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  • sirnamedsirnamed Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 102 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    My sympathies. I detest Gear Score. I'm really sad to see it in a D&D game.
    I noticed the other day how most advertisements in Zone chat for a CN group state, "Experienced only please"
    Made me wonder how an inexperienced player is expected to, you know, get experience.

    "Speed run, pre-clear"

    Power gamers are a boring bunch. They might as well reduce the game to the mathematic equations running it, if they're to be so completely joyless IN A GAME.
  • kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    dekno wrote: »
    They talk about nerfing a class, why exactly? Why do people for example want a rogue to be nerfed? Roll a rogue whos stopping you?

    IF the devs shared this mentality they probably would have named the game Lurker's Assault Online.
  • kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    sirnamed wrote: »
    Made me wonder how an inexperienced player is expected to, you know, get experience.

    By making your own group and wiping on teh boss several times.

    Reason why people want experience for CN is for several reasons:

    1. They want you to know how to use the exploits.
    2. They want you to not stand in red circles.
    3. They want the TR to not die 10 times fighting the dracolich.
    4. They want hte CW to do his job (punt over rail, be able to chain singularity, push mages so they are close to the rail to be punted)

    Really though if the CW is experienced on the last fight, he can probably carry inexperienced players to completion with minimal or no wipes.
  • dartakxdartakx Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kevinf08 wrote: »
    IF the devs shared this mentality they probably would have named the game Lurker's Assault Online.

    World of Roguecraft...

    I feel game forum thread has been about the same thing in the last 10 years, in the last 20 most popular mmorpg title. Let's talk about it.
  • b0r7b0r7 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    LOL I like people like the OP.

    OP: And here is my resume. *hands over gear list*
    Person: *examines gear list with secreterary glasses on, chain included* Hmm...looks good, but sorry we have to deny it.
    OP: WHAT! OMG! *runs off to the forums like the Bat Signal was lighting up the sky* LEAVE MY GEAR SCORE ALONE! *shouts like the dude crying over Britney Spears from way back in the day*

    Yup, that is the OP in a nutshell. Butt hurt and all, forgetting the two big things:

    1. There is no signed agreement that people have to take you at all. No really, there is no legal contract and OP is getting way emotionally attached to a video game causing a butt hurt response.

    2. OP forgets, he has access to the same abilities and can conduct "interviews" for group mates. OP is just lazy and won't assume a position of leadership, cause we all know that is one of the easiest solutions then lamenting how butt hurt the OP is over getting rejected in a video game.

    Hard to decide which is better, my advice to form a group of their own or the OP's butt hurt forum rants. OP went for the second option which is still lulz worthy.
  • ramzay81ramzay81 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I find it hilarious when people request a 9.5k+ GS cleric in a dungeon where the minimum required GS is 6.8k.

    Just hilarious.

    In essence, they want someone who has better gear than what actually drops in the dungeon they're about to run. Why, then, would I want to run it?
  • monarrchmonarrch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 164 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    pregnable wrote: »
    In all honesty, it was your own fault for not having a high enough gear score.

    People pay a lot of money to get good at this game, and they do not need someone, who did not pay enough money, in their group.

    Just pay a little more money. Problem solved.

    This is complete horse <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>! If gear score is your standard then explain how I go from an 11k gs with mixed fatebender/shadow weaver to full tier 2 shadow weaver and my gs went down to 10382? Explain how even though I've upgraded all my gear enchants to rank 6 and 7 and added vorpal enchant to my orb that it still isn't close to 11k and yet destroy 11k CWs as far as DPS in any all instances as far as damage goes. Explain how I go from 5000 power and 26% crit and only 44 armor pen to 3800 power, 40% crit and 1000 armor pen and my gear score goes down even though my damage went way the hell up with full tier 2. Gear score means absolutely nothing in this game. The sooner you figure that out the better off you will be.
  • dridiadridia Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I laugh at these elitists that bought their t2 with real money and think they are leet..
  • thefamousoneethefamousonee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Deal with it my friend. The reason people want higher GS people is because they want to complete the dungeon faster. Simple as that
  • terminaloneterminalone Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Random Groups :(

    They tend to show the worst of the player base. But these rotten apples are simply the easiest to find and not the norm. Sadly players who disagree with that elitism and the other issues which plague the dungeons they actually are elusive because they avoid the random systems.

