Oh no! The free game that has been out for less than 3 months doesn't have a huge amount of content at level cap. I've been playing for a month consistently, actually exploring the world and turning off the pixie trail. Happily at level 46 here. Expecting to hit level cap around the release of module 1. Will probably raise level cap right around the time I tire of current end-game content.
TL;DR - Explore the **** world they gave to you for free. It's gorgeous and has a lot of hidden things to discover. If you don't just blow through to end-game, you'll enjoy this game. It's about the journey.
I agree on really bad endboss mechanics... the new dwarfen king is a prime example. we dont need 100 golems and more AOE but smart mechanics. Hacing said that, i am very happy with the patch as the exploitation might stop and people start playing the dungeons how they are supposed to again.
Oh no! The free game that has been out for less than 3 months doesn't have a huge amount of content at level cap. I've been playing for a month consistently, actually exploring the world and turning off the pixie trail. Happily at level 46 here. Expecting to hit level cap around the release of module 1. Will probably raise level cap right around the time I tire of current end-game content.
TL;DR - Explore the **** world they gave to you for free. It's gorgeous and has a lot of hidden things to discover. If you don't just blow through to end-game, you'll enjoy this game. It's about the journey.
Which would be all well and good if the game didn't have HAMSTER-poor coding that makes getting a playable framerate impossible at decent graphics settings. If I can barely even see the world, there's really no point in exploring it.
Not that I feel your post is aimed towards me since I'm not really complaining a lot about the game. Just sayin'.
Ok .... so with the recent fixes we can clearly see that cryptic making money from zen is more important then fixing the classes they have broken (ie. more important then the players) ... to put an almost 1 gig patch through without fixing any of the broken classes in the game is quite simply disgusting.
The new GG content is broken is quite frankly one of the worst pieces of content I have ever seen in any MMO and quite frankly a huge waste of time as the rewards are less then sub par.
End game in this game is the Auction house ... The end game content is to trashy and the bosses unimaginative ... Crypics answer for difficulty seems to be "add more mobs to the boss fight" rather then thinking of some really good/tricky mechanics.
CN end bosses drop 1 item .... so 5 people spend like 45 mins in mind numbing trash filled mob swarming instances to come out of it with maybe 1 item ... or nothing (you don't even make gold raiding in this game 1-7 copper per drop).
I would love for someone to explain to me what end game guilds are meant to do in this game besides play the same 2 pvp maps over and over again and farm the auction house and run the same CN instance over and over and over again, because no one I know will ever be queuing for GG ever again (it truly is the worst content I have ever seen patched into an MMO and the rewards in no way make up for the time spent).
you should consider either fixing the classes properly or putting in some new content with some new rewards ... as the game is getting stale really quickly for fully geared end game guilds.
ps. you need to fix people leaving pvp im am sick of full teams leaving after they get crushed for the first 2 minutes and us having to sit around for 8 minutes to even get glory ... which is 90% of the PVP games our guild plays. ...
This game is not pay2win. Learn2play. Working as intended.
I dont know how many peoples quit but i just lost my moral to play this game anymore because of recent patches and after-patches.
The dungeons... i dont want to play same dungeon again and again which i did at lower levels.
The lore is **** stupid. The Dragons should be hardest to kill in this game... not just like a regular zombie.
When you hit 60, go to AH and buy your gear and skip t1 content. Also some part of t2 content too. The end game is on the AH.
The classes is not giving us any free space to feel unique. Everyone has same build like another because of disgusting feat system. A rogue always forced to go Executioner tree because of current mechanics. One Paragon path is worst thing i ever seen. You should added at least 2 for each class.
People do no wait for 6 months to get another Paragon path.
The mount system is really unnecessary with current state. It's only needed for abit fast leveling and in pvp. You dont need any mount after 60. 5 gold horses can do the trick. Because you dont need to physically go dungeon entrances. Just queue and get in there.
Make a hippodrome in the city and add events like horse racing, chivalry clash etc. for rank 1, 2, 3 mounts.
You have endless options in your hands. The D&D world is huge and you dont need any other lore to make something around on it.
If you fail at simpliest of task and working with amateur Dev's, this game going to shoot its own feet.
You and these other haters are delusional its comical. Go away please! The end.
