Aight, this new profession sounds very cool. Only negative thing that came to my mind... is gold going to be nearly worthless after this profession hits live servers?
I mean, then only one you can't craft are the med-kits and profession assets (tools etc.)
Give as gold <> AD exchange, please.
That alone wouldn't change the fact that gold is worthless. A gold AH does nothing if there's still nothing worth spending gold on. For starters they really need to make identify and recall scrolls available for gold.
I think its unlocked when you have mastered all other professions, if thats the case... I need to get leatherworking up asap because its my last one.
It was however unlocked for me on the test server with only 4 max professions, so perhaps this is just a badly way to word it.
I wouldn't worry about it. If it stays true to MMO norms, it will take almost as much gold to make a potion with Alchemy as it does to buy it from a vendor.
It would be for testing purposes, cant test something no one really has yet. However, I am still wondering if this is a master unlock profession requiring all 5 other professions to be maxed to unlock it. I was always planning on unlocking all the professions, but this puts a crunch on trying to max one more before alch. is released.
I want a Dev. clarification!
No gold need to make potions. I have tested it on test server since they added it. You will need lots of skill node drops and various potions (reflex, fort, etc) and perhaps some regular healing potions for misc. recipes. YOu will also need leather of all types.
This is correct - it has been on the test server, for all to see, for about a week now,
It differs from the other 5 in that you farm & create items to create an item for xp & possibly a new recipe, and there are few basic task, as far as I can tell.
I've not got that far on the PTS, but if it's the same live (no reason it should not be) then it'll be just another profession to level when you want.
What Class Are You?
Well, you can also make said potions. You don't need to buy them or find them as drops. Will cost some money for the mats though. Hope much depends on whether you need to refine the wood and leather into vitriol.
The big money maker will be the ability to craft the "raid flasks" and not dyes. Sure dyes are great
It is possible, but I have not unlocked it... still trying to get all the recipes I can.
Don't forget that you can allready "craft" chest with Leadership that can contain Healing Potions and Skill Kits. I do those tasks continuosly but it doesn't spare me from still buying the stuff in large amounts
Not that I have seen and I got all the way up to level 20 in alchemy on the preview server.
I have only got lower tier health potions from those leadership chest. No end game health potions or med kits so far. Skill kits comes in plenty quantity so I have had not any problems with those anymore. Only things I buy from the vendors for gold is those largest health potions and med kits. If with alchemy, you can create those health potions, as I said, it only leaves profession assets and med kits to be the only ones worth to buy for.
And I am not saying the alchemy profession is a bad thing. I think it is a great and it was a missing one (hopefully we can get a profession to make enchants someday too). All I am saying, is that they should come up with something to make gold not so worthless when alchemy hits live.
I have hoarded almost 90 gold pieces by doing nothing much for it and I pretty stocked up with everything I need and could buy with gold.
Skill kits are not something that Alchemists can make. My characters use Leadership to acquire skill kits from chests.
What I'm more curious about is this: since the different Professions tend to lean toward a specific class in item creation, which shiny NEW class that will be introduced does the Alchemy profession cater to?
~For the answer, check back tomorrow~
[I expect the new race will be the vanilla Drow, but class is still a complete mystery.]
I'm hoping for chocolate flavoured myself...
Not from what I have seen on PTS.
There IS such thing as "white chocolate" you know. LOL!
@yyrkoonstyphoon: I dunno, religious tomes and "magic" are not really alchemy. Alchemy is more "illusion" and "potions" and stuff, you know: smoke and mirrors.
It was hinted that the new class will be a ranged class. So what class would rely on alchemy over pure magic? (It's been way too long since I've actually paid that much attention to D&D proper).
Either way, the alchemy idea sound a lot more fun that fabric weaving and plate-shaping.
EDIT: Okay, answering my own question from Wikipedia:
Oooh... saved my fifth character slot for whatever comes our way tomorrow. If it's this, I'll definitely give it a go. (Though I think popular request is Ranger or something).
I prefer to get my skill kits in barrels, not chests. Also can you make the chests/barrels that come from leadership stack like most other bags/boxes you open?
you could also ask that about the ONE current skill interact that is already present, but there is no class accompanying it... nature. ( also the Ranger class is a confirmed future class, that would fit nicely into "nature skill" )
it seems to me the "profession" of alchemy, would gain it's mats from any of the current skill interacts, just like how you can get leather, or tailor, or ether metalworking profession mats from any skill interact.
if you wanted to talk "what class armor does alchemy make" I would have to say... dye, or all.
a Ranger could ether be a 2nd tailor ( padded armor ) or a 2nd leather ( studded leather ), like how Mailsmith has 2 class armors.
Doh! The things you learn reading the forums. Look for stackable chests and barrels in a future patch.
Oh thank goodness! It's annoying when I'm away from home and can't finish a leadership task because my bags filled up.
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****, I should have mentioned this like a week ago. I had been wanting to stock up on barrels and chests for today when alchemy went live to try and get a head start on mats, but they took up so much space that I limited myself to just 2 days worth of tasks farming out the barrels.
Always the next time a profession is added.