I have several posts about how to improve foundry and still no one cares to play my own.
I will trade plays.
I have a Control Wizard and a Guardian Fighter.
I need feedback - it is not perfect but I want it to be.
I have played other's or tried to and have not been even able to find the zone they are in.
My quest starts in the Guardians Enclave.
Cheers peeps and *** for tat...
My quest name and code are below my signature - atm it is still only seen by entering the code.
Was originally called "Welcome to a Nightmare" - if you want to understand the true freaky nature of it.
It is a bit combat heavy at the beginning - u can clear before accepting quest and then clear up the quest mobs - but a party of two would work maybe better then solo but it is doable without dying!
I have a new quest and would rather have reviews on it instead Protectors Enclave Garbage Dump nw-djgveawnx cheers
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
For all those peeps out there who block signatures.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
bostishMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
if you would try NW-DERJQ93CH for me
pixelb0xMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 24Arc User
K u 2 up above I will play in the next 12 hours or so ... RL commitments atm...
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
bostishMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Your twisted, was like a evil Alice in Wonderland thing.
I loved how you named your encounters, however most of the npc animals just had a generic like Chicken 2 ( even though your twisted, I don't think you meant to have numbers on them)
Shadowfell Spike Medium 01 should be named Dreamspike or something like that
The only game-play issue was the how the game defined the area of search in the zone, many of the mobs were way outside of it.
Your twisted, was like a evil Alice in Wonderland thing.
I loved how you named your encounters, however most of the npc animals just had a generic like Chicken 2 ( even though your twisted, I don't think you meant to have numbers on them)
Shadowfell Spike Medium 01 should be named Dreamspike or something like that
The only game-play issue was the how the game defined the area of search in the zone, many of the mobs were way outside of it.
I still rated you real good for originality.
Thanks Bostish.
Unfortunately I can not change the Shadowfell Spikes name as it is an object not a mob...
and yes I did name the chicken that, but I might change it ... Cheers.
Also I know some of the mobs are a little out of the box .... but it is my first ... most outside though are not needed to finish the quest but 1 is amongst a big group of them.... my next quest will be tighter now that I understand the way it works more..
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
K I am going to do bostish, pixelb0x and nevfe quests' right now..
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Bostish - A mothers woe - nw-derjq93ch. Not bad! An interesting story. Your 2nd Boss twin spawn did not have a name and maybe a spawn point at the entrance. Was good 4 stars. I should have given you 5 but I don't know - I get sick of the same mobs over and over, just my personal foible.
Pixleb0x - The Red Naomi Inn - nw-dgjdjd36d - was a great start - flawless only had problems finding it in the first place - The inn has no follow line and other quest take its place making it confusing - I could not find at first. 5 stars. Put a few random wolves in the distance for a bit of flavour maybe
Nevfe - choice or fate - nw-dnvs9p8cj - man wow - took me over an hour. Your Dungeon is too big and I had to find 2 keys, was ridiculous with no way lines. I gave you a alright wrap "what was good about the dungeon" - 3 stars - lol you gave me a serve on my quest and I used so many pots myself - an ogre and a healer was almost impossible to kill (5 health stones gone baby gone) till running the whole dungeon length got the healer 'tired' in a doorway somewhere. 2nd part was ok. The 3rd was a good boss fight. I know u have some sort of 3 choice thing set up but man the way I apparently went was ridiculous and I only stayed for 'play for play'.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Story was interesting, costumes and named npcs were random and chaotic fitting in well with your goal of a nightmare dreamscape scenario. Difficulty was easy, I am a moderately geared lvl 60 TR with no companion and I didn't use one potion pretty much because of constant stealth and lifesteal. That is just me though, other classes might have problems.
Some issues though. A lot of your npcs are named but a lot of them are not. Customized Death Striker, chicken 01, bear 02 ect. I recommend just making one of each animal that you want to put in as an npc and then pressing the "duplicate" button to save time naming them all.
Your map details are another thing. I understand that you are going for that chaotic feel but I didn't get that feeling while playing it. Rather I felt like you were experimenting with objects/fx/encounters ect within this map and then decided to drop a few objectives into it to make it a quest. In my opinion you could make it feel a little more otherworldly with a bit more detail and maybe some lighting effects. To me there isn't really anything nightmarish about a junkyard of random objects.
You mentioned earlier in this thread as a reply to the unnamed "Shadowspike medium 01" that you couldn't rename it since it is an object. You actually can. This wouldn't be an issue if the object couldn't be interacted with, but since it is, you can change the name to something else.
