I have been playing MMOs for 10+ years now and I have never been this frustrated. I am not frustrated that stuff does not work. I have other stuff I can do, but when I sit in a game for 2 hours only to do 1 specific thing, and get announcements that an event is about to start... and there is no notice that the applicable even was taken offline (other than on the forums) over 24 hours ago, it is a extremely frustrating. It is extremely misleading and your in-game GMs are worthless. You guys have no problems saying "Server is coming down in 3 minutes for maintenance", but you can not inform people something to the affect of, "REMINDER: This event that you are all sitting in here for is a waste of time, because it is not working."
I have been playing MMOs for 10+ years now and I have never been this frustrated. I am not frustrated that stuff does not work. I have other stuff I can do, but when I sit in a game for 2 hours only to do 1 specific thing, and get announcements that an event is about to start... and there is no notice that the applicable even was taken offline (other than on the forums) over 24 hours ago, it is a extremely frustrating. It is extremely misleading and your in-game GMs are worthless. You guys have no problems saying "Server is coming down in 3 minutes for maintenance", but you can not inform people something to the affect of, "REMINDER: This event that you are all sitting in here for is a waste of time, because it is not working."
Again, it is just frustrating.
The game is Live this stuff shoulda of been dealt with Before leaving open beta, Especially since this is the big Live updat, where things should be more stable and working now.
I have been playing MMOs for 10+ years now and I have never been this frustrated. I am not frustrated that stuff does not work. I have other stuff I can do, but when I sit in a game for 2 hours only to do 1 specific thing, and get announcements that an event is about to start... and there is no notice that the applicable even was taken offline (other than on the forums) over 24 hours ago, it is a extremely frustrating. It is extremely misleading and your in-game GMs are worthless. You guys have no problems saying "Server is coming down in 3 minutes for maintenance", but you can not inform people something to the affect of, "REMINDER: This event that you are all sitting in here for is a waste of time, because it is not working."
Again, it is just frustrating.
both the event announcement and the GM announcement for maintenance are usually automatic
prionfawkesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
What's your point? Are you saying people shouldn't get frustrated? I am not mad. There is a difference between frustrated and mad. I posted the definitions in the event you have no idea what the difference is.
1. disappointed; thwarted
2. having a feeling of or filled with frustration; dissatisfied
1. mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented
2. enraged; greatly provoked or irritated; angry
3. a. abnormally furious; ferocious
b. affected with rabies; rabid
4. extremely foolish or unwise; imprudent; irrational
5. wildly excited or confused; frantic
The game is Live this stuff shoulda of been dealt with Before leaving open beta, Especially since this is the big Live updat, where things should be more stable and working now.
It would have been if the live update was in open beta and we as beta players could have played it and reported the bugs as we should. I suspect majority of those who played during the beta did not do their job as a beta player.
It would have been if the live update was in open beta and we as beta players could have played it and reported the bugs as we should. I suspect majority of those who played during the beta did not do their job as a beta player.
The job as a beta player is to play the beta game. The test shard was essentially an alpha test.
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
Ever MMO gets these type of legit threats unless they do X or Y their game will fail. For most part they are incorrect. Sometimes they are correct about general idea. By this time game is supposed been launched and bugs ironed out.
Que? Tu no comprende Ingles? O es que no saben como comprender la estructura gramatical basica?
Можете ли вы не понимаете английский? Или вы не знаете, как понять основные грамматические структуры?
I am not sure what your native language is, so I typed it in multiple languages. Do you not understand basic grammar, or are you really the ignorant one?
You do realize he/she stated that, because your statement is false and invalid.
"Because "report bugs" is part of the beta game. It's assumed." <---- WHAT?! You mean real games cant have bugs and glitches? Especially MMOs? This generation, I swear....
Ah, there you go with not understanding basic grammatical structure.
Let me break it down for you.
""Because "report bugs" is part of the beta game. It's assumed."
"Because" = For reason of
"Report Bugs" = Report tool in game
"Part" = A portion or division of a whole
"Beta" = Pre-release version
"Assumed" = Taken for granted
Ergo, for reason of, the report tool, in a pre-release portion of the game, is taken for granted.
Meaning = I, as well as most others whom have beta tested before... understand that reporting bugs is a part of the beta test and we naturally know to use it to make the game better.
Uhm, no offense, but it was known BEFORE the event started that it would end when the game went live.
ALSO, it did have a thing in game that told of the end. hit your "L" key and look at the calendar.
Ah, so you did not read the actual original post in this thread. It all makes sense now. To make it clear to you... I am not talking about the stupid end of beta event.
