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About those who have been banned for exploiting.



  • chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Once money changed hands, a wipe became a non possibility. Has nothing to do with the semantic title they tagged their game with.
  • screamingpalmscreamingpalm Member Posts: 304 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This is a definition of beta-testing obtained from Carlos Delano Buskey "A Software Metrics Based Approach to Enterprise SoftwareBeta Testing Design" (School of Computer Science & Information Systems,Pace University 2005)P2

    A test of software that is still under development accomplished by having peopleactually using the software. In a beta test, a software product is sent to selected potential customers and influential end users (known asbeta sites), who test its
    functionality and report any operational or utilization errors (bugs) found. The beta test is usually one of the last steps a software developer takes before releasing the product to market; however, if the beta sites indicate that the software has operational difficulties or an extraordinary number of bugs, the developer may conduct more beta tests before the software is released to
    customers.” - It is about identifying errors and assessing functionality. Exploits are covered in the functionality section, but we assess functionality issues, we do not engage and profit by them as beta-testers.
    "Although, software manufacturers recognize beta testing as a formal and important element of software testing, and most industry dictionaries and glossaries provide formal definitions for beta testing, there are no existing standards or models for this form of software testing" - There are no established systems for 'how to beta-test' only definitions for what beta-testing actually is. So it makes absolutely no sense to say 'this is a beta-test so we must do the following'.
    Beta testing is simple in the end. Assess but don't exploit functionality. Report errors. Don't be a ******!

    Complete and utter corporatist drivel. Why would testing bugs in every situation be bad for the game? Try looking at the root of the problem instead: companies exploiting their customers, a moronic and senseless in game "economy" and other shady practices to capitalize on psychological and obsessive/compulsive behaviors.
  • hyphenjayhyphenjay Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    beta no longer mean what it used to....
  • tormeantedtormeanted Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    :cool:Isn't this game in Beta still? "Open Beta"?:cool:

    Maybe I am too old fashion but Beta to me means, STILL IN TESTING. In my honest opinion, if you are going to keep the good old BETA tag in front of your title, to me; that tells me to find as many bugs and exploits as I can and see how far it actually can go; then report it; then keep testing it until it is fixed.

    Am I wrong, or does Beta mean something else now days? Because as I see it, anyone who got banned for exploiting anything, including the diamonds/AH/dungeons/etc should never have gotten banned. At the same time; because the BETA tag is still on the title; be it "OPEN BETA" specifically, a full character wipe should not have been out of the question. Furthermore, you should never promise "no character wipes" while you still have "Beta" anywhere in your game title.

    The players who exploited their systems should have been commended and rewarded in my honest opinion.

    Thank you for your time.

    First, if there's no wipes it's not really a beta, fine w/e.
    But PW is calling it Beta, why?, because they desperately need the money, they can't fix it, and they know it's broke.
    BUT --- WE ALL KNOW THIS!!! No one is kidding anyone.
    Many of us are like ok, this is gonna suck in many ways, but I really want to play this game and it's fun.

    Then a bunch of jerks come along and try to ruin the game for everyone.
    The fact we all know (as mentioned above) the game is buggy makes it easy for jerks to ruin it.
    Like taking candy from a baby.
    So we don't want to smelly teenager sticking our babies pacifier in their butt crack just because they can.
    Are you surprised?
    So you got banned. HAH! That's awesome. So we can play in peace. Nice.

    So go open 10 more May 2013 new accounts as they all get banned because you are dumb.
    Guess what? All that stuff you had in game, it's all gone.
    Want to borrow a pacifier? Smells like butt though, but you can have it. You need it. Here...
  • edge1986edge1986 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 647 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    :cool:Isn't this game in Beta still? "Open Beta"?:cool:

    Maybe I am too old fashion but Beta to me means, STILL IN TESTING. In my honest opinion, if you are going to keep the good old BETA tag in front of your title, to me; that tells me to find as many bugs and exploits as I can and see how far it actually can go; then report it; then keep testing it until it is fixed.