Overall I think the story could have more to it but I love the concept. Your dialogue is little but it is actually well done. I would like to see you dive into that some more. Your encounters are fine but I think your map details could be more perfected to give off that feeling that you want your players to get.
lostchartaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
Hi, Mine are in my sig. Do either, or both if you're feeling generous.
If you could review in the linked thread that would be great.
In the dialog you sometimes miss out spaces after the end of one sentence and the start of another. Examples
* Looking at grates: "Grate will not budge?Find"
* Terrance dialog: "Beast,You"
* end of quest : "Yours?H"
There were some floating objects and clipping problems but it's difficult to tell if you meant them to be floating (because it's not real) or not. If they are supposed to be floating them maybe put them higher in the air and rotate them around a bit so it doesn't look like they're just poorly placed.
Here are the ones I found
* Trap near "Terrance???" "The Real Me" floating out of wall
* Spider webs near Thrull (Battle wight commander you reskinned as a Thoon hulk) hang in the air.
* Potion bottkle near dreamspike is stuck in ground
* A lot of different things in the sewer, too many to mention
The encounters very close together, or sometimes stacked on top of each other. Don't know what the highest level character you've tried this with is but the encounters scale up a lot at higher levels. I did this with a lv51 CW. I never died on the encounters but I used a fair number of. A cleric would probably have even more trouble.
If you want this to be challenge or hard map then you should say so in the description. If so it's an entertaining one.
The Dreamspike has default name. Also hovering slightly.
Ah, someone else noticed this. You can actually rename objects. Just click on it in the editor the same way as you would a mob.
One enemy called Golum. Not sure if you meant this to be Golem? Or maybe Gollum?
A lot of the animals have default names.
Dog 1, Customized Deathstrike...
Other than that it's fine. I like how much care and insanity you put into all the enemy skins and costumes.
NW-DIRYOWUKYNW-DPXB42EEH The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
Ok - Just finished = Stebss 'The spellthief trials nw-dm900ifhk'
Was a bit long for my liking but a solid story and direction. I did loose the plot a bit as too why I was there and I died from healer boss and his healing Hulks - I used a lv 42 Guardian Fighter and healing bosses are hard especially with hulks or ogres or whatever giant mobs they have guarding them - dps is just a tad too low and I realised to late what was happening. 4 stars.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
K peeps I hear the message and animal names will be changed - Ill also look into the other suggestions
Spider webs Lostcharta in the air - lol yeah maybe a small thread is keeping them on the tree or something - ill look into the trap (deleted) thing was fine last time I looked. Lol the bottle being stuck in the ground is cool - I grew up in the country and it happens . I actually should have had more which seeped into the muddy earth. I will get around after some sleep to taking 1 of yours on.
Thanks too Stebss, or is it almostcool??? You have a different name to your account name = strange I love my clutter if I got rid of it = it would be your map.
And thanks everyone so far for any comment - it is hard to see through 1 set of eyes.
I also hear some find it hard and might remove a mob or 2 near the end of the first part - maybe the wraith guy who can summon zombies -;)
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Anyone using foundry have any tips how to create an original npc that actually functions? like will follow and fight with you, or if u make an original npc boss, how to make them fight-able. I've looked for ways but can find nothing, is this even possible to do in foundry? Most my boss encounters in foundry missions end up having to be dialogue then a battle with minions or an interact with object to defeat boss, kinda boring and limited. What am i missing if anything when it comes to original npc creation in foundry in regards to allies and boss encounters?
bostishMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
to Coven's point, the pig oink was on my butt like white on rice. Very well done, and I think was kind of funny, wish people I had in follow mode would do as well.
Anyone using foundry have any tips how to create an original npc that actually functions? like will follow and fight with you, or if u make an original npc boss, how to make them fight-able. I've looked for ways but can find nothing, is this even possible to do in foundry? Most my boss encounters in foundry missions end up having to be dialogue then a battle with minions or an interact with object to defeat boss, kinda boring and limited. What am i missing if anything when it comes to original npc creation in foundry in regards to allies and boss encounters?
I played a quest by a guy called Notautious - Mommon Invoking the old God nw-djc4r9h3r. He does have npc's fight for with you and also has great dungeon co-ordination abilities. The quest is fantastic and afterwards look him up or even better get him to give us all a post with what he knows.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Nevfe - choice or fate - nw-dnvs9p8cj - man wow - took me over an hour. Your Dungeon is too big and I had to find 2 keys, was ridiculous with no way lines. I gave you a alright wrap "what was good about the dungeon" - 3 stars - lol you gave me a serve on my quest and I used so many pots myself - an ogre and a healer was almost impossible to kill (5 health stones gone baby gone) till running the whole dungeon length got the healer 'tired' in a doorway somewhere. 2nd part was ok. The 3rd was a good boss fight. I know u have some sort of 3 choice thing set up but man the way I apparently went was ridiculous and I only stayed for 'play for play'.