I have been playing MMOs for 10+ years now and I have never been this frustrated. I am not frustrated that stuff does not work. I have other stuff I can do, but when I sit in a game for 2 hours only to do 1 specific thing, and get announcements that an event is about to start... and there is no notice that the applicable even was taken offline (other than on the forums) over 24 hours ago, it is a extremely frustrating. It is extremely misleading and your in-game GMs are worthless. You guys have no problems saying "Server is coming down in 3 minutes for maintenance", but you can not inform people something to the affect of, "REMINDER: This event that you are all sitting in here for is a waste of time, because it is not working."
Again, it is just frustrating.
+1 op, i knew it before i logged today because i read the forums and their fb page frequently, but you are absolutely right
Ah, so you did not read the actual original post in this thread. It all makes sense now. To make it clear to you... I am not talking about the stupid end of beta event.
Ahh, I understand completely now, by event you mean the gauntlgrym. Had a big derpy moment, I apologize.
Not missing much though, Gauntlgrym sucks. :P
cihuacoatlMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited June 2013
I have to agree communication with the community is lacking. I would love to see a weekly POD/YouTube cast talking about different everything and anything.
However recently I found out why we do not have this.
NWO is a low budget (for an MMO) game that ran out of funds. Instead of pulling the plug on the project the game was released as open beta. The staff is very small compared to most mainstream MMOs that I assume most of us are use too. I have to give credit where credit is due... for a staff that small I wonder when these guys actually sleep.
I am in hopes that NWO makes them some decent cash and they can afford funding for additional staff. Though as a F2P game with questionable end game I can only hope. I am flustrated as much as the next guy perhaps more as a GF. However seeing they have license to D&D and are working with WoC I still have faith that they can recover and make this the great game that it can be given the HUGE amount of material they can pull from.
Que? Tu no comprende Ingles? O es que no saben como comprender la estructura gramatical basica?
Можете ли вы не понимаете английский? Или вы не знаете, как понять основные грамматические структуры?
I am not sure what your native language is, so I typed it in multiple languages. Do you not understand basic grammar, or are you really the ignorant one?
Saying something is assumed means you accept it's part of the Beta player's job. Still why would you leave it out? This is why I asked if you are a little dumb when you said it's assumed. Beta player's job is to find the bugs, report the bugs, play the game, etc.
Saying something is assumed means you accept it's part of the Beta player's job. Still why would you leave it out? This is why I asked if you are a little dumb when you said it's assumed. Beta player's job is to find the bugs, report the bugs, play the game, etc.
Your google translate got a few words wrong.
I'm aware that the translation service I used was not 100% accurate. But, I ASSUME that most people who speak those languages will understand what is being said. Also, I did not use Google translate.
Just an FYI, when the word "assume" is used in a sentence, it is stating that there is an assumption being made. Therefor not all of the details are going to be listed. In this case, the bug reporting, etc. was not mentioned because there was a general assumption by me that the general beta public understands that submitting bug reports is generally the status quo.
Also, me saying, "something is assumed" does not mean I am accepting it is part of the beta player's job. The word accept has nothing to do with the way I used the word "assume".
bheauMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
Should be its not it's
bheauMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
it's is the contraction for it is. Please see the 639 AM post. I hate to see the language butchered like that.
it's is the contraction for it is. Please see the 639 AM post. I hate to see the language butchered like that.
While we're at it... I will acknowledge that I fudged up and accidentally hit a "'" because of my elite typing speed. I'll take 1 error over the duration of this thread over the 10-15 you made in your 2 posts.
In your first post, you started great! You even capitalized your first word. However, there should be a subject in your sentence. There is not one. You should have started with "It" and not "Should". Your sentence should read, "It should be, "its", not "it's".
Counted, there are 9 errors in your 5 words first post. Not a great start.
In your 2nd post, there are many more. I'll keep it simple.
It should have read, "It's the contraction for "it is". Please see the 6:39am post. I hate to see the language butchered like that."
There are 5 errors in that sentence.
My 1 error versus your 14... I'll take my return on investment any day of the week.
I have been playing MMOs for 10+ years now and I have never been this frustrated. I am not frustrated that stuff does not work. I have other stuff I can do, but when I sit in a game for 2 hours only to do 1 specific thing, and get announcements that an event is about to start... and there is no notice that the applicable even was taken offline (other than on the forums) over 24 hours ago, it is a extremely frustrating. It is extremely misleading and your in-game GMs are worthless. You guys have no problems saying "Server is coming down in 3 minutes for maintenance", but you can not inform people something to the affect of, "REMINDER: This event that you are all sitting in here for is a waste of time, because it is not working."
Again, it is just frustrating.
You see every message that flashes up? So what if they send it while you're bending over scratching your HAMSTER? You'd still complain and demand that they work their way around your limitations.
