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No sense of Community



  • nikitaoznikitaoz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    (Disclaimer: I am a pathological multitasker- in other MMOs, I was infamous for chatting in /g while tanking raids and things. I'm used to being able to do this sort of thing calmly and easily, once I have the character and role down, it's part of the long-term fun for me.)

    Oh yeah. We had peeps eating and doing homework in the middle of the boss.
    I was all sweaty palms and people around me saying, Chillax Max.
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    nikitaoz wrote: »
    Oh yeah. We had peeps eating and doing homework in the middle of the boss.
    I was all sweaty palms and people around me saying, Chillax Max.

    I think you're allowed to shoot anyone who is crass enough to say "Chillax Max", and it isn't even murder- should the situation arise again.
  • jeepinjeepin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    I find that I have to either laboriously delete the text, dying in the delay, or hit return and send an incomplete line. The latter wouldn't be so bad, but some folks have difficulty reading English, and so will puzzle over an incomplete and apparently gnomic outburst like this- asking what it means, slowing you both down.

    So for me, the biggest, most glaring and unforgivable flaw in the chat system is the inability to stop chatting in an emergency, in the way that I am used to. That obviously also has a bearing on accidentally focussing the chat window, and typing "wwwwwwwwwaaaasas111112e", where you'd have to hit return and look like a tool/cause confusion if you wanted control back, too.

    It would be a small fix, but add a lot to how friendly the interface feels in a busy fight.

    HAHAHAHAHA!! I have been that tool... More times than I care to admit.... Wondering why I'm not doing anything or moving, only to see that I did that... Too funny!!!!
  • dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think the community is what you make of it. I am the bubbly type that said all is rainbows and unicorn farts, but think about it. If you are a person that wants a community join a guild, if you do not want it don't. The argument is said the game forces you to a guild for GG, ok so if you do not want a guild join one that is not active. If you want a community join a community based friendly and active guild. Personally mine is based off of a gaming community from another Cryptic game, and we are all friends, we have been active for 5 years now. Open for all but require the activity via a third party chat that will allow smooth communication.

    A guild by definition can have it's own purpose and goals. Ours is to help others reach the point they want and enjoy the game. I Grind gear to sell to build my guild bank so we can outfit our guildies with what they need. Everyone donates, everyone wins. We are a team in that fashion, but we work to make it so. It is not the games job to make you friends, it is their job to offer you the chance to do it.

    I like the community overall, most people have a common goal, level and gear... ok that works in tandem with mine. There are people out there that would rather be rude about it then civil, these are the ones that in my opinion harm the community, not those that choose not to run in a guild. But a guild is a choice, participation in the community is too.

    On raids, Sure i would love to see more content like that, but as the game is still shiny from the live box (little less so for us early beta's) I see what we have as a start of something great. Other games that this one is being compared to started out small with little content too, they have to grow as the demand does.
  • axer128axer128 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Agree with most of this.

    Several detailed suggestions on how to fix this are in the link in my signature.

    The community can start to exist, but the devs have to let us.

    For now yea, I lead a guild too, and it's unnecessarily difficult, very much in part due to the poor game design that just doesn't encourage strong guilds or loyalty. It encourages only 5 man teams, any larger only breeds division.
    -Group tools in dire need of improvement, please read and reply to improve our community.
    -Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
    Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
  • cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86
    edited July 2013
    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
  • cradledmindscradledminds Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    starting to see this game is designed to appeal to world of war craft. and thats it. the community seems like 4 channel in a mmo version. lets see who can troll and make everyone mad with rude comments. if cryptic wants its players and community to stay. they better get rid of the world of war craft appeal. and be about D&D. only thing D&D about this game is the name. its nothing like D&D. in D&D you dont worry about a gear score. you worry about STATS your rolls. your damage rolls. its all about DICE. then to be reading in forums that they ban people for making the people who glitch and cheat public ? they banned a friend of mine from the game cause someone reported him as a gold spammer. he only asked 1 question ever in main chat. only time he ever talked in chat. he asked is their some where or some how to convert my AD into gold? and someone reported him as a gold spammer. he paid 250$ for your founders pack. and you kicked him from the game. he is actually looking into a lawsuit over this matter to get his money back. the 250$ plus the money he spent on other things. he is not only upset with cryptic. he is livid mad. the game stole 350$ from from him. when he was doing what he does and supports a game he likes. by giving them money to help support their cause. then kicked him from the game. he would never spam. he would never cheat glitch. but then this game leaves the guild fistful of z en in the game to hack cheat and glitch everyday. taking advantage of other players. stealing money from the game. they allow these types of actions. this is public forum. this is the best way to expose cheaters hackers and glitchers who steal from other players and the game.

