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Last day and a half my clerics are unable to play PvP without severe PvP imbalance

wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in The Temple
Two days ago my clerics did quite well in PvP, they could hold their own for a change, but all my matches for the last day and a half have been heavily imbalanced again. GF's hit and instant stun until I'm dead, rogues instant stun and kill me within two hits, and about anything that attacks me takes 2/3rds my health bar, while everything I hit appears to take about half the damage I was doing before.
Post edited by wholyhandgrenade on


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    xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I don't know about taking more dmg and dealing less, but being stun locked by every other class on my cleric is nothing new
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
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    munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    your right, clerics are terrible, soooo terrible, worst class ever.....

    you should probably just quit the game I think

    can I have your stuff?
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    lucasbenzlucasbenz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am having the same problem... don't know what else to do, Ive followed the pvp advice on this forums, I have a 12.5k gs. I try and los everything and anything. I have 2500 defense, all the feats with reduced dmg... but im getting 2 shot by gwf and destroyed by everything else. I am soft capped on crit, and recovery.. have over 6800 power but I feel like im in trash bags in pvp. Ive never felt as useless in pvp in any game I ever played. I have extensive pvp experience in other games(2200 in wow season 7,8,9), warhammer, and rift. Is there any advice any of you can give me in pvp that are actually doing well? I do not want to switch to dps spec, I came to this game with the intention of healing and buffing. I absolutely destroy pve and have no problems in any other aspec of this game. Please help!
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lucasbenz wrote: »
    I am having the same problem... don't know what else to do, Ive followed the pvp advice on this forums, I have a 12.5k gs. I try and los everything and anything. I have 2500 defense, all the feats with reduced dmg... but im getting 2 shot by gwf and destroyed by everything else. I am soft capped on crit, and recovery.. have over 6800 power but I feel like im in trash bags in pvp. Ive never felt as useless in pvp in any game I ever played. I have extensive pvp experience in other games(2200 in wow season 7,8,9), warhammer, and rift. Is there any advice any of you can give me in pvp that are actually doing well? I do not want to switch to dps spec, I came to this game with the intention of healing and buffing. I absolutely destroy pve and have no problems in any other aspec of this game. Please help!

    dps spec isn't going to keep you from getting slaughtered... defense for clerics is a joke and in the real D&D game clerics were tanking gods as their armor was as good as fighters plus they had prayers that would boost them over the top ... I feel there is nothing you can really do but wait and hope they fix the cleric, the last patch fixed the cleric by cutting their balls off (that isn't the type of fix we need)
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    reeferdtrinireeferdtrini Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have a 12k gs cleric and since the nerf patch I find I can kill tr's, cw's,dc's with a decent 1v1, I can even 2v1 them, but once a stun lock 2 button class steps in its game over. until they increase the cd and damage of that ridiculous move and reduce how much block those dam shield's can take we would be at a serious disadvantage.

    if your looking to top charts in kills with a dc you playing the wrong class. mainly your role in pvp is to frustrate the next team from now being able to kill your teammates, in return making you the target...
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    g0ld3n4c3g0ld3n4c3 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    your right, clerics are terrible, soooo terrible, worst class ever.....

    you should probably just quit the game I think

    can I have your stuff?

    why you are trolling?

    Here is a combo I use which require 3 to kill me. Sun Burst, Healing Word, AS. for passive, I use foresight and divine fortune. Dailies are: HG, Hammer of Fate. For my feat I went full faithful for the extra heals.

    And Munkey stop your horrible trolling, you suck at it.
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    munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    g0ld3n4c3 wrote: »
    why you are trolling?

    Here is a combo I use which require 3 to kill me. Sun Burst, Healing Word, AS. for passive, I use foresight and divine fortune. Dailies are: HG, Hammer of Fate. For my feat I went full faithful for the extra heals.

    And Munkey stop your horrible trolling, you suck at it.

    Obviously my sarcasm went way over your head =) I'm laughing inside at the OP for crying about the DC class.

    Me and a friend in a pug, not sucking at the DC class

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    bobrawksbobrawks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Obviously my sarcasm went way over your head =) I'm laughing inside at the OP for crying about the DC class.

    Me and a friend in a pug, not sucking at the DC class


    LOL that paytowin ... it's sad. really
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    munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bobrawks wrote: »
    LOL that paytowin ... it's sad. really

    My GS is 11,146. Lesser armor and weapon enchants, and all rank 5. All of which I earned by doing dungeons.

