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Foundry authors introduction thread



  • bullzeye701bullzeye701 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Bullzeye here.
    D&D started for me when my step-son got a D&D starter pack for Christmas long ago. He wanted to play, we fumbled through the rules and figured it out.
    Have been playing ever since.
    Love the foundry concept. I get to DM for 1000's of peeps at once. awesome idea.

    In RL, I'm a father,husband abd friend.
    Spend most free time working with Boy Scouts. Have been in leadership of some sort or another longer than any of my current Scouts have been alive.

    1st quest made: The Ruins of Whitlock Tower
    Short Code NW-DM5LBGKPL
  • ebbownee01ebbownee01 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hello and Well met! I am Ebbownee, long time D&Der, along with a sprinkle of Champions and Rifts (Pen& Paper FTW). I Started with D&D in the early 80's and have been hooked since. I'm a musician by trade and avid gamer in spare time. I have over 30 D&D books, from monster manuals to the dungeon master's guide and I'm looking forward to using them along with the lore and such in my foundry modules.

  • drakesigardrakesigar Member Posts: 231 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    My name's Drake and I composed this rap, to show you all I'm a real nice chap. The D&D board game is not my fate, my experience is limited to Baldur's Gate. I love video games on the PC, started playing around 93. Wing Commander and Dungeon Master were memorable years, to this day they provoke nostalgic tears. I’m aware this is annoying so I’ll cut things short, check out my quest would you? There’s a good sport.
    Check out Adventuring College! A 20 minute male-centric comedic solo adventure.
    Quest ID: NW-DPCZNUVQ7
  • runis12runis12 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Cool thread! Nice to meet you all!

    I'm Runis12! About a year ago, I became engaged to a hardcore D&D/Pathfinder guy and was dragged along to his games. I got hooked and even started writing for Pathfinder for awhile! I also co-DM. I'm a hardcore console/PC/MMO gamer, though my favorite kinds of games are usually ones made by Bioware or Japanese companies. I'm a veterinary student, animal lover (duhhh), a sci-fi and fantasy nerd, avid movie-goer, soccer player, anime watcher, VG/movie OST collector and Foundry addict. Kuku! :D
  • zuvielezuviele Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 42
    edited June 2013
    Hey all,
    Zuviel here; @zuviele in game. I'm a guy in my later 20s. Like most of you, I'm a programmer. I have basically 0 D&D experience. I just never got into it. But I do love Forgotten Realms books (and other fantasy). Been gaming since I was a child, and MMO gaming since about 2002.

    So far, I've been authoring because I like tinkering with the Foundry, and I like good stories; although I doubt I write good ones, but I'll try anyways :)
    The Harper series (NWS-DG3ALMAAC):
    • Part 1: The Rescue (NW-DHWDQZ9YD)
  • drnoesisdrnoesis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    I'm DrNoesis, @DrNoesis ingame, 35yr old geek, and IT monkey. Used to work in the MMO industry in the days before WoW, and before that ran a medium sized NwN persistent world in my spare time.

    Not hugely familiar with the Forgotten Realms milieux beyond the Baldurs Gate/Neverwinter franchises as I grew up on a diet of AD&D (1st ed), Runequest and Paranoia. That said I love developing scenario's for rpg's almost as much as playing them, and whilst I've yet to publish anything I've created yet (just a few more tweaks.... just a few more tweaks.... :P ), I'm enjoying playing around in the foundry more than taking part in game.

    Happy to review anyone's creations, either with a cursory play through and rating, or a write more in depth critique if you'd like an extra set of eyes on your project.

    As my route into IT was a little different to most peoples (I'm originally an astrophysicist and psychologist) I'm usually pretty good at reasoning out unusual ways of making things work, so if you're having a problem bringing a concept to life with established techniques, I'm happy to take a look at the problem and see if there's an off the wall alternative for you.
  • ovaltine74ovaltine74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Gaming since pong. Lifetime artist. Have a bachelors degree in graphic design management. Currently working with art and advertising for web and print. Hobbies, photo, film, animation, painting, drawing, audio, writing, reading, golf, video games. I have two dogs, two cats, three fish, don't drink, smoke too much, hate sushi, love NY style pizza and classical music.
    Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.

    Video Preview
  • sourcreamkingsourcreamking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Sourcreamking here.

    Just a regular scandinavian guy that has enjoyed pen and paper D&D since the late 80's, first at a player - then as a DM. When I don't work with foundry quests, I work with movies & video. I direct, shoot, write, cut, do SFX/VFX from everything to feature films to documentaries to music videos and experimental shorts.
    The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC

    Individual quests:
    1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
    2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
    3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
    4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture ;)
  • icethorne72icethorne72 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey all!

