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Dev's Major Question

trannysupergaytrannysupergay Banned Users Posts: 46
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
What are you doing?


Like what are you really doing? Like really What are you doing?

The game users need to know what your working on. What stage your at. A Daily progress report or ok fine WEEKLY at least. Please the people need to know. No news is usually bad news. What makes it worse is people then just start to speculate what you are and arnt doing. It seems to me sometimes your just a bunch of useless computer techs from Staples, and you out source everything. Are you tackling one issue at a time or a bunch at once. Are you running around playing pocket pool.

People are getting more angry with the game everyday. 80-90 of the posts are not happy it seems. At least give us something to look forward to. Progress reports are really nice.
Post edited by trannysupergay on


  • starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not going to happen. In Star Trek Online at the beginning, the devs were really vocal about their future plans and created a monthly report called the Engineering Report that detailed the progress of future features like what is going to be available soon, what will be available in a couple of months, and what is at the discussion stage of development meaning that no code has been done for it yet. The problem is players take it the wrong way too often so Cryptic devs have learned to keep quiet more often than they would like. A dev says that they are working on a certain feature and 2 months later players are screaming that the devs lied to us since this feature is not in the game. Devs are human and only can take so much idiocy. Over the course of the life of a MMO, various items are added, then ignored due to the infeasibility of the item. A dev could spend weeks on a project only to realize that there is no way they can implement the project without spending far more time than they should.
  • trannysupergaytrannysupergay Banned Users Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    Not going to happen. In Star Trek Online at the beginning, the devs were really vocal about their future plans and created a monthly report called the Engineering Report that detailed the progress of future features like what is going to be available soon, what will be available in a couple of months, and what is at the discussion stage of development meaning that no code has been done for it yet. The problem is players take it the wrong way too often so Cryptic devs have learned to keep quiet more often than they would like. A dev says that they are working on a certain feature and 2 months later players are screaming that the devs lied to us since this feature is not in the game. Devs are human and only can take so much idiocy. Over the course of the life of a MMO, various items are added, then ignored due to the infeasibility of the item. A dev could spend weeks on a project only to realize that there is no way they can implement the project without spending far more time than they should.

    I am talking about the games issues really. The bugs and such. The expliots and such. I dont care about adding new <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> or features as of yet. If they cant fix an exploit then they really should hire better people. They should just come out and say hey our programmers suck and dont know how to fix this issue and that issue and we fired said employee or employees to hire better more qualified people we are sorry for the problems but we will hire someone to fix the issues.

    I just would like to see the dev's answer to all the known issues and what they are doing to fix them. I think Starwars does that, mechawarrior i bet pretty much most other MMO's do this also.

    But not here. Here we are in the dark. What are they working on? MOstly i see adding <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> to the Zen store then fixing the game. Thats what i see more <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> to buy and nothing about fixing this game that i really would like to see gain a better foothold. I was so much looking forward to this game.
  • trannysupergaytrannysupergay Banned Users Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    Mechawarrior even has forum threads just for the dev teams. Thats one major reason i think the forum isnt negative like this forum. Well that and also the dev team on mechawarrior really rock at programming i guess also
  • klaw10klaw10 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's a good idea for community managers to make use of modern community tools and upload a weekly video session with general info or sometimes interviews with devs. It is also compulsory to wear a funny hat.

  • noobzornoobzor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It helps to monitor the Twitter and Facebook pages, but not by much. :\
    "A Wizard is never late, he arrives precisely when he means to."

  • starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would rather have them spending time fixing exploits and bugs rather than spend a portion of their time saying we are discussing what to do with exploiters, but we can't reveal the info at this time. Revealing exploits to the general public is never a good idea and some bugs take time to find. So do we really need to know that this dev spent 8 hours working on a bug and hasn't tracked it down yet. No matter what they do, people will complain. Cryptic has the perfect name for a dev response. Rather have them cryptic than people bashing them over too much released information no matter what the information is. Let them release info we need when we need it and not on some player's deadline.
  • trannysupergaytrannysupergay Banned Users Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    So what was cryptics reason for not fixing known issues in the closed beta and having them released in the soft launch then. I guess cryptic thought they would fix magically by themselves. All they had to do to find bugs was google search, but they are to cryptic to do a web search for "neverwinter" plus the word "exploit" even a youtube search maybe would of been to cryptic for them to figure out i guess.

