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Are the devs blind? Tenebrous enchants are gamebreaking



  • wingofbenuwingofbenu Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    knyne wrote: »
    I am going to assume that devs never tested a single thing on this game. A player with 6-7 greater tenebrous enchants with around 25,000hp can get all of them to proc for a total of 5,000 damage AND it only has a 5second internal cooldown. This huge balance patch didn't even address one of the most gamebreaking element in pvp. Get ready for 20v20 greater tenebrous fights, I bet you these greedy fks are just hoping we all spend our AD on greater tenebrous enchants and then give them the nerf bat last minute. Pathetic company.

    of course its balanced.

    around giving people willing to buy hundreds of dollars of wards higher chances of winning.
  • knyneknyne Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's absurd how someone can auto attack you once or twice and your half your health bar's draining
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    knyne wrote: »
    I am going to assume that devs never tested a single thing on this game. A player with 6-7 greater tenebrous enchants with around 25,000hp can get all of them to proc for a total of 5,000 damage AND it only has a 5second internal cooldown. This huge balance patch didn't even address one of the most gamebreaking element in pvp. Get ready for 20v20 greater tenebrous fights, I bet you these greedy fks are just hoping we all spend our AD on greater tenebrous enchants and then give them the nerf bat last minute. Pathetic company.

    From what I've read its Cryptic's way of getting people to open those locked boxes for $$$money$$$ and working as intended.
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    malkavier wrote: »
    So will DPS spec Clerics. They got buffed, all other classes/specs got nerfed (not counting GFs getting their "tankiness" buffed, as that was mostly increased Guard and threat).
    Devoted Cleric

    Astral Seal: The healing from this power no longer tapers off more quickly than expected.
    Astral Shield: Players may now only be affected by one instance of Astral Shield at a time.
    Astral Shield: The healing from the Divine version of this power is now considered a Heal over Time for healing calculations.
    Astral Shield: This power no longer incorrectly increases in duration with higher ranks.
    Astral Shield: The shield circle will no longer sometimes disappear when projectiles pass over the center.
    Bastion of Health: This power no longer affects targets through walls.
    Break the Spirit: The snare from this power no longer stacks with other snares.
    Divine Armor: Players may now only be affected by one instance of Divine Armor at a time.
    Divine Armor: This power will now consistently affect all party members and the caster's own summoned Companion.
    Divine Armor: This power no longer affects targets through walls.
    Divine Glow: Now has separate target limits for allies and enemies, rather than a shared total.
    Divine Glow: The visual effects no longer scale up quite as much on larger enemies.
    Guardian of Faith: This power now properly heals players when the target is killed.
    Hallowed Ground: This power no longer affects targets through walls.
    Hammer of Fate: The control immunity aspect of this power now lasts a consistent length of time.
    Prophecy of Doom: Adding ranks to this power no longer causes the Divine version to increase the target’s defense rather than reduce it.
    Punishing Light: The damage from this power now scales based on player level.
    Sooth: Fixed issue where 2nd and 3rd ranks were tied to Holy Fervor rather than Sooth.
    Soothing Light: The healing from this power now scales based on player level.
    Feat: Cleanse: The cleanse effect now has a 20-second cooldown whenever it removes a debuff.
    Feat: Cleanse: When a player cleanses other targets, the player also now cleanses himself or herself.
    Feat: Cleanse: The cleanse effect now only removes one debuff at a time.
    Feat: Cleanse: The cleanse effect no longer removes the "recently died" debuff.
    Feat: Ethereal Boon: This feat no longer gives twice the Divine Power as expected.
    Feat: Focused Poise: The damage increase from this power has been improved.
    Feat: Focused Poise: This feat now also increases Divine Power generated by Lance of Faith.
    Feat: Healing Action: The description of this feat has been clarified.
    Feat: Linked Spirit: The description of this feat now properly states that players must be using Channel Divinity to benefit from this feat.
    Feat: Power of Oppression: This feat's effect can no longer stack several times.
    Feat: Second Sight: This power now correctly heals party members for 5% of the damage dealt per rank, up from 2%.

    Which change will make DPS spec clerics one-shot people? Focused Poise? Punishing Light?
  • darksxdarksx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    knyne wrote: »
    I am going to assume that devs never tested a single thing on this game. A player with 6-7 greater tenebrous enchants with around 25,000hp can get all of them to proc for a total of 5,000 damage AND it only has a 5second internal cooldown. This huge balance patch didn't even address one of the most gamebreaking element in pvp. Get ready for 20v20 greater tenebrous fights, I bet you these greedy fks are just hoping we all spend our AD on greater tenebrous enchants and then give them the nerf bat last minute. Pathetic company.

