I wonder why OP isn't responding to this lol, he did say he was 300 less? Of what I don't know. In any case, I don't know either, I have it in bursts during epic dungeons but I haven't a clue what's causing it but I can say my AOE is doing massive damage. After 3 swings of my g.plague fire sword I'd switch to p.vorp and would crit 7-9k on cleave at-wills. I do run with another GF in party instead of an extra DC and our feats together are amazing.
PS: Lots of people having been asking me about my echants and playstyle. It's a p2w style to be honest, I usually use 50 greater stones a dungeons because I rush ahead of party to pull rooms and gain high threat. This involves armor/weapon switching as well. I have 9 different timeless chests with lesser to perfect thunderhead for constant stun rotation, perfect negation for when I'm lazy or like to troll people during pvp because 25% or 30% (can't remember) extra damage reduction is huge, lesser to perfect soulforge for when I'm low and can't pot. (15 seconds immune to damage)
I was talking about your Gear Score, I have no where near that power and have no clue how you got that either, I figured it was some kind of buff, I never do dungeons either, only pvp.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
Being lvl 60 GWF I must say fighting equally geared GF 1V1 is about worst thing that can happen to me in PVP, win or lose it's gonna be long and health consuming affair (if other players from both teams completely ignore us that is). That being said, individual skill aside, fully geared lvl 60 GF is beast in PVP.
It can be annoying, but if you're good at getting behind someone it can be a breeze.
edit: I should say though that a GF who builds for tankiness and just cc's in pvp can be very strong for the team, even if they aren't dishing out tons of damage, they are interrupting people and preventing points from being capped.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I have never been killed by a rogue who didnt rely on his daily to do it. Even the best geared ones. This is whats great about a GF dps build, it really never relys on dailys at all. They just make it easier in tough situations.
Now when you say 'a' rogue do you mean 1v1? Because if you're on Dragon server, and you PVP.. you should've met Ghost/Darkness/Heaven/Hell holding hands in a match. You're bound to die to one of the rogues sooner or later when you have to 2v1/3v1 them.
Now when you say 'a' rogue do you mean 1v1? Because if you're on Dragon server, and you PVP.. you should've met Ghost/Darkness/Heaven/Hell holding hands in a match. You're bound to die to one of the rogues sooner or later when you have to 2v1/3v1 them.
Think I've run into them once or twice. But yeah, I was talking about 1v1 and also just in general, usually the damage you take is spread out amongst a few people, I don't think I've ever died in a group fight from purely 1 rogue dps'n me, unless (like i said) he catches me with a daily.
edit: I actually run into a lot of rogues holding hands, clearly a pre focus firing, cw's as well, 3 good cw's who know how to position themselves properly can massacre a team very quickly.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Think I've run into them once or twice. But yeah, I was talking about 1v1 and also just in general, usually the damage you take is spread out amongst a few people, I don't think I've ever died in a group fight from purely 1 rogue dps'n me, unless (like i said) he catches me with a daily.
Yeah, I assumed as much. 1v1 against a TR is too easy lol, I've been hit with 2x dailies at the same time before. Don't know how I survived.. 2v1 is tricky, pugs won't have teamwork but if you have 2 TRs that rotate their imp/smokes against you and just throw daggers at you.. you're either going to have to use your daily or keep switching sf armors to survive. What's good about the game is you can switch any piece of gear during combat instantly and it will take effect.
I'm at 13k gs, and I have ~6.5k power. I don't think that power score is legit...if it is, they somehow managed to double my power with 2k GS. Even if every item gave him 400 power, and then he someone managed to get a rank 7 radiant (+185pwr), he still wouldn't reach this.
I'm at 13k gs, and I have ~6.5k power. I don't think that power score is legit...if it is, they somehow managed to double my power with 2k GS. Even if every item gave him 400 power, and then he someone managed to get a rank 7 radiant (+185pwr), he still wouldn't reach this.
