Below is the output from running /cmdlist from the chat console. Thank you to the dev team for including descriptions. They surely help in some cases.
DISCLAIMER: If you don't know or understand what a command does, DON'T USE IT unless you're willing to accept the consequences of it. Seriously. Exercise a little common sense before playing with stuff you don't understand.
Enjoy. And maybe sticky?
Hit me up in game as
/Say Say something to the people near you.
/Friendadd Alias for the friend command. Adds a player as a friend.
/Gu2 Say something on guild chat.
/Mutecontactvo Mutes the voice over from a contact after the dialog has ended
/Paperdoll Show/hide the character tab of the Player Status window
/Guildmanagement Show/hide the guild management window
/Help_Tickets Show/hide the powers window
/Ugcshowreviewgen Show the Foundry review dialog.
/Camsetlocktotarget Lock or unlock the camera to the target
/g Say something on guild chat.
/reply Reply to recent tell.
/Startchatsemicolon Start chat and prefill with a ; (emote).
/p Say something on team chat.
/Laugh Executes the laugh emote
/Sit Executes the sit emote
/Showpowererrors For the video-making people. Shows the big red power errors. AL7+ only
/c Send a message to a channel.
/Actionbackward Moves the player forward and toggles cursor mode
/Credits Show/hide game terms of use
/Clickwindowbutton_1 Acts as a click on the positive/primary button on some popup windows
/Calendar Show/hide the calendar.
/O Say something on guild officer chat.
/Bow Executes the Bow_formal emote
/Map Show/hide the map window
/t Send a tell to a specific player.
/Chat Say something to the people near you.
/Social Show/hide the social window
/missions Toggles the mission window. Which tab is shown is handled in the StateDef Visible of MissionJournal_Root - it depends on what other windows are up.
/chan Send a message to a channel.
/Group Say something on team chat.
/Zmarket Show/hide the Micro-Transactions UI (for buying stuff with real money).
/Startchat Make the chat window visible and give it keyboard focus.
/Actionright Moves the player forward and toggles cursor mode
/pets Show/hide the summons (pets) tab of the Player Status window
/Friends Show/hide friend UI.
/Scoreboard Show/hide Levelup checklist
/Startchatslash Start chat and prefill with a / (command).
/Startchatreply Start chat and prefill with person to reply to.
/Rearrange Move or resize various elements on the screen
/off Say something on guild officer chat.
/Lore Toggles the mission window and displays the Lore tab
Clickwindowbutton_3 Acts as a click on the tertiary button on some popup windows
/Z Say something to the whole zone.
/Dropmission Drop a mission
/Killme Will kill your character. Only use as a last resort if there is no other way to get unstuck. Shows a ticket window first.
/W Send a tell to a specific player.
/S Say something to the people near you.
/Sharemission Share a mission with nearby team mates
/Yell Say something to the whole zone.
/Heal Use a healing surge.
/Ugchidereviewgen Hide the Foundry review dialog.
/Inventory Show/hide your inventory.
/Dance Executes the dance emote
/Interactwindow Initiate interact gen
/Queue Show/hide the queue window
/Levelupwindow Show/hide Levelup checklist
/L Say something to the people near you.
/Actionforward Moves the player forward and toggles cursor mode
/Bye Wave bye bye
/Wave Executes the wave emote
/Blacksmith Show/hide the weapon tailor window
/Hidepowererrors For the video-making people. Hides the big red power errors. AL7+ only
/Ugcplayingeditor_Toggle Alias for Gensendmessage Ugc_Edittools_Toggleplayingeditorbutton Clicked
/Party Say something on team chat.
/Clickwindowbutton_2 Acts as a click on the negative/secondary button on some popup windows
/Actionleft Moves the player forward and toggles cursor mode
/Homepage Show/hide the home/landing window$#
/Camzoomin Zoom the camera in
/Powers Show/hide the powers tab of the Player Status window
/mail Show the in-game mail interface.
/r Reply to recent tell.
/Startchatwith Show char and prefill with the given text.
/Interactcursor Interact with specific object
/Cstore Show/hide the Micro-Transactions UI (for buying stuff with real money).
/Keybinds Show the keybinding interface.
