A wipe means nothing now- exploiters have bought millions of zen, taken it out of game or sold it. Do a wipe- and exploiters keep everything they have, buy all the AD in the market, and you're in an even worse spot than we are now.
You can't transfer zen from one game to another. You can't transfer zen from one account to another except through the zen/AD market.
A wipe means nothing now- exploiters have bought millions of zen, taken it out of game or sold it.
I agree that there is no need for a wipe, but I disagree with the notion that "exploiters have bought millions of Zen". Every and each Zen in the economy is backed by real cash. Even if you had an endless amount of AD, you cannot convert endlessly many AD to Zen, because it would require an endless number of people buying Zen (and willing to convert them).
The AD/Z exchange rate offers evidence that this didn't happen. If this had happened, the Zen would be more expensive and we would see an AD/Z exchange rate closer to 500:1. Instead, we see an exchange rate that is steadily decreasing (making Zen cheaper), which is a strong indicator that the theories and claims about there being a lot of "loose" AD stashed away are simply wrong.
The same applies to the claims that a lot of illegitimate were converted to Zen, as that would affect the exchange rate the same way. It didn't and it doesn't; it only did during the very time frame that was covered by the rollback.
So, there is no need for a wipe because the rollback and the manual intervention by Cryptic based on logs undid, at the very least, most of the damage.
Yea I'm pretty depressed (more like feeling like such an idiot), but I have put good money into the game because I enjoy it so much, but when there is exploit after exploit for people getting things I pay good money for is just frustrating. They are lucky my price demand for their game is pretty inelastic or I would be gone and that is only because there is no alternatives imo. I just wish that I wasn't such an idiot and that I still put more money into the game since the last major exploit and now once again I feel like cheaters always win(which is always great for your long-term Kappa)
When I see amounts of 10k zen or even 100k zen listed on the exchange, I am just why did I get caught in this trap, I'm soo dumb.
Also I still haven't gotten a 10 zen package a I bought like a week ago, but whoop-deeee-doo zen is almost worthless now.
I agree that there is no need for a wipe, but I disagree with the notion that "exploiters have bought millions of Zen". Every and each Zen in the economy is backed by real cash. Even if you had an endless amount of AD, you cannot convert endlessly many AD to Zen, because it would require an endless number of people buying Zen (and willing to convert them).
The AD/Z exchange rate offers evidence that this didn't happen. If this had happened, the Zen would be more expensive and we would see an AD/Z exchange rate closer to 500:1. Instead, we see an exchange rate that is steadily decreasing (making Zen cheaper), which is a strong indicator that the theories and claims about there being a lot of "loose" AD stashed away are simply wrong.
The same applies to the claims that a lot of illegitimate were converted to Zen, as that would affect the exchange rate the same way. It didn't and it doesn't; it only did during the very time frame that was covered by the rollback.
So, there is no need for a wipe because the rollback and the manual intervention by Cryptic based on logs undid, at the very least, most of the damage.
If I were them, I would keep my head down and spend those stolen astral diamonds slowly. I believe many cheaters would do like that as well.
There might not be a problem right now. And we might not clearly understand it when it slowly happens as well.
As a "hero founder" you paid money to these guys. But some immoral guys got similar stuff by using exploits and they could get away with that. And still I can't express myself. You guys still asking for solid evidence of "billions".
As a honest player I feel cheated by these burglars. Anyone who is against me in this topic is also cheated by them (unless they are one of them, and I really hope none of those immoral b*st*rds replied me like a joke). And you're trying to get the solid evidence for the amount of ADs. I don't know what to say.
Wow.... the injustice??!! you are talking about a freaking GAME on devices that people who live with true injustice cant even dream of having! FFS man get some perspective, perhaps go outside and get some exposure to the real world. Do you see how whiny and arrogant this statement is?! Try Darfur, or Syria or any number of place where ACTUAL injustice is the norm. Poor you you "have" to spend hundreds of dollars to get virtual things in a virtual world so you to can flaunt your epeen.
