The tide of public opinion has risen against the Great Weapon Fighter.
It doesn't matter if you can get 18-20 million damage in T2.
It doesn't matter if you always have the most enemies slain in every dungeon.
The forums say GWF is a terrible, useless, throwaway class and all the lame-brains believe it.
This is the third night in a row I have tried for multiple hours to get into a Castle Never group only to be kicked out before even getting to warm my bones by the entrance campfire.
At one point, I thought I had actually made it. 1 DC 1 CW 2TR and me 1GWF. I thought this looked like a pretty solid group. But no, I was kicked. I asked why. The answer? "We'd rather get a different class."
This is just absurd. If any any point a group can say, "why should we take a GWF when we can have two of ANYTHING ELSE?" then the problem has reached critical mass.
What we have here is a situation in which public opinion has destroyed the ability of some classes to play the game. I am fine with the way GWF is balanced. It IS useful, it DOES fulfill a purpose...people just get told it doesn't and they are scared to learn anything for themselves.
In this case, PWE's only option...if they want to save to make it so retardedly OP in the next patch that public opinion gets reversed. People need to say, "Holy donkey balls! GWF is so amazing, we can't do this dungeon without one!"
Then that needs to spread on the forums so people stop auto-kicking every GWF they see from their groups.
After public opinion has been reversed the GWF would, of course, need to be toned back down to normal levels and have it rebalanced so that public opinion doesn't falter again.
If they don't do this GWF is finished as a class. They could just remove it from the game and let all the current GWF convert their character to a different class.
EVERY class needs to be desirable. EVERY class needs to be able to get into groups.
Same problem here. Started leveling a gwf despite all the negative things said on the forums because it was fun and a bit challenging. Stopped at lvl 48 because people were not wanting to let me in low/mid level dungeons. Figured why bother, even if he was fun, knowing once the solo content stops hes unplayable.
Guess we could always join a guild and hope they are bros and let us come to t1/t2 dungeons.
In our guild groups, we usually have atleast 1 GWF with us, sometimes even two, and as a cleric, I love it. I dont know why the public opinion is against the GWF, I really see no reason for it. But I do feel for you.
I mean control wizzard giga black hole ontop of GWF ====> mean machine style? keep aggro of cleric ====> cleric gonna love u big time
People fail to realise what the R in ARPG-MMO stands for and clearly everybody has a roll to play some just fail to realise how rolles synergy's....
Give CW A GWF buddy and u can laugh at the splashfest....i should create a threat about the big R ?
Edit : just wanted to give an example of a failed R attempt, yesterday i ran gray wolves den with my 42 cleric, we have a GWF in our team and he used all single dps powers, i told him 10 times "this aint pvp, ure add control in dungeons", obviuesly i told team "we wont kill boss" after 5 min in the dungeon , he refused to change his playstyle and we wiped at boss and all left. Sadly this example is about a GWF, but like that i have seen CONTROL wizard play dps, totaly neglecting the control, clerics going for DPS neglecting the heals etc...
The only class that can never go wrong doing anything durring a fight would be TR, is he downing the boss GREAT, is he killing elite mobs why not, is he killing adds "mmmmkay"...
GF/GWF are totaly viable endgame, but it depends on ure control wizard pretty much how good u wil be, and its defenetly not as easy for CW then mobs ==> cliff ==> done.
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
well, all I can say you can blame publisher or devs if the public opinion make wrong statement at anything. for example TR, so many people say TR is overpowered they asked to be nerf, do they try it? do they calculate all the factor in it like power, feat, gear? let me tell you something, I'm a DC, but I can build TR with combination of things that make it almost unlimited at stealth, overpowered? no, because it still can be interrupted. but still some players still think "too much damage skill or too long effect skill = overpowered" without thinking "is there really a way of combination to do that?".
the factors that make opinion is the community and the player who build the class itself, no matter what class there is. if seen GWF that powerful enough to cover me, as a DC, so I can easily healing everyone else, but there also GWF that build as loner, this goes to all class too. there is good Guide at class thread, but the problem is some people chose to ignore it, build as if it was at any other MMO, and the worst thing is, blame the game if the build wrong and force devs to change it the way they want to, this is what happen to all classes on the game. some other players thought that always bothering me is "good in PvP means good in PVE if not it is bad" and "adds/mobs only class is not needed, boss killer is a must", in the result the conclusion lead to, "adds in bosses is too much annoying and should be removed".
there are many player that been warn about R factor in so many thread, the problem, they still ignore it. well, this kind of thread, about class balancing and else, will still come and go as long as some player cant accept 2 things:
1. this is D&D class style, not any other MMO class
2. the game basis is strictly RPG, means any class have different Role in the game.