/Interactandloot Initiate interact gen or take all loot.... or revive a friend or interact at the cursor!
/Crafting Shows the crafting window.
/Terms Show/hide game terms of use
/Whisper Send a tell to a specific player.
/Camzoomout Zoom the camera out
/Invoke Run the power in Slot 13; this is defined as the invocation power.
/Addfriend Alias for the friend command. Adds a player as a friend.
/Missiontoggletracked Toggle whether a given mission is tracked
/reduce_mip Reduces the resolution of textures to only use the reduced (mip-map) textures.
/EM.Save No comment provided
/bind_pop_profile Pop the given key profile from the stack
/Follow Follow: Follows the targeted entity
/visscale Sets world detail scaling
/vsync Turns on or off vsync
/RememberWindows No comment provided
/highFillDetail Enables high fill detail objects
/ui_GenLayersReset Resets the layout, used for when the server updates movable window positions
/ThrottleAdjust No comment provided
/ContactDialogEnd Stop talking to the current contact. Safe to use if there is no current contact.This should be called instead of "ContactDialogEndServer" so that the client
can validate that the player is actually in a contact dialog. Otherwise, there are some weird edge cases when multiple Contact Dialogs happen close together.
/bind_push_profile Push a specific key profile onto the stack
/ExecActiveItemPowerInBag No comment provided
/GenRemoveWindowPCXbox Hide a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
/TrayExecByTray TrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
/interactIncludeVolume Interact with the nearest interactable entity within range, followed by volume
/NavToSpawn_ReceivePosition No comment provided
/ugcEditorMode Set the UGC editor mode.
/rdrMaxFramesAhead Number of frames to allow the renderer to get
/slow1 No comment provided
/printStallTimes Prints out the amount of time a stall took whenever a stall occurs
/slow No comment provided
/invertX Invert the horizontal axis for movement controls
/togglefullscreen Toggles fullscreen
/WorldDetail Sets world detail scaling
/bind_local Bind a key to a command.
/bind_load Load entity keybinds from ent_keybinds.txt.
/TrayExecByTrayNotifyAudio#$ $#No comment provided
/useSM30 Uses full SM30
/GenListDoSelectedCallback If the given gen is a list, run the selected callback.
/ssao Enables and disables screen space ambient occlusion
/window_minimize Minimizes the window
/DisableCursorMode Disables cursor mode and returns to action combat if the param is true, otherwise does nothing
/process_priority 0 - default, normal always; 1 - normal in foreground, below normal in background/alt-tabbed; 2 - high always
/ThrottleSet No comment provided
/teamHideMapTransferChoice No comment provided
/gclAutoAttack_DefaultAutoAttack <1/0> Enable or disable auto attack
/loc Global value for location
/MacroRun No comment provided
/NavToPosition No comment provided
/chanaccess No comment provided
/GenSetFocus Set focus to the given gen.
/GenListActivate If the given gen is a list, activate the selected row.
/targetCursor Target the entity clicked on.
/entityTexLODLevel Sets the quality level for character textures. Normal values range from 0.5 to 10.0.
/ChannelSend Send chat to a channel
/down1 No comment provided
/useSM20 Uses only SM20
/UGC.Undo No comment provided
/unbind Unbind a key stored on your character.
/Assist Assist <name>: Assists the Entity with the matching name. If no name is given, assists your current target.
/interactOptionPower No comment provided
/targetCursorOrAutoAttack Target the entity clicked on.
/PowerTrayExec PowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
/GenSetFocusOnCreate Set focus to the given gen as soon as it becomes ready.
/aim No comment provided
/water Enable water effects
/gotoCharacterSelect Log out the current character.
/showmem Displays process memory usage
/ui_load Loads default UI Windows save file
/alphaInDOF Does world+character alpha objects before DoF pas
/MacroExec No comment provided
/TrayExec TrayExec <Active> <UITray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the UITray at the Slot
/Options Show the options screen.
/TerrainDetail Sets terrain detail scaling
/left1 No comment provided
/Power_Exec_Category Activate a power by category
/uiCancel Respond "Cancel" to an open dialog box; may not work in all dialogs.