    Come again about paytowin?

    L2P geek
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    lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Obviously my sarcasm went way over your head =) I'm laughing inside at the OP for crying about the DC class.

    Me and a friend in a pug, not sucking at the DC class


    No offense but seriously you are extremely over geared compared to 95% of the other DCs here and showing some random PvP score card isn't representing the vast majority of DC experiences...
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    munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lltsnwn wrote: »
    No offense but seriously you are extremely over geared compared to 95% of the other DCs here and showing some random PvP score card isn't representing the vast majority of DC experiences...

    I guess i dont feel my GS is that extremely high. Like I said, its rank 5 enchants, and lesser armor and weapon enchants. I'm using the 4/4 Miracle Healers gear, which from reading the cleric forums, a large majority of players are also using. I posted this very random scorecard because it was just that, me and a buddy in a pug, doing pvp. I showed it because clerics are, and can be viable in PvP. All I hear, and see, is the forums flooded with tears from other clerics. This is proof anyone can be good, with a little practice. I'm not running around one shotting anyone with perfect everything and BiS. I have gear that I earned just doing T2's. I've got no special secret, just some DD's
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    gtxinsanegtxinsane Member Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    He isn't overgeared by any standards. Miracle Healer can easily be completed by doing Dungeon Delves (you need to have a competent party though), a competent party can finish at most 4 dungeons inside a delve period (pre-clearing 30mins before time). The whole standard cleric set (MHealer 4/4, Rank 5/Weapon/Armor Enchs [excluding augment due to PvP scenario]) can easily be completed under a week, at around 2m ad (dragon)

    The screenshot however proves nothing (it was a complete stomp), end-scores tell so little of the story. Munkey's team not only gearing, but out-classing the other team. The only reason that the score was pretty close (i think) is that munkeys team focused more on kills and not on capping nodes (or they were getting back-capped a lot on the base node). I always hate to bust your balls on stuff like this munkey, but this doesn't really prove anything except the TR/GF you ran with went ape sh*t on the other team, and not you necessarily doing well. I reckon Wrath was basically one/two-shotting people from the get go.
    Gabriel Angelfire - Devoted Cleric // Karguk the Impaler - Great Weapon Fighter // Zephalyne - Control Wizard
    PVP: How to make your life less miserable as a Devoted Clerics -- Still in it's Unfinished Glory
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    mumnochmumnoch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited July 2013
    gtxinsane wrote: »
    He isn't overgeared by any standards. Miracle Healer can easily be completed by doing Dungeon Delves (you need to have a competent party though), a competent party can finish at most 4 dungeons inside a delve period (pre-clearing 30mins before time). The whole standard cleric set (MHealer 4/4, Rank 5/Weapon/Armor Enchs [excluding augment due to PvP scenario]) can easily be completed under a week, at around 2m ad (dragon)

    The screenshot however proves nothing (it was a complete stomp), end-scores tell so little of the story. Munkey's team not only gearing, but out-classing the other team. The only reason that the score was pretty close (i think) is that munkeys team focused more on kills and not on capping nodes (or they were getting back-capped a lot on the base node). I always hate to bust your balls on stuff like this munkey, but this doesn't really prove anything except the TR/GF you ran with went ape sh*t on the other team, and not you necessarily doing well. I reckon Wrath was basically one/two-shotting people from the get go.

    Was going to say the same thing, so instead I'll quote for truth!
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    fabaelfabael Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 76
    edited July 2013
    If you PUG pvp and regularly get that high then you should pass that information to your fellow clerics :)
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    At 10,700 GS my cleric averages a little worse than that, but I only have +50% movement speed horse, often break free from my team to go after nodes for points when my team obviously is going to lose cause it plays selfishly and won't win otherwise, and all my teams are random joins. I took the last tree, munky I believe took the first and is higher geared.