    It must be a cryptic mystery for us all to fathom how they work. I do know they are working on adding new stuff the Zen store. Its a bit of a cryptic mystery that the Zen store doesnt havnt any bugs or exploits. That is a strange thing. I dont think that site has ever gone down or has had any bugs or issues. What a cryptic mystery that is. I guess from it not having bugs or exploits it wasnt programmed by CRYPTIC the dev not the mystery cryptic.

    Plus OP i never asked for a deadline. Just want to know what they are doing? Other then adding <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> to the Zen store or adding more characters to the game or races. I want to know what they are doing about the issues the real ones that 90% of the posts on this forum are asking about.
  • rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    I would rather have them spending time fixing exploits and bugs rather than spend a portion of their time saying we are discussing what to do with exploiters, but we can't reveal the info at this time.

    well, easier said than done. some "exploit" simply exists even in other MMO, only the differences is they manage to handle while NW dev can't.
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Tracking systems are a tool for middle management to generate pie charts and graphs for PowerPoint presentations to upper management.

    For a developer (yes, I was a software developer for over two decades) having to attend interminable status meetings, fill out timesheets, type in the ticket number for every line of code written, email the project manager for the project number, email them again to remind them to assign you to the project number so that you can enter time against it, get to Friday afternoon with your boss nagging you to fill out the timesheet even tho the project manager still hasn't assigned you even tho you've already spent 12 hours on that project... All of this is overhead that takes developers away from doing development and pushes them into shuffling paperwork.

    And they *never* get a project number to book the 2-4 hours of 'paperwork' to. There was a Dilbert cartoon along these lines... "What's the project number for the time I have to spend filling out TPS reports?"

    During 'crunch' time, when developers are working 80-140 hours per week without overtime pay or other compensation, the last thing they need is some guy with a clipboard and stopwatch hovering over them reminding them that they are late for the 'status' meeting. Especially so when you're one of the lead developers getting told that the status meetings are 'Mandatory', and even more so when you get ten different 'project managers' all wanting a daily one hour status meeting at different times during the same week or even *DAY*.

    Add to that all the folks here *demanding* that something get fixed *now*. Until the internal testers can replicate it accurately, the developers might not even know where to begin looking in the code. Before they've looked at it, understood it and come up with a fix that doesn't break something else there's simply no way to accurately estimate how long it's going to take. The more obscure the issue, the less chance that 'Joe Random Developer' can fix it. Some of the bugs may be in an area of the code that only one person can work on, some may require very specific expertise or intricate knowledge of some obscure API call that's poorly documented. That one developer with that level of expertise could very well be already fully committed on fixing something else that management has given a higher priority (or be scheduled to spend the entire day in status meetings!).

    Asking an underpaid and vastly overworked developer to take another 30 minutes each day (or week!) to 'appease the masses' is asking too much.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Plus OP i never asked for a deadline. Just want to know what they are doing? Other then adding <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> to the Zen store or adding more characters to the game or races. I want to know what they are doing about the issues the real ones that 90% of the posts on this forum are asking about.

    OP refers to the first poster of the thread or to the first post so referring to the OP is referring to you and not me. And you have asked for a deadline by asking for daily and/or weekly reports. A deadline doesn't necessarily mean when a bug or exploit is fixed, it just means that a certain task has to be accomplished by a certain time.
  • trannysupergaytrannysupergay Banned Users Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    elawyn wrote: »
    Tracking systems are a tool for middle management to generate pie charts and graphs for PowerPoint presentations to upper management.