    Am I wrong, or does Beta mean something else now days? Because as I see it, anyone who got banned for exploiting anything, including the diamonds/AH/dungeons/etc should never have gotten banned. At the same time; because the BETA tag is still on the title; be it "OPEN BETA" specifically, a full character wipe should not have been out of the question. Furthermore, you should never promise "no character wipes" while you still have "Beta" anywhere in your game title.

    The players who exploited their systems should have been commended and rewarded in my honest opinion.

    Thank you for your time.

    Yes you are old fashioned, this is basically a launch and common practice among F2P mmo's
  • xen1912xen1912 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    People who exploited weren't testing. they sold their items for real money. they deserved to be banned. It wasnt some simple thing that the company could let go, for legal reasons they had to ban people.

  • demattodematto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Meh. Like pretty much everything else related to humans, it goes both ways. Betas are for finding bugs. That's what happened. A bug was found and it was tested and verified, as is scientifically responsible. The dehumanizing and emotionally-charged label "Exploitation" suggests that these people got some lasting benefit out of what happened, or that they were trying to. Because of the dev's action, little to no lasting benefit was retained. But they were still banned because the feelings that come with thinking someone is involved in exploitation are stronger than rational thought. It labels them other, outsider, untrustworthy, cheat, liar and a hundred other things that are far worse.
    This is where we see people getting on their high horse and making completely baseless inferences about the sort of person who would do such a thing.

    On the other hand, however much you wish to point out that rationally all rules must be written in clear, unambiguous language to be truly fair (a valid point to make), communities don't really work like that. There are ALWAYS unspoken rules and expectations, and I think one of the unspoken rules of an MMO community is that you don't instantly bypass the entire content the devs developed and become the most bad-*** mamma-jamma in the land who owns thirteen copies of every item in the game just because you realized that a negative sign was all it took. I get it, if the devs left it in, it's their fault. But you still violated the unspoken rule and no community in the history of humanity, all the way back to two guys with sticks has EVER taken that well. Ever. Should you truly wish to rejoin the community, I'd bet my next paycheck someone at the office would listen to a sufficiently apologetic email.
  • dmanrockzdmanrockz Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You find and REPORT and exploit. Everyone that was banned for taking advantage of exploits, especially those that impacted PvP, DESERVES their bans.
  • screamingpalmscreamingpalm Member Posts: 304 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    dmanrockz wrote: »
    You find and REPORT and exploit. Everyone that was banned for taking advantage of exploits, especially those that impacted PvP, DESERVES their bans.

    No, they certainly do not. If anything, they deserve thanks.
  • demattodematto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xen1912 wrote: »
    People who exploited weren't testing. they sold their items for real money. they deserved to be banned. It wasnt some simple thing that the company could let go, for legal reasons they had to ban people.

    Regarding this; I would question that. People sell accounts in every mmo and it's always kinda bannable, sure. But is Caturday really all that different from the traditional under-the-table account selling that goes on? Even if we're talking about the magnitude of caturday and how many accounts were suddenly viable to sell hot, the window was only 6 hours. How long does it usually take to sell an account? How many actually did? How many users even know where to go to sell their accounts?

    To be fair, I don't know. I merely speculate that I would expect these numbers to be dramatically lower than the total number of users banned for substantially contributing to the destruction of the in-game economy.
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    They will never wipe. The problems are never over.Their will be more ah exploits.They just have to get better at dmg control which they are doing right now.Ah was down nearly instantly this time limiting the spread so the can trade down and single it out and delete items and dfix problem.Exploiters biggest friend is how long it takes admin to find out so they can intergrate it int othe public.The first exploit was bad cus that was 2 weeks it went on so long we dont know where or when it started to do dmg control.but this wasa few days so not so bad.

    people shud stop complain and start help the admins with it.whenu see something thats not right.Report it right away.DOnt try to take advantage of it.Poeple are funny they see these things then qq aobut roll back and ask for wipe.Report anyhing weird.To be heosnt they shud wipe now that i think, just as punish for people not reporting.The should start aban holocast on everyone who gota item from it inocent till proven guilty and wipe if it goes on for more than a week with out people knowing.U will see how fast peopl stop skipping bosses and exploit the game.Aftera month of that people wil leave.

