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PUG groups

asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Am I the only person in this game that has never finished a t2 instance in a pug group?
I either get a group that has no healer, or no tank or no this or no that and people leave. Or someone dies and then the entire party leaves so they dont die. They might try and use shortcuts that dont work and they get lost in limbo or sent back to the front door and then they rage and quit.
I have been sitting here for over a month now, daily for hours trying to finish a t2 instnace and have yet to even seen the final boss in any of them due to people just simply leaving before we get there or the group falls apart right as we are ported in there.

If I am not the only person out there then why are we able to queue for these as PUG groups? Clearly they are not working at all.
Post edited by asmoday12321 on


  • darknssssdarknssss Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    Cleared all but last CN boss in pug personaly,just gota be patient and explain fights super easy
  • asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    darknssss wrote: »
    Cleared all but last CN boss in pug personaly,just gota be patient and explain fights super easy
    Average of 6 hours a day for the past month is more than patient at this point I feel. I think I am just simply doomed to not clear or even see content in this game.
    Hell, I am on box number 134 and still have yet to get a jewled idol or the mount. I know the idol is not worth anything but turning it in for 40k ADs but still. If you ever need a gloom box tho Im your man.
  • lariandesalverlariandesalver Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    darknssss has the key to success. You gotta step up and lead and things may go smoother.
  • rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    from my experience, Im not a 60 yet. sometime people just fight for themself, next thing happen, the Cleric got to get more pounding than the other cause of its agro, in the end, cleric got blamed cause he/she didn't do healing very well, and all I can say is "wow..."
  • asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    darknssss has the key to success. You gotta step up and lead and things may go smoother.

    Please try reading and understanding. There is no leading in Pug groups for the reasons stated above.

    Ill humor you tho, I have started my own groups, know what happens in those?
    People go stand in giant red circles and then ***** that the healer did not keep them alive and quit, then the rest of the people quit.
  • vassilizaitsevvassilizaitsev Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Average of 6 hours a day for the past month is more than patient at this point I feel. I think I am just simply doomed to not clear or even see content in this game.
    Hell, I am on box number 134 and still have yet to get a jewled idol or the mount. I know the idol is not worth anything but turning it in for 40k ADs but still. If you ever need a gloom box tho Im your man.

    This might not be the solution you want to hear. But, the easiest and best way to increase your chances of clearing content is most likely playing a tank or healer. Or at the very least one of the more desired classes.
  • lariandesalverlariandesalver Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    If the cleric gets damaged by dozends of ADDs I would blame the CW for not using singularity steal time etc correctly :P
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    With the tank you enter almost inmediatly in queues... and get kicked out of CN almost at the same speed...

    I only have Dread vault and CN in the "to finish" list with PUGs, and gotta say... most pugs are frustrating as hell, but also some of the best gaming experiencess in NW is when you hit a group where all clicks and do a great run...

    I just hope i can someday do a CN 4/4 with my Gf... if not, i guess i would need to do it with the TR, but is frustrating.
  • lariandesalverlariandesalver Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    Please try reading and understanding. There is no leading in Pug groups for the reasons stated above.

    Ill humor you tho, I have started my own groups, know what happens in those?
    People go stand in giant red circles and then ***** that the healer did not keep them alive and quit, then the rest of the people quit.

    I had those too, but most dungeons just go smooth with me. Maybe because it's that im CW and the outcome of any bossbattle depends often on how fast I can spam those singularities and get those mobs of the healer. As ADDs are the most anoying issue in the game I guess classes that can control those have a higher rate of success in random groups as you can influence the outcome yourself. As GF you might too and as healer you probably have the key to success in your hands yourself if you just keep up the ring of instawin and are powerful enough.
  • justice4justice4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have been having the exact same experience. I think part of it is that I play a rogue, and I never see anyone looking for a rogue. Every group I see recruiting in chat is always either for a cleric or a control wizard. I have been in probably 30 T2 instances so far, but only two were successful (both lair of the pirate king). My gear is already better than the tier 1 stuff, so I don't have much motivation to do all of those instances, but getting into a group for T2 is just so difficult that I lose the motivation to play (90% of my time is spent either sitting in town waiting for a team or getting into teams that disband really quickly)

