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So... its open beta but we won't wipe game breaking bugs?



  • itdude123itdude123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hustadin wrote: »
    Get over ur head, it's "OPEN" Beta, no matter how mess is it, deal with it, and never let this situation happen again! I would agree to wiped it but the problem is, if they did it, this game wouldn't be a professional, it will more like "Private server".

    Check this link hustadin, does it say open beta? http://www.perfectworld.com/
  • rha0mrha0m Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would prefer that they gave all of us a big fat cream cake and all these people stopped whining about stupid and pointless things which is doing nothing but irritating the people who have already got over it.

    The problem is that this game and every other MMO that has been released over the past god knows how many years is that they did not beta test properly before rushing the game to release. Since all these big named companies like EA, Trion and others are facing huge layoffs, the smaller companies are taking games that already exist... copying them, sticking a new title on it and releasing it without testing it in order to try to make some money and it fails because of issues like this.

    The biggest downfall of this game will be its name and the fact that it has a D&D tag on it.... This game has nothing to do with D&D at all and I dont understand why they paid to put the tag on it...

    Yes there was a rollback... yes the AH has been offline... if you dont like it, dont play... end of

    It could not be any simpler than that
  • itdude123itdude123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    People forget that this is a free game.

    What does this mean?

    I would have 30+ accounts to spread my ill gotten gains around.

    Most of the folks that are exploiting...THIS IS NOT THEIR FIRST TIME.

    They learn how to cover tracks better than 99% of the folks that can write a query to gauge the damage.

    A company that refuses to wipe a server that is in BETA means they only care about money and not the welfare of the general population.

    Of course they care about money! It's a business after all. If they could wipe out the community and still make money, I am sure they wouldn't hesitate to do so. Do they care about us? Not really and it's juvenile to think that they do. They only care about presenting a platform to generate revenue. Period.

    If that means that they "might" appear to be sympathetic to our wants and desires, it's purely in the interests of the game as a whole and not about "us".
  • pois0nmanpois0nman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    People forget that this is a free game.

    What does this mean?

    I would have 30+ accounts to spread my ill gotten gains around.

    Most of the folks that are exploiting...THIS IS NOT THEIR FIRST TIME.

    They learn how to cover tracks better than 99% of the folks that can write a query to gauge the damage.

    A company that refuses to wipe a server that is in BETA means they only care about money and not the welfare of the general population.

    This ^^^^ A million times This ^^^^

    I know Perfect World / Cryptic said no more wipes, but clearly this is extenuating circumstances and completely warranted.
  • swissmercswissmerc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    itdude123 wrote: »
    Check this link hustadin, does it say open beta? http://www.perfectworld.com/

    Check this link out, it says Open Beta. http://nw.perfectworld.com/
  • rha0mrha0m Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    People forget that this is a free game.

    What does this mean?

    I would have 30+ accounts to spread my ill gotten gains around.

    Most of the folks that are exploiting...THIS IS NOT THEIR FIRST TIME.

    They learn how to cover tracks better than 99% of the folks that can write a query to gauge the damage.

    A company that refuses to wipe a server that is in BETA means they only care about money and not the welfare of the general population.

    This game is not in beta.... Neverwinter is Live.... Learn to read before you post pointless comments please

    To much real money has been spent by players to wipe now... Legally they wont be able to.
  • kimeo1kimeo1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    People forget that this is a free game.

    What does this mean?

    I would have 30+ accounts to spread my ill gotten gains around.

    Most of the folks that are exploiting...THIS IS NOT THEIR FIRST TIME.

    They learn how to cover tracks better than 99% of the folks that can write a query to gauge the damage.

    A company that refuses to wipe a server that is in BETA means they only care about money and not the welfare of the general population.

    wrong .. because then they wouldnt rollback .. beta doesnt mean it has to get wiped after the game goes live .. i think some ppl dont understand the word "beta".

    im pretty sure the economy is now stable.
    a wipe would only be the laaaaaast option if a rollback doesnt help anymore and the damage to the game is to heavy.

    and btw: such exploits can occour in live status too .. then u want to wipe the whole game maybe after 3 years of farming ? lol ... sure.. comeon
  • itdude123itdude123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    swissmerc wrote: »
    Check this link out, it says Open Beta. http://nw.perfectworld.com/

    Sounds like they don't even know.... lol

    One says live, another says open beta. Who is running this dog and pony show anyway?! ;)
  • iminers242iminers242 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rha0m wrote: »
    This game is not in beta.... Neverwinter is Live.... Learn to read before you post pointless comments please

    To much real money has been spent by players to wipe now... Legally they wont be able to.