Hi Jin,
thanks for trying it and sorry you didn't enjoy it too much. A couple of things, if you prefer not to hunt to much for the keys you could just read more of the note by the gate and it will tell you about some hidden portals to use. That said, others have said that section is too long so I will look at changing it.
The fight with the ogre and the healer you mention, if its the one I think you mean, you don't actually have to fight them at all as they are fighting each other (or at least npcs nearby). So as long as you don't aggro them they will just leave you alone.
Anyway, sorry it caused you not to have fun, but thanks for the review anyway.
Anyone using foundry have any tips how to create an original npc that actually functions? like will follow and fight with you, or if u make an original npc boss, how to make them fight-able. I've looked for ways but can find nothing, is this even possible to do in foundry? Most my boss encounters in foundry missions end up having to be dialogue then a battle with minions or an interact with object to defeat boss, kinda boring and limited. What am i missing if anything when it comes to original npc creation in foundry in regards to allies and boss encounters?
Not sure why you asked that here but if you make the npc a guard and set it to follow they will do just what you want.
Thanks too Stebss, or is it almostcool??? You have a different name to your account name = strange
My PWE account is older than my Neverwinter account. :P
Hi nevfe, ya I understand the aggro - but I have an Ogre killing title and I could not resist - my fault. And I know that there is some choice thing it was just - I missed something in writing so - I don't know was punished lol. No hard feelings - I will try it again another time.
And it was fun - just the map too big. And when I meant I only stayed for 'Play for play' I was trying to say it was too big.
By the way your use of crystals to kill mobs is way wicked - ill have to learn myself that.
Also my piggy was just hell of a speed demon so he didn't lag behind.
I also took your advice and changed the objective title form "Kill terrance and his ghoulies' to 'Kill terrance and his fellow conspirators'.
And have toned down the mob's a bit.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Some complained about combat heavy groups - so I have moved some. Really big girl and I was Human should now be a touch easier encounter (moved the witch and the dwarf ghost away a bit). I also moved a wright from down in the bottle neck crevice because I even run from that encounter. And people using heaps of pots - now a bit less (My Guardian Fighter uses like 20 pots in everyones foundry mission - I don't know - jeez)
If you feel I should not tone it down a little please say. It really is doable easy with a bit of thought - almost cool done it using no pots but then again he is a trickster. The way the open map is = there are really 2 -3 ways to every mob or around them.
Anyway thanks again people.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Can anyone help me with a mob. If have played you might have seen Thull - the problem is that if I come in down from the top part of the hill he runs straight and encounters. If I come from the bottom part he tries to outflank and runs directly into a fence and gets stuck.
I have tried changing his behaviour etc... but to no avail. Some mobs do try to flank but he only tries if I come at him from his left side and he then runs down in front of me to get on my left side.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I just finished playing your quest. Unfortunately the game crashed on me just as I was writing the short review in the game. I hope in some way to be able to review yet. If not, I'll play it a second time.
I was willing to give you four stars. The main reason is for the originality. I liked the dramy and horrific look that you gave to the enemies, as well as details in the cemetery. A little chaotic perhaps but certainly thay give an idea of "nightmare". I had some trouble getting the monsters to be able to finish the goals. Also, in my opinion, there are too many traps (despite my char was a thief).
I will try to do yours - but am having trouble finding quests by name - the short code is heaps easier and direct, but I will try.
I am off now to do lostcharta and voivodak's quest now.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Just played 2 quests on my lv 30-32 Control Wizard
Lostcharta's quest= 'The Linkwell Crypt - nw-diryowuky' I found the story amusing and the debt collectors at the end I was almost screaming when I re-entered the dungeon though. Anther quest for the second part - I will play sometime. I did laugh at how big the family crypt was though - was more the size of an underground city. I must learn from you and voivodak how to make npc's fight and also, how do you end 1 battle and then have the mobs appear out of thin air? Anyway; unfortunately I did not get to rate or tip because I pressed "f" at the wrong time trying to loot - when I play the second part I will rate or do again. 4.5 stars.
