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The Forums have become a Decease...

bugs55678bugs55678 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I mean seriously...If I took a screenshot of my forums right now, the first 4 pages of the forums are all COMPLETELY complain/troll posts.. Its actually kind of sad because I love this game. Yes it has some faults, but most things people complain about are being/ going to be addressed. It's just that people don't take their time to research what the devs say they are planning before they get all upset about things.

There are some points when I feel bad for Cryptic and PW because this is a great game, and the forums have become such a life sucking decease that whoever comes here instantly gets bashed in the face with a bunch of whining and complaining posts that are really at the root of it all, just a cry out for attention..

I love this game, so I will keep playing it. As for others, i cant speak for you and you have to make up your own mind. But why make posts announcing to everyone that you are going to leave? I've seen many posts "Stating" that "its been fun while it lasted" and I check the forums a week later to find that they are still here and playing...

There have been many times when I have seen users disrespecting the Devs because the devs aren't catering to their personal wants..I mean seriously, they made a game so that you could enjoy it, and you treat them like you did?

And to the posts saying customer service is bad...I see them talking to every post on facebook and twitter...Because no one is whining and complaining and most of the posts seem to be actually helpful. And i am guessing that the Devs decided to tone down the replies on the forums because of the lack of respect that some forum users have towards them.

As for the "Wipe or I quit" posts...your beating a dead horse there. They have already stated many times that they wont wipe again(which i am fine with)....

And I know someone will say "Its my opinion if i want a wipe or not, Im free to express it"...Great! you have an opinion. but you know its pointless to post it, so why post it. I could post about my likeness of watching talking dogs, but what help does that have to anybody?

This is a great game that Cryptic and PW has here, I just hope that the community gets a better attitude sooner rather than later.
Post edited by bugs55678 on


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    arcbladezarcbladez Member Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    What else is new? Go to any MMORPG webpage and you'll find the same thing. Like I wrote many times in the past:

    Forums are troll havens. People who enjoy the game are too busy enjoying the game to post on the forums, which is why you'll rarely find positive threads. But negative threads are all over because people who are angry at the game aren't playing the game and have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives than post on the forums about how much they hate the game!

    I personally only post on these forums during my breaks while I'm at work! When I'm home, I don't want to post on these troll infested forums! I much prefer playing the game and having fun! But at least when I'm at work and on break, I can come on these forums and defend Cryptic and bash some trolls in the process :) I just wish I had more free time to do it.
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    elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think we need a new forum for posting complaints about the content of the general discussion forum. :)
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    herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Decease.... really? You take the time to create a forum account, post a thread, and cannot take the 3 seconds to spell check your post? You are a prime example of what is wrong with this game, every game, and the world we live in. You all want to complain and cry about things that you get for free? Go play something else, or better yet, don't play ANYTHING ELSE until you bring your basic education (disease was a 3rd grade vocabulary word) skills up to par. But we all know you won't. You will spend all day playing with yourself, ignoring the information and knowledge that is in front of your face everyday, and will end up dying poor, alone, and as ignorant as you were when you thought that making this thread would be a good idea. Have a nice day.
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
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    lpsxlpsx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    all i will say is, " i haven't spent a $ dollar" & i have enjoyed playing the game.......

    we should all be posting telling them how we want the game 2grow & things we would like added..............................

    in other words just enjoy the game...................... don't forget servers do cost money 2run....................................
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    pzzdachupzzdachu Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Decease.... really? You take the time to create a forum account, post a thread, and cannot take the 3 seconds to spell check your post? You are a prime example of what is wrong with this game, every game, and the world we live in. You all want to complain and cry about things that you get for free? Go play something else, or better yet, don't play ANYTHING ELSE until you bring your basic education (disease was a 3rd grade vocabulary word) skills up to par. But we all know you won't. You will spend all day playing with yourself, ignoring the information and knowledge that is in front of your face everyday, and will end up dying poor, alone, and as ignorant as you were when you thought that making this thread would be a good idea. Have a nice day.
    His mistake is only overshadowed by the ignorance shown by you sir. To come out and insult his spelling v the actual content shows a failing on your part. It's sad really. Grammar Bullies are a sad sad creature.:(
    Allow me to introduce myself, I am P'zzd Achu.
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    smackjabber1smackjabber1 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No... the OP does indeed suck.
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    s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    pzzdachu wrote: »
    His mistake is only overshadowed by the ignorance shown by you sir. To come out and insult his spelling v the actual content shows a failing on your part. It's sad really. Grammar Bullies are a sad sad creature.:(

    Almost as sad as making a thread complaining about... complaining.;)
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    warfluxwarflux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    arcbladez wrote: »
    What else is new? Go to any MMORPG webpage and you'll find the same thing. Like I wrote many times in the past

    That's not really true. I play eve and the level of complaining is much lower. So are the amount of bugs. The lack of response here from cryptic is what really amazes me. They don't seem to care at all. Look at the bug sections the posts are flying off the shelves and they can't address them it seems.

    Making false claims is just as bad as the whiners.
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    aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,366 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really guys? Please check your maturity score before typing on the forums.

    Very good post OP, with some valid points. Sadly, some of the "kiddies" found your post.

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