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Lamest no skill build ever

capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
So had another fun day as a CW in PVP.

Last match the other team had a fun fun high skill rogue playing.

He would stealth. Lashing from stealth. Hit ITC and then impact shot once or.

Over and Over again. Just playing a counter CW class for cheap and easy kills.

If you didn't die from lashing what do you do. You cant CC him. He takes two hits to kill as highly geared as I can get.

So hit Tab 1 button 1 button 1 button. over and over again.

That takes zero skill at all. It can't be countered by a CW.

Enough is enough.

Gaunt BG last night. Rogues made up 20% of the players. Got 43% of the kills. Top 3 highest all rogues.

Had enough of your game.

And for your rogues that think your skilled. On boss fights you deal with one target. Just one. As a CW I have up 15-20 targets plus various red zones of AOE. I have the least amount of mitigation and have to deal with those targets while the AS is down or its a wipe. I have to protect the healer at the same time or its a wipe.

On CN if I don't round those targets up and punt them at just the right time every time its a wipe. If we don't have them all out by a certain time its all over.

You guys hit one target. Takes lots of skill to do that.
Post edited by capgarnas on


  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    So had another fun day as a CW in PVP.

    Last match the other team had a fun fun high skill rogue playing.

    He would stealth. Lashing from stealth. Hit ITC and then impact shot once or.

    Over and Over again. Just playing a counter CW class for cheap and easy kills.

    If you didn't die from lashing what do you do. You cant CC him. He takes two hits to kill as highly geared as I can get.

    So hit Tab 1 button 1 button 1 button. over and over again.

    That takes zero skill at all. It can't be countered by a CW.

    Enough is enough.

    Gaunt BG last night. Rogues made up 20% of the players. Got 43% of the kills. Top 3 highest all rogues.

    Had enough of your game.

    Just gotta know that its a rock paper scissors game man. Rogues have always gotten a nice smirk seeing that caster sit in theb ack thinking they are safe... TRs are very populated because they dont take alot of skill to play or even gear and its worse when they DO have skill AND gear... Not much you can do...

    That is why PVP isnt a 1v1 and it isnt a kill based game so far... Its a team based game and if you have a DC with AS, youll be fine. If you have another TR youll be fine.

    Just gotta realize what weakness you have have try to play against that.

    Not trying to flame you and say "L2P" but sometimes a class just cant beat another class... Just how it is.
  • inexgravinexgrav Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    im have 12.30 gs with greater vorpal cw.

    we are feed in pvp. dont try kill geared melee's. gf, gwf, tr 3 melee class op for u. u cant anything. just watch beast combat from away. don't interference combat.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    inexgrav wrote: »
    im have 12.30 gs with greater vorpal cw.

    we are feed in pvp. dont try kill geared melee's. gf, gwf, tr 3 melee class op for u.

    Yep same I am geared too. It doesn't stop every single melee player running at you at full speed looking for the "easy" kill. At least I can see them rather than the constant 2 shot from stealth.

    What annoys me most of all that the rogues think they have skill in what they do. Pressing 2 Buttons from stealth takes no skill. Its not a paper scissor rock thing.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Just gotta know that its a rock paper scissors game man. Rogues have always gotten a nice smirk seeing that caster sit in theb ack thinking they are safe... TRs are very populated because they dont take alot of skill to play or even gear and its worse when they DO have skill AND gear... Not much you can do...

    That is why PVP isnt a 1v1 and it isnt a kill based game so far... Its a team based game and if you have a DC with AS, youll be fine. If you have another TR youll be fine.

    Just gotta realize what weakness you have have try to play against that.

    Not trying to flame you and say "L2P" but sometimes a class just cant beat another class... Just how it is.

    except a cleric with an astral shield is going to be slaughtered just as easily by a nicely geared rogue that knows how to play
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    Yep same I am geared too. It doesn't stop every single melee player running at you at full speed looking for the "easy" kill. At least I can see them rather than the constant 2 shot from stealth.

    What annoys me most of all that the rogues think they have skill in what they do. Pressing 2 Buttons from stealth takes no skill. Its not a paper scissor rock thing.

    the rogues claim they go after the strongest characters that they know will change the outcome, but what they actually do is go after the easiest kills they can get and run away from those that can put up good resistance
  • inexgravinexgrav Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cw's always no0b, l2p etc bla bla
    TR's, gwf, gf always skilled players, all melee's pro gosu bla bla
  • masu84masu84 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    welll our high "skilled TRs" (hucka and is buddies...) will came around just to tell you: "l2p". But dont worry, they post this stupid bull sh*t in every thread about TRs and they are totally wrong.
    No leaver penality in PvP!