    I can't queue for a dungeon without having players trying to jump out of dungeon map boundaries or suicide run...
    But if you spend time to actually look for groups to join rather than using the queuing system I bet you will notice a huge improvement in the quality of players you delve with :)

    I agree with this 100%. You are always gonna find terrible groups in pubs because probably 80% or better of all the players u will run into in pubs have no idea how to play their class or the game in general. I keep away from pubs in dungeons/skirmishes that require brain power and knowledge of ones class. You need to try to find a good group of people. Stay away from elitists because they tend to have no real life out side of the game (some actually do work but come home and spend almost all of their time on the computer.) When you devote that much time of ur life into something you get carried away. I always try to find a very laid back relaxed group of people who actually try to understand the game mechanics and have an idea how to play their class. Use to play LOTRO several years back and we had a saying in the kinship i was in. If the heavy armour wearing people dont atleast spend 3-5g on repair costs for the nights raiding it wasn't a good night. Normally meaning it was to easy. A wipe is always just only a wipe.
  • thefamousoneethefamousonee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Don't know how this quote thing works but I laugh at the fact that you think everyone used irl money. A lot of people earned their gear with skills
    dridia wrote: »
    I laugh at these elitists that bought their t2 with real money and think they are leet..
  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All MMO's there will be a lot of parties that say. 10k+ gear score. No exceptions period. If that is there rule so be it. Just like being in a guild run having a A group and a B group. Right now you are under 10k so you are in group B. When you are above 10k you are in group A and doing progression. Don't think you me or anyone should take that the wrong way.

    Like going to Disney world and it saying you have to be this tall to get on this ride. So you can't go on ohh well. Good news is that you are still growing and you will get on the ride some day.

    Except that GS is completely meaningless to lump into a general required score like that.. Being as a GF for example can have 10k+ GS in full blues, while a CW needs to be completely decked out in the best gear to be above 10k GS..

    And on top of that, even having the best gear does not mean the person knows what they are doing at all
  • chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Funny thing is, GS doesnt really measure impact correctly anyhow, because specific builds that are concentrating on specific stats and piecemailing armor to do so will have a lower gear score, but have accomplished maxing out desired stats.

    Those making groups only based on gear score are likely denying BETTER options group spots.

  • hav0clolhav0clol Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    if it was before today you could've just lied. they can't really find out anyway... just say you have 28k GS or something believable :).
  • thefamousoneethefamousonee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well geeee, if you look at people's gear I'm sure you can tell if they are following a certain build but if they got their gear all over the place, most people will assume they are a LEROOY JENKINSSSSSSS... So yea. Get good gear by doing lower lvl tier dungeons first then come play with the big boys
    chai23 wrote: »
    Funny thing is, GS doesnt really measure impact correctly anyhow, because specific builds that are concentrating on specific stats and piecemailing armor to do so will have a lower gear score, but have accomplished maxing out desired stats.

    Those making groups only based on gear score are likely denying BETTER options group spots.

  • dridiadridia Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Don't know how this quote thing works but I laugh at the fact that you think everyone used irl money. A lot of people earned their gear with skills

    Watch general chat..WTS..WTT.. t2 ..hmm

    plus I nvr said everyone
  • dartakxdartakx Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dridia wrote: »
    I laugh at these elitists that bought their t2 with real money and think they are leet..
    I laugh at people spamming pay-to-win claim on the forum because they can't afford to be either good at the game, willing to wipe few time to learn the fights or pay real money. While, most of the server got geared from the instances legit and stacks pile of AD without paying.

    Complaining doesn't earn you gear in this game, sorry.
  • joebaejoebae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 40
    edited June 2013
    People who pick others for a group only based upon highest gearscore are noobs, end of story.
    Kind of the same as those who don't want a GWF in their group.

    Devoted Cleric with 10k + gearscore.
  • dridiadridia Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lol make plenty ..just not stupid
  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dartakx wrote: »
    while, most of the server got geared from the instances legit

  • chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well geeee, if you look at people's gear I'm sure you can tell if they are following a certain build but if they got their gear all over the place, most people will assume they are a LEROOY JENKINSSSSSSS... So yea. Get good gear by doing lower lvl tier dungeons first then come play with the big boys

    Right but gear score doesnt ID who the "big boys" are. It IDs who put together full sets of gear the way the game is designed to - which in my experience which goes back to EQ1, has never been the best way to build or gear. Since he was denied due to gear score....group leader probably did him a favor, because the others were likely chosen on gear score as well.
  • suirakksuirakk Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2013
    Gear Score is the single stupidest value that is listed on your character sheet. Not only did it come from WoW (as a developer tool) it also scales differently for each class. So in essence the GS of a TR compared to a GF means exactly <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Why in the hell is it even in this game?