    For a developer (yes, I was a software developer for over two decades) having to attend interminable status meetings, fill out timesheets, type in the ticket number for every line of code written, email the project manager for the project number, email them again to remind them to assign you to the project number so that you can enter time against it, get to Friday afternoon with your boss nagging you to fill out the timesheet even tho the project manager still hasn't assigned you even tho you've already spent 12 hours on that project... All of this is overhead that takes developers away from doing development and pushes them into shuffling paperwork.

    And they *never* get a project number to book the 2-4 hours of 'paperwork' to. There was a Dilbert cartoon along these lines... "What's the project number for the time I have to spend filling out TPS reports?"

    During 'crunch' time, when developers are working 80-140 hours per week without overtime pay or other compensation, the last thing they need is some guy with a clipboard and stopwatch hovering over them reminding them that they are late for the 'status' meeting. Especially so when you're one of the lead developers getting told that the status meetings are 'Mandatory', and even more so when you get ten different 'project managers' all wanting a daily one hour status meeting at different times during the same week or even *DAY*.

    Add to that all the folks here *demanding* that something get fixed *now*. Until the internal testers can replicate it accurately, the developers might not even know where to begin looking in the code. Before they've looked at it, understood it and come up with a fix that doesn't break something else there's simply no way to accurately estimate how long it's going to take. The more obscure the issue, the less chance that 'Joe Random Developer' can fix it. Some of the bugs may be in an area of the code that only one person can work on, some may require very specific expertise or intricate knowledge of some obscure API call that's poorly documented. That one developer with that level of expertise could very well be already fully committed on fixing something else that management has given a higher priority (or be scheduled to spend the entire day in status meetings!).

    Asking an underpaid and vastly overworked developer to take another 30 minutes each day (or week!) to 'appease the masses' is asking too much.

    Again OP i never asked for a dam time line at all. Again no time line want to know what they are working on and such. They dont have to look over code to figure out what exploit and such they needed to google neverwinter exploit and they would of found tons that way. With videos and instructions on how to exploit the freaken game. They also had to of known about the exploits in closed beta but never did anything to fix them before the SOFT LAUNCH.
  • trannysupergaytrannysupergay Banned Users Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    OP refers to the first poster of the thread or to the first post so referring to the OP is referring to you and not me. And you have asked for a deadline by asking for daily and/or weekly reports. A deadline doesn't necessarily mean when a bug or exploit is fixed, it just means that a certain task has to be accomplished by a certain time.

    No it doesnt mean a time line you idiot. It just lists yes they are working on blah blah and this and that. Other dev's do this with out giving time lines or saying we are working on the bug and estimate it fixed by this date. They just list the bug and say yes we are working on this and will fix it.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From wikipedia, "A time limit or deadline is a narrow field of time, or particular point in time, by which an objective or task must be accomplished." Asking the devs to do a daily report or weekly report on bugs is a deadline. Besides insulting people is no way to get your point across and is more likely for people to ignore whatever you say even if there is some merit to it.
  • stylernakustylernaku Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I bet they will get round to answering this straight away. I mean first world problems here MYY GOD WHAT ARE THE NEVERWINTER DEVS DOINGS MYY GODDDDDDDDD.

    Or you could just relax a bit, maybe. Back away from the pc and go and poo. Works wonders.
  • trannysupergaytrannysupergay Banned Users Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    From wikipedia, "A time limit or deadline is a narrow field of time, or particular point in time, by which an objective or task must be accomplished." Asking the devs to do a daily report or weekly report on bugs is a deadline. Besides insulting people is no way to get your point across and is more likely for people to ignore whatever you say even if there is some merit to it.

    No it doesnt mean they have to give timelines or any type of deadline.

    Here is a quote from Starwars MMO about some windows xp issue.

    "Hello Windows XP folks,

    We're currently investigating your reports! Thanks for posting to let us know it's happening on PTS; we will post updates as they become available."