    And here is the reason:
    ghostravyn wrote: »
    If you want people to stay for the match end even when you're sitting on a 600-10 score and you've decided to be ***-hats and spawn-camp, you need to give them a reason. Punishing them is not the answer. That's just pouring salt-acid into an already bleeding wound.
  • inexgravinexgrav Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    im dont wanna BUFF buff buff more buff CW. just nerf melee's class. cw best balanced class for pve and pvp.

    tr best dps melee class in game. its normal. okey. but should not be the best ranged dps class.
  • masu84masu84 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    well CW has three dodges. If you dodge some encounters of GWF or GF they are forced to use at wills for the next 10secs. GWF and GF has to be in range and gap closer are rare. dodge them and you are save. The TR is a little bit different. you cant see them, you cant target them you cant see which encounter is used (stealthed = no visible animation).

    Most CWs are killed by GF and GWF in situations which are complicated: many players are running around and the CW is not able to dodge everything. Its just the same for me (GF) ... if there are multiple enemies which might use CC effects, im unable to block all of them and ill die soon.
    No leaver penality in PvP!

    And here is the reason:
    ghostravyn wrote: »
    If you want people to stay for the match end even when you're sitting on a 600-10 score and you've decided to be ***-hats and spawn-camp, you need to give them a reason. Punishing them is not the answer. That's just pouring salt-acid into an already bleeding wound.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    the rogues claim they go after the strongest characters that they know will change the outcome, but what they actually do is go after the easiest kills they can get and run away from those that can put up good resistance

    Yep that's all I see them doing for the most part. I see rogues saying they work in teams. Stealth to rear... Dual Cos spam kill CWs. then turn around and look for outmanned targets of opportunity.

    Its just a lame class. Played by the vast majority of people who think they have skill when they don't.

    Most rogues I see in PVP just troll the cws looking for easy kills. With the build listed above it is easy to do. Cant see them...Cant cc them.. already down 80% of your health. Stunned and killed by impact shot. takes about 2 secs to complete.

    GG Devs
  • alaerickalaerick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 166 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    masu84 wrote: »
    welll our high "skilled TRs" (hucka and is buddies...) will came around just to tell you: "l2p". But dont worry, they post this stupid bull sh*t in every thread about TRs and they are totally wrong.

    ^^ This..

    A beautiful death awaits you...
    Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
    Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Its a team based game and if you have a DC with AS, youll be fine. .

    Not trying to flame you and say "L2P" but sometimes a class just cant beat another class... Just how it is.

    This is what's wrong with rogue players. With that build it doesn't matter if I have a rogue on the team, GF DC etc etc.

    Why should I play a class that is easy beats for GFs GWFs and most of all TR's. If you played geared against geared you would know.

    And you rogues saying over and over again "why shouldnt we be able to beat you" "we are the dps class" "the single target kings" blah blah blah blah blah blah. Im not a healer.
  • stalesmokestalesmoke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    Most rogues I see in PVP just troll the cws looking for easy kills

    I go for whatever high priority target I see first. DC and CW are at the top because obviously cleric can keep people alive and CW can CC me and, if ITC isn't up, im squishy as hell, or they can CC my group and make them easy kills for their group. Why would I be dumb enough to not go for the support classes? OK instead ill go after a GWF so they can hit TAB repeatedly so im distracted and let CW pick off targets. Better yet, ill go after the GF that's going to stun lock me, and when I do eventually whittle it down , it heals back up and the DC heals it, or the CW hits me with ice knife.

    All of us terrible no skill TR's apologize for not playing like <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and making ourselves easy targets.

    (above statement is false, im sure some TR's are not sorry for you at all)
  • derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    So had another fun day as a CW in PVP.

    Last match the other team had a fun fun high skill rogue playing.

    He would stealth. Lashing from stealth. Hit ITC and then impact shot once or.

    Over and Over again. Just playing a counter CW class for cheap and easy kills.

    If you didn't die from lashing what do you do. You cant CC him. He takes two hits to kill as highly geared as I can get.

    So hit Tab 1 button 1 button 1 button. over and over again.

    That takes zero skill at all. It can't be countered by a CW.

    Enough is enough.

    Gaunt BG last night. Rogues made up 20% of the players. Got 43% of the kills. Top 3 highest all rogues.

    Had enough of your game.

    And for your rogues that think your skilled. On boss fights you deal with one target. Just one. As a CW I have up 15-20 targets plus various red zones of AOE. I have the least amount of mitigation and have to deal with those targets while the AS is down or its a wipe. I have to protect the healer at the same time or its a wipe.

    On CN if I don't round those targets up and punt them at just the right time every time its a wipe. If we don't have them all out by a certain time its all over.

    You guys hit one target. Takes lots of skill to do that.