    Seeing how I hate PVP and dont play PVP, im just going to say I dont give a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!!
  • blahblahseanblahblahsean Member Posts: 94
    edited June 2013
    Not nerfing/changing tenebrous is the biggest mistake they made with this patch if they care at all about PvP balance. All of the glaring class imbalances are nothing compared to how game-breaking tenebrous stacking currently is. A player using 7 greater tenebrous enchantments can do upwards of 7000 damage JUST from the enchantment the second they initiate a fight and another 5k-7k every 5-6 seconds thereafter. That means they can do ~14,000 damage in a 5 second fight just from their tenebrous enchantments alone. To put that number into perspective, most players only have around 23k hp, so tenebrous enchantments are doing ~61% of a player's health in the first 5 seconds of a fight. This completely destroys the time-to-kill and pacing of the game and gives the player that gets the first hit in a fight a huge advantage (almost a 100% chance to win). Some people will say, 'But everyone can stack tenebrous so it's not an issue,' but only the first part of this statement is true. If everyone had 7 greater tenebrous PvP would then be the biggest skilless zergfest imaginable. People would die in less than 5 seconds in 1v1s and die instantly in any team fights. It trivializes the skill required to actually be decent at this game because of how burst damage works in PvP; even the best player can be bursted 100-0 before they can even react against tenebrous stacking, making the skill differences between the players unimportant to the outcome of the fight. It also completely breaks class balance by giving defensive builds far too much burst/damage and giving ranged/control classes too much burst/damage as well and a huge advantage since they (as a ranged class) can always get the first hit in a fight and front-load their tenebrous burst for a free kill before a melee class can even close the gap.

    They need to make tenebrous do damage over time instead so it's less bursty. Instead of doing ~1000 damage instantly they should do 1000 damage over 8 seconds which would still give someone stacking 7 greater tenebrous a distinct advantage in PvP over someone without tenebrous but at least then a player without tenebrous would have a chance to fight back and class balance wouldn't be completely destroyed. This change will also not affect PvE at all since stat enchantments are currently better than tenebrous anyways and burst damage is less important in PvE too so changing the proc to a DoT will change very little.
  • edge1986edge1986 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 647 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    knoteskad wrote: »
    No no no, you're supposed to counter that OP <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with your OP perfect soulforged enchants!

    Another useless post, from a useless scrub.
  • maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    clortbags wrote: »
    wait what... people are somehow able to stack 6 or 7 armor enchants when only wearing one... really?

    can you please read what you are given?

    it is an OFFENSIVE enchant, it can go in your belt, neck, rings, weapon, and shirt slots.

    Also, if you stack these then you are not getting any crit or other useful stats, you go into pvp with 300-500 crit depending on the armor you're wearing.


    seriously, please people **** off.

    thank you.

    Also, 5 second cd? I have 6 and pretty sure they are 10 cd, not sure where you getting ur numbers from.
    Not nerfing/changing tenebrous is the biggest mistake they made with this patch if they care at all about PvP balance. All of the glaring class imbalances are nothing compared to how game-breaking tenebrous stacking currently is. A player using 7 greater tenebrous enchantments can do upwards of 7000 damage JUST from the enchantment the second they initiate a fight and another 5k-7k every 5-6 seconds thereafter. That means they can do ~14,000 damage in a 5 second fight just from their tenebrous enchantments alone. To put that number into perspective, most players only have around 23k hp, so tenebrous enchantments are doing ~61% of a player's health in the first 5 seconds of a fight. This completely destroys the time-to-kill and pacing of the game and gives the player that gets the first hit in a fight a huge advantage (almost a 100% chance to win). Some people will say, 'But everyone can stack tenebrous so it's not an issue,' but only the first part of this statement is true. If everyone had 7 greater tenebrous PvP would then be the biggest skilless zergfest imaginable. People would die in less than 5 seconds in 1v1s and die instantly in any team fights. It trivializes the skill required to actually be decent at this game because of how burst damage works in PvP; even the best player can be bursted 100-0 before they can even react against tenebrous stacking, making the skill differences between the players unimportant to the outcome of the fight. It also completely breaks class balance by giving defensive builds far too much burst/damage and giving ranged/control classes too much burst/damage as well and a huge advantage since they (as a ranged class) can always get the first hit in a fight and front-load their tenebrous burst for a free kill before a melee class can even close the gap.