    since you can kick a man who paid you 350$ for your free game to support the caue. ban fistful of zen for cheating and hacking daily. i have made 20 reports. you guys ignore them and called them duplicates. they wasnt duplicats. it was me reporting 20 different people.

    talk about abuse. how about the abuse this game is giving its community already. this game is about to fall flat on its face. and this is coming from a GM from warrock. who worked with warrock for 2 yrs and wasnt being listen to. warrock had to shut down for 2 years to catch all the thieves and recode the game. thats 2 years with out getting paid from a community. is this what you want cryptic?

    how about make the devs read the forums. maybe they should see what the community wants. instead of ignore it. cause ignore us leads to a company going UNDER FOR GOOD> and this games inches away from losing its community. and your going to be stuck with the 4channel trolls who pissed off your entire game to ruin your game. so WOW can still get PAID. dont this game see WOW sent people into your game to ruin it and its community?"?? wake up cryptic. you got blasted by blizzard.

    i know. cause i was stuck in a chat with people talking on mic. and they was talking about how they are doing just what i just now said. trolling your game to push community away. so WOW gets paid again.

    ignore me and i can garuntee in less then 60 days this game will see a large reduction in its community. as i already have had 30 friends leave the game. and will never return until some serious issues are fixed. but also. this isnt the only mmo out their. and its deff not the best. not even 3 months out of beta and already getting over ran with glitchers cheaters and trolls.

    ignoring ya community and the community will ignore you. its our money. not yours.
    if you want it. you listen.

    speak out or die silent.
  • leshil40leshil40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 157 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    The patch today is an example of exactly what's wrong with this company and this game. Very little substance. Lots of focus on the Zen store. Not much else. The combat is good, but it isn't enough to hold anyone for too long. They are very lucky they caught a lull in the MMO gaming universe right now with no big releases until the end of this year start of next year.
  • leshil40leshil40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 157 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    cgta1967 wrote: »

    For once, I actually agree with a game reviewer. It's spot on.
  • ninjaalexisninjaalexis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Guys this game is Pay to Win, even if it say is Free to Play. For example, to do a T2 dungeon, you need over 10k Gear Score to be able to make a party, otherwise nobody will bother to take you in. In queue, after waiting 2h to enter in a dungeon, when the others see your < less 10k GS they all disband. In guild, the strong play with strong, the weak with the weak. It's all about money here. The question is that: let's say you pay 300E or more, to get your desired gear, the best one, but after, what's the point to play if you have everything? For what will you farming dungeons? I ll tell you for what: for PROFIT. And this ll not be anymore fun to play a game.
  • jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Easy 5-mans + No Raids = No Need for any real type of cooperation

    No Real type of Cooperation = No Need for Guilds

    No Need for Guilds = Lack of a sense of Community in the Game

    One of the best things about MMO's is working together with your friends to achieve goals. I feel this game is very lacking in this area. AMIRIGHT? or no...

    there is definitely a lack of community in this game, and it isn't because there are no raids.

    it is because everyone wants to glitch and exploit their way past content so they can do vastly overgeared "speed runs" as fast as possible, without so much as a word to the other people in your group.

    it's few and far between that I get a non-guild Dungeon Delve were another person in the group has the patience to actually take a quarter of a second to type "hello" and press enter before running through the dungeon at a full sprint. i could probably count those instances on my fingers alone.

    the only "Community" mindset that i see outside of my guild is in Phase 1 of Gauntlgrym.

    thank the gods that my guild is filled with awesome people.
  • jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cgta1967 wrote: »

    bet they won't highlight this one on the NW website.
  • bootyjoosbootyjoos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited July 2013
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    ... hitting escape doesn't take me out of typing mode (for want of a better description) and resume control of my character to shimmy out of the way.

    I find that I have to either laboriously delete the text, dying in the delay, or hit return and send an incomplete line.
    You can hit Esc twice to clear the text and get out of typing mode. Not saying that makes it okay, just saying for anyone this information would be useful for.