Voivodak quest 'The fear that freeze' - So I can just enter name now cool - I will take something off my tag.
Were to start: Hmmm. Question? How did u get npc's to fight and die? And how did u get the house to shake? and How did you get the Ghosts to disappear when approached?
Was cool!
Anyway, I loved your use of lighting, sound,npc's and your little DM notes - I found the mobs you ask about challenging but doable (in your DM note on the ground) - as a control wizard the only problem was the 3 Brothers knocking me down.
Once again I thought the quest was going to end and it kept on going - I was like, ok the first part was not too long and then I completely forgot about the time.
Brilliant work - I love heavy combat and I'm not afraid to use the odd healing pot. 5 stars. Would say one of my favourites so far.
All you people have taught me so much and I am appreciated - from lighting, to mob distribution, to Dialogue, npc use and touching orbs that destroy mobs.
Appreciated - I hope my second quest when I get around to it will show u all - if you stick around what I have learnt.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I fixed up some quest name definitions and changed the costume of a mob that some might find offensive.
and a LOL for Pixelb0x giving me 1 star and wishing "a negative score" was available - Oh well you can only please some of the people some of the time not all of the people all of the time.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Lol, really trippy quest! Love the names and mobs. Only a couple of bugs keep this from being perfect.
The campfire at the beginning needs to be shifted. I died once and respawned in the stairs, unable to move. Had to requit and try again. The same steps caused the mobs to be stuck there when spawned.
Appreciate a review in return (links in sig). Thanks!
The Tale of the 3 Suns - NWS-DA9XX8WIV
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
Lol, really trippy quest! Love the names and mobs. Only a couple of bugs keep this from being perfect.
The campfire at the beginning needs to be shifted. I died once and respawned in the stairs, unable to move. Had to requit and try again. The same steps caused the mobs to be stuck there when spawned.
Appreciate a review in return (links in sig). Thanks!
Cheers Pavvo.
I have fixed up the spawn point. The mobs in the stairs is not my problem. None spawn there and if some got stuck it must be a graphics glitch maybe on your client.
Going to play some of yours now.
Have also cleaned up some junk near final Boss fight and removed a trap keeping mobs from following.
Have a bug with a hulk at beginning not even being where I place him - nor moving properly. I am looking into it.
I have renamed maps, edited quest objectives and click descriptions.
I think it looks really streamlined now and cool.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Feedback: I block signatures.
Short Code: nw-dm9udumuk
For all those peeps out there who block signatures.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I'll trade with ya!
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I loved how you named your encounters, however most of the npc animals just had a generic like Chicken 2 ( even though your twisted, I don't think you meant to have numbers on them)
Shadowfell Spike Medium 01 should be named Dreamspike or something like that
The only game-play issue was the how the game defined the area of search in the zone, many of the mobs were way outside of it.
I still rated you real good for originality.
Thanks Bostish.
Unfortunately I can not change the Shadowfell Spikes name as it is an object not a mob...
and yes I did name the chicken that, but I might change it ... Cheers.
Also I know some of the mobs are a little out of the box .... but it is my first ... most outside though are not needed to finish the quest but 1 is amongst a big group of them.... my next quest will be tighter now that I understand the way it works more..
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Bostish - A mothers woe - nw-derjq93ch. Not bad! An interesting story. Your 2nd Boss twin spawn did not have a name and maybe a spawn point at the entrance. Was good 4 stars. I should have given you 5 but I don't know - I get sick of the same mobs over and over, just my personal foible.
Pixleb0x - The Red Naomi Inn - nw-dgjdjd36d - was a great start - flawless only had problems finding it in the first place - The inn has no follow line and other quest take its place making it confusing - I could not find at first. 5 stars. Put a few random wolves in the distance for a bit of flavour maybe
Nevfe - choice or fate - nw-dnvs9p8cj - man wow - took me over an hour. Your Dungeon is too big and I had to find 2 keys, was ridiculous with no way lines. I gave you a alright wrap "what was good about the dungeon" - 3 stars - lol you gave me a serve on my quest and I used so many pots myself - an ogre and a healer was almost impossible to kill (5 health stones gone baby gone) till running the whole dungeon length got the healer 'tired' in a doorway somewhere. 2nd part was ok. The 3rd was a good boss fight. I know u have some sort of 3 choice thing set up but man the way I apparently went was ridiculous and I only stayed for 'play for play'.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Quest Name: The Spellthief Trials
By @Stebss
Short Code:NW-DM900IFHK
Would appreciate if you posted your review on my "review for review" thread as well as here.
