Not because they are too challenging but because at least 75% of the people who form pugs dont have any CLUE how to listen to simple instructions.
Example: during one of the skirmished Marsh Mystics spawn (2) and everyone IGNORES them even after being told 10+ times to kill them..... I believe you should have 2 mode types on all skirmishes with appropriate rewards. This way people like me who have to pug because I like small guilds and people who are leveling and the guild they are in don't have many people their level) can actually get our daily's done.
6 times today I have tried to complete 1 skirmish for the daily (need to complete it 3 times) out of those 6 only 1 group actually listened and did their job.
So please nerf these skirmishes and instances so the average Joe can actually get past these things because the others have no clue how to read or listen to simple instructions. (or at least make people take a test before they can enter a skirmish and or instance on boss mechanics).
A lot of the dungeons need to be shortened up as well. Dread Vault being number 1 with a bullet because it is the only one for the daily dungeon. They should actually just come up with a better dungeon for the daily, because DV is so ridiculous to try and run with pugs. People freak the **** out on the last boss and refuse to listen to simple instructions, die to absurd things, and then rage quit, leaving you stuck in there, having wasted sometimes 2 hours just to get to the last boss (if the group was bad enough). And if someone DCs on the last boss? Well, now you have to try and get everyone to log out and back in and run all the way back from the beginning because of how HAMSTER these dungeons are set up. Have you ever tried to get a German to understand that he needs to log out and back in and run through the whole dungeon again so that the group can try to complete it, when no one else in the group could speak German? I have, and it did not end well.
The dailies should not be something we have to struggle and rage against to get done. They should be fast and easy, so we have time to do other things in game. It should not be 3 skirmishes, it should be 1 skirmish. It should not be 4 foundrys, it should be 1, or 2 at most foundrys. The daily dungeon should not be a rage inducing experience with a pug.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited July 2013
Speaking seriously here, it would be nice if there was a better primer for players regarding things like pulling mobs, positioning, etc. The tutorial covers some stuff, but not enough to prepare people for the difference between regular solo content vs skirmishes and epic dungeons at 60...
For instance, what if upon reaching level 60, there were a few quick "epic qualifiers" one must undertake in order to gain access to dungeons - these could range from properly moving out from under red circles on the ground, to pulling mobs, to positioning cone/aoe attacks...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited July 2013
Oh dear, the Garrundar the Vile skirmish? Perhaps I was lucky to only have to do it 5 times to complete 3. I think it took a week to finish though, all the while trying not to level up too much.
Oh dear, the Garrundar the Vile skirmish? Perhaps I was lucky to only have to do it 5 times to complete 3. I think it took a week to finish though, all the while trying not to level up too much.
LOL yes that is the one, and it is REALLY simple to beat as LONG as everyone kills those **** Mystics.... BUT NO they keep on the boss or kill the other ones and go WTF they healing back up... Funny how they have enough time to reply like that but not enough time to actually read simple instructions.
kellian11Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Being able to download the game should be based on GS!
Why not, everything else is....
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
LOL yes that is the one, and it is REALLY simple to beat as LONG as everyone kills those **** Mystics.... BUT NO they keep on the boss or kill the other ones and go WTF they healing back up... Funny how they have enough time to reply like that but not enough time to actually read simple instructions.
The really funny thing is not being able to recognize the burst heal that looks exactly the same as any DC character.
Sometimes you just gota take charge. Ive done that skrim a few times now and on different characters. You simply cant count on the rest of the group listening.
My first time through was on my CW and it was a complete failure. After 30 minutes of making zero progress due to the Mystics healing the boss. The Cleric bailed, and the whole thing fell apart. The second time through, however, I decided to take charge and pulled and pushed the Mystics to the far end of the fighting area and just did my best to box them up. I had zero chance of actually killing both of them solo but by taking them away from the dragon the rest of the group was able to DPS the big lizard down. Fortunately the group did come to help after the dragon was dead rather then just looting the box and leaving me there.
My next time through was as my Rogue. I knew going in that I would probably have to do the same as before. And sure enough everyone but the only CW ignored the mystics. The CW took one and I took the other and we went to separate corners and just stalled for time. Between Daze, stealth, dodging and a ton of pots I was able to keep it busy long enough for the rest of the group to finish the boss. The mystics really don't do a lot of damage as long as you don't get caught in their AoE. I'm not sure I could of handled both at once. Id of liked to think id of given it a good try and still saved the group.