    They need to make tenebrous do damage over time instead so it's less bursty. Instead of doing ~1000 damage instantly they should do 1000 damage over 8 seconds which would still give someone stacking 7 greater tenebrous a distinct advantage in PvP over someone without tenebrous but at least then a player without tenebrous would have a chance to fight back and class balance wouldn't be completely destroyed. This change will also not affect PvE at all since stat enchantments are currently better than tenebrous anyways and burst damage is less important in PvE too so changing the proc to a DoT will change very little.


    If they nerf my enchants because of crying girls like yourself you buy my 6 enchants, hmmkay?
  • knyneknyne Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    can you please read what you are given?

    it is an OFFENSIVE enchant, it can go in your belt, neck, rings, weapon, and shirt slots.

    Also, if you stack these then you are not getting any crit or other useful stats, you go into pvp with 300-500 crit depending on the armor you're wearing.


    seriously, please people **** off.

    thank you.

    Also, 5 second cd? I have 6 and pretty sure they are 10 cd, not sure where you getting ur numbers from.


    If they nerf my enchants because of crying girls like yourself you buy my 6 enchants, hmmkay?

    Why would you need that extra crit or that extra several hundred power from enchants when you can burst someone for 5,000 damage with one auto attack
  • dddpunisher1dddpunisher1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    >>>>>>doesn't use it<<<<<<<<<<<< gwf and ihave never had a problem with this. yes it gives you some dmg, but honestly you lose out on so much base stats that in the end i still stun lock you and kill you.

    but your right it will be fixed soon imo. but as for OP. i dont see you. you lose to much just for a little dmg.
  • knyneknyne Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    5,000 damage every 5 or so seconds not coming from an encounter or at-will ability is little dmg?
  • dartakxdartakx Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    knyne wrote: »
    5,000 damage every 5 or so seconds not coming from an encounter or at-will ability is little dmg?

    As a GF i can 3 shot everyone while keeping them stun why would i pay ridiculous overpriced enchant to 2 shot and half them.
  • knyneknyne Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Are you the only GF in the world? and are we playing Guardian fighter online? No.

    P.S nobody cares about your 3 shotwonder combo
  • ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    knyne wrote: »
    I am going to assume that devs never tested a single thing on this game. A player with 6-7 greater tenebrous enchants with around 25,000hp can get all of them to proc for a total of 5,000 damage AND it only has a 5second internal cooldown. This huge balance patch didn't even address one of the most gamebreaking element in pvp. Get ready for 20v20 greater tenebrous fights, I bet you these greedy fks are just hoping we all spend our AD on greater tenebrous enchants and then give them the nerf bat last minute. Pathetic company.

    how is this gamebreaking when I 1-shot those dudes with stealthed lashing strike?
  • ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    dartakx wrote: »
    As a GF i can 3 shot everyone while keeping them stun why would i pay ridiculous overpriced enchant to 2 shot and half them.

    Uhm, no you can't. You can stun lock <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and people who need to l2p. Most competent players know your tactic and can not only deal with it, but actively counter it.
  • spiritusvinispiritusvini Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 31
    edited June 2013
    That 5K kinda gets lost in the 80K rouge crits... so ya.. you know.
  • xrel1xxrel1x Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited June 2013
    That 5K kinda gets lost in the 80K rouge crits... so ya.. you know.

    It's only 23-24K :)
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If it's so **** OP just use it, and be OP. Quit *****ing. you're only Q.Qing over this because people are killing you in PvP. Grow up and use the best stuff you can. Isn't that the idea behind PvP anyway? Do what you can to win?
  • knyneknyne Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If it's so **** OP just use it, and be OP. Quit *****ing. you're only Q.Qing over this because people are killing you in PvP. Grow up and use the best stuff you can. Isn't that the idea behind PvP anyway? Do what you can to win?

    So you're just gonna ignore the fact that it makes PVP imbalanced? Instead of voicing your concerns to the devs you decide to be a sheep and follow the herd.