/UGC.Save No comment provided
/aspectRatio Sets the aspect ratio. Common values are 0 (auto), 4:3, 16:9 (widescreen TVs), 16:10 (widescreen monitors)
/lookDown No comment provided
/walk1 No comment provided
/Whitelist_Emails Toggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive emails from friends, SG members, and Team members
/bind Bind a key to a command, and store it on your character.
/reply No comment provided
/disableAutoAlwaysOnTop Disable setting the window to always on top while in the foreground
/dof Enable depth-of-field rendering
/screenshot Save a screenshot
/Power_Exec_NearDeath Activates the appropriate NearDeath-related Power
/ugcEditorExportProjectSafe No comment provided
/timerRecordStart Starts recording profiling information to the given filename
/svSetMute No comment provided
/forceOffScreenRendering Forces off-screen rendering, may resolve rendering issues on some platforms (WINE)
/HardTargetLock No comment provided
/ResourceOverlayLoad No comment provided
/disable_multimon_warning Disables displaying a warning about which monitor we're rendering on
/noSleepWhileWaitingForGPU Disables yielding the CPU while waiting for the GPU
/Login_Back From anywhere in the character creation / login process, go back. Where you go back to depends on where you are.
/ui_load_file Loads named UI Windows save file
/twitter_watch No comment provided
/dynFxSetFXExlusionList No comment provided
/demo_record Start recording a demo, save it into FILE. The demo will be saved in the demos/ data folder, as FILE.demo. Note that not all events are saved into the demo, but
most are.
/invertibleup No comment provided
/tactical No comment provided
/GenSliderSetNotch Set a slider's notch, if interactive.
/useManualDisplayModeChange Manually change the display mode for fullscreen settings, rather than allowing Direct3D to make the mode switch.
/GenSendMessage Send a message to a gen.
/turnleft No comment provided
/guild Send chat to other players in your guild.
/channel_join No comment provided
/RememberUILists Whether to remember UI List Column placement and width.
/comicShading Enables postprocessing, outlining, depth of field, and shadows.
/Power_Exec Activate a power by name
/disable_windowed_fullscreen Disables going into full-screen windowed mode when maximized
/channel_info No comment provided
/poissonShadows Enables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
/netTimingGraph No comment provided
/useFullSkinning Forces skinning to only two bones to improve performance ("Simple Skinning" in the Options screen)
/chanpromote No comment provided
/quit Close the window.
/unbind_local Unbind a key from a command (this happens automatically when rebinding as well).
/Whitelist_Tells Toggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive tells from friends, SG members, and Team members
/right1 No comment provided
/ui_save_file Saves UI layout to named UI Window save file
/uiOK Respond "OK" to an open dialog box; may not work in all dialogs.
/GenSliderAdjustValue Move a slider's value, if interactive, by the given amount.
/EvaluateLeftClick No comment provided
/camUseAutoTargetLock No comment provided
Ask me about my attention deficit disorder or pie or my cat. A dog. I have a horse. Do you like swords? I saw a rock. Hi.
/ignore No comment provided
/dynamicLights Enables dynamic lights
/ignore_spammer No comment provided
/backward1 No comment provided
/FriendComment No comment provided
/channel_create Create and join a new channel
/tell Private tell. Chat handles should be prefixed with an '@' character.
/autoForward1 No comment provided
/outlining Enable comic outlining
/Target Target <name>: Targets the Entity with the matching name
/GenListDown If the given gen is a list, move the selected row down by one.
/UGC.Do No comment provided
/SetFollow SetFollow: toggle follow
/channel_setcurrent No comment provided
/GenAddWindow Show a gen on the window layer.
/maxShadowedLights sets the maximum shadow casting lights per frame
/OpenUrlCmd No comment provided
/bind_save_file Save entity keybinds to the given filename.
/CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForEntity No comment provided
/UseDevice Use an item in a given invetory slot
/sndEnable Enable playing of sound
/PowerSlotExec PowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
/scattering 0 = scattering off, 1 = scattering on high res, 2 = scattering low res
/setMouseForward No comment provided
/CharacterDetail Sets entity detail scaling
/texLoadNearCamFocus Turn on/off loading textures near the camera focus, in addition to just near the camera.