The only time I really struggled with this, after my first run, was on my Cleric. I simply had no means to take the mystics away and hold them there. It took 3 tries, with 3 different groups. None of them even tried to go for the mystics. And me shouting to so the whole time. The final group just got lucky, 3 Rogues and a GF. They simply managed to DPS it down despite the heals. Granted it took nearly 30 minutes to do so however. At least the didn't have a Cleric that would bail on them.
So really the point is, as long as you are playing anything but a Cleric. You should be able to take at least one off to the side and stall for time. Even with just one removed by you. The rest of the team might have a fair shot to DPS the boss down. If they wont listen, simply take charge.
I see the problem as relying more on pugs than anything with the skirmishes themselves. Any multliplayer game worth its name needs to be difficult enough to require a coordinated effort from the players.
The only game-side improvement I could see is a more prominent chat box. Then again, that is what the talk feature is for.
(or at least make people take a test before they can enter a skirmish and or instance on boss mechanics)
Cryptic needs a better option for the one skirmish you are complaining about. It needs more mystics and the dragon needs auto-recharge hard hitting attacks on 1.5 second timers. Currently the 3 second AoE red carpet bombers are too long, do not hit hard enough, and every class has to much hitpoints when it comes to take a double the damage and halve the hitpoints of players but for GF just improve the block ability, pots need 30 second recharge inside combat. Lastly, shorten then rez timer to 5 seconds for the time your team can get to you and make all injuries EPIC level with no camp fire recovery....BTW no more level 60 injury kits, they need to be purchasable from the Zen store only like the mass life scrolls. Now you have a challenge and a painful loss when you fail to make you not want to fail.
Currently this option is better then the HAMSTER developer have programed already. The 3 second AoE carpet bombing, the 3 second random teleport on some bosses, the limited times you can dodge while your stamina is rebuilding so your stuck inside the red carpet bombs with trash adds blocking your ability to just run out, and the stupid long wind up on attacks like Bleeding Cuts. Yeah, it couldn't be the lousy pre-programmed abilities and AI that make the dungeons difficult, it just has to be the players. Really, 3 encounter abilities to try to stay alive (I could see 5 being more useful, since 2 abilities need to keep you alive with three damage/utility powers; who doesn't want a high damage attack like Lashing Blade or Take down (two different classes, but one damage power and 2 utility or 2 utility + 1 damage just doesn't cut it) for some crowd control ability at the same time when the first 2...nope its just three barely useful powers plus limited dodge mechanics) and not one useful line up to do enough enough damage in the short time span to stay in melee range for the frustratingly long boss fights. Its not that the skirmishes are difficult, it is the developers inability to make meaningful content that isn't frustrating to the point I will just up and leave after the second wipe: Trash waves, stupid control powers for NPC (net powers), very short duration powers with high damage for NPC while PC get short duration barely useful personal powers.
As for the Vile dragon, I have purposely ignored the mystics once after I was given a remark by a team mate about my inability to dodge but the list above should tell you how stupid some boss mechanic/fights are. Thankfully, he got his face used as a mop to wax the floor along side another person at that time while I burned down the dragon playing my rogue with assistance from another rogue, then turned on the mystics. You do not need to focus the mystics first, but if your team is full of idiots who cannot control them then it is the groups fault....not lone individuals. I have tried to focus mystics, but its useless because they heal too fast and not every class (TR for example) have control abilities beyond a crappy smoke bomb on a long timer with short duration (with long wind up animation, thank you stupid knock back wizards blowing things away before they take affect). You can focus the dragon and just burn him, but its up to the classes with control powers to keep the mystics in check (the mentioned face waxing...they danced with the **** things for close to 10 minutes crying how they where getting killed but the dragon fight was the shortest I have ever done since I could focus on the dragon instead of messing with adds). Not every fight has to be focus difficult NPC by the entire group, just individuals with the correct powerset.