    What a way to grow up, kids must look up to you a lot and tell me how you're a CEO at some multimillionaire corporation because I care.
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    No, i'm just not a D-bag feeling the need to whine about every **** little thing. it is not unbalanced because anyone can use it. if only one class can use it (or if only one class CANT't use it) then it becomes unbalanced. So yes shun me for playing the game as it is, like i care.
  • spiritusvinispiritusvini Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 31
    edited June 2013
    xrel1x wrote: »
    It's only 23-24K :)

    Talking about their skills, just what I see in Castle Never runs.
  • blahblahseanblahblahsean Member Posts: 94
    edited June 2013
    Tenebrous stacking completely breaking the pacing of PvP combat by making the time to kill another player too short.

    Here's a thought experiment for you: Imagine if every class in the game had exactly one ability and that ability would do 100% of someones HP with a 10 seconds cooldown. Now everyone can run around one-shotting each other. Would the PvP be balanced? Yes, everyone has the same chance as anyone else to get a kill. Would the PvP be fun? No, instantly dying whenever your ability is on cooldown is not fun and only having one key to press isn't fun either. Would the PvP actually require any real skill or depth? No, you just run in and hit your key, someone dies, then you run away and wait for your cooldown to come back.

    Now obviously tenebrous enchants don't one-shot people and that wasn't the point. The point of the thought experiment was to demonstrate that having a very short time-to-kill in PvP removes most of the fun and depth. Conversely, if the time-to-kill is too long then the game becomes less fun. Finding the right balance between these two extremes is the key to a good PvP game. Currently tenebrous enchants shift this balance greatly in one direction by making the time-to-kill too short which makes the game less fun (even if everyone was using tenebrous) and it removes a lot of the depth of the gameplay.

    Now, some examples to demonstrate that tenebrous stacking can result in some absolutely tremendous (and often times extremely random) burst damage:

    20 procs within one second for 1118 damage each for 22,360 total damage.

    14 procs at the exact same moment for 1117 damage each for 15,638 total

    21 procs at the exact same moment for 922-1058 damage each for ~20,500 total damage.

    14 procs within 2 seconds for 1105-1118 damage each for 15,561 total damage.

    12 procs within 2 seconds for 1118 damage each for 13,416 total damage.

    If you look at the time stamp on each one of these screenshots you'll see that this isn't some rare occurrence. The first two instances happened only a minute apart and the third one 6 minutes later (all in the same game). I would say that probably half the time he's getting at least 2-6 more procs than he even has tenebrous enchantments equipped.

    10 procs within one second for 1009 damage each for 10,090 total damage.

    9 procs within 2 seconds for 997 damage each for 8,973 total damage.

    These two are from a different player and a different class.

    And this one, 21 procs within 2 seconds, from a different player and different class. So it's obvious that this is a bug with the enchantment and not a bug with some classes being able to proc these more than others.

    This is not good game design. It makes the time-to-kill too short which destroys most of the depth of the game.
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Make Tenebrous a weapon slot only enchantment. Problem solved.
  • odinspathodinspath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    knyne wrote: »
    I am going to assume that devs never tested a single thing on this game. A player with 6-7 greater tenebrous enchants with around 25,000hp can get all of them to proc for a total of 5,000 damage AND it only has a 5second internal cooldown. This huge balance patch didn't even address one of the most gamebreaking element in pvp. Get ready for 20v20 greater tenebrous fights, I bet you these greedy fks are just hoping we all spend our AD on greater tenebrous enchants and then give them the nerf bat last minute. Pathetic company.

    Every one is entitled to their own opinion, however I don't like how you are expressing it at all. It dosent matter whom you are addressing some politeness wouldn't go astray.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    xiphenon wrote: »
    Make Tenebrous a weapon slot only enchantment. Problem solved.

    Pretty much this lol .
  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    ganjaman1 wrote: »
    Pretty much this lol .

    I wonder when they're going to balance weapon enchants :D
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
  • xxhologhostxxxxhologhostxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    etherealj wrote: »
    Considering how front loaded tenebrous is in pvp? QUOTE]

    That is why your statement sucks. PVP. I am sick and tired of PVE getting screwed over because of PVP.
  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013

    That is why your statement sucks. PVP. I am sick and tired of PVE getting screwed over because of PVP.

    Making any one enchant, especially one from the zen store, the best choice in every situation is poor design.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
  • xxhologhostxxxxhologhostxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    etherealj wrote: »
    Making any one enchant, especially one from the zen store, the best choice in every situation is poor design.

    Buy some, no one is stopping you.
  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Buy some, no one is stopping you.

    I don't want any?
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
This discussion has been closed.