    Then if so good riddance exploiters or they wil stop exploitin period.ban mroe talk less. Wheni exploit in wow. wotlk first uldar ahard mode.I got ban along iwth my raid mate fora week.and we lost our items.Along iwtha warning for perma ban.we got roll back banned and warning guidl mad at us cus no progress this week.I never exploited in wow ever again.

    Cryptic Start getting serious about your disipline.Ban anyone for any slight exploit.If they even look hard at it instant ban.and if people ignore and let it go on.WIpe Start over.but stil bring out new content.U will see how the communtiy will stop point fingers at u and start pointing them at exploiters.Ban even me if try to exploit foundry again.at leasti known not to do it again.

    BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN and roll back that person or wipe them.This is not a democracy.
    Its you game survival on the line start showing some balls cryptic.Get some respect.Why are we protecting exploiters.They aren ot he mafia that will com after yoru family ifu sell them out.andu gonna lose the most ofu get catch with exploitu haven othing to gain along to happen.Its our job to help admin find out the exploit so the can rap it up fast and we wont have ah down for whoel and aneed roll back.
  • pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Yes, lets ban ban ban everyone and soon enough NW is dead.
    Foundry Missions ;
    By ; @pestilence149
    Gladiators of Dhara (Easy) & (Hard)
    Search by Best : Name/Summary/Short-Code ; Gladiators
    NW-DJJS7OWZI (For easy)
    NW-DPT9I8RKF (For hard)

    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
  • kiraliakiralia Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    When a company does a mass banning the chances are that some innocents will be caught up in it...false positives is the term used I believe. There were some of those here, and we have already heard some people on the forums talk of how they were initially banned and then unbanned when further checks were made and their innocence proven.

    However the majority of the remaining bans were probably deserved. Regardless of if it is a beta or not people knew they were doing something wrong and did it any way. Some people made large amounts of real hard cash out of it. Others attempted to do so but things were fixed before they could manage it. Some just did it so they could have huge amounts of in game currency to do with as they wanted. Some just did it for fun. Some did it to be d-bags. In some extreme cases there could possibly be legal cases pending against players. Really it doesn't matter WHY they did it, it was still wrong.

    It was widely known that there were to be no more wipes. Slap a beta label on it all you want to cover the fact there will be extra bugs but if there are no more wipes its as good as live....especially when cash shop money is involved.

    Even if the in game bug reporting system is down that does not give you a license to take that bug/exploit that you found and continue using and abusing it for personal gain. You can email the company, you can pm devs on the boards, you can wait for the system to be up and running again and then report it. Whichever way you decide to go you STOP using the bug/exploit once you find it else you deserve whatever you get.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dockilljoy wrote: »
    Have you guys tried to report an exploit? If you use the system in-game, an error pops up stating you cannot connect to the report bug server. lol.

    I found a bug. You can't report bugs/exploits.

    Sure you can.

    You can come here and report bugs.
    You can send an e-mail to support to report bugs.

    If you utilize an exploit you are expected to report it.
    Yeah, they need to fix the reporting system, but if someone like the OP thinks that exploiting an issue for days on end and profiting from it should all be forgiven when they claim that they were just "investigating the full extent and impact of the exploit" then they are out of their mind.

    No one needed to know how many millions they could make from the AD exploit on the AH. Once they dicovered that such a thing was possible, it should have been reported and they should have stopped.

    It doesn't matter how much they could exploit it, all that mattered was that it could be exploited.
    If they felt the need to impress upon Cryptic the potential damage, a clear report should have done that.