Same problem here. Started leveling a gwf despite all the negative things said on the forums because it was fun and a bit challenging. Stopped at lvl 48 because people were not wanting to let me in low/mid level dungeons. Figured why bother, even if he was fun, knowing once the solo content stops hes unplayable.
Guess we could always join a guild and hope they are bros and let us come to t1/t2 dungeons.
I'm in a guild... Right now we're running people through T1/T2 trying to get them ready for Castle Never.
Also, not everyone is always on all the time... All classes should be able to queue up and get into dungeons.
I understand being kicked. No cleric? I get it, no argument from me.
But if I get get kicked from a group because they'd rather have 3TR than 2TR and a GWF we have a problem.
so, nobody wants a gwf eh? well, i'm glad they don't want someone to keep adds off the cleric, i'm glad they don't want a guy running around spamming aoe dmg and picking people up when they're downed, i'm glad they don't want a versatile character capable of multiple rolls including roll swapping to help with situational changes, i'm glad they can enjoy not having all of this, because they're classist.
Nobody wants a GWF because bosses in this game are overwhelmingly solos with some puny adds that basically any class could kill in their sleep, if they are present at all. They don't even get the distinction of being "that class that makes the runs go faster because he has crazy trash clear" because CW can punt enemies off ledges.
iamdoctordeathMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
There's really nobody you can blame but the saboteurs who have spammed both the forums and zone chat with 'GWF is completely useless, never bring one'.
I honestly don't get it- in a game where 90% of pulls or more have 5+ monsters, the class with the highest aoe damage isn't welcome? Entirely on the people whining about GWFs before any of them had even hit 60 and geared up.
The overwhelming tide of public opinion can't be changed by the developers, but the systems meant for 'casual' or less well-connected players who don't always have a full group of friends around to rely on for runs to do pick-up groups can certainly be adjusted to allow for far, far less abuse than what goes on right now in a lot of respects, especially with regard to the kick system and party leadership options.
There's really nobody you can blame but the saboteurs who have spammed both the forums and zone chat with 'GWF is completely useless, never bring one'.
I honestly don't get it- in a game where 90% of pulls or more have 5+ monsters, the class with the highest aoe damage isn't welcome? Entirely on the people whining about GWFs before any of them had even hit 60 and geared up.
They don't have the highest AoE damage and they have no means to CC/group/hold hate.
I did a Spellplague Caverns run with a GWF, a couple of higher level TRs and a DC. I was a CW and was surprised to see the GWF top the damage for almost the entire instance (I edged him to the top spot only at the very end). I was like, "I thought GWFs were supposed to be rubbish!"
They don't have the highest AoE damage and they have no means to CC/group/hold hate.
Yeah, sadly Wizards quite honestly do add management in a way that GWF's can't really stack up to.
Of course, part of this is because aggro calculations are complete nonsense right now, so there's no way to reliably get the mobs to actually pay any attention to us...but they'll always congregate around a Singularity pulling them in.
I did a Spellplague Caverns run with a GWF, a couple of higher level TRs and a DC. I was a CW and was surprised to see the GWF top the damage for almost the entire instance (I edged him to the top spot only at the very end). I was like, "I thought GWFs were supposed to be rubbish!"
Spellplague has a ton of mobs to fight and a ton of mobs that do knockbacks or insta-kill moves (for a TR). It's very easy to be ahead on GWF or neck/neck until the last boss.
edit: what i'm saying is it a TR isn't spending all its time DPSing unlike GWF who can hit Unstoppable and just sit there.
ausdoerrtMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
It's OK, eventually guilds will grow bigger, and pugs less welcome
For now, do make use of that blacklist, it's there for a reason. don't think a reasonable party would kick you, you just got "lucky" with a bunch of immature brats and people who don't know better.
Don't GWF's AOEs hit limited number of targets? Like 5? (I don't know really).