    Are you trying to imply that playing a CW takes skill ?
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
  • nightgameznightgamez Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    the rogues claim they go after the strongest characters that they know will change the outcome, but what they actually do is go after the easiest kills they can get and run away from those that can put up good resistance

    I have had enough of you giving away all our secrets. Fyi it takes allot of skill for me to run around with my 51% crit my Greater Vorpal and all my armor pen to kill people. Do you have any idea how annoying it is that I have to chase you around before I can kill you? Or that fact that you telleport out of the way with a sliver of health and I have to use my right mouse button to throw my daggers? i dont want to have to use my right mouse button man... its just wrong what you put us rouges threw.
    This game is designed to make as much money as possible on a day to day basis. It is not designed to be a great long term game.
  • dravkwndravkwn Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2013
    If I'm in PvP with a CW I like to use knight's Valor to shave off half the damage they take it helps me build my daily as I gain AP for all damage blocked or unblocked on my build. If the CW is able to CC for me I can slot better dmg encounters instead of weaker stuff like fronstline surge and not having to worry about them avoiding lunging strike or bull's rush or anvil of doom whichever I think is gonna be the best choice though personally I like anvil and bull if I know for certain the CW is gonna lock em down.
  • kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    The only class that takes skill to play in this, is a healing cleric.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    The only class that takes skill to play in this, is a healing cleric.

    it certainly isn't your class.
  • kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Is this all you do on the forums BMC about rogues? Go play your rogue since you said you have one and you think they are OP. farm like mad... Or show your "skills" how you can solo the boss and post the video of your CW owning. Or just shut up with all your trash talk.

    I play both DC and TR, FYI...
  • deathjester1977deathjester1977 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Things you will see on every mmo forum.

    1."Mage class" calling everything else no skill, even though in most games, classes use around the same number of keybindings (in this game exact same. Kiting is = to using abilities on the move, so the "skill thing" is laughable. In PVE? Ranged has always been "faceroll" in every MMO due to how boss mechanics work. There is a reason top pve guilds in all mmo's stack range to clear new content.

    2. Mage class calling for nerfs on everything that outdps's them in any part of an mmo (pve or pvp).

    3. Mages threatening to quit if they don't get their way.

    4. All the other classes laughing at all of the above. I played a mage in Ultima Online. I played a mage in WoW. After a time? I got so sick of the other mages not even being able to say "good duel", them crying on forums, hearing the squishy excuses, them crying about not topping dps, that I quit playing the "mage class" in mmo's and just started targeting them.

    Why? I knew it was the most bang for my buck. Kill a sane person playing another class in pvp? They aren't going to rage. Kill a mage? You know tears will flow. So when I see easier targets, or classes I could easily kill now? I bypass them. I burn all cooldowns on the mage (cw in this game). I will follow them to the ends of the earth to ruin their night.

    Who is the second target? That is too easy. The cloth heal class/priest class. Has nothing to do with them being weak. They are just usually the second biggest payoff for QQ'ing.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Things you will see on every mmo forum.

    1."Mage class" calling everything else no skill, even though in most games, classes use around the same number of keybindings (in this game exact same. Kiting is = to using abilities on the move, so the "skill thing" is laughable. In PVE? Ranged has always been "faceroll" in every MMO due to how boss mechanics work. There is a reason top pve guilds in all mmo's stack range to clear new content.

    2. Mage class calling for nerfs on everything that outdps's them in any part of an mmo (pve or pvp).

    3. Mages threatening to quit if they don't get their way.

    4. All the other classes laughing at all of the above. I played a mage in Ultima Online. I played a mage in WoW. After a time? I got so sick of the other mages not even being able to say "good duel", them crying on forums, hearing the squishy excuses, them crying about not topping dps, that I quit playing the "mage class" in mmo's and just started targeting them.

    Why? I knew it was the most bang for my buck. Kill a sane person playing another class in pvp? They aren't going to rage. Kill a mage? You know tears will flow. So when I see easier targets, or classes I could easily kill now? I bypass them. I burn all cooldowns on the mage (cw in this game). I will follow them to the ends of the earth to ruin their night.

    Who is the second target? That is too easy. The cloth heal class/priest class. Has nothing to do with them being weak. They are just usually the second biggest payoff for QQ'ing.

    hmm random first post out of nowhere. Ignore
  • deathjester1977deathjester1977 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    hmm random first post out of nowhere. Ignore

    Let me guess.

    1 Guy on female char.

    2.You facetank melee and never learned to kite.

    3. You probably have never played a melee past low level in any game, because you want to be the "all powerful wizard char" from your favorite book.

    Thanks for adding me to ignore!

    Oh and if you don't believe my post about mage/priests being a qq filled playerbase? Check any MMO forum. Same stuff different game.


    Sorry but that doesn't work in pvp.

    BTW, most people who excel on a melee class that requires positioning? Would destroy you even faster in a mage vs mage duel lol.

    This is where you report me, when the toxic part of this and all mmo communities are the self entitled wannabe harry potters/raistlin's, who spam the pvp forum with their endless whining.