    I agree that they really need to work on their UI, I think even hitting Esc once to move again but keep your text would be a huge improvement. They should also have something else to let you clear the line quickly if Esc is used to stop chatting -- maybe allow select all (Ctrl+a), and also cut/copy and paste in there?

    Having two modes sucks, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to have my inventory open while I'm fighting, or my quest log, etc.
    (Tip: You can walk and look at your inventory/etc. at the same time with autowalk, default hotkey is either NumLock or T)
  • pwskballpwskball Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hello time to move on yo.You never gonna get your timely worth until u spend ur penny worth.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pwskball wrote: »
    Hello time to move on yo.You never gonna get your timely worth until u spend ur penny worth.

    For some reason, this post made me smile, even though (perhaps even because) it was so appallingly badly written...
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    bootyjoos wrote: »
    Having two modes sucks, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to have my inventory open while I'm fighting, or my quest log, etc.
    (Tip: You can walk and look at your inventory/etc. at the same time with autowalk, default hotkey is either NumLock or T)

    Yes, the two modes thing is odd, isn't it? It's a bit like the Steam overlay, only more annoying.
    pwskball wrote: »
    Hello time to move on yo.You never gonna get your timely worth until u spend ur penny worth.

    Someone appears to have replaced your doubtless splendid and insightful post with some barely parseable gibberish. I would complain, if I were you.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Guys this game is Pay to Win, even if it say is Free to Play. For example, to do a T2 dungeon, you need over 10k Gear Score to be able to make a party, otherwise nobody will bother to take you in. In queue, after waiting 2h to enter in a dungeon, when the others see your < less 10k GS they all disband. In guild, the strong play with strong, the weak with the weak. It's all about money here. The question is that: let's say you pay 300E or more, to get your desired gear, the best one, but after, what's the point to play if you have everything? For what will you farming dungeons? I ll tell you for what: for PROFIT. And this ll not be anymore fun to play a game.

    You know, of course, that players being elitist jerks and having very high GS requirements..... isn't a conspiracy by the company to make you pay $. It's the players. Wanting to overgear a run so that it's easier.

    If it was a "p2w" conspiracy, the dungeons themselves would have a 10.5k+ min GS to even get in.
  • seraphnaseraphna Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Easy 5-mans + No Raids = No Need for any real type of cooperation

    Clearly hasn't done many upper dungeons.
  • seraphnaseraphna Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Guys this game is Pay to Win, even if it say is Free to Play. For example, to do a T2 dungeon, you need over 10k Gear Score to be able to make a party, otherwise nobody will bother to take you in. In queue, after waiting 2h to enter in a dungeon, when the others see your < less 10k GS they all disband. In guild, the strong play with strong, the weak with the weak. It's all about money here. The question is that: let's say you pay 300E or more, to get your desired gear, the best one, but after, what's the point to play if you have everything? For what will you farming dungeons? I ll tell you for what: for PROFIT. And this ll not be anymore fun to play a game.

    Haven't paid a dime for gear. 10k+ gear score.
  • seraphnaseraphna Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Guys this game is Pay to Win, even if it say is Free to Play. For example, to do a T2 dungeon, you need over 10k Gear Score to be able to make a party, otherwise nobody will bother to take you in. In queue, after waiting 2h to enter in a dungeon, when the others see your < less 10k GS they all disband. In guild, the strong play with strong, the weak with the weak. It's all about money here. The question is that: let's say you pay 300E or more, to get your desired gear, the best one, but after, what's the point to play if you have everything? For what will you farming dungeons? I ll tell you for what: for PROFIT. And this ll not be anymore fun to play a game.

    Haven't paid a dime for gear. I have a 10k+ gear score. How am I paying to win again?
  • veruganverugan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 100
    edited July 2013
    Need a guild for GG, that's about it.
  • hmmrsmshfacehmmrsmshface Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    When I say cooperation what i'm thinking of is this: A group of people who are consistently working towards a goal over an extended period of time. There is no way you could PUG raids in WOW, you had to have a dedicated group of people working together for weeks in some cases. That is what I think this game needs.
  • hmmrsmshfacehmmrsmshface Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I disagree. I have full T2 / 2.5 weps and millions of zen and I have paid a total of around 14$ so far in the game.
  • hmmrsmshfacehmmrsmshface Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have every dungeon on farm mode w/ my 13.5k GF and 11.1k DC. And no I didn't buy the gear in the AH...
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