    As to the screen shot, there were only two clerics there and the worst player was a cleric that died more times than the amount of kills that Munky's cleric wound up. Munky's cleric came in third on his team in the kill count. His entire team had high assists which means most of the kills were being hit by his team as a whole instead of being single killed, which also means who ends up with the kills will mostly go to the heavy damage players and then to whomever is getting support damage in (again Munky's cleric took 3rd in kills on his high assist team on a screen shot that was specifically chosen for display purposes here), if a team is being hit down you can rack up a lot of kills with well timed AoE casts.
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    munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gtxinsane wrote: »
    He isn't overgeared by any standards. Miracle Healer can easily be completed by doing Dungeon Delves (you need to have a competent party though), a competent party can finish at most 4 dungeons inside a delve period (pre-clearing 30mins before time). The whole standard cleric set (MHealer 4/4, Rank 5/Weapon/Armor Enchs [excluding augment due to PvP scenario]) can easily be completed under a week, at around 2m ad (dragon)

    The screenshot however proves nothing (it was a complete stomp), end-scores tell so little of the story. Munkey's team not only gearing, but out-classing the other team. The only reason that the score was pretty close (i think) is that munkeys team focused more on kills and not on capping nodes (or they were getting back-capped a lot on the base node). I always hate to bust your balls on stuff like this munkey, but this doesn't really prove anything except the TR/GF you ran with went ape sh*t on the other team, and not you necessarily doing well. I reckon Wrath was basically one/two-shotting people from the get go.

    I'm not sure how the other guys were geared, but Wrath is geared by a fiew cheap purples in the Ah, and pvp gear. Hes not 1 shotting anyone, ever. But hes a very good GF and knows how to play. Hes my cousin and we sit next to each other when playing. On this perticular match him and I were together 98% of the time, and our team followed us. If you look at the stats it was actually pretty close, for most of the match these guys were actually ahead of us, we came on top in the last 4 minutes or so.

    Most of my matches go like this, my only reason for posting it. So many people on here crying about clerics, but theres nothing wrong with clerics.

    In the past, over doing my best trying to convince people that clerics are definately a good class, i've gone over my gear, my stats, my rotations in pve, and pvp, i've done everything short of play the persons cleric for them. I am still on the same job, and wont be heading home for about a month so I wont be making any videos yet. But I am definately going to be making some the minute I get the chance.

    Until then, you can find me most days ...for atleast the next week anyway till my job changes, on Mindflayer PvP'ing. Shoot me a tell and lets go do some pvp!

    Barabus The Gray

    Oh, I also play my cw quite often

    Devlin The Wicked
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    whyismyplantdyinwhyismyplantdyin Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    People are whining about clerics because they got a bull's eye on their head.

    At earlier levels people are too stupid to correctly pick targets, at higher levels they know to go after the cleric. If people would consistently mob GWF's the GWF's would be whining too.

    It really, in a way, is saying that clerics have too much damage mitigation and healing abilities. If clerics are useless and weak, why would they all go after them first?
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    armenuaarmenua Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Wondering why you are trolling, munkey, instead of offering your insight and wisdom to help the OP, who is obviously frustrated and confused.
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    People are whining about clerics because they got a bull's eye on their head.

    At earlier levels people are too stupid to correctly pick targets, at higher levels they know to go after the cleric. If people would consistently mob GWF's the GWF's would be whining too.

    It really, in a way, is saying that clerics have too much damage mitigation and healing abilities. If clerics are useless and weak, why would they all go after them first?

    to rack up kills, most will go after those with low damage that are easy to kill first over taking on harder characters
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    gelatin1gelatin1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In every pvp game, the healer is always an early target. Your job is to survive, and toss heals when you can. If you expect to be blowing people up you're playing the wrong class. It's been this way in pretty much every mmo with pvp ever (with the possible exception of GW2, with their "we don't believe in healers" gimmick).
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    gtxinsanegtxinsane Member Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    I'm not sure how the other guys were geared, but Wrath is geared by a fiew cheap purples in the Ah, and pvp gear. Hes not 1 shotting anyone, ever. But hes a very good GF and knows how to play. Hes my cousin and we sit next to each other when playing. On this perticular match him and I were together 98% of the time, and our team followed us. If you look at the stats it was actually pretty close, for most of the match these guys were actually ahead of us, we came on top in the last 4 minutes or so.

    A few cheap purples (70k below easy for the whole set) is all a GF needs to 1-2 shot people. Judging from his helm he's most likely in the optimum DPS gear (guessing he wears Armor of Insanity, Brutal Lizardfolk, Shield of the Crusher?). And if he isn't 1-2 shotting them then it's safe to say he's 3-4 shotting them? He's also probably running Knight's Challenge Cheese or if not, another variation of the Conqueror Build.