    Where in that post does it give a freakin timeline or anything about how long it will take. All it does is let the community know hey we know about this issue. We are working on it and will let you know in the future what they are doin to fix it.

    I could pull dev posts from tons of other games but that would waist my time.

    I ask the dev's to simply list all the issues and bug they are working on. Saying well if we post about exploits more people will know about them is stupid. All people have to do is google them anyway.
  • ussekkinussekkin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5
    edited May 2013
    elawyn wrote: »
    Tracking systems are a tool for middle management to generate pie charts and graphs for PowerPoint presentations to upper management.

    For a developer (yes, I was a software developer for over two decades) having to attend interminable status meetings, fill out timesheets, type in the ticket number for every line of code written, email the project manager for the project number, email them again to remind them to assign you to the project number so that you can enter time against it, get to Friday afternoon with your boss nagging you to fill out the timesheet even tho the project manager still hasn't assigned you even tho you've already spent 12 hours on that project... All of this is overhead that takes developers away from doing development and pushes them into shuffling paperwork.

    And they *never* get a project number to book the 2-4 hours of 'paperwork' to. There was a Dilbert cartoon along these lines... "What's the project number for the time I have to spend filling out TPS reports?"

    During 'crunch' time, when developers are working 80-140 hours per week without overtime pay or other compensation, the last thing they need is some guy with a clipboard and stopwatch hovering over them reminding them that they are late for the 'status' meeting. Especially so when you're one of the lead developers getting told that the status meetings are 'Mandatory', and even more so when you get ten different 'project managers' all wanting a daily one hour status meeting at different times during the same week or even *DAY*.

    Add to that all the folks here *demanding* that something get fixed *now*. Until the internal testers can replicate it accurately, the developers might not even know where to begin looking in the code. Before they've looked at it, understood it and come up with a fix that doesn't break something else there's simply no way to accurately estimate how long it's going to take. The more obscure the issue, the less chance that 'Joe Random Developer' can fix it. Some of the bugs may be in an area of the code that only one person can work on, some may require very specific expertise or intricate knowledge of some obscure API call that's poorly documented. That one developer with that level of expertise could very well be already fully committed on fixing something else that management has given a higher priority (or be scheduled to spend the entire day in status meetings!).

    Asking an underpaid and vastly overworked developer to take another 30 minutes each day (or week!) to 'appease the masses' is asking too much.

    Yeah, I have to say, while I totally believe your whole scenario may well be accurate. The bottom line is , they are releasing new and interesting ways of throwing your money in a virtual trash can,(see new friends pack), rather than addressing game breaking issues, the way things stand at this moment class balance is shattered, The LFD tool is a malfunctioning POS, For some reason they had the bright idea to give the party leader total control knowing people are complete tools, Tanks can't tank, Healing IS tanking.....FFS the list goes on longer, but in the end it all results in 2 things.

    1) A huge reduction in player base.

    2) a critique saying simply - Lots of potential, but ultimately ....forgettable.
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elawyn wrote: »
    Tracking systems are a tool for middle management to generate pie charts and graphs for PowerPoint presentations to upper management.

    For a developer (yes, I was a software developer for over two decades) having to attend interminable status meetings, fill out timesheets, type in the ticket number for every line of code written, email the project manager for the project number, email them again to remind them to assign you to the project number so that you can enter time against it, get to Friday afternoon with your boss nagging you to fill out the timesheet even tho the project manager still hasn't assigned you even tho you've already spent 12 hours on that project... All of this is overhead that takes developers away from doing development and pushes them into shuffling paperwork.

    And they *never* get a project number to book the 2-4 hours of 'paperwork' to. There was a Dilbert cartoon along these lines... "What's the project number for the time I have to spend filling out TPS reports?"