/Chat_SetStatus No comment provided
/MakeCostumeJPeg Write out a character's costume (by slot index) It uses project specific defined camera angles and is a 300 x 400 shot
/screenshot_jpg Save a screenshot
/FoundryTips_Withdraw No comment provided
/gfxSettingsSetMinimalOptions Called when running on old drivers or unsupported hardware
/screenshot_ui Save a screenshot with the UI included
/maxInactiveFps Sets the maximum allowed framerate when the application is not in the foreground
/lookUp No comment provided
/disableSplatShadows Turns off splat shadows
/left No comment provided
/ui_TooltipDelay Sets the additional delay, in seconds, before tooltips appear
/GammaCalibration_Reset No comment provided
/interactOverrideClear Clears current interact override
/channel_kick No comment provided
/rdrDisableSM2B Disables use of shader model 2.0b and higher for the renderer only, leaving full-featured materials
/bind_local_load_file Load keybinds from the given filename.
/showfps Displays frame rate
/who No comment provided
/svChannelJoin No comment provided
/channel_destroy No comment provided
/setGameCamYaw No comment provided
/bind_local_load Load keybinds from keybinds.txt.
/Clear No comment provided
/InventoryExec Executes the first power on the item in the bag at the slot
/UIRememberPositions Whether to remember UI sizes and positions. On by default.
/fpsgraph Enables a graph showing recent frame times
/up1 No comment provided
/forward1 No comment provided
/ListCellSize If set, then this overrides the default cell size
/svSpeakersSetLeve$l# #$No comment provided
/down No comment provided
/local Send chat to other players in your vicinity
/tacticalSpecial No comment provided
/freeMouseCursor No comment provided
/autoEnableFrameRateStabilizer Auto-enables /frameRateStabilizer as it feels appropriate
/target_highlight 0 = simple targeting graphics, 1 = glowing outline/inline effect
/SkipFMV This allows the player to skip FMV
/fxQuality No comment provided
/specialClassPower No comment provided
/RejectFriend No comment provided
/ugc_MaybeShowReviewGen No comment provided
/team No comment provided
/fpshisto Enables a histogram of frame times
/Follow_Resume No comment provided
/suspendForcedMouselook No comment provided
/Channel_RefreshAdminDetail No comment provided
/frameRateStabilizer Enables hack that seems to stabilize the framerate on some NVIDIA cards$#
/SetFocusToCurrentChatTextEntryWindow No comment provided
/higherSettingsInTailor If available, users higher detail settings when in character creation/customization interfaces
/Channel_RefreshJoinDetail No comment provided
/bug Report a problem with the game.
/gfxForceProdModeDefaultSettings No comment provided
/videoMemoryMax Sets the maximum amount of video memory (in hundreds of MB) we will try to use.
/sndDisable Disable all playing of sound
/useSM2B Uses only SM2B and lower
/GenListUp If the given gen is a list, move the selected row up by one.
/GenRemoveModal Hide a gen on the modal layer.
/screenshot_ui_jpg Save a screenshot with the UI included
/noCustomCursor Disable custom cursors, will just use the default Win32 cursor on PC
/GenMovableBoxResetPosition Reset a movable box to its default position.
/unlit Turns off all lighting on objects and sets the ambient to the specified value
/d3d9 Use the Direct3D 9 renderer device type
/run No comment provided
/interact Interact with the nearest interactable entity within range.
/SafeLogin if true, then log the player back into their most recent static map instead of anything else. (For instance, if the player is having trouble doing client patching for a NS map, they might be effectively blackholed and have to use this to back out
/ui_save Saves UI layout to default UI Window save file
/demo_restart Restart a currently playing demo. Playback will start up back at the beginning of the demo.
/mute No comment provided
/cursorClick No comment provided
/backward No comment provided
/reverseMouseButtons Reverse the left and right mouse buttons
/camButton_Target_Lock_Toggle No comment provided
/invertUpDown Inverts the InvertibleUp and InvertibleDown commands
/gpuAcceleratedParticles Enables GPU-accelerated particle systems for increased performance on some systems
/alias Create a more convenient alias for a longer command. You can embed "{}" in the command to replace any arguments to the alias in the aliased command.
