Hello everybody, i would like to post this here as there doesnt seem to be any other (sub)forum suitable for this post
I am hereby requesting support from the people that are suppose to HELP others in the game (that being the GM's and support team)
Here is my Message (ticket) i have submitted to them (if you care to read
Good Evening,
I am (for the second time) reporting that i have lost my inferno horse from the caturday disaster, my last ticket resulted in me being pointed at a forum article that told me stuff i already knew (apon which the ticket was closed so i could not reply and tell the GM that i already knew that)
Quite frankly i was furious that i was treated in such a way by a GameMaster, and as such i am hereby giving you (The support GM's) until monday next week (3rd of June) to reply to this ticket giving me a responcible explaination as to WHY i was treated so harshly and to return my inferno horse to me
I have also contacted support in regards to another issue of my heavy worg not being as displayed at the mount area of Protectors encleave, of which i have not recieved a reply to, i wish to know the status of this ticket
With much regard,
(name was inserted here)
(My name is takin out for obvious reasons)
So, what is gonna happen.
Well its quite simple really, I have given their team until monday to reply to my ticket with a reasonible and responcible explaination to why i was treated so harshly, failure to do so will be the immidiate termination of my account and mass chargeback of all funds on the grounds that the produce is not "Fit for purpose" and is "Not as advertised", i could also go as far as say they are recklessly "supporting" a game they are not capable of maintaining or not willing to maintain (The lack of wipe from the caturday disaster is evidence of that)
So, here we have it folks, will they.. or wont they?
Also im the OP of the thread asking "Is it ok for them to do this?" (If anybody remembers that)
Any attempt to delete or move this thread by any mod/admin be that of forum or ingame origin will result in the reposting of the thread (Everybody should have the chance to read it)
Any attempt to delete or move this thread by any mod/admin be that of forum or ingame origin will result in the reposting of the thread (Everybody should have the chance to read it)
Threatening the mods is not the avenue I would have chosen.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
There is no threat in that
I simply believe that everybody has the right to read it as i will also be posting the gm's responce in this thread aswell
That said, i fully reconize that the support team are just doing their jobs, aswell as the mods, so i apologize to them if there is any misunderstanding in that section of the post
There is no threat in that
I simply believe that everybody has the right to read it as i will also be posting the gm's responce in this thread aswell
That said, i fully reconize that the support team are just doing their jobs, aswell as the mods, so i apologize to them if there is any misunderstanding in that section of the post
You won't get a reply... I've been waiting almost 30 days for a lost AH item. Ticket was closed twice with "please resubmit" replies.
i will also be posting the gm's responce in this thread aswell
FYI, you are not allowed to post GM responses - it's against forum rules.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
czarkazmMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Didn't they already say that anything lost during the rollback was, well, lost? I realize that really, really, sucks and I wouldn't be happy about a rollback either, but sometimes things happen. If the worst thing that has happened to you in the last week is you lost some time on a game, you are still a lucky person.
That is some pretty crazy logic there Czarkazm, but i have to respect it as it does make sence
that said, i refuse to believe they are unable to do anythign about it
If memory serves correctly they did say they were going to do something about it in the FAQ thing they put up for the catastraphy so i will hold them to it
That is some pretty crazy logic there Czarkazm, but i have to respect it as it does make sence
that said, i refuse to believe they are unable to do anythign about it
If memory serves correctly they did say they were going to do something about it in the FAQ thing they put up for the catastraphy so i will hold them to it
I believe this is the information you're looking for:
Q: But... I won the Armored Nightmare from a lockbox! I'll never get that lucky again!
A: We are currently working to restore Armored Nightmare mounts that were earned legitimately during the period of time that was rolled back.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
I really wish i could Koldmiser, it would make things alot easier for both myself and the GM's
However i at the time could not see the future of a roll back and by the time it was announced to be happening the neverwinter servers were long since down sadly my proof is nought but dust
I guess I have to wonder how many people are submitting requests for the same thing. I imagine it would be a nightmare (pun intended) for them to go back through the logs and find out who did and didn't. It's probably thousands of requests and they are most likely doing them in the order they received them.
I would also suggest at this point they are trying to figure out a way to just hand out the mounts without either just flat out giving to every player or without verifying through the logs because they don't want to tie themselves up with this mess any more than they have to and get back to other game issues.