Also, everyone says GWF=AOE damage. Well, CWs have insane AOE damage and noone cares about trash anyway. Bosses: I'd rather have 2 CW chaining black holes/repels/shields etc, than a 2 GWF trying to kill insane amounts of boss trash.
It is not that GWF are useless it is just that a CW has tons of AOE and control abilities. Add to this a CW is ranged and has multiple dodges so is much more forgiving. True, a well played GWF can do well, but a pretty mediocre CW can be just as useful, so pubs are obviously not going to take the more risky option. Unless GWF's AOE DPS is much better than CW's why would a PUB pick a class that is melee and so more likely to be in danger of dying, and has no real control abilities over a CW?
Yes, kicking GWFs on sight is excessive, but do remember it was the Devs who decided to nerf the GWF DPS contribution enough that now CW out-shine them in almost every way with the HUGE advantages of range and control abilities........
krewcifyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It is not that GWF are useless it is just that a CW has tons of AOE and control abilities. Add to this a CW is ranged and has multiple dodges so is much more forgiving. True, a well played GWF can do well, but a pretty mediocre CW can be just as useful, so pubs are obviously not going to take the more risky option. Unless GWF's AOE DPS is much better than CW's why would a PUB pick a class that is melee and so more likely to be in danger of dying, and has no real control abilities over a CW?
Yes, kicking GWFs on sight is excessive, but do remember it was the Devs who decided to nerf the GWF DPS contribution enough that now CW out-shine them in almost every way with the HUGE advantages of range and control abilities........
I agree with you. This is what my entire post was about.
The only way to get GWF back into the game is to go way overboard and buff it so hard until it is the most OP thing anyone has ever seen.
People have to start saying, "We NEED a GWF or we will not be able to do this dungeon". Once that sentiment has made the rounds tone the GWF back down to what it SHOULD be. An AoE DPS class specializing in add clearing.
1. Make GWF untargetable during Sprint (like every other class when they use Shift...except, of course, GF block..which stops damage)
2. Increase damage of AoE attacks per target over 4 by some percent.
3. Decrease damage of AoE attacks per target under 4 by some percent (this damage increase/reduction should not affect single target abilities like Flourish and Takedown and the first 3 swings of Sure Strike)
4. Increase Determination gain so the GWF is not at 10% hp when its finally full
5. Make Roar a Taunt that wipes current aggro table and adds aggro to GWF
ausdoerrtMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I've also found that GWF makes for a good main tank in Gray Wolf, as sprint allows for better dodging options in that fight.
lexairrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited May 2013
The CW always bests the GWF/GF for damage when I run with either. So why wouldn't I just take 2 CWs? I have a 10k GF. He is useless. I never use him because he will never be accepted in groups as he is out-damaged by the wizards and out-tanked/aggroed by the healers.
Same problem here. Started leveling a gwf despite all the negative things said on the forums because it was fun and a bit challenging. Stopped at lvl 48 because people were not wanting to let me in low/mid level dungeons. Figured why bother, even if he was fun, knowing once the solo content stops hes unplayable.
Guess we could always join a guild and hope they are bros and let us come to t1/t2 dungeons.
I've leveled my GWF alt just to prove naysayers that its not so bad. Got it in T1+ gear and guess what? GWF is absolutely HORRIBLE at PvE heroics. Its quite nice at pvp, but will never come close to kill a cleric that knows where Astral Shield is, but GWF have no future in PvE in current state, the damage it does is indeed pathetic.
LOL don't tell the stupid people that our abilities is to do damage and enhance the damage of everyone in the party with Student of the Sword feat. But it's true on our own atm the damage is bad and don't bring anything unique to the table. We need a buff.
Guess we could always join a guild and hope they are bros and let us come to t1/t2 dungeons.
I mean control wizzard giga black hole ontop of GWF ====> mean machine style? keep aggro of cleric ====> cleric gonna love u big time
People fail to realise what the R in ARPG-MMO stands for and clearly everybody has a roll to play some just fail to realise how rolles synergy's....
Give CW A GWF buddy and u can laugh at the splashfest....i should create a threat about the big R ?
Edit : just wanted to give an example of a failed R attempt, yesterday i ran gray wolves den with my 42 cleric, we have a GWF in our team and he used all single dps powers, i told him 10 times "this aint pvp, ure add control in dungeons", obviuesly i told team "we wont kill boss" after 5 min in the dungeon
The only class that can never go wrong doing anything durring a fight would be TR, is he downing the boss GREAT, is he killing elite mobs why not, is he killing adds "mmmmkay"...