/perFrameSleep Adds a per-frame sleep to artificially reduce CPU/GPU usage to help with overheating (will also slow the game down)
GenButtonClick If the given gen is a button, click it.
/SoftwareCursorForce Use a software cursor instead of hardware cursors (fixes issues on some video card configurations, but is less responsive)
/up No comment provided
/demo_record_stop Stop recording any demos started earlier with DEMO-RECORD. The demo will be saved into the filename previously specified.
/GenRemoveWindow Hide a gen on the window layer.
/softShadows Enables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
/logout Log out the current character.
/cmds Print out client commands for commands containing <string>
/forward No comment provided
/GenCycleFocus Cycle focus between the given gens, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
/GenJailSink Send the hovered jail to the bottom of the stack.
/ClearTargetOrBringUpMenu If something is targeted, clear the target, If nothing is targeted, bring up the main menu.
/channel_invite No comment provided
/disableMRT Disables use of multiple render targets
/Queue_JoinQueueWithPrefs No comment provided
/invertibledown No comment provided
/friend No comment provided
/replyLast No comment provided
/lightingQuality Sets various shader related rendering settings, only some values are allowed (0=low, 10=high)
/ForceLogOut No comment provided
/chandemote No comment provided
/turnright No comment provided
/findteams No comment provided
/ClearTargetOrBringUpMenuIgnoreMouseLook No comment provided
/GenSetText Set the text of a gen text entry.
/UGC.Redo No comment provided
/create Create and join a new channel
/unmute No comment provided
/version Displays the current build version
/dynFxExcludeFX No comment provided
/ui_resolution Print the current UI screen resolution.
/walk No comment provided
/dynFxDumpExcludedFX No comment provided
/ShowGameUI No comment provided
/unignore No comment provided
/RemoveIgnore No comment provided
/disable_3d_texture_flush turns off flushing of 3D textures after device loss. Flush and reload takes longer but fixes problems on ATI and Intel GPUs
/netTimingGraphAlpha No comment provided
/officer Send chat to other players in your guild.
/GenSetValue Set a value on a gen
/GenSliderAdjustNotch Move a slider's notch, if interactive, by the given amount.
/svPushToTalk No comment provided
/Channel_RefreshSummary No comment provided
/Focus Focus <name>: Sets the Entity with the matching name as the focus target. If no name is given, focuses your current target.
/zone Send chat to other players in the same zone.
/maxfps Sets the maximum allowed framerate
/CombatPowerStateCycleNext No comment provided
/ThrottleToggle No comment provided
/timerRecordEnd Stops any current profiler recording or playback
/channel_leave No comment provided
/channel_access No comment provided
/TrayExecByTrayWithBackup TrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
/svChannelLeave No comment provided
/turnright1 No comment provided
/suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving Alters the forceMouselook mode and stops the player from moving at the same time
/deviceType Use the specified renderer device type (valid options: Direct3D9, Direct3D11)
/d3d11 Use the Direct3D 11 renderer device type
/TrayChangeIndex TrayChangeIndex <UITray> <Change>: Change the UITray's displayed Tray by a positive or negative amount. Will rollover in case of underflow or overflow.