    During 'crunch' time, when developers are working 80-140 hours per week without overtime pay or other compensation, the last thing they need is some guy with a clipboard and stopwatch hovering over them reminding them that they are late for the 'status' meeting. Especially so when you're one of the lead developers getting told that the status meetings are 'Mandatory', and even more so when you get ten different 'project managers' all wanting a daily one hour status meeting at different times during the same week or even *DAY*.

    Add to that all the folks here *demanding* that something get fixed *now*. Until the internal testers can replicate it accurately, the developers might not even know where to begin looking in the code. Before they've looked at it, understood it and come up with a fix that doesn't break something else there's simply no way to accurately estimate how long it's going to take. The more obscure the issue, the less chance that 'Joe Random Developer' can fix it. Some of the bugs may be in an area of the code that only one person can work on, some may require very specific expertise or intricate knowledge of some obscure API call that's poorly documented. That one developer with that level of expertise could very well be already fully committed on fixing something else that management has given a higher priority (or be scheduled to spend the entire day in status meetings!).

    Asking an underpaid and vastly overworked developer to take another 30 minutes each day (or week!) to 'appease the masses' is asking too much.


    That is the difference between these armchair developers and the real deal, they think devs sit around playing Farmville all day laughing at folks who are having these issues...they can't comprehend the level of suck this career path can achieve. Fifteen to sixteen hour days,(and during crunch time it's seven days a week) no overtime, no life outside of the project and getting insults and routine threats ( I know two major figures in gaming that could write a book on the death threats they have gotten.) from the unwashed masses on the forums.

    I laugh my *** off every time some forum camper says.."Where have all the good video programmers gone?" They are coding enterprise software or working as project managers to off shore teams, working forty five hours a week at most and making three times the salary; that's where.

    Honestly I am amazed by anyone over thirty five who is still in the industry and still loves what they do, because considering all the negatives and the vast high paying opportunities for even junior programmers, you have to be wicked dedicated or insane to do it.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • ussekkinussekkin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5
    edited May 2013

    That is the difference between these armchair developers and the real deal, they think devs sit around playing Farmville all day laughing at folks who are having these issues...they can't comprehend the level of suck this career path can achieve. Fifteen to sixteen hour days,(and during crunch time it's seven days a week) no overtime, no life outside of the project and getting insults and routine threats ( I know two major figures in gaming that could write a book on the death threats they have gotten.) from the unwashed masses on the forums.

    I laugh my *** off every time some forum camper says.."Where have all the good video programmers gone?" They are coding enterprise software or working as project managers to off shore teams, working forty five hours a week at most and making three times the salary; that's where.

    Honestly I am amazed by anyone over thirty five who is still in the industry and still loves what they do, because considering all the negatives and the vast high paying opportunities for even junior programmers, you have to be wicked dedicated or insane to do it.

    Excuse me while I finish laughing..... Ok better..... so what you are saying is WORK sucks and They aren't getting paid enough?

    JOIN THE $%&*ing CLUB
  • nectarprimenectarprime Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ussekkin wrote: »
    Excuse me while I finish laughing..... Ok better..... so what you are saying is WORK sucks and They aren't getting paid enough?

    JOIN THE $%&*ing CLUB

    Maybe you would get paid better if you had some basic reading comprehension?
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ussekkin wrote: »
    Excuse me while I finish laughing..... Ok better..... so what you are saying is WORK sucks and They aren't getting paid enough?

    JOIN THE $%&*ing CLUB

    No what I'm saying is game development sucks and why should they deal with myopic little dilettante's, when the rest of the field can offer them a much better situation.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No it doesnt mean they have to give timelines or any type of deadline.

    Here is a quote from Starwars MMO about some windows xp issue.

    "Hello Windows XP folks,

    We're currently investigating your reports! Thanks for posting to let us know it's happening on PTS; we will post updates as they become available."

    Where in that post does it give a freakin timeline or anything about how long it will take. All it does is let the community know hey we know about this issue. We are working on it and will let you know in the future what they are doin to fix it.

    I could pull dev posts from tons of other games but that would waist my time.