    L O L.
  • itdude123itdude123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The fact that they are not willing to wipe "a wipe is off the table" and open themselves up to refunds indicates that this is live in my opinion. Calling it "Open Beta" is simply semantics.
  • breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    itdude123 wrote: »
    The fact that they are not willing to wipe "a wipe is off the table" and open themselves up to refunds indicates that this is live in my opinion. Calling it "Open Beta" is simply semantics.

    Beta is just a term to define the state that the software is in. Some beta software is only made available to a select number of users, while other beta programs are released to the general public. In most cases, a software developer will release multiple "beta" versions of a program during the beta phase. Each version includes updates and bug fixes that have been made in response to user feedback. The beta phase may last anywhere from a few weeks for a small program to several months for a large program.

    The term beta implies that the software needs further development before it reaches it's release phase. Some companies will offer beta for free while others may charge for early or any access. Some companies may charge during the entire beta phase.

    You are confusing the term "beta" to mean free. Beta is simply a way of defining what state the software is in. If a company chooses to do a soft release open beta, e.g. no character wipe. This should never be confused as a Full Released version of the software. Beta is only defining what state the software is in. Crashes, instabilities, bugs are inherent in beta.

    This is why the game is in beta. Although you may feel this game is not beta because it does not follow certain aspects of most mmo. It is beta due to the fact it has crashes, bugs and instability. If you do not like Beta wait for the full release version of the game.
  • futrixfutrix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    itdude123 wrote: »
    Check this link hustadin, does it say open beta? http://www.perfectworld.com/

    Yes... yes it does.

    Here is the nw-ob.jpg from the page you linked:

  • telainfilotelainfilo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kimeo1 wrote: »
    dat cry ... actually u wonder why ppl have so much AD ??? i've heard ppl buy ZEN in the Shop and convert it into AD :O :O :O
    man really wake up.
    u need no exploits for it.

    a full wipe would knockout this game, a rollback not.

    the dev's have done a great job so far!
    EXACTLY !!!

    The problem of ppl. having tons of AD is not solved by any wipe, as long you can buy it for real money. A wipe makes sense, from my point of view, to undo all exploits players have taken advantage of. But after the wipe, do we have any guarantee that exploits are not possible anymore, or do the exploiters just have to search for other not yet discovered exploits and after a few months we are exactly on the same point, what then? another wipe? and then later another again?
  • antonn131313antonn131313 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why? The BETA is an ongoing success.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    itdude123 wrote: »
    Calling it "Open Beta" is simply semantics.

    Pretty much. But anyone who follows the "f2p" genre was already aware of that. Heck, I've seen "f2p" multiplayer Flash/Facebook/Kongregate games that have been running for years now, taking in funds, doing multiple additional-content-release patches, etc.... that still have "beta" stuck on their front page. Open to anyone who wants to play, and cash shop open for business? It's released. /shrug
  • itdude123itdude123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    futrix wrote: »
    Yes... yes it does.

    Here is the nw-ob.jpg from the page you linked:


    But that same page also shows L on the game which means Live (the key shows O as open beta and it does not have that presently). They need to fix it on the game status page.
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Why are folks still latched on to this pointless line of attack?

    They can call it purple-swirly-chocolate coated-soft centered-release for all I care.
    Start getting some real arguments or stop spamming the threads like morons.
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    itdude123 wrote: »
    But that same page also shows L on the game which means Live (the key shows O as open beta and it does not have that presently). They need to fix it on the game status page.

    *droning voice of dripping sarcasm*

    "oh....no.....some fiend has forgotten to update all their promotional web pages... the monster..."

  • zeuseason411zeuseason411 Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2013
    Game economy isn't FUBAR? You must not be from this planet (or been in game). There's hundreds of un-earned free purplez peeps are selling for hundreds of gold or hundreds of thousands of AD, CATS are in such abundance from the dupe they being traded for a key, the value of AD is garbage now that players have millions of AD to control the market to buy/resell for millions more, AD to Zen will now be in the thousands (was roughly 350 per) because there's billions of AD added to the market, I could go on....