/ShowGameUINoExtraKeyBinds This command does not add any keybinds for showing the UI when the user presses escape[/td]
/hdr_max_luminance_adaptation 0 = use log average luminance measurement, non-zero = use maximum luminance[/td]
/GenCycleFocusReverse Cycle focus between the given gens in reverse, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.[/td]
/FollowUntilInCombatOrInRange No comment provided[/td]
/unifiedInteractAtCursor Interacts with the object under the cursor.[/td]
/GenSliderSetValue Set a slider's notch, if interactive.[/td]
/renderSize Sets the pixel resolution to render the 3D world at[/td]
/window_restore Toggles the window between restored and maximized[/td]
/screen Sets or displays the current screen resolution. Usage: /screen Width Height[/td]
/soft_particles Smooth particle intersections with geometry by fading out near the intersection[/td]
/interactOverrideCursor Set entity/object under cursor to be interact target[/td]
/CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForTeam No comment provided[/td]
/texAniso Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures[/td]
/CostumeCreator.SetHoverMovable Set the hover pattern on the active part being edited[/td]
/caccess No comment provided[/td]
/DisableRallyPointFX Toggle pet rally point FX[/td]
/Befriend No comment provided[/td]
/msaa Enables/disables multisample antialiasing[/td]
/UGC.CloseProject No comment provided[/td]
/CombatLog No comment provided[/td]
/bind_local_save_file Save keybinds to the given filename.[/td]
/motd No comment provided[/td]
/shadows Enable shadows[/td]
/svMicSetLevel No comment provided[/td]
/highDetail Enables high detail objects[/td]
/GenAddWindowPCXbox Show a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.[/td]
/Unfriend No comment provided[/td]
/LootCancel Don't take loot, just destroy the client list[/td]
/highQualityDOF Enables/disables high quality depth of field[/td]
/bind_load_file Load entity keybinds from the given filename.[/td]
/bloomQuality Sets bloom quality, range = [0, 3][/td]
/CombatReactivePowerExec No comment provided[/td]
/GenMovableBoxResetAllPositions Reset a movable box to its default position.[/td]
/Whitelist_Chat Toggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive messages from friends, SG members, and Team members[/td]
/unbind_all Unbind all keys for the current keybind profile[/td]
/GenSetTooltipFocus Set tooltip focus to the given gen.[/td]
/channel_description No comment provided[/td]
/channel_uninvite No comment provided[/td]
/autoForward No comment provided[/td]
/turnleft1 No comment provided[/td]
/renderScale Sets the percentage of the display resolution to render the 3D world at[/td]
/screen_pos_size Sets the current screen position and resolution. Usage: /screen_pos_size X Y Width Height[/td]
/screenshot_depth Save a screenshot with the depth only[/td]
/bind_save Save entity keybinds to ent_keybinds.txt.[/td]
/RemoveFriend No comment provided[/td]
/chaninvite No comment provided[/td]
/gamma Changes the gamma[/td]
/right No comment provided[/td]
/channel_motd No comment provided[/td]
/bind_local_save Save keybinds to keybinds.txt.[/td]
/ToggleDefaultAutoAttack Toggles the state of auto attack[/td]
/GameMenu Opens the game pause menu[/td]
/mouseForward No comment provided[/td]
/netgraph No comment provided[/td]
/cmdlist Print out all commands available[/td]
/AcceptFriend No comment provided[/td]
/cinvite No comment provided[/td]
/GenJailReset Reset all cells to their default sizes and positions.[/td]
/PowerExecCategoryIfActivatable Activate a power by category[/td]
/channel_decline_invite No comment provided[/td]
/showCamPos Displays the camera's position[/td]
/lensflare_quality Changes lens flare quality level. 0 = simple, 1 = soft z occlusion[/td]
/rdrMaxGPUFramesAhead Number of frames to allow the GPU to get from the renderer, 0 to disable[/td]
/clevel No comment provided[/td]
/postProcessing Enable postprocessing[/td]
/ugcEditorImportProjectSafe No comment provided[/td]
/worldTexLODLevel Sets the quality level for world textures. Normal values range from 0.5 to 10.0.[/td]
/invertY Invert the vertical axis for movement controls[/td]
/GenAddModal Show a gen on the modal layer.[/td]
/maxLightsPerObject sets the maximum lights per object[/td]
/noClipCursor Disables clipping of the cursor to a sigle monitor when running in fullscreen on PC[/td]
/Follow_Cancel No comment provided[/td]
/emote_notext Emote, but without text.[/td]