GF/GWF are totaly viable endgame, but it depends on ure control wizard pretty much how good u wil be, and its defenetly not as easy for CW then mobs ==> cliff ==> done.
the factors that make opinion is the community and the player who build the class itself, no matter what class there is. if seen GWF that powerful enough to cover me, as a DC, so I can easily healing everyone else, but there also GWF that build as loner, this goes to all class too. there is good Guide at class thread, but the problem is some people chose to ignore it, build as if it was at any other MMO, and the worst thing is, blame the game if the build wrong and force devs to change it the way they want to, this is what happen to all classes on the game. some other players thought that always bothering me is "good in PvP means good in PVE if not it is bad" and "adds/mobs only class is not needed, boss killer is a must", in the result the conclusion lead to, "adds in bosses is too much annoying and should be removed".
there are many player that been warn about R factor in so many thread, the problem, they still ignore it. well, this kind of thread, about class balancing and else, will still come and go as long as some player cant accept 2 things:
1. this is D&D class style, not any other MMO class
2. the game basis is strictly RPG, means any class have different Role in the game.
I'm in a guild... Right now we're running people through T1/T2 trying to get them ready for Castle Never.
Also, not everyone is always on all the time... All classes should be able to queue up and get into dungeons.
I understand being kicked. No cleric? I get it, no argument from me.
But if I get get kicked from a group because they'd rather have 3TR than 2TR and a GWF we have a problem.
I knew playing this game would bring out some of the dredge but ******* lol
I honestly don't get it- in a game where 90% of pulls or more have 5+ monsters, the class with the highest aoe damage isn't welcome? Entirely on the people whining about GWFs before any of them had even hit 60 and geared up.
They don't have the highest AoE damage and they have no means to CC/group/hold hate.
Yeah, sadly Wizards quite honestly do add management in a way that GWF's can't really stack up to.
Of course, part of this is because aggro calculations are complete nonsense right now, so there's no way to reliably get the mobs to actually pay any attention to us...but they'll always congregate around a Singularity pulling them in.
Spellplague has a ton of mobs to fight and a ton of mobs that do knockbacks or insta-kill moves (for a TR). It's very easy to be ahead on GWF or neck/neck until the last boss.
edit: what i'm saying is it a TR isn't spending all its time DPSing unlike GWF who can hit Unstoppable and just sit there.
For now, do make use of that blacklist, it's there for a reason. don't think a reasonable party would kick you, you just got "lucky" with a bunch of immature brats and people who don't know better.
Also, everyone says GWF=AOE damage. Well, CWs have insane AOE damage and noone cares about trash anyway. Bosses: I'd rather have 2 CW chaining black holes/repels/shields etc, than a 2 GWF trying to kill insane amounts of boss trash.
Yes, kicking GWFs on sight is excessive, but do remember it was the Devs who decided to nerf the GWF DPS contribution enough that now CW out-shine them in almost every way with the HUGE advantages of range and control abilities........
I agree with you. This is what my entire post was about.
The only way to get GWF back into the game is to go way overboard and buff it so hard until it is the most OP thing anyone has ever seen.
People have to start saying, "We NEED a GWF or we will not be able to do this dungeon". Once that sentiment has made the rounds tone the GWF back down to what it SHOULD be. An AoE DPS class specializing in add clearing.
1. Make GWF untargetable during Sprint (like every other class when they use Shift...except, of course, GF block..which stops damage)
2. Increase damage of AoE attacks per target over 4 by some percent.
3. Decrease damage of AoE attacks per target under 4 by some percent (this damage increase/reduction should not affect single target abilities like Flourish and Takedown and the first 3 swings of Sure Strike)
4. Increase Determination gain so the GWF is not at 10% hp when its finally full
5. Make Roar a Taunt that wipes current aggro table and adds aggro to GWF
I've leveled my GWF alt just to prove naysayers that its not so bad. Got it in T1+ gear and guess what? GWF is absolutely HORRIBLE at PvE heroics. Its quite nice at pvp, but will never come close to kill a cleric that knows where Astral Shield is, but GWF have no future in PvE in current state, the damage it does is indeed pathetic.