I live in Turkey. Syria is my neighbour country. Many people died at there and many of my people died as well. Please do not compare such kind of sad events which happens in real world with a piece of worthless software (not for insulting this game. software in general I mean, or anything which can not be compared to human life)
As I have stated before, there are many injustice out there in real world. This is why I play games... To forget daily stuff and relax a little bit. But there is no peace for me even in these virtual worlds... Thieves, burglars, b*st*rds are everywhere... even in this game they exist and PWE is "cool" with that. That's what makes me sad (and that sadness is not the type of sadness I feel about Syria... those are different feelings.)
As a "hero founder" you paid money to these guys. But some immoral guys got similar stuff by using exploits and they could get away with that.
I see zero evidence for the claim that "they could get away with that". I already (several times) posted the evidence why I believe that the rollback and the manual investigation/intervention by Cryptic are, in my view, likely to have undone most, perhaps all, of the damage.
It's not only that I don't see evidence for these claims to be true, but that I instead see evidence for them not being true. But I covered this several times already. At the end of the day, we all have an opinion on the matter and it's that personal opinion that we need to base our actions on. I wouldn't be here if I shared your opinion, you see. I value time and quality of time far more than money.
Sorry my friend this is how mmorpgs have worked from the beginning of time , the hardcore players that come out of the gate fast and hard put the hours in ALWAYS run the exploits and profit , then the nerfs come and make it harder for the rest , its called staying ahead of the curve , remember this for your next mmorpg
A good portion of the MMO experience is showing off, so yes, in fact, it does matter.
To be more accurate, this sentence should read: "A good portion of stroking my e-peen is showing off, so yes, in fact, it does matter."
When did playing a game become "showing off"? Who -cares- about your "phat lewtz"? Only other twelve year old boys, that's who.
To be more accurate, this sentence should read: "A good portion of stroking my e-peen is showing off, so yes, in fact, it does matter."
When did playing a game become "showing off"? Who -cares- about your "phat lewtz"? Only other twelve year old boys, that's who.
Haha this is so true, I think it is targeting the young male try-hard demographic that is out to prove themselves, and the psychology involved with that. Or a.k.a. slick marketing.
At worst the game just got fast forwarded 1-2 months in terms of player wealth/gear. Whether it happens now or later its going to happen and its not going to make any difference to the average player.
People got banned, so you got your justice and going on about "exploit after exploit" is exaggerating and simply untrue.
Dead horses stink, stop doing it and play the game! Stop worrying about everyone else.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone
At worst the game just got fast forwarded 1-2 months in terms of player wealth/gear. Whether it happens now or later its going to happen and its not going to make any difference to the average player.
People got banned, so you got your justice and going on about "exploit after exploit" is exaggerating and simply untrue.
Dead horses stink, stop doing it and play the game! Stop worrying about everyone else.
True, since I can't do anything else by myself.
I will continue playing without giving a single cent to PWE.
I will however, swap to ESO when it comes out. And I hope to see it as a monthly sub. game.
Publishers take it more serious when they could get montly income.
what he is saying is that all of the rich people in the real world exploited their way to the top 1%, and it is wrong, and that we should wipe the earth and start over.
I only play to gain the respect of my peers. If I drop something off a "hard" boss in this game then 2 days later exploiters are walking around in it, whats the point?
So you're just as upset when someone gains the very same item farming legitimately? Strawman argument. Next.
Mmos are ALL about gaining gear others find it hard or even impossible to get, if every Farmville player or exploiting scrub has it the game is a joke.
Umm..WRONG. Exploration. Relaxation. A place to get together with friends and perhaps make new ones. An MMO is most certainly NOT just about getting that next piece of swag and swelling e-peens.
NW needed weeks of closed beta testing or even OPEN beta testing with NO real money injected into the economy. This shhiittstorm and clusterluck of a game is all PWE's fault.
Actually....this I do agree with, in a sense. It's my opinion that if Cryptic and PW actually -DID- want an open beta test...they'd have just GIVEN away AD and currency to test items with. No need for an auction house. I can think of one game that did just that on their test server when rolling out new content. Gave everyone on test enough currency to get the new swag so it could be tested. But that's also an arguement for "live vs. open beta", so I'll just leave it here.
As soon as any half decent mmo drops the mass exodus of this game will rival SWTORs.