/emote Emote, failing if a preset emote is not found.[/td]
/Team_Invite Invite another player to your team.[/td]
/Promote Promote team leader[/td]
/Team_DefaultMode No comment provided[/td]
/hide Toggle anonymous status[/td]
/Team_SetDefaultLootMode No comment provided[/td]
/Team_SetLootMode Sets the team loot mode[/td]
/anon Toggle anonymous status[/td]
/me Emote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.[/td]
/Guild_DeclineInvite No comment provided[/td]
/SetHudShowPlayerTitles Sets player titles flag.[/td]
/Team_SetStatusMessage Sets the team status message[/td]
/back Mark yourself as back at the keyboard.[/td]
/pause No comment provided[/td]
/Whitelist_Duels Set the Whitelist for duels[/td]
/SetActiveCostume Sets active costume[/td]
/Team_DeclineRequest No comment provided[/td]
/Whitelist_Invites No comment provided[/td]
/Team_AcceptRequest No comment provided[/td]
/ChatFriendsOnly No comment provided[/td]
/LFGDifficulty_Mode No comment provided[/td]
/Team_Promote Promote team leader[/td]
/RenamePet No comment provided[/td]
/unpause No comment provided[/td]
/Invite Invite another player to your team.[/td]
/SetHudShowInteractionIcons Sets player interaction icons flag.[/td]
/Team_DeclineInvite No comment provided[/td]
/played No comment provided[/td]
/em Emote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.[/td]
/Team_SetDefaultLootModeQuality No comment provided[/td]
/SetInvSlotHideMode Sets the hide costume mode for an inventory slot. This command is not hidden or private due to the possibility - however remote - that a player might wish
to have a macro show/hide their helmet or whatever. It seems harmless to leave it exposed.[/td]
/Team_Kick Kick a player off your team[/td]
/ChatHidden Toggle anonymous status[/td]
/dnd Mark yourself as "Do Not Disturb".[/td]
/version Displays the current build version[/td]
/dynFxExcludeFX No comment provided[/td]
/Team_Mode No comment provided[/td]
/dynFxDumpExcludedFX No comment provided[/td]
/Guild_Kick No comment provided[/td]
/gateway_SetHidden No comment provided[/td]
/unhide No comment provided[/td]
/Whitelist_Trades Enable Trade Whitelist[/td]
/Guild_Invite No comment provided[/td]
/UIForgetPositions Forget all saved UI positions/sizes[/td]
/Team_SetLootModeQuality Sets the minimum quality for team looting[/td]
/ResourceOverlayLoad No comment provided[/td]
/Guild_MotD No comment provided[/td]
/Team_Sidekicking No comment provided[/td]
/e Emote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.[/td]
/Team_AcceptInvite No comment provided[/td]
/Team_CancelRequest No comment provided[/td]
/Team_Request No comment provided[/td]
/dynFxSetFXExlusionList No comment provided[/td]
/SetHudShowDamageFloaters Sets player damage floaters flag.[/td]
/PowersCancelAllActivations Manual attempt to cancel all current activations[/td]
/away Mark yourself as away from the keyboard.[/td]
/afk Mark yourself as away from the keyboard.[/td]
/RenamePetFormal No comment provided[/td]
/entCmd_CancelUpgradeJob No comment provided[/td]
/lfg Toggle Looking For Group status[/td]
/lft Toggle Looking For Group status[/td]
/unaway Mark yourself as back at the keyboard.[/td]
/ChangeInstance change to an already created instance of the same map. Only works while not in combat.[/td]
/Team_Leave No comment provided[/td]
/Guild_SetMotD No comment provided[/td]
/SkipCutscene This allows a player to skip a cutscene. This is only supported for single-player cutscenes such as zone flyovers.[/td]
/Buy_PowerTreeNode Buy_PowerTreeNode <PowerTree> <Node>: Purchases the Node in the PowerTree[/td]
/Request No comment provided[/td]
/Guild_Leave No comment provided[/td]
/SetInvBagHideMode Sets the hide costume mode for an inventory bag. This command is not hidden or private due to the possibility - however remote - that a player might wish
to have a macro show/hide their helmet or whatever. It seems harmless to leave it exposed.[/td]
/stuck Attempt to fix your character that is currently stuck inside something[/td]
/LFG_Mode No comment provided[/td]
/unstuck Attempt to fix your character that is currently stuck inside something[/td]
/ChatVisible No comment provided[/td]
/SetHudShowReticlesAs Sets player reticle display.[/td]
/Whitelist_PvPInvites Set the Whitelist for duels[/td]
/FriendsOnly No comment provided[/td]
/unanon No comment provided[/td]
/Guild_AcceptInvite#$ $#No comment provided
/Team_SetSpokesman Set team spokesman[/td]
/ToggleGoldenPath No comment provided[/td]
And that's the list as of 25 MAY 2013.
