.
Yes, that's an option I'm considering, reaching the level cap and then coming back to finish the main quests. The trouble is, the only way I can level up with my level 45 character is by invoking and leadership, cause at level 45, the foundry missions are becoming too hard to complete as well.
Anyway, I've rolled a new character, just for doing foundry quests, and I'm having a blast with her! But each level she gains makes the missions harder and harder. For the first time ever, I actually wish I could lose XP when I die, then I could die a few times and de-level to stay at a comfortable level for the foundry quests.
I dunno, there's just something not quite right with the system here.
City of Heroes had that in the end (after Cryptic sold it).
A patch on the test server lowers difficulty in the 50s.
Hell, I'd be happy to healbot you through some foundries.
Which server are you on?
I've leveled 2 DC's to 60 solo by doing the quest lines and a few pub skirmishes and dungeons. I agree with a few of the people that have suggested using damaging powers while solo. I believe I mostly used Daunting Light and Chains of Blazing Light for good AoE damage. Sun Burst in divine is good to get everyone off of you quickly, plus it gives a bit of AoE damage and healing.
But one thing that can really make leveling easier is by getting an augmenting pet very early. If you get it first thing it should be maxed out by level 40. You can equip it with cheap T1 items and receive all of it's stats on your cleric. I know it costs a bit for an ion stone or cat, but if you can get the AD or Zen it really makes the leveling much easier.
I have a 19lvl twink. I can no longer pray or do any professions on this toon that reward experience. What or how can someone exploit. Twinks are a huge part of the game and players want to do low lvl content and enjoy it. A lot of times its the best part of the game and being 60 sometimes can suck. I have my 60 main with all the gear and 15k GS but I love my 19 lvl twink and don't want to lvl at all. So there should be a exp lock so you can enjoy content, pvp and not have to sacrifice getting to much exp from praying which rewards way way way way to much. I now have lvled a alt from 30-50 just from praying. Soooo I just have to be careful and not get any experience on my twink or all will be lost if I hit 20. I had a fun PvP match earlier with 29kills was fun for the lols. Just wish I could run some skirmishes do some quest and dungeons on my Twink that would be fun. I just can't fully enjoy it cause of that silly experience thing that I want locked.
Simple fix. I can lock exp for 200 Zen. Unlock when I want to lvl again for 200 Zen. Tons of players will use this feature just helps the game and players enjoy content and characters more in the long run.
Those packs of 9 die in 3 key presses. Doing it wrong.
Now that's a brilliant idea! The only thing I've bought from the Zen store is some character slots, cause there's really not anything else I need or want. But a character XP Lock is something I would buy!
Wow, what a contribution. But you seemed to have missed a few things.
One, most AoEs will only hit up to 5 mobs. Two, the ash zombies are the first real mob grouping that exceeds this limit by design. Three, i'm aware they can be taken out with multiple blasts. My point however, clearly mentioned not being able to take them out in a single one. Nothing you said or offered, has changed that. Considering everything up to that point has generally stayed under the 5 mob limit. This is a fair observation.
Even if you can't faceroll them with a single key, you hit what you can, and then move, sheesh. Standing there and wondering why you haven't won yet counts as Doing It Wrong.
As an experiment, I took my DC and then my GWF into the foundry's "50 hulk challenge" (my favourite target cappping test environment), just to see. Even though it was a little more work than on my CW, all of the classes I have can take down all 50 hulks without dying or needing pots. The only difference is that I some need to get up off their low-polygon rumps and avoid being crushed by obvious melee attacks.
Don't just slam your face against things and then be upset that you can't win. Abuse your advantages. Every class has some. A little intelligence and lateral thinking is a force multiplier.
I have a few and well this is in place in other games and working as intended. So as for brilliant I just modified it to suit NW. So I will only take 99% of the credit. Its really that simple I would have characters of all lvls and classes locked right now. Then be unlocking them to do new or different things to just lock them again. I probably would spend 1000's alone on locking and unlocking all my characters. So why they don't have it kinda stumps me.
Plus to be honest, the thrust of sockmunkey's argument was that saying "Those packs of 9 die in 3 key presses. Doing it wrong." is a woefully unhelpful thing to say, and that is unarguably the case.
You've obviously never tried doing foundries at high level then. where the amount of potions you have to eat vastly outstrips the money you make running them.