In Champions Online, when you set your character background, you can use some HTML tags to do some formatting to make it look all nice and neat. Otherwise, you just end up with a block of text without any breaks in it (even if you put blank lines after paragraphs and the like).
I noticed that character background text in Neverwinter also ended up being a big block of text too, so I thought I'd try out HTML tags and see if they work in NW as well. The answer is YES. So, if any of you want to make your character backgrounds in game nice looking, here are some HTML tags to use. I've tested all these tags and verify they worked for me (as far as I can see, it's mostly the same as CO):
Paragraphs - Enclosing paragraphs between a <p> and a </p> will separate them with an extra line space. Actually, this will also work if you just have the </p> at the end of each paragraph.
Example) <p>Paragraph text here.</p> <p>Next paragraph text here.</p>
Line Breaks - The <br> tag places a line break inbetween your text, but without an extra space like the paragraph tags above.
Example) One two.<br> Buckle my shoe.<br> Three four.<br> Shut the door.
Bold - To make text in a
bold font, place it between a <b> and a </b>.
Example) <b>Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!</b>
Italics - To make text in an
italics font, place it between a <i> and a </i>.
Example) <i>Is it me, or does italics text look like it's falling over?</i>
Color - To make text colored, use a <font> tag with a color attribute and close with </font>. Color can be defined as either a valid HTML reference name ( or a RGB hex value like #FF00BB.
Example A) <font color="blue">Look at me! I'm blue!</font>
ExampleB) <font color="#0000FF">Oh yeah! I'm blue, too!<font>
Unordered Lists - For lists, use <ul> and </ul> around the list, and <li> and </li> around each item in the list. Each item in the list will start a new like with an asterisk (*) as a bullet.
Example) <ul> <li>Thing 1</li> <li>Thing 2</li></ul>
Hyperlinks -
THIS one surprised me. It sort of used to work in CO in that the hyperlink was accessible from the website character viewer (long since extinct), but not in game. IT WORKS IN GAME ON NEVERWINTER!!! See the example below for how to do it. Note: The hyperlink won't be differently colored, but will show an underline if you hover the mouse over it. I'd suggest pointing out there's a link if you use this.
Hopefully, we can get this stickied.
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Please fix this Cryptic!
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Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Reported as a bug - on the bug reports and email, but no responses yet!
What Class Are You?
Also the cursor doesn't display where it actually is. On the plus side, saving your history does work.
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This is a very sensible move. The potential for mayhem and ownage of the unwary is reduced this way.
I suppose, though it was a nice thought that you could put a link to your character page from the NW Hall of Records site, or your guild's site, or such.
Honestly, I'll be happy if they at least restore the rest of the HTML functionality.
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"Death is but a prelude to the true darkness that awaits you!" - Deadman
Sorry about that, but it seemed like the right choice for the Greater Good (tm).