From the Trade Bar vendor, we double clicked the Coalescent Ward and tried to buy that thinking, you know? We'd double clicked -that-, surely that'd be what we got? Instead even though we'd double clicked the Coalescent Ward and bought -that- with our Trade Bars, we ended up with a 5x Pack of Preservation Wards. Please help us out and replace this item with the Coalescent Ward we -should- have ended up with. Not sure what happened here but something went screwy.
As of today this ticket has been up for TEN DAYS in-game.
The 5x Pack of Preservation Wards are still in our inventory. We're waiting hoping you'll be able to remedy this.
Also posted here;
You'd think it'd be answered after so long. <.<
Again, very sorry this happened and I am very sorry to provide this news.
Yea, day twelve. Still no response.
If it's an issue they know about they should respond and fix it. We wonder what the phrase 'negligent business practices' means to them?
Thirteen days, no response.
Quick, ask us how much of a river we're going to cry for them for not having foreseen this and hired the appropriate extra staff to handle something they make money for (and is their job to do).
Oh that's right.
I have two posts that have yet to be commented on too.
Yep. On the sixteenth day now.
Absolutely nothing from their end.
Doesn't exactly inspire a sense of 'we appreciate you, our Customer' all things considered. Especially when we've been a loyal Cryptic Customer for so long. T.T
twenty one days later. Still no freaking response.
Twenty two DAYZZZ
Thank god this only happens to me when buying HP pots (i got 45 kits last time xD) ... with a coal ward i would prob uninstall the game and trow my pc from the window xD
Yep. We're at twenty two days now, or is it twenty three? We've lost count.
It really ticks us off quite badly they're being so negligent. Don't they get paid for handling things like this? So what are they getting paid for? Ignoring a ticket for over two weeks? Not a single word? And others are seeing this, you know Cryptic, this isn't reflecting well on you as a company considering no one has said -anything- to us at all.
May the force be with u
Them being 'overwhelmed' by the number of tickets is not an excuse. This is their job. You don't get paid for doing a s@#tty job at yours, do you? Probably not. You get sacked.
There's absolutely zero excuse for a corporation as large as Cryptic to take over two weeks to answer a single valid ticket that also has posts on the forum drawing attention to it.
I have had the same problem with the profession vendor not giving me the items that I clicked on , I know its useless now but the only way to fix it is to close the vendors interface and reopen it , not much use after the fact , specially to you since you lost the bars... but yeah I can verify the bug exists.
Also , no idea how to replicate it and it only happened to me one time.
We've held onto the incorrect item it gave us. We just want them to switch it out for the item (of the same price) we actually double-clicked on to buy. However seeing as it's been twenty two days without a single response, we're beginning to wonder if Cryptic just stopped doing their jobs.
Hello Jade
Thank you for contacting us!
Unfortunately we are not able to refund purchases from in game npcs. All purchases of items sold for Astral Diamonds, Glory, Gold/Silver/Copper, and Tarmalune Trade Bars are final and cannot be refunded.
We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your patience and understanding!
Great job, Cryptic. Way to build loyalty to your s@#t business practices. You f@#k up and the customer has to pay for it.