My gf and I would like to join you. Guardian Fighter and Devoted Cleric, 11k+ and 9k+ gs, respectively.
Excellent, please contact one of the officers mentioned in the original post so that they can set you guys up for a trial run. Alternatively, send me (troa@legittroa) a friend request and I will contact you this evening when I am available.
syphael@mrbobs a Control Wizard Looking to join. working on upping my gearscore diligently, have 8 years of MMO experience across varied games, WoW being the most notable and furthest progressed in terms of ranking ladder.
Welcome to TFS, nice job in there.
Hey Yuinoji, thanks for showing your interest in the guild. Get a hold of me once you are 60 and able to run T2's, we will be around.
Nice job on your trial run, welcome to TFS!
Good job in Spider just now, welcome to TFS.
Awesome, send a friend invite or message to troa@legittroa in game and I will get you set up.
Nice runs with your yesterday Cod. Welcome to TFS.
This and I have brought our demand for DC's down to moderate. We WILL still take DC's that are skilled and capable of running CN.
Let us know when you're on Dragon shard. Ha.
Meat's lonely during the day and overwhelmed at night. </3
Excellent, please contact one of the officers mentioned in the original post so that they can set you guys up for a trial run. Alternatively, send me (troa@legittroa) a friend request and I will contact you this evening when I am available.
Hey Xena,
I'll toss you a friend invite now. Hope to hear from you soon.
Sorry things did not work out with you guys, I don't think our playtimes really matched.