Actually, I wasn't kidding. Take some time to think about it. Take the entire population of the game and I bet 70% are bots and individuals who have signed up for more than one free account (even if just for Evocation and leadership profession AD gains). Fewer people play this game than you think and every action that PWE takes that diminishes the experience for that 30% means less "real" players and cash droppers are around to support it. Lose half of that 30% due to buggy, exploitable, stale, dated, or unreleased content and you have the winning formula for MMOFAIL.
I have played games where an end of game instance would take hours to complete and they were FUN.
lanessar13Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 8Arc User
edited June 2013
I'm not sure about bots or whatnot, but many of the people who I used to play with (including many people from alpha/beta) are no longer playing for the simple reason of same old content, nothing to do. The lack of actual class fixing (save for the release patch, which was sort of a mixed bag) is something I have come to expect from Cryptic as a development team. This isn't a slam, simply a fact that they have repeated the process in pretty much every MMO they have developed from CoH onward.
My largest disagreement with the direction taken is that the developers had a self-perpetuating tool at their hands, the Foundry, if they had only changed the rewards to a point where it was viable alternative content. I'm not talking about leaving exploits in (heck, the exploits were all easily handled), but simply making it not rewarding to do the Foundry content.
That, I think, was the draw for many players when the game first went into beta - the idea that there would always be content (never-ending stream, as it were) which you could play for advancement, perpetuated by players themselves. It's still possible, mind you, with some ingenuity by the developers.
But with little reward for doing Foundry, lack of ability to create actual group content and the Foundry simply being shelved for purposes of main-stream development (besides simply slashing any rewards because "it can be exploited"), the biggest tool that the devs built in to prevent this "lack of content" phenomenon (which plagues pretty much every MMO) simply is on a back shelf, used by a select few for storytelling/building a guild hall, and little else.
I'm saddened by the development direction taken, as they have a good shell here. Combat is good, the general layout and interaction is sufficient to keep one entertained, and while "alchemy" and other features have been added, the actual value adds are being ignored for the same trite, non-sustainable model which has plagued the MMO industry since WOW's first expansion.
TLDR; They have the keys to the kingdom; sadly, the key remains unturned.
I have played games where an end of game instance would take hours to complete and they were FUN.
I fondly remember those days as well. Certain MMO's made you think about how to win. I think my favorite MMO event was EQ1: PoEb: Rathe Council event for POT keying. spent a looooong time cracking that event but even 10 years later i can still remember it because of the work needed to form the strat and the execution needed to pull it off.
Seems like the only strat that PW wants you to be concerned about is buying enough Pots and injury kits and whatnot to survive the tidal wave of adds that every Boss has in NW.
I do agree that GG is clumsily wedged into the game. I don't know what the timer is like, when I attempted to play yesterday, the first opportunity that was up was too soon after I got home from work to play, the next one started at midnight my time- there is a huge gap between them. It should at the very least loop gaplessly on a 1.5 hour cycle, so people who only have a few hours at a stretch (which sane people might consider too much for a game, but eh) can actually play the feckin' thing without having to stay up until almost 2 am.
That said, I found the experience underwhelming anyway. The environments were as pretty as ever, sure, but it wasn't much fun to play. A mindless supermarket sweep mob zerg, followed by a large and unwieldy respin of the existing lazy and simplistic Domination PvP game really failed to grab me. A larger PvP battle should maybe have more to it- opposing faction bases with resources to attack, or similar, at a minimum- maybe with intermediate strategic resources to destroy/defend. Something a little more.. battley.
The last part would make a perfectly decent level 60 epic skirmish, mind. It was fun to play, and looked nice. More of this sort of thing, as well as epic versions of the existing (often quite fun) skirmishes would benefit the game somewhat.
I doubt that I will be going out of my way to play GG again, frankly. If it pops when I have time to spare, and I'm at a loose end, fair enough. However, it's certainly not worth losing any more sleep over- literally.
I fondly remember those days as well. Certain MMO's made you think about how to win. I think my favorite MMO event was EQ1: PoEb: Rathe Council event for POT keying. spent a looooong time cracking that event but even 10 years later i can still remember it because of the work needed to form the strat and the execution needed to pull it off.
Seems like the only strat that PW wants you to be concerned about is buying enough Pots and injury kits and whatnot to survive the tidal wave of adds that every Boss has in NW.
Thankfully, no tidal wave of adds in Gauntlgrym... yet.