    As for the leading comment, about the extent of leading I've seen is "Hit the boss and don't die" when I asked about a boss fight. Of course, when we started we hit the boss and everyone died...at least I was the last one standing so I didn't feel bad lol.
  • lariandesalverlariandesalver Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    y lair of the pirates is very rogue depending, if you melt the boss fast enough it's very easy, if they take too long the other classes have to keep up controlling and healing. Also spiders is very rogue demanding, you need to melt the boss fast and only rogues can do that very good. Theres not a single class that can outdamage a rogue on Single target damage, so if a rogue focuses on this niche you get invited alot for dungeons, just that you have to make a name for yourself first or get a guild. Theres many rogues which do like 1/2 of the damage others do and people notice that because the run before with another went much smoother and faster. They probably wont invite you again after.
  • asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I had those too, but most dungeons just go smooth with me. Maybe because it's that im CW and the outcome of any bossbattle depends often on how fast I can spam those singularities and get those mobs of the healer. As ADDs are the most anoying issue in the game I guess classes that can control those have a higher rate of success in random groups as you can influence the outcome yourself. As GF you might too and as healer you probably have the key to success in your hands yourself if you just keep up the ring of instawin and are powerful enough.

    Id love to be able to do that, sadly I have never seen a boss fight yet haha.
  • b0r7b0r7 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL at the OP. Seriously, your problem is you keep relying on PUGs. Don't. Plain and simple, get a guild, run it with them, fail, go back, and succeed. Solo players entering a que do not care if they fail as a group cause it is the groups problem, they only care if they succeed as an individual and if they fail...they leave and try to que up solo again. Rinse and repeat, as you are lamenting about....its a social skill problem not a game design problem.
  • axer128axer128 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually completed a full CN legt in a pug (formed via zone chat spam, not the terrible queue)..

    But yea this guy who spammed the chat managed to get 4 of the most insanely top geared players on the server (My guardians at 14.7k, cleric was max geared, wiz/rog pretty close).. Some players have all the luck, he was pretty bad himself and the other 4 of us pretty much dragged him along.

    So yea.. its all dumb luck wiht pugs. 99% of them are terrible, but get that 1% and you can win anything.

    Plus the queue system just encourages people to act like fools, its such a terrible setup that creates a bad community that relies so heavily on zone chat spam its not funny.

    Here for more details on why the devs lack of respon on the broken group tools creates the community where players like the OP face such frusteration they dont deserve.

    If you on dragon Op, find me at Axer128 - I'll take ya on a guaranteed success for any T2, legit. (Dread vault not guaranteed - hard as hell endboss).
    -Group tools in dire need of improvement, please read and reply to improve our community.
    -Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
    Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
  • asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    b0r7 wrote: »
    LOL at the OP. Seriously, your problem is you keep relying on PUGs. Don't. Plain and simple, get a guild, run it with them, fail, go back, and succeed. Solo players entering a que do not care if they fail as a group cause it is the groups problem, they only care if they succeed as an individual and if they fail...they leave and try to que up solo again. Rinse and repeat, as you are lamenting about....its a social skill problem not a game design problem.

    Sorry that I do not have the time to invest in a guild. I have been apart of 3 guilds so far in this game that have never had more than 3 people online. As of right now I can not invest my life into a guild so a guild is not an option. Please dont assume things and ignore the major problems that, obviously, Im not the only one facing. It was an ironic statement that I said "only me" as I know its not but wanted to hear the opinions of others.

    axer128 wrote: »
    Actually completed a full CN legt in a pug (formed via zone chat spam, not the terrible queue)..

    But yea this guy who spammed the chat managed to get 4 of the most insanely top geared players on the server (My guardians at 14.7k, cleric was max geared, wiz/rog pretty close).. Some players have all the luck, he was pretty bad himself and the other 4 of us pretty much dragged him along.

    So yea.. its all dumb luck wiht pugs. 99% of them are terrible, but get that 1% and you can win anything.