If it's that bad...why haven't people left already? What ball and chain has them mystically tied to this game now? Look, if the game is THAT BAD IN YOUR OPINION...why stay? Follow the directions I've been kind enough to give in my sig and don't look back.
So you're just as upset when someone gains the very same item farming legitimately? Strawman argument. Next.
You do realize, that you just made a straw man argument. Like textbook. You argued against something he didn't say or imply.
For the sole purpose of making him seem wrong.
the heck?
Umm..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3y3QoFnqZc. Exploration. Relaxation. A place to get together with friends and perhaps make new ones. An MMO is most certainly NOT just about getting that next piece of swag and swelling e-peens.
For him that may BE the reason he wants to play the game, it's not unheard of and he doesn't need your blatant appeal to ridicule because of it. Just as he shouldn't attack your beliefs over it not being an issue.
If it's that bad...why haven't people left already? What ball and chain has them mystically tied to this game now? Look, if the game is THAT BAD IN YOUR OPINION...why stay? Follow the directions I've been kind enough to give in my sig and don't look back.
He may not have a better alternative of this genre?
he may be hoping against hope that it improves?
you can't say for certain that others are leaving, or others are staying, only that HE, the poster you're responding to, is still here or on the forum at least, why don't you ask him instead of telling him to politely "**** off" hmm?
I was screaming for a wipe after the last exploit. Servers come back up, people are already pissed about the loss of seven hours, many of them do not read forums and so had very little idea what was going on etc etc. Cats were not being offloaded for a few zen or AD, nobody had one to sell..trust me, I tried to get one. The economy is fine, the prices on things haven't really moved around very much on Mindflayer, but naturally, gear is going to go down in price as more and more people are able to farm it. Economy stabilized. If you hate the people that didn't get punished (I do) just report the ones you find out about. Otherwise they are not really having an impact on the game at this point. They are rich, and have a bunch of mounts..oh noes.
True, since I can't do anything else by myself.
I will continue playing without giving a single cent to PWE.
I will however, swap to ESO when it comes out. And I hope to see it as a monthly sub. game.
Publishers take it more serious when they could get montly income.
Monthly sub games have the same problem. There's gold sellers in them too. Gold sellers in wow have billions of gold and it's a monthly sub game. I know people who have bought well over a thousand gold from them. In fact, there's many gold sellers that make entire livings between them and their employees selling gold. "Injustice" exists there too. There's also an entire business revolved around stealing accounts from people and selling the accounts to others as well.
You can't transfer zen from one game to another. You can't transfer zen from one account to another except through the zen/AD market.
There is no justice, only vengeance.
Listen to this guy, he knows what's up.
I agree that there is no need for a wipe, but I disagree with the notion that "exploiters have bought millions of Zen". Every and each Zen in the economy is backed by real cash. Even if you had an endless amount of AD, you cannot convert endlessly many AD to Zen, because it would require an endless number of people buying Zen (and willing to convert them).
The AD/Z exchange rate offers evidence that this didn't happen. If this had happened, the Zen would be more expensive and we would see an AD/Z exchange rate closer to 500:1. Instead, we see an exchange rate that is steadily decreasing (making Zen cheaper), which is a strong indicator that the theories and claims about there being a lot of "loose" AD stashed away are simply wrong.
The same applies to the claims that a lot of illegitimate were converted to Zen, as that would affect the exchange rate the same way. It didn't and it doesn't; it only did during the very time frame that was covered by the rollback.
So, there is no need for a wipe because the rollback and the manual intervention by Cryptic based on logs undid, at the very least, most of the damage.
When I see amounts of 10k zen or even 100k zen listed on the exchange, I am just why did I get caught in this trap, I'm soo dumb.
Also I still haven't gotten a 10 zen package a I bought like a week ago, but whoop-deeee-doo zen is almost worthless now.
If I were them, I would keep my head down and spend those stolen astral diamonds slowly. I believe many cheaters would do like that as well.
There might not be a problem right now. And we might not clearly understand it when it slowly happens as well.
As a "hero founder" you paid money to these guys. But some immoral guys got similar stuff by using exploits and they could get away with that. And still I can't express myself. You guys still asking for solid evidence of "billions".
