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What does Coming Soon mean

themightycthulhuthemightycthulhu Member Posts: 38 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Off Topic
What the hell is Cryptic doing? to introduce a game without a dedicated ranged dps class is way beyond stupid. It is an insult to an RPG game that will last a hell of a lot longer than they will, people will still be playing D&D long after cryptic has been forgotten.


Very Annoyed
Post edited by themightycthulhu on


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    undeadcrabbundeadcrabb Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    they never said that the new class will be available after launch.
    Folow me on Deviant art! ;)
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    themightycthulhuthemightycthulhu Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Who launches a game without an important class?
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    artoahartoah Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So, your OPINION is that the class is important?

    I'd say the amount of players, and the money flying in, would disagree with your opinion on exactly how important this class was for release.

    Inb4 "blah blah blah I pay money": perhaps a lot of us are still playing broken and boring end-game content just waiting for the mystical ranger class :D
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    themightycthulhuthemightycthulhu Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They have 2 melee class, 1 tank, 1 healer and a support class. Why 2 melee class? why not 1 and a ranged class? this is basic D&D it is not complicated. D&D has always had a ranged class from the very first set of rules in the 70's (yes I played them) so why is it cryptic gets something so simple so wrong?
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    daervondaervon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why 2 melee class? why not 1 and a ranged class?

    Because it's their game, their concept and their choice, in the end?
    I mean, seriously, if you value a "dedicated" ranged dps class -- I am forcing myself not to say "wtf man... play a wizard and then tell me they're not a dps class", so I won't say it -- so much, then don't play their game, or wait until they release a class that's to your liking.

    No one's putting a knife to your throat and forcing you to, and, even if you do play, it's not like you have to pay for it.

    Best advice for you: Take a chill pill.
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    themightycthulhuthemightycthulhu Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have stopped playing the game and I MIGHT start again when they realize that coming soon does not mean 3 or 4 months
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    rowandarkrowandark Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    No, I agree.

    If you're going to make a game, at least give your players more than 5 choices at release.

    Dungeons and Dragons Online has 13 class choices. Age of Conan has 12. Lord of the Rings Online has 9. World of Warcraft has 11. Guild Wars 2 has 8. Star Wars: The Old Republic has 8.

    I've played Neverwinter for a little while during Open Beta, but until they get more class choices, I'll be sitting it out.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    Let's look at this a bit more logically.

    Let's pretend the Archer Ranger was released.

    Instead of this thread we'd have any one of the following.
    Battle Cleric.
    Battle Mage

    Patience is a virtue. I would also like to point out DDO has 13 class choices after several years of development. Most MMO's only release with around 5 classes. You can't compare games that have long term development to a fresh off the books MMO. There simply isn't enough time to develop everything.
    If that's your standard of judging MMO's you might as well never try a new one.

    However, unlike other MMO's, releasing more classes is something we can expect frequently from Cryptic. There will be plenty to choose from in due time.

    P.S. There are three melee classes and two ranged classes. Actually it's more like 2, 2 and a hybrid.
    Guardian Fighter, Great Weapon Fighter
    Trickster Rogue
    Devote Cleric, Control Wizard
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    themightycthulhuthemightycthulhu Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Guild wars 2 and SWTOR both had more than 5 choices at release.
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    doogie74doogie74 Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Guild wars 2 and SWTOR both had more than 5 choices at release.

    I can not say anything about GW2 but SWTOR only has 4 classes. They have 4 classes with trooper/bounty hunter, Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior, Smuggler/Imperial Agent and Jedi Counsular/Sith Inquisitor.

    The classes in SWTOR are split by faction but it is only 4 classes.
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    grimloongrimloon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    "Soon" is a rather variable term, in geological terms it's hundreds of years but I prefer the responsible developer approach of "when it's ready" rather than something that hasn't been fully tested and balanced launched which leaves everything borked.

    A slower approach on a platform as dynamic as an MMO is always better to my way of thinking but I deal with the fall out of "I want it yesterday! Sod the testing!" for a living so may have a slightly different approach from many :)

    Oh and what he said ^ about SWTOR - there are only 4 classes on each side with an almost exact counterpart on the other. How you spec them is what varies the role, much as paragon paths with Neverwinter will once we have access to more than one per class. Personally I'd prefer a few more options on that score than a new class.
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    ramnyramny Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Oh well...Blizzard made the same thing. They put the Druid class after launch. Same goes for Deathknights, though they came with expansion.
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    rictrasrictras Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    They have 2 melee class, 1 tank, 1 healer and a support class. Why 2 melee class? why not 1 and a ranged class? this is basic D&D it is not complicated. D&D has always had a ranged class from the very first set of rules in the 70's (yes I played them) so why is it cryptic gets something so simple so wrong?

    What was the ranged class in Basic?
    The meaning of life, is to give life meaning.
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    foundrymakerfoundrymaker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 253 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    What does Coming Soon mean?

    Typically, Game Companies use the term 'Soon' as a 'cover my but' clause.
    "Soon" can mean tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or "when we feel like it'
    All is covered by 'SOON!'

    Did that answer your question?
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    wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    From what I can tell about the devs, when it comes to Neverwinter, "Soon" means about seven or eight months, AT LEAST...
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    imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Here is what 'Coming soon' means to Blizzard and can be applied to most if not all other MMO developers - http://www.wowwiki.com/Soon
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    pyratekingpyrateking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree with most of what has been said and for those wanting more: either keep in touch, leave or wait it out. There are many things in this game lacking for substance but it is new and they are working on it, after all its money to them to provide more. And yes the cleric and mage are ranged DPS, so if those are not your style and no other class is either, leave! For those who complain, you are the major reason most games get corrupted from the original design and intent. I played D&D when it was only 3 small pamphlets, so for those who "claim" to come from my era, remember then the level capped at around 10th. I too would like to see a ranger class, but then again I would also like the barbarian, druid, assassin and illusionist. If you want to enjoy the game then live within its parameters otherwise your just another crying voice among many who never seem to get what they want unless they themselves finally destroy a game others enjoyed prior to their infectious contamination. I am sure if you look you can find a game to your liking, so please stop complaining and do something to contribute: say like start a forum on voting for next desired class.
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    rictrasrictras Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    wuhsin wrote: »
    From what I can tell about the devs, when it comes to Neverwinter, "Soon" means about seven or eight months, AT LEAST...

    You can tell this when the game has not yet been out for seven or eight months?
    The meaning of life, is to give life meaning.
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