so , after doing this for about a week now , ive finally broke through the 20g - 25g key price

and now i can get keys ingame for 16g of my money consistently . i sell around anywhere from 2 - 10 keys a day from this method ( yes thats at 16g a key ) i have various farming techniques for gold also ...
what im asking is

if i reveal this method .... the value of keys will drop to 16g .... do you guys want me to show you how i do this ??? it may be a slow technique for some without efficient constant gold farm

post if you want me to reveal this
??? why you say that
.... thats for people who want to buy zen or ad , what im saying is , people on this game pay like 20 gold + for 1 key , .... when if you use my method you will make 48k + AD on auction house for 16g = keys are less than 48k .
You're gonna love my nuts!
Stop having boring 20g keys. Just slap your troubles away. Takes 4 or 5 seconds. Watch this, you're gonna love my keys.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Congrats on farming for the AH.
Nothing new to see here folks.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
This thread feels like a desperate cry for attention.
If you want to tell people something, just say it already. It's not like you've discovered cold fusion; Unless, of course, that is part of your making gold plan!
and literally all im saying is ... i will sell you keys for under 20g due to my technique and cheap was of getting ad ... thats all man
LOL, this. So painfully true.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Seems more like an advert for cheap keys... If you just want to advertise your cheap keys, do so in your server's chat.
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i will in like 5 mins gotta pop out a second !!
silveralucard, just don't give him your e-mail, SSN, or banking information, lol. j/k
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
(and if you still dont wanna do that, PM it to me too please :P im on a differant server anyway)
I'm asking now, could you pm me please.