As a honest player I feel cheated by these burglars. Anyone who is against me in this topic is also cheated by them (unless they are one of them, and I really hope none of those immoral b*st*rds replied me like a joke). And you're trying to get the solid evidence for the amount of ADs. I don't know what to say.
I live in Turkey. Syria is my neighbour country. Many people died at there and many of my people died as well. Please do not compare such kind of sad events which happens in real world with a piece of worthless software (not for insulting this game. software in general I mean, or anything which can not be compared to human life)
As I have stated before, there are many injustice out there in real world. This is why I play games... To forget daily stuff and relax a little bit. But there is no peace for me even in these virtual worlds... Thieves, burglars, b*st*rds are everywhere... even in this game they exist and PWE is "cool" with that. That's what makes me sad (and that sadness is not the type of sadness I feel about Syria... those are different feelings.)
I see zero evidence for the claim that "they could get away with that". I already (several times) posted the evidence why I believe that the rollback and the manual investigation/intervention by Cryptic are, in my view, likely to have undone most, perhaps all, of the damage.
It's not only that I don't see evidence for these claims to be true, but that I instead see evidence for them not being true. But I covered this several times already. At the end of the day, we all have an opinion on the matter and it's that personal opinion that we need to base our actions on. I wouldn't be here if I shared your opinion, you see. I value time and quality of time far more than money.
To be more accurate, this sentence should read: "A good portion of stroking my e-peen is showing off, so yes, in fact, it does matter."
When did playing a game become "showing off"? Who -cares- about your "phat lewtz"? Only other twelve year old boys, that's who.
The last time people cried about ruining the economy went so very well, didn't it? I've yet to see any actual damage to the game's "economy".
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
Haha this is so true, I think it is targeting the young male try-hard demographic that is out to prove themselves, and the psychology involved with that. Or a.k.a. slick marketing.
People got banned, so you got your justice and going on about "exploit after exploit" is exaggerating and simply untrue.
Dead horses stink, stop doing it and play the game! Stop worrying about everyone else.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone
True, since I can't do anything else by myself.
I will continue playing without giving a single cent to PWE.
I will however, swap to ESO when it comes out. And I hope to see it as a monthly sub. game.
Publishers take it more serious when they could get montly income.
So you're just as upset when someone gains the very same item farming legitimately? Strawman argument. Next.
Umm..WRONG. Exploration. Relaxation. A place to get together with friends and perhaps make new ones. An MMO is most certainly NOT just about getting that next piece of swag and swelling e-peens.
Actually....this I do agree with, in a sense. It's my opinion that if Cryptic and PW actually -DID- want an open beta test...they'd have just GIVEN away AD and currency to test items with. No need for an auction house. I can think of one game that did just that on their test server when rolling out new content. Gave everyone on test enough currency to get the new swag so it could be tested. But that's also an arguement for "live vs. open beta", so I'll just leave it here.
If it's that bad...why haven't people left already? What ball and chain has them mystically tied to this game now? Look, if the game is THAT BAD IN YOUR OPINION...why stay? Follow the directions I've been kind enough to give in my sig and don't look back.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
You do realize, that you just made a straw man argument. Like textbook. You argued against something he didn't say or imply.
For the sole purpose of making him seem wrong.
For him that may BE the reason he wants to play the game, it's not unheard of and he doesn't need your blatant appeal to ridicule because of it. Just as he shouldn't attack your beliefs over it not being an issue.
He may not have a better alternative of this genre?
he may be hoping against hope that it improves?
you can't say for certain that others are leaving, or others are staying, only that HE, the poster you're responding to, is still here or on the forum at least, why don't you ask him instead of telling him to politely "**** off" hmm?
Monthly sub games have the same problem. There's gold sellers in them too. Gold sellers in wow have billions of gold and it's a monthly sub game. I know people who have bought well over a thousand gold from them. In fact, there's many gold sellers that make entire livings between them and their employees selling gold. "Injustice" exists there too. There's also an entire business revolved around stealing accounts from people and selling the accounts to others as well.
Don't steal, don't use exploits, play fair... why it seems so hard to those b*st*rds...