You get booted IE: Kicked Off for being idle if you are off for more than 10 min. after 5 minutes you get warned that you have been marked as idle for being off your computer too long!

THAT IS TOO SHORT! I have to run up 3 flights of stairs to use the facilities, If someone else is using it I must wait. If I need to wait more than 2 min I know that I will be booted off my game before I can get back to it!

NOT EVERYONE has it so good as others, who have their own apartments with a facility in each one. How about Extending the time for another 10 min or so so we don't have to get booted every time nature calls! ( please move this to where someone important and can do something about it can see it! thank you
And that is, in my opinion, a long period of time based on my experience in other MMO's. All MMO's have a boot features because simply sitting there AFK does take up server resources. I have seen automatic boot timers as short as five minutes idle = boot.
Just tap a key occasionally and you won't be marked as idle. If you won't be in front of your keyboard for 15 minutes then log out.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Personally, I think a character should only be booted from the server if there is a queue to get on. There are reasons for some people to have to run off, and coming back to a character that has been booted out of the game kind of makes you feel like Cryptic just flipped you the bird. This is especially true if you had to run away for something that was actually important.
I fully understand it if there is a queue to get on, but, well, there never is... so...
Edited to add: in the time it took me to read this thread and write this post, I got booted out of game. Maybe not the most important thing in the world to be out of game for, but the point still stands.
You might want to get a techie to check those server logs then. I've had first idle warnings after as little as 5 mins, and I know it was 5 mins for a fact, I timed it because I was 100% that it wasn't the 10 mins that the warning dialogue said it was.
Most of the other games I have played were at 20 mins for warning, 30 mins for boot.
This is certainly without doubt the least tolerant of AFK game I have ever played.
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Booting people off of an MMO server for being idle is so 2004.
If I am in town, waiting for one of my professions to finish doing what it's doing, and I come to the forums to post about how amateur this game is, I should not be kicked out unless the servers hardware needs the resources for another player. I am not holding anyone up, I am not in anyone's way, I see no reason to boot me, or any other character in a similar situation.
If I am in a group and I am idle for 15 minutes, I fully expect the group to boot me.
All idle timers do is force people to make macros to circumvent it and punish those who don't know how.
Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
Anarchy-Online's servers were run by L337s (Space Hamsters) and it was out in 2001 and had no logout timer. It still doesn't. If it can do it on a Funcom Budget there is no excuse for anyone else.
Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
Go figure...