I guess I have to wonder how many people are submitting requests for the same thing. I imagine it would be a nightmare (pun intended) for them to go back through the logs and find out who did and didn't. It's probably thousands of requests and they are most likely doing them in the order they received them.
I would also suggest at this point they are trying to figure out a way to just hand out the mounts without either just flat out giving to every player or without verifying through the logs because they don't want to tie themselves up with this mess any more than they have to and get back to other game issues.
Actually, I think it's a lot less trouble than you think. It's a system event whenever someone gets a horse, after all, they have to spam us about it. Not too hard to dig through the logs to find all of those. Granting them again might be manual though.
However, they may also be investigating cases one-by-one to determine if the keys used to open the boxes were obtained from Zen purchased with duped AD. That could be a much more tedious process.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
Actually, I think it's a lot less trouble than you think. It's a system event whenever someone gets a horse, after all, they have to spam us about it. Not too hard to dig through the logs to find all of those. Granting them again might be manual though.
However, they may also be investigating cases one-by-one to determine if the keys used to open the boxes were obtained from Zen purchased with duped AD. That could be a much more tedious process.
Hadn't thought about that. Those are really good points. I've kind of blocked out those admin messages so I didn't think about that. I'm sure they could parse those logs, but you're probably 100% correct about them verifying the validity of the purchases.
Thats actually quite true, i never thought of that
But.. wouldnt that have been wiped along with the roll back.. since the purpose of a rollback is to effectivly reset to a certain point?
Just speculating there but very good points, that would cut the time by atleast 50%, although the add'ed work on top of that from checking the validity, well that just compounds the matter doesnt it
ok, so due the relivent and logical information provided by Elessym, i think its only fair to extent the due date to 1 week
As i am sure that i am not the ONLY one posting support tickets i cant assume nor shall i pretend that i am the only person in the universe that optained an inferno horse from the lockbox during the dates of the disaster
Due date: Wednesday 5th of june
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited May 2013
Hey there,
Please read this thread which you should find informative about the situation.
I am afraid account related issues simply can not be resolved on the forums. Posting anything here is no better than sending sending it to an imaginary friend. We can't resolve or expedite support requests on the forums
Please just remain patient and a support representative will get back to you.
Threatening the mods is not the avenue I would have chosen.
I simply believe that everybody has the right to read it as i will also be posting the gm's responce in this thread aswell
That said, i fully reconize that the support team are just doing their jobs, aswell as the mods, so i apologize to them if there is any misunderstanding in that section of the post
FYI, you are not allowed to post GM responses - it's against forum rules.
that said, i refuse to believe they are unable to do anythign about it
If memory serves correctly they did say they were going to do something about it in the FAQ thing they put up for the catastraphy so i will hold them to it
I believe this is the information you're looking for:
Sorry but you wont get a reply.
However i at the time could not see the future of a roll back and by the time it was announced to be happening the neverwinter servers were long since down
I would also suggest at this point they are trying to figure out a way to just hand out the mounts without either just flat out giving to every player or without verifying through the logs because they don't want to tie themselves up with this mess any more than they have to and get back to other game issues.
Actually, I think it's a lot less trouble than you think. It's a system event whenever someone gets a horse, after all, they have to spam us about it. Not too hard to dig through the logs to find all of those. Granting them again might be manual though.
However, they may also be investigating cases one-by-one to determine if the keys used to open the boxes were obtained from Zen purchased with duped AD. That could be a much more tedious process.
Hadn't thought about that. Those are really good points. I've kind of blocked out those admin messages so I didn't think about that. I'm sure they could parse those logs, but you're probably 100% correct about them verifying the validity of the purchases.
But.. wouldnt that have been wiped along with the roll back.. since the purpose of a rollback is to effectivly reset to a certain point?
Just speculating there but very good points, that would cut the time by atleast 50%, although the add'ed work on top of that from checking the validity, well that just compounds the matter doesnt it
ok, so due the relivent and logical information provided by Elessym, i think its only fair to extent the due date to 1 week
As i am sure that i am not the ONLY one posting support tickets i cant assume nor shall i pretend that i am the only person in the universe that optained an inferno horse from the lockbox during the dates of the disaster
Due date: Wednesday 5th of june
Please read this thread which you should find informative about the situation.
I am afraid account related issues simply can not be resolved on the forums. Posting anything here is no better than sending sending it to an imaginary friend. We can't resolve or expedite support requests on the forums
Please just remain patient and a support representative will get back to you.