    The screenie still doesn't prove anything though other than most of your matches, you have good and competent people covering you. Your build is great though. I've specced one of my clerics into it for PvE purposes, it's still not my style though, but it's the ONLY option a cleric has right now.
    Gabriel Angelfire - Devoted Cleric // Karguk the Impaler - Great Weapon Fighter // Zephalyne - Control Wizard
    PVP: How to make your life less miserable as a Devoted Clerics -- Still in it's Unfinished Glory
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    sh4dowrunn3rsh4dowrunn3r Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    People are whining about clerics because they got a bull's eye on their head.

    At earlier levels people are too stupid to correctly pick targets, at higher levels they know to go after the cleric. If people would consistently mob GWF's the GWF's would be whining too.

    It really, in a way, is saying that clerics have too much damage mitigation and healing abilities. If clerics are useless and weak, why would they all go after them first?

    Everyone is after free kills and usually abandons point capping instead chasing someone on low hp all across the map. And cleric is seen same as someone on low hp even when full hp. GF sees cleric as a soccer ball all he needs to do is a 3 skill combo and he scores a goal with nothing cleric is able to do to defend against it.
    Cleric can still do ok in pvp lots of times with requirement that his team is OP or enemy team sucks.
    I think opening poster was just unlucky in a few matches getting strong enemy/weak allies. Sometimes I can score 1st position in pvp two times in row and rack up lots of kills with healing build still other times all I get is perma stuned and 1-2 hitted non stop so it's all up to the luck of who queue gives you.
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    lerapisolerapiso Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    gelatin1 wrote: »
    In every pvp game, the healer is always an early target. Your job is to survive, and toss heals when you can. If you expect to be blowing people up you're playing the wrong class. It's been this way in pretty much every mmo with pvp ever.

    Totally BS, you must have no experience in any other mmo, a total **** lel
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Oh, you again. Joy.

    Ok, care to provide examples of PvP games where "gank teh healer" isn't the general order of busines?
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    lerapisolerapiso Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    Oh, you again. Joy.

    Ok, care to provide examples of PvP games where "gank teh healer" isn't the general order of busines?

    DaoC, WoW, GW, GW2 obviously, every MMO with decent PVP design ...
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    unicornmdunicornmd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lerapiso wrote: »
    DaoC, WoW, GW, GW2 obviously, every MMO with decent PVP design ...

    Thought that was a list of games that shouldn't have PvP. My bad.
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    lerapisolerapiso Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    unicornmd wrote: »
    Thought that was a list of games that shouldn't have PvP. My bad.

    Yeah sure NW PVP is way much better :o
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    lerapiso wrote: »
    DaoC, WoW, GW, GW2 obviously, every MMO with decent PVP design ...

    hahahhahah oh my god you honestly think guild wars wasn't "gank the healer?"

    Well that's really something.

    Guild wars 2 doesn't HAVE a dedicated heal class, it's primarily self-heals based (avoiding the "gank the healer" mindset was one reason they made this decision).

    haven't played Wow of DaoC, so can't comment on those, admittedly. But your list is not looking good so far.
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    lerapisolerapiso Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    hahahhahah oh my god you honestly think guild wars wasn't "gank the healer?"

    OMG xD typical casual answer, I bet you didnt get out of RA son, if you played seriously GW and you still think this, you must not have any champ rank LOL :o

    What you can read on RA Chat : "Focus the monk if they have one HUEHUEHUE" (sounds famillar ? :p)
    What you see in top10 GvG match : Well timed discharges on any exposed ennemies or them who commited a mistake (punishing bad positionning, overextending from frontline, bad def CD management ..)

    In brief, I don't know why i waste my time with you, you obviously don't know anything about PVP lel :rolleyes:
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    justkazjustkaz Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Obviously my sarcasm went way over your head =) I'm laughing inside at the OP for crying about the DC class.

    Me and a friend in a pug, not sucking at the DC class

    All you do on these forums is ridicule others for being bad Clerics and bragging about how uber you are in PvP.

    BTW that screenshot proves nothing other than showing you attached to your Guardian buddy's nuts all game, acting as his heal bot, while he 2 shots everyone. Why don't you post a video of you PvP'ing in a 20v20 game without following a friend around 24/7? It's easy stomping on n00bs in 5 man PvP especially if you have a GF peeling enemies off of you. Oh, and 13-7 isn't something to brag about either. It's only a decent K/D.
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