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Dungeon Queue System (QQ Thread)

dtswardawgdtswardawg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
This may not be a bug, however I feel that this is a huge problem with the game, therefore leading me to think that it should be fixed or redone in a certain way. With the current system people just queue and get matched up in parties, disregarding what class they are, the system just throws everyone into parties. This is a huge problem because you get groups full of nothing but damage dealing classes (although I have done an Idris fun with full dps it is still not something you want to happen as much as it does).

With getting groups like this, we are forced to boot players until we get a healer(s) and a tank (if necessary for the run). This consumes time on our Dungeon Delves event timer, which shouldn't be necessary considering we already waited to queue for the dungeon in the first place. So then we finally get a good group, class wise.

We start doing the dungeon and start the first boss fight and then all of a sudden the tank messes up aggro, leading the ads to kill the healer, and the party wipes. The healer leaves because they are annoyed/angry and then we have no healer. With the current system we can't just queue the party to get another player. We have to either continue the dungeon without a healer or just leave. If we leave then we pretty much just lost 10-15 minutes on our Dungeon Delves event timer.

I have been in countless dungeons where someone got mad at someone because we either wiped or they died and they just left. Then we are down to just 4 people. If the dungeons are meant for 5 people then why aren't we able to queue for another person to get in our group. I am not saying copy them, but take some pointers with Blizzard and World of Warcraft - they have people queue as a certain role, and if that person leaves or gets kicked, that role can then be filled if the party decides to queue for another person to fill it up. In Neverwinter it doesn't work that way; you have to get the party at the beginning and if not, then oh well requeue and try again. WE ONLY HAVE 60 MINUTES OF PLAYING DUNGEONS WITH BONUSES! If we spend 10-20 minutes just FORMING groups then we are likely to only be able to do 1 dungeon and get bonus loot, whereas if you get good groups first try and everyone knows the dungeon and it goes quick then you could have gotten 3-4 bonus loot chests from dungeons.

And then you have the egotistical jerks who need on items that they could use for other characters and when you rolled on the same item because you could use it/sell it, then they get mad and threaten to leave. This actually just happened in my group where we did the whole pirate dungeon and some gloves dropped for CW. The cleric wanted them and kept threatening to leave if I didn't give them to him. And this person made me type this post because stuff like this shouldn't be happening. We should have been able to just kick him (he was a very inexperienced, bad healer to begin with) and queue to get another healer and finish the run. Instead, I tried to hold the item and force him to stay to receive it after we killed boss, and he left after we wiped 2 times (his fault both times). So we were forced to quit and couldn't get the bonus loot chest at the end.

1.) The Dungeon queue system needs to be fixed/redone, and here is why:
2.) Egotistical pricks who play important roles (mainly cleric, but sometimes tank too) or even any role at that shouldn't be able to get their way or else they mess up the runs (dungeon delves mainly) for others. ie loot drops, they want it, they don't get it, so they leave, they're the healer, so run is a lost cause; everyone leaves; waste of 15-25 minutes of Dungeon Delves event.
3.) It shouldn't take 15-20 minutes to queue and get a well formed group. Queue for 2 minutes and get a bad group and boot til you get healer and tank(if necessary). Don't get any healers or party leader doesn't boot, then you just leave party and re-queue. It shouldn't have to come to this.
4.)I know it helps prevent people from booting at the end of the boss or booting before last boss and inviting guild mates, but not letting groups queue for people if say the healer leaves or disconnects is just ridiculous. With no healer, its pretty much a lost cause most of the time so why can't we just queue to get a healer to take their place?
5.) In short, we have 1 hour of dungeon delves and want to get the most bonus loot chests. We can't do that with the inefficient dungeon queue system we have currently. Inb4 "get a guild/make friends/get your own full party" posts, I have friends who play, although I am in a dead guild, but they aren't always playing. So I am stuck going in by myself and getting randoms. I would guess at least half the player base do this, so I don't think I am the only one who wants a fix for this particular aspect of the game.

I do apologize for the wall of text, but I had to get this off of my chest.
Post edited by dtswardawg on


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    stercogburnstercogburn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 214 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Your TL: DR section is nearly the same size as the origin text :D

    But yes, the queue system needs some attention. It is inadequate in its current form.
    Roo. Cleric. Mad as a bag of badgers, will heal for beer.

    Ancient Shadows: Mature. Sensible. Custard.
    Recruitment info at: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?462591-Ancient-Shadows-Become-a-Lion-Tamer-without-learning-Chartered-Accountancy-first!&highlight=ancient+shadows
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    cesmode8cesmode8 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I think they are re-working it for the next major content patch/Gauntlgrym. Correct? Right now the queue times are unacceptable and the composition it creates is unacceptable. Ive stopped queuing for anything, skirmishes included. There is no point. I wait 45 minutes for a 15 minute skirmish? How am I supposed to get the daily done? And then an hour queue for a dungeon group that has a high chance of failure anyways? No.. I'll stop queuing for it. Going to hit 60 today, get some gear via AH. See whats going on otherwise, maybe queue for a dungeon..MAYBE. But I hope the content patch brings someting else to the table other than Gauntlgrym.