EQ1 raids were a pain.
GG is just the way I like it. First MMO endgame worth playing.
I make random queue pvp, and game with leavers are almost 10% of the game. In my guild only 4 ppl are 60, but not only i completed the t2 set, i can run dungeon every day (not SP without my guild, too long and ppl could leave). Ok, i can't do all dungeon all days, and sometimes pvp is not funny, i never do foundry but game is not so broken. Just try to think again on what you are doing and what you what from a mmorpg.
Back to 14.99$ DDO... it's currently best D&D MMO game available in world.
And yet I had to stop playing that game due to the game breaking bugs making it a total kill-joy.
But for many people who post up things like Game XYZ was so much better then this game or what have you, well, if that is the way you feel, then you need to take control of your game time and return back to the games you thought you were better.
There is never going to be one game to placate every kind of gamer, and if Neverwinter is not what you enjoy playing, and feel that DDO is the best game for you, then the best thing for everyone involved is for you to not waste your time any longer here where you are unhappy and go back and playing the MMO that makes you happy.
There is never going to be one game to placate every kind of gamer, and if Neverwinter is not what you enjoy playing, and feel that DDO is the best game for you, then the best thing for everyone involved is for you to not waste your time any longer here where you are unhappy and go back and playing the MMO that makes you happy.
Or, someone could try to outline why they like other games, and hope things similar get added to this one by devs; DDOs grouping tools, for example.
Problem here is that every single time anyone does that, they are told to GTFO, more or less.
Oh no! The free game that has been out for less than 3 months doesn't have a huge amount of content at level cap. I've been playing for a month consistently, actually exploring the world and turning off the pixie trail. Happily at level 46 here. Expecting to hit level cap around the release of module 1. Will probably raise level cap right around the time I tire of current end-game content.
TL;DR - Explore the **** world they gave to you for free. It's gorgeous and has a lot of hidden things to discover. If you don't just blow through to end-game, you'll enjoy this game. It's about the journey.
It's about the journey for you but that doesn't mean it is for everybody.
I've played exactly one day a week since open beta began and have two capped characters. That's a huge flaw. They didn't give **** to me for free.
I thought the exp of Age of Conan would have sunk in to other developers what happens when a game is released too early but I guess Cryptic is so far up its own *** that it didn't see what happens.
While I often make posts critical of NW, I have to say that the two games aren't even close. AoC was so very broken and incomplete at launch, it makes NW look like the most polished, complete and functional MMO that has ever been.
Game is a blast. NW has the best and must fun/addicting combat of any MMO I've played save DAOC and UO. 3 60s now and working on a 4th, then I'll just be doing GG/PvP with my 60s.
Doesn't anyone know the usage/definition of the words "then" and "than" anymore? I don't think "then" was used properly in any of these posts. Sad commentary to the educational system...
I don't know if player are leaving, we have only proxy to determinate that in absence of real number from perfect world.
But the proxy we have (xfire /neverwinter, check the one not being NWN) indicate only a very small bump on release day above the number from the weeks before.
Sure we have no evidence that xfire is representative, but it matches my experience of not seeing a huge influx of player a week after release.
it could still come though.
zentucknorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
To the OP...
I am curious how you think this is different than every MMO at launch. Of of them had end game that sucks. It takes at least 6 months before ANY MMO started to have a decent end game and even them most of them where barely better than start. THIS is the nature of ALL MMOs.
Ever ask a halfling to watch over your stuff while you visit the privy? Was it there when you returned?
I have no idea how many, if anybody, is leaving NW. But I know I personally will in about 1 week I think. I agree for the most part, with the op.
I have 4 level 60's and I'm working on my 5th and last atm. I don't do dungeons, I level up with questing (which I enjoy) and do pvp (which I also enjoy when it is working - ala no bots and no leavers). I re-roll a new class because there is ZERO end game content outside of the same dungeons over and over again.
So...while I wouldn't make any predictions about the player base (as I simply do not have sufficient knowledge about the matter) leaving, as a supporter of this game (played for 2-3 months and spent $100 or so on it)...I'm now at a point where there's just nothing to do. As far as I'm concerned...I've "beaten" NW. I've never played an MMO where I've felt that way...it's odd. I'll chalk it up to it being new and still in development...and it does have potential (else I'd not have spent as much money as I have on it), and I'll check out the expansion when it arrives...but it is indeed, in dire need of serious design and content help.
