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Game fixes you would like to see



  • gmgunter1gmgunter1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here's a bug that's very worth correcting that I cannot create a new topic for because my account isn't "old enough"...


    The game generated this item with the stats of a level 26 Tempered Helm. The name doesn't match the stats, which will make searching for it in the auctions difficult. Also, I definitely would like to see the auction search bugs removed and the search functions expanded to include ranges for every stat.
  • freeabcfreeabc Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fix cleric aggro, once and for all - stop Neverwinter from continuing to be a zerg fest, where pots and heal pets are all that matter while players run rampant through an instance.

    I've experimented with cleric aggro and hate reduction in a dedicated group, nightly play - and I am convinced that Sooth does absolutely nothing, if not make matters worse. If all this game is, is the cleric serving as a distraction to adds (kiting them around) while everyone else just pounds on the boss, then not the caliber of game I, for one, will continue to be interested in.

    Trinity control has been around for decades, why now is it such a hard thing to implement? Take your queues from EQ/EQ2/WoW(hate to say it), or ANY other trinity-based game. If this continues, just go the GW/GW2 route and give every class some self healing and forget calling it D&D based. Oh wait, that won't happen because "D&D" is the selling point here, right? Then fix the shi#$.
  • detmittensdetmittens Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like to see this bush removed!

  • pitsinionpitsinion Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with almost everything written in this thread
    -I have muted my pc tons of times because of annoying nps who will keep repeating the same phrase with creepy voices
    -found the ah very buggy, never shows the items per lever or all items in general (I have to write the full name of the item to see the whole list)
    -my biggest issue is the letter F. Too many times instead of picking something up, I clicked on a player, on my companion, on everything else but the loot. Maybe it would be nice having the option to change our own keys or at least borrow a different letter than the F pretty pretty please?
    -a last one, in mithral mines quest my friend's pc didn't patch right and couldn't move in or out just his client froze buzzing and trembling, we had to login his char from a different pc
  • vallee1979vallee1979 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A lot of things i'd like to see have already been mentioned. I won't quote everyone, just list the stuff i'd like to second as a good thing for creating/fixing and add a few ideas of my own. Note: this is listed in no particular order.

    Currency, Items and Bags
    1. Move all in-game currency coins to the currency tab (Yes, this includes zone coins), and possibly get rid of a couple of currencies. And make currency tradeable between alts.

    2. Add a tab in the inventory where the quest items go, so they don't take up bagspace.

    3. Some way to have all the runestones and enchantments not take up a trillion bagspaces would be lovely as well, there's so many of them i could fill an entire bag with them and still not have enough room.

    4. Some other way than Zen to get more bags would be rather appreciated. 10 dollars for a bag on just one character is rather too steep a price for something that essential.

    5. Since 'neck' and 'cloak' items go into the same slot, could we get it so that you can change the appearance of one into the appearance of the other, instead of getting the message that it's a different type of item?

    6. Add the ability to preview gear before obtaining.

    7. Fix the issue where "consumables" can't be slotted.

    8. Fix AH searching.

    Groups and Instances
    9. Have a more natural looting system in parties. So either auto-assign loot based on useability, or have it so people can't need on things they can't use. Fix chests that can only be looted by one person. If possible code-wise, make it possible to loot chests at the same time, because having to wait until 5 people open the same chest is just silly. (i do also like the idea of having profession-nodes be lootable by all party-members when in a party, but can imagine that would be hard to code).

    10. Make it so when disconnecting/dying in a dungeon you don't have to run all the way from the start to join your group again, either by adding places you can 'port' to, or by adding a way to port to your partyleader.

    11. When doing quests in a group, make it so the dialogue doesn't suddenly disappear when one person clicks a response to move on... some of us actually like reading the dialogues.

    lordhorde wrote: »
    I`d like to see the autoattacks have the ability to be canceled when you release the mouse button. Right now playing a guardian getting stuck in an animation 90% of the time I need to get out of the way stinks. Soon as I release my mouse button I should cease attacking and be allowed to move. Or give me a few dodges like they have in raiderz that will break the animation and get me out of the way.
    Indeed a very very annoying thing i'm dealing with on my Guardian too.