As for bosses, skirmishes, and dungeons...only one I have enjoyed was the one where you kill the boss but he is getting resurrected (Ice spire I think), have to run towards a crystal and destroy it, rinse repeat 3 times. No stupid high damage wolves, no stupid high damage archers, no stupid adds making it "difficult" to kill the boss. I think it was a little too easy, but its how the fights should be....short burn down then a regroup and focus on the boss not wave/wave/wave/wave/wave of adds on 20-30 second timers with to many hitpoints at the same time to the point you are just overwhelmed.
Lastly, don't PUG. Problem solved. Individuals don't owe you anything, friends in groups do. If someone leaves because they got frustrated, on the other side of the coin it is you who is making your game frustrating. There are instances where people will click together, then there are instances where it just doesn't work out. Don't get mad at them, cause if you are PUGing then it is just as much as your fault as it is theirs for with friends and they won't leave, group with does anyone really know whose fault it is? Right, its the guy "rage quitting" that is at fault when he left...since the guy left after trying to focus a mystic but the entire stupid group wasn't stunning it for over 2 minutes he was fighting it. True story, cause that was me trying to solo a mystic as a GWF who has HAMSTER single target DPS and I don't have time to try to reslot Take down on my tray to stun it since it isn't in my usual line up. Which is why I did mention having another 2 encounter powers would be nice several paragraphs up.
Less circles, more cones!!! Flanking bad guys should be a valid defense with someone in front holding the attention so others can safely to an extent assail them from the sides and behind.
skarsysMember, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Sometimes you just gota take charge. ... decided to take charge and pulled and pushed the Mystics to the far end of the fighting area and just did my best to box them up. .
I've ran that skirmish many times, and I keep telling people to PUSH THE DAM MOBS OFF THE LEDGE. Obviously those that have good knock-backs, like CWs.
It is that easy!! But no one listens, luckily I was on my DC, so I moved to the narrow ledge where u start, put Sunburst, used Divinity and showed them just how darn easy it was. Done deal. Skim completed! Some people grasped the concept, and they were like ... wow we never thought of that.
Another thing I noticed is the language barrier. They really need to make language specific servers, cause it is not fun running a difficult instance with people whom you cannot communicate with !!
OP- People ignoring mobs is a failure of the player not the skirmish :P
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
edited July 2013
The biggest annoyance of that skirmish is the **** trappers with the net. Even when you're not in the red they still yank you off your feet. I believe that was addressed in the latest preview server patch if I remember correctly. That will be nice if true.
I've ran that skirmish many times, and I keep telling people to PUSH THE DAM MOBS OFF THE LEDGE. Obviously those that have good knock-backs, like CWs.
It is that easy!! But no one listens, luckily I was on my DC, so I moved to the narrow ledge where u start, put Sunburst, used Divinity and showed them just how darn easy it was. Done deal. Skim completed! Some people grasped the concept, and they were like ... wow we never thought of that.
Except in Vile dragon where sometimes pushing the mystic off the ledge, means they go under the world, making the skirmish unwinnable.
skarsysMember, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Sorry, but I've never had that bug happen to me, on any of my characters.
Um, you do know that not everybody has experienced every single possible bug?
Anyway I had something similar happen to me a couple of times during general questing as a DC. Blasted some archers off a ledge and they get stuck - you can't target them and you are in a combat animation. At least during a quest you can get away from the mob and continue. That might not work in a skirmish though...
sh4dowrunn3rMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 17Arc User
A lot of the dungeons need to be shortened up as well. Dread Vault being number 1 with a bullet because it is the only one for the daily dungeon. They should actually just come up with a better dungeon for the daily, because DV is so ridiculous to try and run with pugs. People freak the **** out on the last boss and refuse to listen to simple instructions, die to absurd things, and then rage quit, leaving you stuck in there, having wasted sometimes 2 hours just to get to the last boss (if the group was bad enough). And if someone DCs on the last boss? Well, now you have to try and get everyone to log out and back in and run all the way back from the beginning because of how HAMSTER these dungeons are set up. Have you ever tried to get a German to understand that he needs to log out and back in and run through the whole dungeon again so that the group can try to complete it, when no one else in the group could speak German? I have, and it did not end well.
The dailies should not be something we have to struggle and rage against to get done. They should be fast and easy, so we have time to do other things in game. It should not be 3 skirmishes, it should be 1 skirmish. It should not be 4 foundrys, it should be 1, or 2 at most foundrys. The daily dungeon should not be a rage inducing experience with a pug.