The game is Live this stuff shoulda of been dealt with Before leaving open beta, Especially since this is the big Live updat, where things should be more stable and working now.
both the event announcement and the GM announcement for maintenance are usually automatic
So what you're saying is their automation and scripts do a better job than the people they employ?
Have Patience ?
Dude they had test shard up for 2 weeks
So hard to find out game breaking bug ?
What's your point? Are you saying people shouldn't get frustrated? I am not mad. There is a difference between frustrated and mad. I posted the definitions in the event you have no idea what the difference is.
1. disappointed; thwarted
2. having a feeling of or filled with frustration; dissatisfied
1. mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented
2. enraged; greatly provoked or irritated; angry
3. a. abnormally furious; ferocious
b. affected with rabies; rabid
4. extremely foolish or unwise; imprudent; irrational
5. wildly excited or confused; frantic
It would have been if the live update was in open beta and we as beta players could have played it and reported the bugs as we should. I suspect majority of those who played during the beta did not do their job as a beta player.
The job as a beta player is to play the beta game. The test shard was essentially an alpha test.
And report bugs. Why do you leave that part out?
Because "report bugs" is part of the beta game. It's assumed.
Que? Tu no comprende Ingles? O es que no saben como comprender la estructura gramatical basica?
Можете ли вы не понимаете английский? Или вы не знаете, как понять основные грамматические структуры?
I am not sure what your native language is, so I typed it in multiple languages. Do you not understand basic grammar, or are you really the ignorant one?
ALSO, it did have a thing in game that told of the end. hit your "L" key and look at the calendar.
Ah, there you go with not understanding basic grammatical structure.
Let me break it down for you.
""Because "report bugs" is part of the beta game. It's assumed."
"Because" = For reason of
"Report Bugs" = Report tool in game
"Part" = A portion or division of a whole
"Beta" = Pre-release version
"Assumed" = Taken for granted
Ergo, for reason of, the report tool, in a pre-release portion of the game, is taken for granted.
Meaning = I, as well as most others whom have beta tested before... understand that reporting bugs is a part of the beta test and we naturally know to use it to make the game better.
Ah, so you did not read the actual original post in this thread. It all makes sense now. To make it clear to you... I am not talking about the stupid end of beta event.
+1 op, i knew it before i logged today because i read the forums and their fb page frequently, but you are absolutely right
I think you might be the first person that actually read the original post in its entirety, and comprehended it's meaning and direction I was taking.
Ahh, I understand completely now, by event you mean the gauntlgrym. Had a big derpy moment, I apologize.
Not missing much though, Gauntlgrym sucks. :P
However recently I found out why we do not have this.
NWO is a low budget (for an MMO) game that ran out of funds. Instead of pulling the plug on the project the game was released as open beta. The staff is very small compared to most mainstream MMOs that I assume most of us are use too. I have to give credit where credit is due... for a staff that small I wonder when these guys actually sleep.
I am in hopes that NWO makes them some decent cash and they can afford funding for additional staff. Though as a F2P game with questionable end game I can only hope. I am flustrated as much as the next guy perhaps more as a GF. However seeing they have license to D&D and are working with WoC I still have faith that they can recover and make this the great game that it can be given the HUGE amount of material they can pull from.
Saying something is assumed means you accept it's part of the Beta player's job. Still why would you leave it out? This is why I asked if you are a little dumb when you said it's assumed. Beta player's job is to find the bugs, report the bugs, play the game, etc.
Your google translate got a few words wrong.
I'm aware that the translation service I used was not 100% accurate. But, I ASSUME that most people who speak those languages will understand what is being said. Also, I did not use Google translate.
Just an FYI, when the word "assume" is used in a sentence, it is stating that there is an assumption being made. Therefor not all of the details are going to be listed. In this case, the bug reporting, etc. was not mentioned because there was a general assumption by me that the general beta public understands that submitting bug reports is generally the status quo.
Also, me saying, "something is assumed" does not mean I am accepting it is part of the beta player's job. The word accept has nothing to do with the way I used the word "assume".
While we're at it... I will acknowledge that I fudged up and accidentally hit a "'" because of my elite typing speed. I'll take 1 error over the duration of this thread over the 10-15 you made in your 2 posts.
In your first post, you started great! You even capitalized your first word. However, there should be a subject in your sentence. There is not one. You should have started with "It" and not "Should". Your sentence should read, "It should be, "its", not "it's".
Counted, there are 9 errors in your 5 words first post. Not a great start.
In your 2nd post, there are many more. I'll keep it simple.
It should have read, "It's the contraction for "it is". Please see the 6:39am post. I hate to see the language butchered like that."
There are 5 errors in that sentence.
My 1 error versus your 14... I'll take my return on investment any day of the week.