    I remember the reason I quit WoW was over gear score. The one item I could get to get my GS to where it needed to be dropped off the first boss in ICC (like he handed it out to everyone in the group pretty much.) The chances of me getting said item were astronomically in my favor. For 3 weeks I tried to get a group but no one would take me due to my gear score being 10pts too low. So I said **** it and quit playing.

    Gear score is a developer tool and should be treated as such, not a player stat. As it is right now, who gives a **** what the rest of your character sheet says, no one cares, they only care about that little number called Gear Score.

  • sutekhonesutekhone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    GS is a terrible indicator of a character's talent, abilities, and even gear.

    First, talents will affect GS. This is why some classes will have over 12k GS in tier 1 and blues while other classes need all Tier 2 and lvl 7 runes to break 11K. Characters can pick talents that raise stats, which will raise GS - often neglecting better talents for their class and grouping.

    Wearing a full 4 piece tier 2 set of armor will give you a lower GS than combining 2 partial T1 sets - again better GS but less abilities.

    You can wear crappy Tier 2 jewelry with stats that do not help you (ex. deflection and lifetap over crit/recovery/armor pen for a dps build) to improve your score - but again gimp your role's abilities.

    Currently the less sought after armor sets are ridiculously cheap, meaning fresh level 60's can buy a full Tier 2 set on the AH and have the GS people are shouting for, yet still not be able to play for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> from lack of experience.
  • bryhainbryhain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    zardoz007 wrote: »
    This is the elitism on where the game is going. We have no choice of players, we NEED certain gear we NEED to use certain powers we NEED specific class members excluding other classes that are deemed useless by the majority of players.

    I've noticed that zone chat is spammed with requests for players only with experience of the instance being run. I'm quite familiar with this from other games, but NW hasn't even officially launched and the elitism is firmly entrenched...
  • suirakksuirakk Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2013
    bryhain wrote: »
    I've noticed that zone chat is spammed with requests for players only with experience of the instance being run. I'm quite familiar with this from other games, but NW hasn't even officially launched and the elitism is firmly entrenched...

    It's a sad state really.
  • gunmangunman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 51
    edited June 2013
    I don't care much about Gear Score, but I do care about gearing (the ability to inspect other people's gear). If someone tries to join my group, he might have 999 million gear score, but if his stats are crappy or pointless (1500 armor pen. clerics), then I'll kick him there and then.

    Otherwise, GS and "experience" is only relevant groups that want a smooth run of something, and don't really want to take the time to show pe.ople around. Take it this way: you do an instance 1-2 times and then u're "experienced"; and u'll be running that instance tens or hundreds of time, so it is easy to see how asking for "experienced only" 90% of the time makes sense. And to be fair, 80-90% of players lie about experience and gear score.

    E.g. if my guild group needs one more person for a DD, and we need a PUG...we will look for a high gear-score (higher likelihood that he has at least done SOME T2 dungeons) + experience, so we don't waste too much time during that event. If he/she proves out to be inexperienced, we'll scold that person a bit, but still run the DD; they'd have to be <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> to get kicked on the spot (has happened of course, just not very often luckly).

    I'd recommend treated GS and experience as a relative thing. You can say u have any GS if u have good gear (proper stats choice) and that you have experience if you have either watched a few videos of the dungeon or have been there but haven't completed it before (not due to your own incompetence, but due to group issues).
  • brataccasbrataccas Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2013
    DC with a 10.1k GS:

    Spent 40gp (earned leveling to 60) on a full PvP War Prophet set, around 60,000ad on Ancient Necklace/Rings/Belt - all T5 Enchants fused up from T1.

    GS means nothing in this game and 10k can be bought with the loot gained leveling to 60 (having a few lucky drops in T1 Dungeons to sell on the AH doesn't hurt either).

    I've run with plenty of 10k+ players that were hopeless but that said, with the prices the way they are on the AH (Beacon of Faith's Armor: 18,000ad) there's little excuse for any lvl 60 not to have a 10k+ GS...
  • agbadehanagbadehan Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2013
    Gear score is just damage/healing done + total defenses. =|
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