Any T1 or T2 should count for dungeon daily at 60.
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
Sorry, but I've never had that bug happen to me, on any of my characters.
Happened to me twice so it's definitely not an isolated thing. It wasn't unwinnable it just took a bit to figure out how to lose aggro then run to the chest before getting it again. Need to get on the ledge there by the chest.
/10 char
The dailies should not be something we have to struggle and rage against to get done. They should be fast and easy, so we have time to do other things in game. It should not be 3 skirmishes, it should be 1 skirmish. It should not be 4 foundrys, it should be 1, or 2 at most foundrys. The daily dungeon should not be a rage inducing experience with a pug.
For instance, what if upon reaching level 60, there were a few quick "epic qualifiers" one must undertake in order to gain access to dungeons - these could range from properly moving out from under red circles on the ground, to pulling mobs, to positioning cone/aoe attacks...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
LOL yes that is the one, and it is REALLY simple to beat as LONG as everyone kills those **** Mystics.... BUT NO they keep on the boss or kill the other ones and go WTF they healing back up... Funny how they have enough time to reply like that but not enough time to actually read simple instructions.
Why not, everything else is....
The really funny thing is not being able to recognize the burst heal that looks exactly the same as any DC character.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
My first time through was on my CW and it was a complete failure. After 30 minutes of making zero progress due to the Mystics healing the boss. The Cleric bailed, and the whole thing fell apart. The second time through, however, I decided to take charge and pulled and pushed the Mystics to the far end of the fighting area and just did my best to box them up. I had zero chance of actually killing both of them solo but by taking them away from the dragon the rest of the group was able to DPS the big lizard down. Fortunately the group did come to help after the dragon was dead rather then just looting the box and leaving me there.
My next time through was as my Rogue. I knew going in that I would probably have to do the same as before. And sure enough everyone but the only CW ignored the mystics. The CW took one and I took the other and we went to separate corners and just stalled for time. Between Daze, stealth, dodging and a ton of pots I was able to keep it busy long enough for the rest of the group to finish the boss. The mystics really don't do a lot of damage as long as you don't get caught in their AoE. I'm not sure I could of handled both at once. Id of liked to think id of given it a good try and still saved the group.
The only time I really struggled with this, after my first run, was on my Cleric. I simply had no means to take the mystics away and hold them there. It took 3 tries, with 3 different groups. None of them even tried to go for the mystics. And me shouting to so the whole time. The final group just got lucky, 3 Rogues and a GF. They simply managed to DPS it down despite the heals. Granted it took nearly 30 minutes to do so however. At least the didn't have a Cleric that would bail on them.
So really the point is, as long as you are playing anything but a Cleric. You should be able to take at least one off to the side and stall for time. Even with just one removed by you. The rest of the team might have a fair shot to DPS the boss down. If they wont listen, simply take charge.
The only game-side improvement I could see is a more prominent chat box. Then again, that is what the talk feature is for.
LOL! DUDE! You just invented my dream game.
Cryptic needs a better option for the one skirmish you are complaining about. It needs more mystics and the dragon needs auto-recharge hard hitting attacks on 1.5 second timers. Currently the 3 second AoE red carpet bombers are too long, do not hit hard enough, and every class has to much hitpoints when it comes to take a double the damage and halve the hitpoints of players but for GF just improve the block ability, pots need 30 second recharge inside combat. Lastly, shorten then rez timer to 5 seconds for the time your team can get to you and make all injuries EPIC level with no camp fire recovery....BTW no more level 60 injury kits, they need to be purchasable from the Zen store only like the mass life scrolls. Now you have a challenge and a painful loss when you fail to make you not want to fail.
Currently this option is better then the HAMSTER developer have programed already. The 3 second AoE carpet bombing, the 3 second random teleport on some bosses, the limited times you can dodge while your stamina is rebuilding so your stuck inside the red carpet bombs with trash adds blocking your ability to just run out, and the stupid long wind up on attacks like Bleeding Cuts. Yeah, it couldn't be the lousy pre-programmed abilities and AI that make the dungeons difficult, it just has to be the players. Really, 3 encounter abilities to try to stay alive (I could see 5 being more useful, since 2 abilities need to keep you alive with three damage/utility powers; who doesn't want a high damage attack like Lashing Blade or Take down (two different classes, but one damage power and 2 utility or 2 utility + 1 damage just doesn't cut it) for some crowd control ability at the same time when the first 2...nope its just three barely useful powers plus limited dodge mechanics) and not one useful line up to do enough enough damage in the short time span to stay in melee range for the frustratingly long boss fights. Its not that the skirmishes are difficult, it is the developers inability to make meaningful content that isn't frustrating to the point I will just up and leave after the second wipe: Trash waves, stupid control powers for NPC (net powers), very short duration powers with high damage for NPC while PC get short duration barely useful personal powers.