    Can you all save us the drama and make your own mmo? Magecraft? You can all sit there 40 yards away pressing a few buttons at eachother and talking about how it is the most complex mmo ever made.
  • nozandernozander Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Let me guess.

    1 Guy on female char.

    2.You facetank melee and never learned to kite.

    3. You probably have never played a melee past low level in any game, because you want to be the "all powerful wizard char" from your favorite book.

    Thanks for adding me to ignore!

    BTW, most people who excel on a melee class that requires positioning? Would destroy you even faster in a mage vs mage duel lol.

    Dude you can't kite in this game when you got disabled. Go back to Perfect World.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    3. game.

    BTW, most people who excel on a melee class that requires positioning? Would destroy you even faster in a mage vs mage duel lol.


    Man you are a completely wrong on all fronts. Completely and utterly wrong. Frankly never got the dude rolls a female toon. Lol I have an at cap rogue in this game. Ive played mage classes twice in my past 20+ years of gaming. Don't know how to kite LOL.

    Your not the mentalist. As you are so off on all your wild assumptions the rest of your information can be viewed in the same light.

    All <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    As these are your first posts I can only assume that you are another account created by the Rogue fanboi brigade. The thing that makes all you rogues on these forums so easy to spot is the lies and misinformation you spout.

    You got every single one of those points blatantly wrong just like so many of the rogue counter posts.

    My favourite is how CW's can one shot people in PVP too. ROFLMAO
  • deathjester1977deathjester1977 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nozander wrote: »
    Dude you can't kite in this game when you got disabled. Go back to Perfect World.

    In a perfect world all ranged dps would be required to play melee dps and fraps it, so that we could watch them rage harder then ever, about having to avoid aoe's, and being slowed.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    In a perfect world all ranged dps would be required to play melee dps and fraps it, so that we could watch them rage harder then ever, about having to avoid aoe's, and being slowed.

    Dude I think the rage in you is strong.

    Seriously there is no joy in communicating with any of your rogue fanbois.

    The <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you spout. No kiting skills, must play female toon, not roll other classes. I like how you gone from never rolled to only levelled other classes.

    When caught out in your lies you twist and turn and spout forth more misinformation.

    Your not kidding anyone.
  • deathjester1977deathjester1977 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    Dude I think the rage in you is strong. I suggest you speak to the people with the right medical experience to help you.

    Um. I think it is pretty obvious who has the problem. All someone needs to do is look at the history of your posts. You have made it the primary goal in your life to get your anti class nerfed...

    1) You think mmo's take skill
    2) You think that a RANGED class that uses the exact same buttons and can do dps rotations while STANDING STILL, somehow, magically takes "more skill" then a melee class.
    3) You probably never broke 1500 in WoW on the mage class, even though it was far and away the most OP class I ever played for YEARS (well besides hally/archer mage in Ultima Online, which was just LOL OP, and where you could take out entire guilds if you were good).

    Move along. Nothing to see here. Just another bad mage wanting no anti class.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Um. I think it is pretty obvious who has the problem. All someone needs to do is look at the history of your posts. You have made it the primary goal in your life to get your anti class nerfed...

    1) You think mmo's take skill
    2) You think that a RANGED class that uses the exact same buttons and can do dps rotations while STANDING STILL, somehow, magically takes "more skill" then a melee class.
    3) You probably never broke 1500 in WoW on the mage class, even though it was far and away the most OP class I ever played for YEARS....

    Move along. Nothing to see here. Just another bad mage wanting no anti class.

    Whereas you are no doubt one of those rogues who have been proven wrong yet come back with a newly minted account to spout your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I am yet amazed by your assumptions. You get the first lot wrong and now your back with more.

    Been boring playing with you. You people make it too easy. bye
  • deathjester1977deathjester1977 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    Whereas you are no doubt one of those rogues who have been proven wrong yet come back with a newly minted account to spout your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I am yet amazed by your assumptions. You get the first lot wrong and now your back with more.

    Been boring playing with you. You people make it too easy. bye


    That is your post history. I rest my case. Next time you ask someone to "seek help"? Do it on a forum where you haven't spent ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, crying about your anti class, and lobbying for nerfs lol.

    Playing with me? You are probably reporting me, because I haven't called you a clown, but just linking all your posts? Makes it obvious you are one.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013

    That is your post history. I rest my case. Next time you ask someone to "seek help"? Do it on a forum where you haven't spent ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, crying about your anti class, and lobbying for nerfs lol.

    Playing with me? You are probably reporting me, because I haven't called you a clown, but just linking all your posts? Makes it obvious you are one.

    Unlike you who started an new account to counter post. the link doesn't work and like I said its been fun but bye now. I uninstalled the game to day :) Just having some final fun on the forums :)
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