    I ask the dev's to simply list all the issues and bug they are working on. Saying well if we post about exploits more people will know about them is stupid. All people have to do is google them anyway.

    I am not asking for a specific deadline, you are. From your own opening post.
    What are you doing?


    Like what are you really doing? Like really What are you doing?

    The game users need to know what your working on. What stage your at. A Daily progress report or ok fine WEEKLY at least. Please the people need to know. No news is usually bad news. What makes it worse is people then just start to speculate what you are and arnt doing. It seems to me sometimes your just a bunch of useless computer techs from Staples, and you out source everything. Are you tackling one issue at a time or a bunch at once. Are you running around playing pocket pool.

    People are getting more angry with the game everyday. 80-90 of the posts are not happy it seems. At least give us something to look forward to. Progress reports are really nice.

    A daily bug/exploit report or a weekly bug/exploit report is a deadline that you want to force onto the devs to follow. if the devs want to do a bug/exploit report, then it should be on their own time and not follow any specific deadline which you indicated in your opening post with your comment about daily and weekly reports.
  • pinchyskriipinchyskrii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    your just a bunch of useless computer techs from Staples


  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I laugh my *** off every time some forum camper says.."Where have all the good video programmers gone?" They are coding enterprise software or working as project managers to off shore teams, working forty hours a week at most and making five - ten times the salary; that's where..

    Fixed that for you. :)
  • silvernitesilvernite Member Posts: 107 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I think they're playing Pong.

    On a more serious note. I have seen games fail due to not keeping their players informed.

    The benefits of paying someone to be a community manager that is active on the forums and will address concerns between the company and players several times a day tend to add up to bigger profits.
  • lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    I am not asking for a specific deadline, you are. From your own opening post.

    A daily bug/exploit report or a weekly bug/exploit report is a deadline that you want to force onto the devs to follow. if the devs want to do a bug/exploit report, then it should be on their own time and not follow any specific deadline which you indicated in your opening post with your comment about daily and weekly reports.

    The OP isnt asking for a deadline at all they just want to know what they are working on just like every other game out there does with thier respected dev forums and or whatever practice they use. Saying they are asking for a timeline isnt right. I went over the post and it doesnt ask for a time line at all.
  • elessymelessym Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic does a pretty good job over on the STO side with their Dev Diaries and Ask Cryptic Q&A's. I'm assuming (hoping) that we'll get the same over here in NW, once they're a little less slammed with the exploit-o-rama.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    silvernite wrote: »
    I think they're playing Pong.

    On a more serious note. I have seen games fail due to not keeping their players informed.

    The benefits of paying someone to be a community manager that is active on the forums and will address concerns between the company and players several times a day tend to add up to bigger profits.

    This is a correct statement OP.

    I think We need a dev forum area to post the issues and then the devs can answer them just like other game dev do. This would lessen the anger on the general forum area at least and have a place for issues to be reported then answered by the dev team. They dont have to give timelines which the origional poster never asked for.
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think We need a dev forum area to post the issues and then the devs can answer them just like other game dev do. This would lessen the anger on the general forum area at least and have a place for issues to be reported then answered by the dev team. They dont have to give timelines which the origional poster never asked for.

    So instead of devs working on the code, you want them spending their time on the forums? Maybe they could also log into the game to come find you personally to help you find the bank in PE?
  • titanv2titanv2 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is Perfect World, u know why there isn't any dev blog? CUZ theres no development, this game has had less work than any other game i've ever seen. GWF sucks and is usesless for more than a month? what the flying **** have they been working on. Oh yeah scamming people for founders stuff. atleast they can make money that way haha.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    noobzor wrote: »
    It helps to monitor the Twitter and Facebook pages, but not by much. :\

    Scrooge Twatter and Farcebook. If I want to know anything about this game, I come to it's website. www.neverwinter.com, where pertinent information should air FIRST. Right on the front page.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
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