Enjoy! (and maybe sticky?)
My pleasure
I believe healing surges were meant to be added in the game, but never quite made it. That's why it does not work.
Foundry Content:Guide - Custom Channels and List (NW-DHBU9OTOS)
Asset upgrading poll.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
You do know that CO, STO and NW are all build in the same engine right?
That's why so many of the commands are the same across all three games.
Agreed. At some point it might be beneficial to make a list of these commands that are pertinent just for NW.
Thanks for the list!
> <
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
This is a PWE staff post??? If not why does it have the PW tag upper right.?
If it is... why does a PWE employee seem surprised at the command list??
/Character_UseNumericRespec 1Seems to do something ;D
Could've at least sorted the list.. unless you for some reason ripped it yourself after the latest patch.
PC specs:
You're very welcome. Glad it helps.
That's handy too. Thanks.
I just ripped the raw output from /cmdlist, cut and paste, and then spent an hour or so formatting it for the forum. I suppose I -could- have sorted it, but after the next patch, I plan to compare output so it would help to leave it in its natural state.
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
/alias is available and without any testing /run would probably equate to /exec, those 2 commands are incredibly powerful in an autoexecuting setup script. Quake 2 was actually very simple, and Neverwinter appears to do about the same thing by saving a .txt file with all non-default binds and ui settings, this file is called "ui_settings.txt" and is located under the Live folder. There are other config files like "Gameprefs.Pref" under Live\localdata and a few settings files under Cryptic Studios\localdata. It does appear as if binds and ui settings are saved for each character but I have found no evidence of this outside the game, lots inside though. These files are clearly created by the game and should not be edited outside of the game, but they are a wonderful resource for finding proper syntax. For example if you want to bind a key to toggle walking/running you would type '/bind <key> ++walk' in-game in chat, and it saves this to "ui_settings.txt" (if you click the Save UI button?) and will be there the next time you run the game. That ++ is a special operator and I'm sure there are more available, usually $ does something as well, would love to find this list too. It has been said, in this thread, that these commands are very similar to other games so there may be much more extensive documentation that can be applied to user created setup scripts for Neverwinter, if you know of any please post them in this thread.
But the basis for what I'm talking about here is the automatically executing file that begins the process of running the user created setup scripts, it was called autoexec.cfg in Quake 2 (and probably 1, 3, and 4) you placed it in the baseQ2 or other mod folder, it overrode any default or game generated config file, had a certain size limit, as did other .cfg files, and if you needed to surpass that limit you just exec <filename>.cfg and it would continue on to the next file. With .txt and .pref extensions as examples I am highly skeptical that autoexec.cfg would work in this engine. If you are brave enough to test things out and something works please post that here as well.
If user created setup scripts are against the EULA/TOS please post that here as well. Preferably before any ban-hammering commences.
Here is a very informative post for Champions online that is very relative to this
now i'm sad again
I found it through search!!:cool:
//basic mouse
//advanced mouse
Mousechord //(L+R mouse buttons)
//row 1
//row 2
/ //(same as / next to Rshift)
//row 3
//row 4
//row 5
/ //(same as keypad /)
//row 6
Ab //(this may be the context menu windows button, if not, I have no clue)
//Control+<any other key>
//Shift+<any other key>
//Alt+<any other key>
Whats the problem mods? Whom ever is in charge of the forums why not do something useful and sticky this somewhere?
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
I'm sure the mods are busy. Give it time
Yoh, was wondering about a chat function that I can't quite figure out. I'm trying to pm someone so I start the msg with /tell -insert name of person I want to pm-. This person has a space between his name though, and when I enter the space it cuts me off from typing the other part of the name (example: /tell David *space* and it prompts me to pm David - I don't get to enter Valtiere). So, how can I get in touch with him if he is not added on my friends list?
Would appericiate it if you could let me know exactly which command I should use instead to send a msg to this person. He wanted to buy this armor piece that I had listed on the AH for a lower price but someone else bought it before I was able to change anything. Now it's on the AH again for the same price that he wanted to buy it for. Hence I'd like to know how to inform him of this