The linkletter quests where you had to transport miss Linkletter through the sewers to Rhazzad's special clinic got me thinking.
I don't remember who said it, I think it was Sergeant Knox, but someone said something along the lines that Miss linkletter received special treatment. Now this raises all sorts of questions:
- Why was she treated differently?
* Did her husband bribe people?
* Are they part of a secret society?
- What happens to those less fortunate?
* I heard they were sent somewhere abismal.
- Why aren't they offered the same kind of help?
* did they not know about the option to get help in Razzad's clinic?
* do/did they have a criminal record?
* are they the wrong race? I can imagine Tieflings not gaining access to Razzad's clinique.
What I propose is doing a little roleplay session; where we could explore the options of what can happen to people who are spellplagued. I encourage people to take on the roles of these people:
- spellplagued people
- relatives/friends of people who are spellplagued
- guards (not sergeant Knox)
- healers (not Razzad)
*Note: Off course people CAN act on behalf of sgt Knox OR Razzad.
For instance:
Player A:
I have orders to take captive any spellplagued people. So please cease and assist and come with us.
Player B:
You will just throw player C (NPC?) in the abismal place. Why can't I be taken to Razzad's Sanctuary like miss Linkletter? Sgt. Knox allowed it.
Player A:
I have no knowledge of that. One would have to ask Sgt Knox for info. But... he's a very busy man. If player C (NPC?) would just come with me now, we can figure out something later.
Player B:
Player C screams in Terror at player B. No dont let him take me, no PLEASE. Player C's cries for help torment player B's heart like a rusty dagger. With a hoarse throat he/she cries out:
"Please don't take player C. THERE MUST be another way...
PLayer B is silent for a moment.
Then tells player A in a calm but slightly nervous voice:
"I have money... I can pay for a different treatment".
Player B starts fidgeting with his/her hair. He/she knows this could be construed as offering a bribe, which is a punishable offence.
Player A:
Player A tries his best to remain calm and Stern at player B and C's cries for help. In which he succeeds very well on the surface. Then when player B mentions money, player A is intrigued. He knows it's a form of corruption, but would that really be that bad? 'cause you know.. He's being underpaid as it is. He can barely pay for all the health potions needed for his job. Also, slightly better gear would also be welcome.
On the other hand... etc.etc.
Edit: I finished the linkletter campaign.
Doesn't seem like Dorothea was lucky to be helped by Rhazzad.