Interrestingly I feel the same. I have a cleric at 60, a mage (nearly at 50) I could bring to 60 in an evening so near it is from there, a TR at above 40 a day or two away from 60. GF and GWF don't interest me. neither do raiding. So now I am waiting for the 6th class .
I am curious how you think this is different than every MMO at launch. Of of them had end game that sucks. It takes at least 6 months before ANY MMO started to have a decent end game and even them most of them where barely better than start. THIS is the nature of ALL MMOs.
Not even remotely true. Rift launched with plenty of end game content. Open world PvP, arena PvP, 20 man raids, dungeons, etc. It didn't take Rift 6 months to have end game content. They had it right from the beginning.
There are other MMOs that had functioning end game content at launch too, such as Aion, Tera, and to some degree, Guild Wars 2. Those are just some of the more recent MMOs with a lot to do end game. There are tons more older MMOs that puts Neverwinter's end game to shame (at launch). Neverwinter is one of the only MMOs I've played where I'm already bored to death after a month.
I enjoy killing what you call "trash mobs", because i like the combat mechanics in this game. If all you want is a 30s instance where you can loot a chest at the end... Well, this should be an awesome game! I suggest you try to sell your idea to existing MMO companies, or, better, try to create your own and develop this awesome, fun, long-lasting and entertaining game!
If you can't focus on one thing for 45 mins in your life then your life must be quite sad.
TL;DR - Explore the **** world they gave to you for free. It's gorgeous and has a lot of hidden things to discover. If you don't just blow through to end-game, you'll enjoy this game. It's about the journey.
Which would be all well and good if the game didn't have HAMSTER-poor coding that makes getting a playable framerate impossible at decent graphics settings. If I can barely even see the world, there's really no point in exploring it.
Not that I feel your post is aimed towards me since I'm not really complaining a lot about the game. Just sayin'.
This game is not pay2win. Learn2play. Working as intended.
I dont know how many peoples quit but i just lost my moral to play this game anymore because of recent patches and after-patches.
The dungeons... i dont want to play same dungeon again and again which i did at lower levels.
The lore is **** stupid. The Dragons should be hardest to kill in this game... not just like a regular zombie.
When you hit 60, go to AH and buy your gear and skip t1 content. Also some part of t2 content too. The end game is on the AH.
The classes is not giving us any free space to feel unique. Everyone has same build like another because of disgusting feat system. A rogue always forced to go Executioner tree because of current mechanics. One Paragon path is worst thing i ever seen. You should added at least 2 for each class.
People do no wait for 6 months to get another Paragon path.
The mount system is really unnecessary with current state. It's only needed for abit fast leveling and in pvp. You dont need any mount after 60. 5 gold horses can do the trick. Because you dont need to physically go dungeon entrances. Just queue and get in there.
Make a hippodrome in the city and add events like horse racing, chivalry clash etc. for rank 1, 2, 3 mounts.
You have endless options in your hands. The D&D world is huge and you dont need any other lore to make something around on it.
If you fail at simpliest of task and working with amateur Dev's, this game going to shoot its own feet.
Actually, I wasn't kidding. Take some time to think about it. Take the entire population of the game and I bet 70% are bots and individuals who have signed up for more than one free account (even if just for Evocation and leadership profession AD gains). Fewer people play this game than you think and every action that PWE takes that diminishes the experience for that 30% means less "real" players and cash droppers are around to support it. Lose half of that 30% due to buggy, exploitable, stale, dated, or unreleased content and you have the winning formula for MMOFAIL.
My largest disagreement with the direction taken is that the developers had a self-perpetuating tool at their hands, the Foundry, if they had only changed the rewards to a point where it was viable alternative content. I'm not talking about leaving exploits in (heck, the exploits were all easily handled), but simply making it not rewarding to do the Foundry content.
That, I think, was the draw for many players when the game first went into beta - the idea that there would always be content (never-ending stream, as it were) which you could play for advancement, perpetuated by players themselves. It's still possible, mind you, with some ingenuity by the developers.