    I can see my self hitting level 60 by noon EST today, and getting bored by 1pm EST.
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    bolcien1bolcien1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I hear ya, I've been in dungeons where the healer or tank drops out (Disconnected my rear end!) at the final boss during DDs and we wait a bit for them to come back (it COULD be a real internet outage that causes them to DC) and by the time we do that and figure out he's not coming back the DD is almost over or has been for a while and loss of loots and stuffs.

    as for looking at blizzards LFG system. please for all that is holy do not do what they did to 'entice' players to join LFG by givingg them bags of loots for a chance at a ultra super rare item. cause it'll just cause bad people to make tanks and/or healers so they can get a shot at a 0.01% chance item who can't tank or heal worth anything, and leaves the DPS classes in the dust with no shot cause dps are a copper a dozen.
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    dranddrand Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dtswardawg wrote: »
    2.) Egotistical pricks who play important roles (mainly cleric, but sometimes tank too) or even any role at that shouldn't be able to get their way or else they mess up the runs (dungeon delves mainly) for others. ie loot drops, they want it, they don't get it, so they leave, they're the healer, so run is a lost cause; everyone leaves; waste of 15-25 minutes of Dungeon Delves event.

    There is always a shortage of healers and tanks. If you want to be guaranteed to have a good one in your group, roll as a healer or tank. Clearly your raging because this happened to you multiple times recently but I think your being the egotistical one here. You WANT to play dps and that healer or tank should just take getting screwed out of gear lying down so that YOUR experience can be great.

    I'd like to answer this from a healers perspective. When I join a group finder dungeon and someone else (more often than not a dps player) rolls need on cleric gear that they can't use because they are not a cleric, why should I stay and heal the party? I'm sorry but bad players who don't understand how need/greed works are the problem here.

    The upcoming patch says they are "fixing" this so hopefully this issue will be mitigated to some extent.
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    dtswardawgdtswardawg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bolcien1 wrote: »
    I hear ya, I've been in dungeons where the healer or tank drops out (Disconnected my rear end!) at the final boss during DDs and we wait a bit for them to come back (it COULD be a real internet outage that causes them to DC) and by the time we do that and figure out he's not coming back the DD is almost over or has been for a while and loss of loots and stuffs.

    as for looking at blizzards LFG system. please for all that is holy do not do what they did to 'entice' players to join LFG by givingg them bags of loots for a chance at a ultra super rare item. cause it'll just cause bad people to make tanks and/or healers so they can get a shot at a 0.01% chance item who can't tank or heal worth anything, and leaves the DPS classes in the dust with no shot cause dps are a copper a dozen.

    Oh of course not. I don't want people getting rewards for queuing as tank/healer. I just meant the structure of how Blizzard did their dungeon queuing is very good and very simple. But yeah gifting people for playing tank/healer shouldn't have to be an option because in WoW you could usually deal with a bad tank, but a bad healer in this game usually causes wipes and all sorts of frustrations.

    drand wrote: »
    There is always a shortage of healers and tanks. If you want to be guaranteed to have a good one in your group, roll as a healer or tank. Clearly your raging because this happened to you multiple times recently but I think your being the egotistical one here. You WANT to play dps and that healer or tank should just take getting screwed out of gear lying down so that YOUR experience can be great.

    I'd like to answer this from a healers perspective. When I join a group finder dungeon and someone else (more often than not a dps player) rolls need on cleric gear that they can't use because they are not a cleric, why should I stay and heal the party? I'm sorry but bad players who don't understand how need/greed works are the problem here.

    The upcoming patch says they are "fixing" this so hopefully this issue will be mitigated to some extent.

    Sorry I didn't mention the actual scenario that happened. What happened was the healer needed on Control Wizard gear and lost. And kept asking if I was going to give it to them. And me being the cautious person, I said after we finish the dungeon I will give it to them. It was pirate dungeon and it was the CW armwraps (garbage honestly, but 3/5 needed it so I needed it too to have a chance at getting it since no one else could use it, they would have just gotten it and sold it) and every time he would say give it or he quits. And he would not stop asking for it and threatening to quit if he didn't get the item. I could have just given it to him, yes, but who is to say he wouldn't have just gotten it from me and then left? And in case you are wondering, the reason he wanted this crappy gear so bad was because he had a CW and wanted it for his ALT pretty much. But to go and force the group into a situation like this is absurd and just wish we could have booted the person and gotten another healer, but that can't happen with this current queue system. I know that if I didn't want this problem then I could just roll a healer, but I do have a healer but it just didn't quite tickle my fancies to a point where I feel like taking it to end game and really putting forth the time on it instead of my CW.
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    kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Yea I have to agree, I play a cleric and a rogue, and I can tell you the percentage of me wasting my time queuing up my rogue is tremendous (comparatively to my cleric). You queue up, and then get in a group only to sometimes get kicked before you even load in. Then have to queue back up again and sometimes right back in to the same party. It is almost a colossal waste of time to try to PUG and hope to get lucky and in to a party, and then you are usually waiting for a cleric to PUG in. LOL
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    dtswardawgdtswardawg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah and I think that if they just fixed how parties receive players and choose players (like WoW with dps/heal/tank roles) and was very good at this, then we could forget about most of the complaining about Dungeon Delves being only one hour too. If we spend 2-5 minutes queuing instead of 10-20, then we get more runs in (hopefully if there are no screwups) and more loot and everyone is happy.
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