    I am not getting into any discussion about what they knew and when they knew it. You want to hunt bugs then hunt them, and when you find them tell Cryptic.
    You do that and you should remain on the safe side of any bannings.
  • xen1912xen1912 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dematto wrote: »
    Regarding this; I would question that. People sell accounts in every mmo and it's always kinda bannable, sure. But is Caturday really all that different from the traditional under-the-table account selling that goes on? Even if we're talking about the magnitude of caturday and how many accounts were suddenly viable to sell hot, the window was only 6 hours. How long does it usually take to sell an account? How many actually did? How many users even know where to go to sell their accounts?

    To be fair, I don't know. I merely speculate that I would expect these numbers to be dramatically lower than the total number of users banned for substantially contributing to the destruction of the in-game economy.

    No. I wasn't regarding caturday. I was regarding other exploits. there was one person who reported to make 7000$ selling castle never loot since early in beta. whether that is true or not doesn't matter though. exploiting was around long before the rollback happened. cats were just made viral so that they would be less likely to be caught. They were not selling accounts, they were selling specific items. some people even were charging people money to do castle never speed runs.

  • demattodematto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fair enough, xen. I'd misunderstood and thought you were referring to the possibility of legal whatchamahoosits as a result of caturday only.
  • klugemaker1klugemaker1 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ban-hammer is currently being beta tested. Thank you for your assistance.
  • daschladaschla Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 240 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Open Beta is for testing of the game and resources running the game, including equipment. Open Beta is not for people to find bugs and then proceed to PROFIT from them by providing gold farmers means to RMT indefinitely, which is what has been happening.

    Stop being selfish. Some of you have no intention of testing the game, or even playing it, you just want to scam and rip people off and laugh while doing it.
    Sister Vanity knows if you've been naughty or nice...and heals accordingly.
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    kiralia wrote: »
    When a company does a mass banning the chances are that some innocents will be caught up in it...false positives is the term used I believe. There were some of those here, and we have already heard some people on the forums talk of how they were initially banned and then unbanned when further checks were made and their innocence proven.

    However the majority of the remaining bans were probably deserved. Regardless of if it is a beta or not people knew they were doing something wrong and did it any way. Some people made large amounts of real hard cash out of it. Others attempted to do so but things were fixed before they could manage it. Some just did it so they could have huge amounts of in game currency to do with as they wanted. Some just did it for fun. Some did it to be d-bags. In some extreme cases there could possibly be legal cases pending against players. Really it doesn't matter WHY they did it, it was still wrong.

    It was widely known that there were to be no more wipes. Slap a beta label on it all you want to cover the fact there will be extra bugs but if there are no more wipes its as good as live....especially when cash shop money is involved.

    Even if the in game bug reporting system is down that does not give you a license to take that bug/exploit that you found and continue using and abusing it for personal gain. You can email the company, you can pm devs on the boards, you can wait for the system to be up and running again and then report it. Whichever way you decide to go you STOP using the bug/exploit once you find it else you deserve whatever you get.

    does matter false or no false report it.If u in call policewhen bandit is on the loose dont get bad if police break down your door.
  • visgangvisgang Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 34
    edited May 2013
    It is still Beta, and when you open your doors to thousands of people, exploits will be found and abused; but that is the point of a beta. Im sick of companies coining OPEN BETA and something that it is not.

    Nice moral loophole you have worked out for yourself. But when they explicitly say how it WILL NOT BE TOLERATED if you find, then go on to abuse, said exploit. They say right out they will atomize your account if they catch you. You know **** well this is not a traditional open beta.

    There is no character wipe, there is money being charged. If your gonna be a c**t and ruin things for the entire game community then you got at least that coming. I'm sick of people like you, and how you think, go play in the road.
  • nikmal2013nikmal2013 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 60
    edited May 2013
    even those who reported the exploits were banned.
    Those that REPORTED the exploits in and of themselves were NOT banned.. but if they did participate in the exploit in any way... they were banned and rightly so.

    Folks, just because there is BETA in the titleof this game does not mean that you as a player of the game can take advantage of anything that resembles some sort of bug and then think no repercussions will come of it. Calling the developers of this game immature is kind of asinine to say the least because they do not want anyone to take advantage of this game nor does anyone else in the game that plays at least half way honestly. It affects all of us when one person exploits as the developers then have to deal with it and this is usually through down time. Sometimes even more drastic such as roll-backs and or wipes.