As for the Vile dragon, I have purposely ignored the mystics once after I was given a remark by a team mate about my inability to dodge but the list above should tell you how stupid some boss mechanic/fights are. Thankfully, he got his face used as a mop to wax the floor along side another person at that time while I burned down the dragon playing my rogue with assistance from another rogue, then turned on the mystics. You do not need to focus the mystics first, but if your team is full of idiots who cannot control them then it is the groups fault....not lone individuals. I have tried to focus mystics, but its useless because they heal too fast and not every class (TR for example) have control abilities beyond a crappy smoke bomb on a long timer with short duration (with long wind up animation, thank you stupid knock back wizards blowing things away before they take affect). You can focus the dragon and just burn him, but its up to the classes with control powers to keep the mystics in check (the mentioned face waxing...they danced with the **** things for close to 10 minutes crying how they where getting killed but the dragon fight was the shortest I have ever done since I could focus on the dragon instead of messing with adds). Not every fight has to be focus difficult NPC by the entire group, just individuals with the correct powerset.
As for bosses, skirmishes, and dungeons...only one I have enjoyed was the one where you kill the boss but he is getting resurrected (Ice spire I think), have to run towards a crystal and destroy it, rinse repeat 3 times. No stupid high damage wolves, no stupid high damage archers, no stupid adds making it "difficult" to kill the boss. I think it was a little too easy, but its how the fights should be....short burn down then a regroup and focus on the boss not wave/wave/wave/wave/wave of adds on 20-30 second timers with to many hitpoints at the same time to the point you are just overwhelmed.
Lastly, don't PUG. Problem solved. Individuals don't owe you anything, friends in groups do. If someone leaves because they got frustrated, on the other side of the coin it is you who is making your game frustrating. There are instances where people will click together, then there are instances where it just doesn't work out. Don't get mad at them, cause if you are PUGing then it is just as much as your fault as it is theirs for with friends and they won't leave, group with does anyone really know whose fault it is? Right, its the guy "rage quitting" that is at fault when he left...since the guy left after trying to focus a mystic but the entire stupid group wasn't stunning it for over 2 minutes he was fighting it. True story, cause that was me trying to solo a mystic as a GWF who has HAMSTER single target DPS and I don't have time to try to reslot Take down on my tray to stun it since it isn't in my usual line up. Which is why I did mention having another 2 encounter powers would be nice several paragraphs up.
**** stupid wall of text.
I've ran that skirmish many times, and I keep telling people to PUSH THE DAM MOBS OFF THE LEDGE. Obviously those that have good knock-backs, like CWs.
It is that easy!! But no one listens, luckily I was on my DC, so I moved to the narrow ledge where u start, put Sunburst, used Divinity and showed them just how darn easy it was. Done deal. Skim completed! Some people grasped the concept, and they were like ... wow we never thought of that.
Another thing I noticed is the language barrier. They really need to make language specific servers, cause it is not fun running a difficult instance with people whom you cannot communicate with !!
Except in Vile dragon where sometimes pushing the mystic off the ledge, means they go under the world, making the skirmish unwinnable.
Sorry, but I've never had that bug happen to me, on any of my characters.
Um, you do know that not everybody has experienced every single possible bug?
Anyway I had something similar happen to me a couple of times during general questing as a DC. Blasted some archers off a ledge and they get stuck - you can't target them and you are in a combat animation. At least during a quest you can get away from the mob and continue. That might not work in a skirmish though...
Any T1 or T2 should count for dungeon daily at 60.
Happened to me twice so it's definitely not an isolated thing. It wasn't unwinnable it just took a bit to figure out how to lose aggro then run to the chest before getting it again. Need to get on the ledge there by the chest.