It seems to be a dungeon bug.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
WOW if u guys are saying GF's are bad.. then i pitty u
GF's in pvp are more support role then tank, yes u are a tank but ur roll is to keep the enemy down while others kill them off ..... hey kinda like in PvE...
Bullcharge, Frontal Assault, gryphons strike (the stun) for encounters (can also change with lunging strike if ur finding it hard to close the gap)
Cleave and Threatening rush for "At wills"
Trample the fallen and reaction for feats
Terraphying Strike (Frontal line knock down) menacing thing (Where u get big and do **** loads of damage)
Dont bother marking targets with ur special, use threating rush for that)
Bullcharge, Frontal Assault, gryphons strike (the stun) for encounters (can also change with lunging strike if ur finding it hard to close the gap)
Cleave and Threatening rush for "At wills"
Trample the fallen and reaction for feats
Terraphying Strike (Frontal line knock down) menacing thing (Where u get big and do **** loads of damage)
uhhh lol??
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
m0nt3s3Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 12Arc User
I'm at 13k gs, and I have ~6.5k power. I don't think that power score is legit...if it is, they somehow managed to double my power with 2k GS. Even if every item gave him 400 power, and then he someone managed to get a rank 7 radiant (+185pwr), he still wouldn't reach this.
Yeah this looks like a dungeon bug of some sort, a friend of mine somehow had close to this power while he was in castle never.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
raaizeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
As a wizard, I often wonder how GFs enjoy pvp at all. With the exclusion of diminishing returns on CC, I'm able to... (verbiage modified for those who havent played wizard) force choke lift CC for 2 secs, stack chills with the ice beam so you freeze when you come out. If you get close, I force push... and you don't have a gap closer so I just wear down your block and teleport away if you get close. repeat.
I've had many 1v1s with GF's where I didn't get hit a single time. Its broken and can be fixed.
Give GF more mobility and at least a stun.
You're clearly playing against poor GF's.
I play a CW and absolutely hate GF's played well. Every other class I'd back myself against them but GF's cause me grief with their constant charges/knockdowns etc etc.
It may be that I play with a **** ping most of the time and find myself rubberbanding with my teleport more often than not, but still, well played GF's are amazing in pvp.
I play a CW and absolutely hate GF's played well. Every other class I'd back myself against them but GF's cause me grief with their constant charges/knockdowns etc etc.
It may be that I play with a **** ping most of the time and find myself rubberbanding with my teleport more often than not, but still, well played GF's are amazing in pvp.
Most people just dont understand that if you have decent gear and know how to play, all classes can be very powerful in pvp. I just think GF is the best all-around in terms of damage, mobility and cc.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Dunno then, my friend was in Castle Never the other night and said he had 16.5k power, then later during his run it dropped by 1000 but still was at 15.5k. Another time he said it was 19k but everytime he hovered over it it would flicker down 6000 points and up again to 19k. It could be a bug with one of our feat procs and just displaying power that isnt actually there.
edit: I'm assuming you're conq though so I don't know what would cause it.
edit2: What enchants are you using in screen shot maiku?
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
A good TR should be able to beat even the best of GFs. You can't beat something you can't see.
No offense but you must not PVP much at 60. Because Stealth is not the issue and pretty easy to find a stealthed TR.
I do agree that a TR in the right build/gear will destroy ANY class no matter how good their gear is. The reason is: a couple of skills used in conjunction + 40% steal bonus uptime = GG.
I've only ever faced (1) TR that had the gear & build that could 100-0 me and was a challenge. I play both GF & TR and discovered the build when leveling my TR and it's broken.
But other than that 1 build and your average player being average, they can not beat a good GF. GF has to many CC with high dmg burst and then a shield that stops 100% of incoming dmg/cc.
Being able to swap out anything other than weapons (and maybe offhand items) during combat is just plain silly, both in terms of logic and in terms of gameplay, and would appear to be an obvious oversight on the part of the developers.
I would say I'd be surprised if they let it continue for much longer, but given their recent track record, I probably wouldn't be that surprised if they let it continue for much longer.
fmgalliiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 11Arc User
Being able to swap out anything other than weapons (and maybe offhand items) during combat is just plain silly, both in terms of logic and in terms of gameplay, and would appear to be an obvious oversight on the part of the developers.