    If it respults in a wipe that would be the main issue with someone exploiting and fowl indeed. Actually pathetic that the economy would have to be fixed because of exploiters by a wipe. Exploiters would be happy as they got their way. Having them call me a fanboi because I prefer to have NO WIPE AT ALL!! I am a fanboi then. I put a lot of time and energy in to this game playing it. While I am a somewhat casual player due to other interests in life. I am still wanting to protect my time and effort in to my account and character as much as possible!!!

    If you support a wipe then you might want to start putting the blame squarely where it belongs and that is where you will find the true culprit that is the exploiter. THe developers are doing their damnedest to prevent a wipe and I will continue to support said efforts. DO not blame PWE on not wanting the wipe... as a market it can be fixed... ESPECIALLY IF NO ONE EXPLOITS any longer starting from today!.
  • wompoo1wompoo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is no beta, this is a live game with people spending real money. Yes, exploitation is intolerable at any time and people participating in it "should be banned", that simple, they are the type of people a game is better of without.
  • screamingpalmscreamingpalm Member Posts: 304 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    What is 'asinine' is people having unrealistic expectations about some silly pseudo economy in a video game. Add to that the real reason "exploiters" are frowned upon, in that this fake system is trying to be capitalized upon. It is completely immature to punish people for testing bugs as thoroughly as possible, no matter what corporatist Kool-Aid you've been drinking, deflect the blame onto the sheep more than happy to oblige. In no way should it be bad for a game to do this, unless the design itself is flawed in some way.

    And no, I wouldn't want a wipe neither.
  • kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    "But I only cheated to help"

    yeah ok...

    If you were really here to help and find bugs etc. (testing) you wouldn't care if your F2P account was banned. You would just go make a new account and find bugs while leveling up to 60 again. It's fairly obvious that the complaint about being banned here is that you wanted to keep your stuff and not because you were "wrongfully" banned for helping out.
  • hammersteinhammerstein Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How/where do I report an exploit?
  • calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nikmal2013 wrote: »
    Those that REPORTED the exploits in and of themselves were NOT banned.. but if they did participate in the exploit in any way... they were banned and rightly so.

    You mean report bugs without actually making sure the report is accurate? "I think there's an AH exploit but I'm not sure what it is." Granted, if you only did it once and wrote a bug report you might get unbanned... a week later.

    kevinf08 wrote: »
    If you were really here to help and find bugs etc. (testing) you wouldn't care if your F2P account was banned.

    Do they get their money back and get to make a new account?
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    even those who reported the exploits were banned.

    I reported bugs and wasn't banned thats pure balderdash. Show me one person in Neverwinter that got banned for reporting a bug or exploit.

    For those that mentioned how to do the exploit in the forums but never used it and got banned they should have read the TOS.
    It clearly states not to tell other forum users how to exploit the game. No sympathy for them at all.
  • ausdoerrtausdoerrt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Says, "NOW IN OPEN BETA!" right on their homepage, so don't try to tell me it is not open beta. It is what it is; and "EXPLOITING BUGS" is what a BETA is for...


    Also, testing != exploiting. Weak try.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    People whose accounts were banned.... Their tears taste sweeet.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Here's the deal: Find bugs. Report Bugs. Do not exploit bugs for your own gain.

    This is a Soft Launch Open Beta Test. Characters won't be wiped so there is no room for forgiveness since exploiting bugs will negatively effect the game, community and economy.

    As partaking in the Beta Test you are expected to not exploit the bugs you find. If you report a bug and still continue to exploit it then expect the same repercussions. In fact you can find a bug and not report it and be completely fine. It's continued exploitative abuse of bugs which will result in punishments.

    This is the same rule which exists for any other MMO. The fact this is still Open Beta does not grant you the ability to exploit bugs without repercussions.
This discussion has been closed.