Anybody else noticed that doing leadership craft quests that supposed to give astral diamons as rewards are not there when logging in? I been using web portal for few days now to do these missions, and last nite I actually noticed that the diamonds are not there...
I been doing a lot of these, but always forget to check for diamonds when I log into to refine them into proper diamonds. Last night I actually remebered and never found any?
This means all the quests I been doing were a waste? I got the craft Xp, but not the diamonds? Or am I looking in wrong place?....
Help....need astral diamonds!
This made me already lose 10000 rough astral diamonds or more as I mostly used that sort of quests to lvl my leadership.
At the time of writing I hit 9 already without any astral diamonds whats quite stupid
Hope they notice the bug and fix it soon
I confirmed You Do NOT get 2X Astral Diamonds on Profession Tasks Collected using the Gateway!!!!