    Plus the queue system just encourages people to act like fools, its such a terrible setup that creates a bad community that relies so heavily on zone chat spam its not funny.

    Here for more details on why the devs lack of respon on the broken group tools creates the community where players like the OP face such frusteration they dont deserve.

    If you on dragon Op, find me at Axer128 - I'll take ya on a guaranteed success for any T2, legit. (Dread vault not guaranteed - hard as hell endboss).

    I do play Dragon, but the problem is I don't want to be that girl that cries and cries and cries and begs. We have all had that person before. Help them once and they seem to beg for everything lol. As Im sitting I need maybe 3 things and then start farming shards for weapon enchant. So I assume Im looking at a pretty hefty farm in the range of a perfect world atleast 2 weeks worth. Maybe not that long but I am on box 142 now without a mount and I spent 7 months farming an instance in Tera 3 times a day without seeing the chest drop lol. My luck is just terrible I suppose.

    The best thing I can do I suppose is either cut back on hours at work and no life a guild, not really worth it. Sit in pugs untill I end up going insane and killing my neighbors...seriously...they blast country music and I live in the suburbs....terrible noise. Last I can just stick to PvP and complain that TRs are OP.
  • axer128axer128 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do play Dragon, but the problem is I don't want to be that girl that cries and cries and cries and begs. We have all had that person before. Help them once and they seem to beg for everything lol. As Im sitting I need maybe 3 things and then start farming shards for weapon enchant. So I assume Im looking at a pretty hefty farm in the range of a perfect world atleast 2 weeks worth. Maybe not that long but I am on box 142 now without a mount and I spent 7 months farming an instance in Tera 3 times a day without seeing the chest drop lol. My luck is just terrible I suppose.

    The best thing I can do I suppose is either cut back on hours at work and no life a guild, not really worth it. Sit in pugs untill I end up going insane and killing my neighbors...seriously...they blast country music and I live in the suburbs....terrible noise. Last I can just stick to PvP and complain that TRs are OP.

    I really don't mind, we often have a slot later at night for dungeons and am always happy to take players with brains along. Too many lack them in this game, so yea send me a tell sometime and ill gladly take ya if we have room.

    Far a shards goes for an enchant, you can get a lesser in a day with 1 lucky pull. Normal may take a week or 2.. But yea this game the skys the limit on enchants, they go up to perfect. I think perfect vorpal would take i dunno, 2-3 years to farm for lol. Luckily nothing silly like that is necessary to win.
    -Group tools in dire need of improvement, please read and reply to improve our community.
    -Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
    Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
  • asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axer128 wrote: »
    I really don't mind, we often have a slot later at night for dungeons and am always happy to take players with brains along. Too many lack them in this game, so yea send me a tell sometime and ill gladly take ya if we have room.

    Far a shards goes for an enchant, you can get a lesser in a day with 1 lucky pull. Normal may take a week or 2.. But yea this game the skys the limit on enchants, they go up to perfect. I think perfect vorpal would take i dunno, 2-3 years to farm for lol. Luckily nothing silly like that is necessary to win.

    Oh yeah, that I get I have just played so many games and in my nature of being a completionist I end up farming everything and getting everything.
    I was that person that had 4 guilds for bank space on alts, just to hold all the mats and **** I would horde up and then sell off to fuel my next few months of playing lol.

    Ill add you here in a few.

    Take that back you are not found at all. I assume it can only find people that are online or something.
  • darknssssdarknssss Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    Average of 6 hours a day for the past month is more than patient at this point I feel. I think I am just simply doomed to not clear or even see content in this game.
    Hell, I am on box number 134 and still have yet to get a jewled idol or the mount. I know the idol is not worth anything but turning it in for 40k ADs but still. If you ever need a gloom box tho Im your man.

    lol man i opened so many box so far that i was able to buy the 2500 bar mount how sad is this and im at 1900 bars now wtf?
    spent 10$ on keys once and been selling epics/pvp gear etc and everytime i have 43k AD i buy a key lol.I like getting a idol its free bars since a key is 43k or so you basicly get another one free almost.
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