But with little reward for doing Foundry, lack of ability to create actual group content and the Foundry simply being shelved for purposes of main-stream development (besides simply slashing any rewards because "it can be exploited"), the biggest tool that the devs built in to prevent this "lack of content" phenomenon (which plagues pretty much every MMO) simply is on a back shelf, used by a select few for storytelling/building a guild hall, and little else.
I'm saddened by the development direction taken, as they have a good shell here. Combat is good, the general layout and interaction is sufficient to keep one entertained, and while "alchemy" and other features have been added, the actual value adds are being ignored for the same trite, non-sustainable model which has plagued the MMO industry since WOW's first expansion.
TLDR; They have the keys to the kingdom; sadly, the key remains unturned.
I fondly remember those days as well. Certain MMO's made you think about how to win. I think my favorite MMO event was EQ1: PoEb: Rathe Council event for POT keying. spent a looooong time cracking that event but even 10 years later i can still remember it because of the work needed to form the strat and the execution needed to pull it off.
Seems like the only strat that PW wants you to be concerned about is buying enough Pots and injury kits and whatnot to survive the tidal wave of adds that every Boss has in NW.
That said, I found the experience underwhelming anyway. The environments were as pretty as ever, sure, but it wasn't much fun to play. A mindless supermarket sweep mob zerg, followed by a large and unwieldy respin of the existing lazy and simplistic Domination PvP game really failed to grab me. A larger PvP battle should maybe have more to it- opposing faction bases with resources to attack, or similar, at a minimum- maybe with intermediate strategic resources to destroy/defend. Something a little more.. battley.
The last part would make a perfectly decent level 60 epic skirmish, mind. It was fun to play, and looked nice. More of this sort of thing, as well as epic versions of the existing (often quite fun) skirmishes would benefit the game somewhat.
I doubt that I will be going out of my way to play GG again, frankly. If it pops when I have time to spare, and I'm at a loose end, fair enough. However, it's certainly not worth losing any more sleep over- literally.
EQ1 raids were a pain.
GG is just the way I like it. First MMO endgame worth playing.
And yet I had to stop playing that game due to the game breaking bugs making it a total kill-joy.
But for many people who post up things like Game XYZ was so much better then this game or what have you, well, if that is the way you feel, then you need to take control of your game time and return back to the games you thought you were better.
There is never going to be one game to placate every kind of gamer, and if Neverwinter is not what you enjoy playing, and feel that DDO is the best game for you, then the best thing for everyone involved is for you to not waste your time any longer here where you are unhappy and go back and playing the MMO that makes you happy.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You?
Problem here is that every single time anyone does that, they are told to GTFO, more or less.
It's about the journey for you but that doesn't mean it is for everybody.
I've played exactly one day a week since open beta began and have two capped characters. That's a huge flaw. They didn't give **** to me for free.
Comical is believing that this is a healthy, thriving game. Be careful, you may get what you ask for. The real end.
While I often make posts critical of NW, I have to say that the two games aren't even close. AoC was so very broken and incomplete at launch, it makes NW look like the most polished, complete and functional MMO that has ever been.
But the proxy we have (xfire /neverwinter, check the one not being NWN) indicate only a very small bump on release day above the number from the weeks before.
Sure we have no evidence that xfire is representative, but it matches my experience of not seeing a huge influx of player a week after release.
it could still come though.
I am curious how you think this is different than every MMO at launch. Of of them had end game that sucks. It takes at least 6 months before ANY MMO started to have a decent end game and even them most of them where barely better than start. THIS is the nature of ALL MMOs.
Interrestingly I feel the same. I have a cleric at 60, a mage (nearly at 50) I could bring to 60 in an evening so near it is from there, a TR at above 40 a day or two away from 60. GF and GWF don't interest me. neither do raiding. So now I am waiting for the 6th class
Not even remotely true. Rift launched with plenty of end game content. Open world PvP, arena PvP, 20 man raids, dungeons, etc. It didn't take Rift 6 months to have end game content. They had it right from the beginning.
There are other MMOs that had functioning end game content at launch too, such as Aion, Tera, and to some degree, Guild Wars 2. Those are just some of the more recent MMOs with a lot to do end game. There are tons more older MMOs that puts Neverwinter's end game to shame (at launch). Neverwinter is one of the only MMOs I've played where I'm already bored to death after a month.
Most of the time, the predictions are correct, too.
Ouch nice reply +1
If you can't focus on one thing for 45 mins in your life then your life must be quite sad.