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
Story was interesting, costumes and named npcs were random and chaotic fitting in well with your goal of a nightmare dreamscape scenario. Difficulty was easy, I am a moderately geared lvl 60 TR with no companion and I didn't use one potion pretty much because of constant stealth and lifesteal. That is just me though, other classes might have problems.
Some issues though. A lot of your npcs are named but a lot of them are not. Customized Death Striker, chicken 01, bear 02 ect. I recommend just making one of each animal that you want to put in as an npc and then pressing the "duplicate" button to save time naming them all.
Your map details are another thing. I understand that you are going for that chaotic feel but I didn't get that feeling while playing it. Rather I felt like you were experimenting with objects/fx/encounters ect within this map and then decided to drop a few objectives into it to make it a quest. In my opinion you could make it feel a little more otherworldly with a bit more detail and maybe some lighting effects. To me there isn't really anything nightmarish about a junkyard of random objects.
You mentioned earlier in this thread as a reply to the unnamed "Shadowspike medium 01" that you couldn't rename it since it is an object. You actually can. This wouldn't be an issue if the object couldn't be interacted with, but since it is, you can change the name to something else.
Overall I think the story could have more to it but I love the concept. Your dialogue is little but it is actually well done. I would like to see you dive into that some more. Your encounters are fine but I think your map details could be more perfected to give off that feeling that you want your players to get.
4/5 and tipped :P
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
If you could review in the linked thread that would be great.
In the dialog you sometimes miss out spaces after the end of one sentence and the start of another. Examples
* Looking at grates: "Grate will not budge?Find"
* Terrance dialog: "Beast,You"
* end of quest : "Yours?H"
There were some floating objects and clipping problems but it's difficult to tell if you meant them to be floating (because it's not real) or not. If they are supposed to be floating them maybe put them higher in the air and rotate them around a bit so it doesn't look like they're just poorly placed.
Here are the ones I found
* Trap near "Terrance???" "The Real Me" floating out of wall
* Spider webs near Thrull (Battle wight commander you reskinned as a Thoon hulk) hang in the air.
* Potion bottkle near dreamspike is stuck in ground
* A lot of different things in the sewer, too many to mention
The encounters very close together, or sometimes stacked on top of each other. Don't know what the highest level character you've tried this with is but the encounters scale up a lot at higher levels. I did this with a lv51 CW. I never died on the encounters but I used a fair number of. A cleric would probably have even more trouble.
If you want this to be challenge or hard map then you should say so in the description. If so it's an entertaining one.
The Dreamspike has default name. Also hovering slightly.
Ah, someone else noticed this. You can actually rename objects. Just click on it in the editor the same way as you would a mob.
One enemy called Golum. Not sure if you meant this to be Golem? Or maybe Gollum?
A lot of the animals have default names.
Dog 1, Customized Deathstrike...
Other than that it's fine. I like how much care and insanity you put into all the enemy skins and costumes.
The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
solo campaign, balanced
review thread
Was a bit long for my liking but a solid story and direction. I did loose the plot a bit as too why I was there and I died from healer boss and his healing Hulks - I used a lv 42 Guardian Fighter and healing bosses are hard especially with hulks or ogres or whatever giant mobs they have guarding them - dps is just a tad too low and I realised to late what was happening. 4 stars.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Spider webs Lostcharta in the air - lol yeah maybe a small thread is keeping them on the tree or something - ill look into the trap (deleted) thing was fine last time I looked. Lol the bottle being stuck in the ground is cool - I grew up in the country and it happens . I actually should have had more which seeped into the muddy earth. I will get around after some sleep to taking 1 of yours on.
Thanks too Stebss, or is it almostcool??? You have a different name to your account name = strange
And thanks everyone so far for any comment - it is hard to see through 1 set of eyes.
I also hear some find it hard and might remove a mob or 2 near the end of the first part - maybe the wraith guy who can summon zombies -;)
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I played a quest by a guy called Notautious - Mommon Invoking the old God nw-djc4r9h3r. He does have npc's fight for with you and also has great dungeon co-ordination abilities. The quest is fantastic and afterwards look him up or even better get him to give us all a post with what he knows.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Hi Jin,
thanks for trying it and sorry you didn't enjoy it too much. A couple of things, if you prefer not to hunt to much for the keys you could just read more of the note by the gate and it will tell you about some hidden portals to use. That said, others have said that section is too long so I will look at changing it.
The fight with the ogre and the healer you mention, if its the one I think you mean, you don't actually have to fight them at all as they are fighting each other (or at least npcs nearby). So as long as you don't aggro them they will just leave you alone.