I would say I'd be surprised if they let it continue for much longer, but given their recent track record, I probably wouldn't be that surprised if they let it continue for much longer.
Probably not intended but since few people do it they dont really care I suspect.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
lol, GF is a beast in late game pvp. It's probobly the second hardest hitting class in the game. And all while knocking you down so you can basicly do nothing to defend yourself.
fmgalliiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 11Arc User
Met gctrl yesterday in a pug pvp match. He's a beast at defending and stunlocking people 100-0. He was owning this GWF in one match that kept on crying about it lol.
I play a CW and absolutely hate GF's played well. Every other class I'd back myself against them but GF's cause me grief with their constant charges/knockdowns etc etc.
It may be that I play with a **** ping most of the time and find myself rubberbanding with my teleport more often than not, but still, well played GF's are amazing in pvp.
Absolutely agree.
I play GF, theres no doubt in my mind we are the complete anti class for a mage, their at wills do little damage and we can block major attacks, we have mobility enough to easily stick to them and they are squishy as hell in comparison.
The major problem is getting in range once, which is why I keep lunging strike on(and its low cd) once you are next to a CW once, you should be able to stick to him with threatening rush and keep him on his *** relatively easy with surge.
GF PvPwise I think its certainly the best point holder, often numerous people have to come to take me on(Especially if just try to survive and distract). Certainly the best 1v1 class, although rogues can give us a fair run for our money but that rather annoys me, if I had to pick a class I should suck against it'd be CW not rogue.
So I am the most tanky char type available, yet the "Glass cannon DPS" char tears my *** up. Hey I don't mind but it makes no sense if anything I should be stronger vs rogues, cause I have huge ac + defence. Ofc a few well timed blocks vs rogues can easily turn the tide, plus I often fight against bad rogues who spam all attacks at once, so I hold shield soon as fight starts and they spam all main DPS techs like morons.
Although I feel a well played rogue is certainly where I meet my match, had some good fights, looking for some more.
When will they add a duel feature so we can brawl 1v1 like men?
I was talking about your Gear Score, I have no where near that power and have no clue how you got that either, I figured it was some kind of buff, I never do dungeons either, only pvp.
It can be annoying, but if you're good at getting behind someone it can be a breeze.
edit: I should say though that a GF who builds for tankiness and just cc's in pvp can be very strong for the team, even if they aren't dishing out tons of damage, they are interrupting people and preventing points from being capped.
Now when you say 'a' rogue do you mean 1v1? Because if you're on Dragon server, and you PVP.. you should've met Ghost/Darkness/Heaven/Hell holding hands in a match. You're bound to die to one of the rogues sooner or later when you have to 2v1/3v1 them.
Think I've run into them once or twice. But yeah, I was talking about 1v1 and also just in general, usually the damage you take is spread out amongst a few people, I don't think I've ever died in a group fight from purely 1 rogue dps'n me, unless (like i said) he catches me with a daily.
edit: I actually run into a lot of rogues holding hands, clearly a pre focus firing, cw's as well, 3 good cw's who know how to position themselves properly can massacre a team very quickly.
Yeah, I assumed as much. 1v1 against a TR is too easy lol, I've been hit with 2x dailies at the same time before. Don't know how I survived.. 2v1 is tricky, pugs won't have teamwork but if you have 2 TRs that rotate their imp/smokes against you and just throw daggers at you.. you're either going to have to use your daily or keep switching sf armors to survive. What's good about the game is you can switch any piece of gear during combat instantly and it will take effect.
Yup, most people don't even know you can do this, they'll probably "fix" it at some point though. doubt its intended.
I think it's intended, as most MMOs do this p2p/f2p. I can tell you switching between sets/items withing fights isn't as easy as it sounds.
60 GF(14.5GS) Cersei
60 CW(12.4GS) Shadis
60 TR(12.2GS) Dijkstra
60 GWF(12.2GS) Winnowill
45 DC(WIP) Daenerys
It seems to be a dungeon bug.