    My name is Trey. And, I am a Neverwinter player (have been playing since Neverwinter Nights 1)
    I spent some time as an author of some short stories though I haven't published anything... yet
    Recently got started in the foundry and have already got 2 quests ready for reviewing.
    My ingame handle is Celebwe@Icethorn729 and you can find me on Mindflayer
  • madbiskitmadbiskit Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    @madbiskit here! When I read this thread, I am relieved to see that I am not alone.

    I first heard about D&D tabletop from my brother when I was in grade school (1990). He had me as his guinea pig as he wanted to be a DM. Since then, my interest on dragons and fantasy world grew (adding the 1978 LotR animation when I watched it around 1986 at my Aunt's house).

    Sadly, my d&d experience stopped abruptly because of how the game was perceive. My d&d days once again started when I reached college, having met some upperclassmen rolling d20s inside an empty room.

    After college, playing d&d halted again and a few years later met a group of people that later on became friends who are into tabletops. I've never been a DM since I lack the confidence on creating stories.

    Anyway, I think it's high time for me to create a quest or campaign. I'll be posting it once I am done re-writing the scripts and all that in the foundry.
    Neoma - Mindflayer
  • threstonthreston Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    good luck, and welcome aboard! :)
  • lovepeaslovepeas Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm not sure how I missed this thread earlier, but I'm glad I found it. It was super fun to read all the back stories of the board characters :)

    I got into D&D because there was this guy I had a crush on in high school who played so I joined in to hang out with him. Turns out the guy didn't work out, but I did fall in love... with the game. I've been playing online games since Asheron's Call and started making maps with Warcraft 3.

    I work for a nonprofit agency doing social research regarding helping people who are living in poverty in America. I'm blissfully married to a wonderful gamer and comic book geek. We live in Texas. No kids, but we do have a beagle.
    The Delusions Quartet
    Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
    Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
  • lolsorhandlolsorhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 981 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Heya :3

    Got into DnD through the Baldur's Gate / Neverwinter series prior to this one, though never been a fan of the tabletop I always thought the rules were perfect for PC games. - Been writing and GMing now for about twelve years, and the PnP I play is called "Drakar och Demoner" and it is Swedish :P

    I must have missed this thread up until now ^^


    Self taught with the foundry, though always want to push the boundries of myself and the foundry. And just have fun doing it.

    And as Thalazar said, no education that can trace back to making maps at all.
    I like turtles.

    Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
    The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
  • thalazar1thalazar1 Member Posts: 163 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Also missed this thread all this time.

    unlike it seems half of the other authors here i don't work on game professionally. almost the complete opposite, being an aircraft mechanic. I always loved fantasy and role playing, being sorta born into it. my father had well over a thousand fantasy and sci-fi books including (up till the early 90s) all the forgotten realms and dragon lance novels. playing several d&D esque game like hero's quest and castle of the winds. officially entering D&D with Baulder's gate. i started reading the rules for PnP when i found my parents old char sheets in a 1st ed players hand book, but had no one to play with.
    played more rpgs and D&D titles then i can remember since the late 80s, played 2nd and 3rd ed D&D in the late 90s to early 00s, rifts, mech warrior, VtM, and shadow run. GM'ed 3rd ed, created quests in nwn, nwn2, warcraft and any game that would let me.
    I always had more fun building maps then playing them. drawing since i could pick up a crayon and doing 3d animation in 98 up til 2011 as a hobby, i chose not to pursue game design or even movie animation as i felt it took all the fun out.

    so here i am, terrible story teller, avid story lover, and foundry addict.

    The Lost Keep NW-DS1XBAK7D An experiment Daily Foundry
    The Ruined Temple NW-DBHC7MUBL Latest and last one Daily Foundry
  • guitarzan698guitarzan698 Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey All.. Guitarzan here. I'm an old school D&D'er It's been a hobby of mine since the mid 70's. I have really been enjoying what the foundry can do.. and I see lot's of potential. I can hardly wait until the update. The support from the community is fantastic. Wow.. I didn't realize how long I've been playing this game until I read some of your posts. Back in the day, I was using some Judges Guild stuff for my campaign. City State of the World Emperor... City State of the Imperial Overlord... Empire of the Petal Throne... then again, we only had three flimsy little paper-back rulebooks, at least for a few years. I look forward to many happy adventures with you all.
  • myrandarmyrandar Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Greetings and salutations! I just got hooked on NWN online a little bit ago, and am happily learning the game and the Foundry. I started playing D&D back in '88, when I was but a lad, and have loved all sorts of RPGs since. Star Wars, Heroes Unlimited, Rifts, MechWarrior... I've tried quite a few. Nothing brings me back like D&D, and Faerûn is my favorite setting. So Baldur's Gate (I & II), Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, Demon Stone, NWN (I & II, including some dev time on a PW), Pools of Radiance... it's just a fantastic setting!

    Learning the Foundry is fun, and I hope to have some great content that everyone can enjoy! :)
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