Alchemy looks to be a fun profession overall so far. I like the random effects from the mysterious unknown potions.
I like that it has a different mechanic for gaining XP to level up the profession.
I have two concerns of note so far though:
1) There is no category for Alchemy on the AH in the professions section. Also worthy of note regarding Alchemy and the AH, I posted an Alchemist for sale, but he does not show up in any searches. So it is possible that no alchemy items can be sold via the AH until the proper professions section is added and/or alchemy items are able to be searched for.
2) The resources section of the professions inventory tab needs a good chunk more slots to accommodate the addition of all the alchemy related resources. The assets tab seems aok. But please add more slots to the resources area asap! I highly doubt I'm the only one with resource inventory slot issues right now.
that's just what I see real quick, IDK if there are plans to fix these soon, but they are a pretty big deal for the new profession in my honest opinion.
It's also not showing up on the Gateway.
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Thanks for the quick response!
From the relevant news post:
"Have you seen Alchemy, our newest crafting profession? From now until Thursday, 6/27, 12AM PDT (when is that in your time zone?), you'll receive additional Alchemy assets and resources with every Professions Asset Pack and Professions Booster Pack that you purchase. Get yours today!"
Great to hear! Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
They are a random (hidden) reward for making potions. So make the mystery potions that take 1 alchemy skill and you will sometimes get the scrolls needed to level.
Alchemy now properly shows up in the Gateway Profession list.
Alchemy now properly shows up in the Auction House, under the Professions category.
The Resources bag in the Profession inventory tab now has 30 more slots, for a total of 90.
Hope that helps!
Someone asked about getting rewarded with just the mystery pots after obtaining enough BAKs to perform the level up task. I have a feeling you will get nothing further at that point and the BAKs are tied to the number of other common tasks that you get per level as well. I cannot confirm that though, but I also tried a few to see if it gave anything further and got nothing as you did.
A dev confirmation on how that part of the profession works would be rockin'.
I do like this profession and once you get the hang of it I think you'll find it a good and useful profession down the line.
why not add potion recipes to do this, i would support it, i think that stuff is fun, just only request is to make them really cheap to make as having them expensive is just pointless with farming being limited and focusing on finishing the whole alchemy rather than spending large amounts of mats on novelty items.
You get the recipe to make major unstable potions at level 20.
awesome, thank you for confirming.