GF's in pvp are more support role then tank, yes u are a tank but ur roll is to keep the enemy down while others kill them off ..... hey kinda like in PvE...
Bullcharge, Frontal Assault, gryphons strike (the stun) for encounters (can also change with lunging strike if ur finding it hard to close the gap)
Cleave and Threatening rush for "At wills"
Trample the fallen and reaction for feats
Terraphying Strike (Frontal line knock down) menacing thing (Where u get big and do **** loads of damage)
Dont bother marking targets with ur special, use threating rush for that)
Have fun
They're better at dps than either support or tank in PvP. Their best most efficient dps just happens to come from abilities that disable.
uhhh lol??
Making more clips from my stream, I'll probably show all my stuff in the next set of videos I post.
Yeah this looks like a dungeon bug of some sort, a friend of mine somehow had close to this power while he was in castle never.
You're clearly playing against poor GF's.
I play a CW and absolutely hate GF's played well. Every other class I'd back myself against them but GF's cause me grief with their constant charges/knockdowns etc etc.
It may be that I play with a **** ping most of the time and find myself rubberbanding with my teleport more often than not, but still, well played GF's are amazing in pvp.
Most people just dont understand that if you have decent gear and know how to play, all classes can be very powerful in pvp. I just think GF is the best all-around in terms of damage, mobility and cc.
Wasn't in a dungeon.
Dunno then, my friend was in Castle Never the other night and said he had 16.5k power, then later during his run it dropped by 1000 but still was at 15.5k. Another time he said it was 19k but everytime he hovered over it it would flicker down 6000 points and up again to 19k. It could be a bug with one of our feat procs and just displaying power that isnt actually there.
edit: I'm assuming you're conq though so I don't know what would cause it.
edit2: What enchants are you using in screen shot maiku?
No offense but you must not PVP much at 60. Because Stealth is not the issue and pretty easy to find a stealthed TR.
I do agree that a TR in the right build/gear will destroy ANY class no matter how good their gear is. The reason is: a couple of skills used in conjunction + 40% steal bonus uptime = GG.
I've only ever faced (1) TR that had the gear & build that could 100-0 me and was a challenge. I play both GF & TR and discovered the build when leveling my TR and it's broken.
But other than that 1 build and your average player being average, they can not beat a good GF. GF has to many CC with high dmg burst and then a shield that stops 100% of incoming dmg/cc.
I would say I'd be surprised if they let it continue for much longer, but given their recent track record, I probably wouldn't be that surprised if they let it continue for much longer.
Gonna post a set of new videos soon, I'll post my feats, powers, etc.
Probably not intended but since few people do it they dont really care I suspect.
If ITC and/or Stealth is on cooldown you are in big trouble if you run into a GF as a TR
Absolutely agree.
I play GF, theres no doubt in my mind we are the complete anti class for a mage, their at wills do little damage and we can block major attacks, we have mobility enough to easily stick to them and they are squishy as hell in comparison.
The major problem is getting in range once, which is why I keep lunging strike on(and its low cd) once you are next to a CW once, you should be able to stick to him with threatening rush and keep him on his *** relatively easy with surge.
GF PvPwise I think its certainly the best point holder, often numerous people have to come to take me on(Especially if just try to survive and distract). Certainly the best 1v1 class, although rogues can give us a fair run for our money but that rather annoys me, if I had to pick a class I should suck against it'd be CW not rogue.
So I am the most tanky char type available, yet the "Glass cannon DPS" char tears my *** up. Hey I don't mind but it makes no sense if anything I should be stronger vs rogues, cause I have huge ac + defence. Ofc a few well timed blocks vs rogues can easily turn the tide, plus I often fight against bad rogues who spam all attacks at once, so I hold shield soon as fight starts and they spam all main DPS techs like morons.
Although I feel a well played rogue is certainly where I meet my match, had some good fights, looking for some more.
When will they add a duel feature so we can brawl 1v1 like men?