Wow, I forgot I even made this post. But yeah, its still dumb that it costs so much to upgrade. Anyway, some stuff is still the same. But the current exchange rate doesn't really help this situation. Since someone bumped it I'll edit in some more current/detailed info.
Currently you can buy an account-wide rank 3 (fastest) Zen mount for $25. That means every character you ever make on that account gets the fastest possible mount. At today's exchange rate that comes to about 972,500 AD.
Upgrading a mount from rank 2 to 3 costs 2,064,000 AD. At today's exchange rate thats about $53.
Upgrading a mount from rank 1 all the way to 3 would cost 2,832,000 AD. About $73 at today's rate.
The Shadow Wolf mount is rank 1, so in addition to farming the event just to get it: This is what you'll have to spend to upgrade it. For each character that has it. If you want it to be fast.
Some have said, you shouldn't get to upgrade for free. I agree. But there is a lot of distance between where we are at now and free.
One thing that sticks with me about this is the fact that they are selling Zen shop rank 1-2 mounts. Some of which sell for $35. So you buy one of those mounts. Then you'd need to spend the $53 or $73 worth of AD to upgrade it.
For every character!
Seems very high. Like astronomically high. 768,000 to get to rank 2 and then 2,064,000 to get to rank 3. Any chance you guys might lower this someday?
If you buy anything less than a rank 3 mount it costs a ridiculous amount of AD to upgrade it though. Being able to choose your mounts look by upgrading a lower rank mount is nice, but its just not worth it at the moment. Currently its way more than double the cost just to choose a mount look this way.
For example: If you buy a Black Horse from the shop for $8... its a rank 1 mount. The training manuals to bump it up to rank 3 cost about $77 worth of AD*, per character. So you are looking at $85 for that characters mount. Why would anyone do this when you can buy a $40 rank 3 mount that is given to all of your characters.
*Using the current rates on the Beholder shard.
Sometimes I like to just run with stealth turned on instead of activating my mount. I bet I could beat him in a race.
He has bad ankles, I think.
Nothing ends well for me...
You really, really like the way your palomino looks?
Which is about a third of the cost to upgrade a mount. I seriously can't be the only one that sees that as a problem?
At the worst possible exchange rate (500:1), that's 5600 zen
Tier 3 Cash Mount for every character you ever make: 4000 zen
In conclusion - the prices for those upgrades are really messed up.
edit: it's a little fuzzier at the Tier 2 level, since 768k AD would only be ~1500zen at worst exchange rate. So you'd have to save up a bit more for a T2 cash mount. On the other hand, the rate right now is 360:1. That's 2100 zen. So don't buy the T2 upgrade, either.
The armored horse is only 3000 ZEN.
EDIT: forget it, I found out.
I'd also rather buy one mount for one character for $10 than one for all for $40, I'd likely do that for each character . . . I have 9 character slots now . . .
I bought the worg for my half orc and wasn't impressed when I found out how much AD it would cost to make it as useful as my GoN pack mount.
Ridiculous really.
You can just trade AD for zen and buy the T2 or T3 at a lower cost.
I bought a black horse because I loved the visual and for my 3 characters it was going to not only look cool, but save them spending money on a mount, being claimable on all characters. My friend comes along, being of the annoying mindset that wants instant gratification, and he buys me an epic bear as a gift. That's cool because a bear is fast and badassss. But before spending the 3000 zen he gave me on the bear I looked at the currency exchange to see if I could trade the cost of the bear for the cost of the 2 mount training tomes to upgrade my black horse I so love....nope the tomes cost WAYYYYY more than the zen mount. That's messed up! FIX THIS DEVS....oh my gods...FIX THIS...
Because that's the reason in a nutshell.
Now, I could see them having a cheaper ZEN mount unlock, say 500-1000 Zen for a Blue (or even Purple) Single Character Mount. They would open up the One-Toon-Low-Cash Demographic, people who would like a mount and either can't or won't spend $40.00 in a game that they just don't have much of a personal or emotional stake in. And this is a VERY large demographic indeed. So more money for them and the Altoholics and Whales will still be lining up for the $40.00 Account Wide Mounts. And maybe this is the thing that BUILDS that attachment in a few more players.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
The cost is stupid. I calculated 780000/333 (zen rate on our shard) = 2306 zen. Almost the cost of an Epic Zen Mount.
What's the point in upgrading your current HAMSTER mount if you can turn AD into Zen and buy a stylish mount.
Can some one answer me this
I have the Shadow Wolf, which is Rank 1/2? Its green so im guessing Rank 1 if i buy the First upgrade will it change to Blue Qaulity? and if i buy the second upgrade will it upgrade to Purple Qaulity
Can anyone confirm this please?
Yes that's how it works. Green is basically rank 1. What I read in a previous post was though, some bug where you upgrade your Shadow Wolf; itll upgrade speed/# of hits to knock you off, but the green frame remains. Just a UI bug i think.
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
The colors don't match the ranks at all. There are 4 colors but only 3 ranks of mounts. So there are rank 1 (slowest) mounts that are both white and green. Very confusing system. And they don't change when upgraded.
The shadow Wolf (Event), The Wolf of the Wild Hunt (Zen) are green. Even though they are only rank 1, just like the white gold bought mounts.
I say, why don't you add mount training books to the zen store?
WTB Class Reroll please
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
Lol this is what i came here to post as well >.<
Maybe 2-2.5k for 3 lvl mount training book would be fine.
WTB Class Reroll please
Good Idea.
Mount training used to be a more reasonable 250,000 AD for level 2 and 375,000 Ad for level 3.
So Epic Shadow Mount a lot bigger that green, ill go for it.
Also, if purchasing a Zen mount, or optionally, a Zen mount training pack unlocked any/all mounts you acquired in game to be purple, that would work as well. In effect, locking the mount training level to the account instead of the mount itself. That's a viable solution to add in to the collection of mounts. Re-skinning a mount gets away from the collecting aspect a bit, so they are slightly different solutions to the same money grab problem.
Yep. There are many ways they could go about doing it. But something needs to be done. Either greatly lowering the price or scrapping the system entirely for a more practical one.