    13. Have a more clear system about what red areas on the floor can be 'guarded' against, and which i need to run out of because the attack can't be blocked.

    Chat and Sound
    14. Add a Trade channel, and possibly also a guild recruitment channel.

    15. Turn off the "So-And-So earned a Nightmare Mount" messages. I don't care.

    16. Tone down the frequency with which scripted NPC dialog repeats.

    17. Change the currency used for the respec token to gold, or heck even astral diamonds if really necessary. Respecs are a rather essential part of a game like this, so being forced to pay real money for it (or exchange so much AD for Zen that you can't do anything but farm AD for weeks) isn't right.

    18. Add a way to return to character selection when logging 'out' of the game, instead of having only a log-out and an exit function.

    19. Perhaps replace the 'f' when targetting players/companions with another letter, since it does get rather annoying trying to talk to an npc, or loot a chest or... etc and then getting the popup to talk/trade/etc with a player.

    20. Add more postal courier locations (basically every starting camp in an area should have one).

    21. Fix the Gateway not giving astral diamond rewards from Leadership.

    There's probably a lot more i could come up with, but my head is a bit empty at 1 in the morning :). I do enjoy the game thus far, but these things would just add to the enjoyment. Hope this post isn't "too long, didn't read".
  • theannoyingbugtheannoyingbug Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    few things i would like to see:

    1. "loot drops are your own" system, similar to Diablo III. solves the whole "need/greed/pass" thing. if you don't want it, just don't click on it.

    2. dragging non-bound items out of bag drops it to the ground instead of destroying it, so i can quickly pass gear to someone else without the whole trade dialog.

    3. "silence npc" audio option, due to the constant repeating of their lines as mentioned by others.

    4. completely seperate container for runes/enchantments (similar to professions bag). probably won't happen, since they want you to spend cash for bags..

    5. a customizable word filter for chat, so i can filter out WTB, WTS, and WTT spam in Zone. I think a seperate Trade chat wouldn't help much, since they'd just keep flooding both.

    6. A server flood filter preventing more than X posts per Y seconds. If this is already implemented, then it isn't working.

    7. option to "never heal companions". too many times i have tried to toss a heal on a party member only to have a companion run in between for a split second and steal the heal charge.

    8. a smarter companion AI; preferably one that's smart enough to not keep standing in the red power circles..

    9. A 60-minute or so quest chain that lets you earn a respec token. could probably go lvl 1-60 before earning enough AD to buy the 600 zen needed for a respec. It's something super easy to implement (Cryptic has done it before), but they probably won't, because they want you to buy that 600 zen with real cash..
  • megendramegendra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    narathkor wrote: »
    4. 600 zen, you can farm ad and trade it for zen, so you do not HAVE to pay, you can just pay a crapton of diamonds, i feel the system is fine. Pay to get ahead faster, or think about your spec the first time, or spend the time farming it. If you have a job and no time to farm pay 6 bucks, if you are broke and unemployed no excuse not to farm up some diamonds.

    do you know how much fu*** farming you need to collect about 300,000 AD? Because that's what you need to trade and get 600 zen

    I think it's stupid to make so difficult changing your powers and feats, it's a beta and you cannot prove different sets
  • rawsome83rawsome83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More use of gold.
    More money from unid. greens.
    Have an option for disabling warning message that pops up EVERY time i want to sell an unid. green item.
    Be able to use gold as currency on ah.
    Start responding to bug reports, and tickets (week/month old tickets are getting old, litterally).
    More variety of companions.
    And for the love of god, don't cheat us with the companion training books.. They're never gonna sell! Theyre prolly gonna cost the same as horse training books, and those are horrible.. People would rather buy an epic mount... Let the companions be like in alpha... Please

    And the respec token, omg... Really? Making money off a core-function?! This is free, or have a ingame currency cost (equivilent of AD or gold) in Every Single Game out there, yet you want money for it..
    Mayor of herp derp town.
  • outofluckcatoutofluckcat Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay so for anyone else who is being afflicted by the "Toon Zombie Voice" bug. I went through and unequipped all my items and while mostly naked my character made human grunty noises again! So upon re-equipping everything I found that it was my cape that caused the zombie sounds. The item that affected me was the "Mantle of the Host" that you get in Cragmire I believe. I haven't tested if it is all capes or just that one yet, but I hope this is the end of the zombie sounds, and I hope this helps anyone else who has had this problem.
  • mercenaryiiimercenaryiii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Quoting my in-game bug report:

    After the 05/23/2013 patch, I can no longer Guard immediately after using certain abilities, such as Iron Warrior. While holding Shift after using Iron Warrior, my character remains in the un-Guarded position, but can still use At Will abilities that require Guard to be active. However, I am not actually Guarding, and take full damage in combat. I have to wait several seconds to be able to properly activate Guard, and in most circumstances, my character is pretty much dead by then.

    Posting a reply in here as it is apparently the only way to unlock making my own topic.
  • angelxeyeangelxeye Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    The parts I agree with:
    blake152 wrote: »

    1. Move all in-game currency coins to the currency tab (Yes, this includes zone coins), as it's very hard to balance inventory room when you are carrying multiple zone's coins in your bags.
    3. Add a vote-kick in arena matches!
    5. When I click logout, it should not do the same thing as exit game. Please adjust the logout function so it returns you to your character selection screen, not the launcher.
    1. Ditch the Need/Greed loot system and expand their current instanced loot to include equipment drops. The chests (most of them), potions, scrolls, etc currently are instanced per user so they have the capability. Everyone would have a fair chance at getting good loot or simply vendor chance. No more 70 page arguments about Wizards NEEDing on Rogue items, no more party leader switching loot mode at last second to ninja loot, no more worrying if you're clicking need too often. If there's a worry about flooding the market with items, simply adjust the drop rate. Need/greed/pass is an ancient system that has always created such arguments and grief. Can't say I've heard anyone say "Ugh, instanced looting sucks! I got an item and didn't have to grief it from someone else, how stupid!"
    5. Give us more options to spend gold. Maybe even an option to convert gold to Astral Diamonds?
    6. Related to #5, why are there so many freaking types of currencies? Consolidate! Seriously, how many different seals, tokens, coins, diamonds, etc. are there?
    7. Related to #1-3 in a way, make quest objectives update all party members. Currently some objectives update the whole party, some require each party member to interact with the objective. There seems to be no consistency. Early generation games required each party member to collect their own items, often making them compete for clickies. Recent games learned that this sucks, and made it so anyone could interact with clickies and it would update anyone else in the party (sometimes even outside the party!). Since some of the quests here ARE that way, make them ALL that way please.
    8. Add a few more early level quests to teach players how to use the queue system for skirmishes and dungeons, and the social panel to look for groups or party members. Maybe a few tool tips as well. Zone chat will thank you and pledge to have your babies.
    9. Add a Trade channel and a quest or tool-tip or something to remind players to use it. Zone chat will thank you and pledge to have more of your babies.
    10. Continue to do a good job of making a mostly (see #1-9) awesome game.

    My own is to make dungeons more on lvl, please. I have not completed one in a week. I dont play enough to have a steady group, and always end up with many people who just hit the lvl for the new dng. If no one DC's or bails then at the final boss we die 3x and give up. Dont make it easy - but this is getting annoying.
  • cowdoc0077cowdoc0077 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I really hope these get read by the Devs; I have only one real beef that is irritating: Crafting nodes that are giving disproportionate numbers of enchantments/runes. Every single node drops these in multiples and gives rare crafting items. Out of 10 nodes last night I collected:
    2 mithral ore
    2 shimmerweave
    1 grey sell loot
    2 forms of leather
    31 enchantments/runes.

    Please look into your loot tables and fix this
  • xethxxethx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with almost everything. - I would make a stipulation to the Respec tokens for gold; how about for Celestial Coins? Forces you to actually think about what you choose to put points into and, heaven forbid, -try- out the spec before you can ditch it again.

    Of what I have not already seen mentioned: Abilities only functioning when you have Line-of-Sight. For some, it makes perfect sense... However if I put a DoT on a group of enemies and dodge behind a wall because I want to pull them to me, the damage should actually still be applied when I'm out of LoS in that case. A poison will not stop coursing through someones veins just because you turn your back on them...
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