Anyway, sorry it caused you not to have fun, but thanks for the review anyway.
Not sure why you asked that here but if you make the npc a guard and set it to follow they will do just what you want.
My PWE account is older than my Neverwinter account. :P
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
And it was fun - just the map too big. And when I meant I only stayed for 'Play for play' I was trying to say it was too big.
By the way your use of crystals to kill mobs is way wicked - ill have to learn myself that.
Also my piggy was just hell of a speed demon so he didn't lag behind.
I also took your advice and changed the objective title form "Kill terrance and his ghoulies' to 'Kill terrance and his fellow conspirators'.
And have toned down the mob's a bit.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I have named all the mobs and npc's - I think.
The bottle is staying 1/2 buried.
Some complained about combat heavy groups - so I have moved some. Really big girl and I was Human should now be a touch easier encounter (moved the witch and the dwarf ghost away a bit). I also moved a wright from down in the bottle neck crevice because I even run from that encounter. And people using heaps of pots - now a bit less (My Guardian Fighter uses like 20 pots in everyones foundry mission - I don't know - jeez)
If you feel I should not tone it down a little please say. It really is doable easy with a bit of thought - almost cool done it using no pots but then again he is a trickster. The way the open map is = there are really 2 -3 ways to every mob or around them.
Anyway thanks again people.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I have tried changing his behaviour etc... but to no avail. Some mobs do try to flank but he only tries if I come at him from his left side and he then runs down in front of me to get on my left side.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I was willing to give you four stars. The main reason is for the originality. I liked the dramy and horrific look that you gave to the enemies, as well as details in the cemetery. A little chaotic perhaps but certainly thay give an idea of "nightmare". I had some trouble getting the monsters to be able to finish the goals. Also, in my opinion, there are too many traps (despite my char was a thief).
My quest is in sign
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
I had actually removed 2 traps from the game.
I will try to do yours - but am having trouble finding quests by name - the short code is heaps easier and direct, but I will try.
I am off now to do lostcharta and voivodak's quest now.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Just played 2 quests on my lv 30-32 Control Wizard
Lostcharta's quest= 'The Linkwell Crypt - nw-diryowuky' I found the story amusing and the debt collectors at the end I was almost screaming when I re-entered the dungeon though. Anther quest for the second part - I will play sometime. I did laugh at how big the family crypt was though - was more the size of an underground city. I must learn from you and voivodak how to make npc's fight and also, how do you end 1 battle and then have the mobs appear out of thin air? Anyway; unfortunately I did not get to rate or tip because I pressed "f" at the wrong time trying to loot - when I play the second part I will rate or do again. 4.5 stars.
Voivodak quest 'The fear that freeze' - So I can just enter name now cool - I will take something off my tag.
Were to start: Hmmm. Question? How did u get npc's to fight and die? And how did u get the house to shake? and How did you get the Ghosts to disappear when approached?
Was cool!
Anyway, I loved your use of lighting, sound,npc's and your little DM notes - I found the mobs you ask about challenging but doable (in your DM note on the ground) - as a control wizard the only problem was the 3 Brothers knocking me down.
Once again I thought the quest was going to end and it kept on going - I was like, ok the first part was not too long and then I completely forgot about the time.
Brilliant work - I love heavy combat and I'm not afraid to use the odd healing pot. 5 stars. Would say one of my favourites so far.
All you people have taught me so much and I am appreciated - from lighting, to mob distribution, to Dialogue, npc use and touching orbs that destroy mobs.
Appreciated - I hope my second quest when I get around to it will show u all - if you stick around what I have learnt.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I fixed up some quest name definitions and changed the costume of a mob that some might find offensive.
and a LOL for Pixelb0x giving me 1 star and wishing "a negative score" was available
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
The campfire at the beginning needs to be shifted. I died once and respawned in the stairs, unable to move. Had to requit and try again. The same steps caused the mobs to be stuck there when spawned.
Appreciate a review in return (links in sig). Thanks!
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
Cheers Pavvo.
I have fixed up the spawn point. The mobs in the stairs is not my problem. None spawn there and if some got stuck it must be a graphics glitch maybe on your client.
Going to play some of yours now.
Have also cleaned up some junk near final Boss fight and removed a trap keeping mobs from following.
Have a bug with a hulk at beginning not even being where I place him - nor moving properly. I am looking into it.
I have renamed maps, edited quest objectives and click descriptions.
I think it looks really streamlined now and cool.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)