    The legit players earn of all 24k AD a day.....
  • darksxdarksx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    jkaplan92 wrote: »
    LOL you really think the economy has been repaired? Wow... didn't realize people were that out of touch with reality...

    People still have TONS of ad... you think this wasn't going on for more than 7 hours and they're going to track down all the people who exploited it and somehow remove the AD from all of the normal players who benefited via selling items at high prices?

    You are nothing but a deluded moron, do you really think the economy cant ever be balanced when you have a Zen market that you spend real money on to then buy Diamonds? As long as there is real money involved the AH and economy can never be balanced so long as people are able to purchase Zen and trade it in for Diamonds.
  • pinkysansbrainpinkysansbrain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "it will remain thoroughly screwed up for at least a year"

    STO's economy sorted itself out in a few weeks, stop being so melodramatic.
  • suroh66suroh66 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The reality is that the economy will never be fixed this is an mmo in 2013 are you ten years old or just new to the world? If we can't fix the economic crisis that the entire world is in, in real life how can you even begin to expect it to change in a game? This is nothing new to mmos it happens constantly in every game and at some point the devs will just give up on trying to fix it and let it run it's course.

    The reality is this is a beta and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> like you are the very reason things don't change :)
  • kalizaarkalizaar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    estsu wrote: »
    This game lost much more players by not doing the right thing aka wipe..just sayin too

    It did? Are you talking about the relatively small (but incredibly vocal) amount of forum posters that claim they'll leave but haven't? And you also realize that forum participants are a very tiny population compared to a game's actual population?

    I'm sure there are some people that will leave because they can't stand knowing there are cheaters in a MMO (lol) that might have better equipment and more money than them. I don't know where you come up with "much more players" though. Although I suppose "much more" is open to interpretation.
  • pois0nmanpois0nman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rha0m wrote: »
    This game is not in beta.... Neverwinter is Live.... Learn to read before you post pointless comments please

    To much real money has been spent by players to wipe now... Legally they wont be able to.

    If that is the case they should stop being lazy and remove everything that says open beta all over it on the main website.


    But then again you have this: Post
    That's a known issue, unfortunately. We are in open beta, Neverwinter is not launched live.
  • imaginaryhawkimaginaryhawk Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2013
    The game is not in Open Beta. It's an excuse they had to make cause they knew back in April that they're about to launch an unfinished product.
  • am0nr3xam0nr3x Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    People keep calling this a beta. Even the devs. Truth is, it's not. This is released. Stop letting the marketing team confuse you.
  • estsuestsu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kalizaar wrote: »
    It did? Are you talking about the relatively small (but incredibly vocal) amount of forum posters that claim they'll leave but haven't? And you also realize that forum participants are a very tiny population compared to a game's actual population?

    I'm sure there are some people that will leave because they can't stand knowing there are cheaters in a MMO (lol) that might have better equipment and more money than them. I don't know where you come up with "much more players" though. Although I suppose "much more" is open to interpretation.

    So why are you in the forum and not playing but arguing with the tiny minority posters?
  • erdokanerdokan Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kilo418 wrote: »
    Sounds like MMOs in general are not what you are looking for. Maybe you should try NWN2

    Nah, sounds like most MMO's got the wrong idea tbh. I don't see having TS3 or some other stupid program that guilds require you to have listed as 1 of the requirements to play this game init? Take Runescape for example - yeah you need to team up to kill NEX and Kalphite King for decent gp/h but there's also ways where you can make good gp/h when playing solo. If such an option does not exist in an MMORPG then it's a flaw of the MMORPG, not the player. Maybe YOU should stick to WoW if forced group dependant content is what you're into.

    Also, do you think I'm new or something lmao? I've played every single Neverwinter game, it's why I'm playing this in the first place. Not new to MMO's either thank you.
    David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
  • alaric63alaric63 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Game is not the Economy. The in-game economy is just one segment of the game. They are working to deal with the Exploiters, and they are plugging the gaps. I can't see any reason to call the situation "Game Breaking". It's Drama for Drama's sake. Move on.
  • novoihelvettinovoihelvetti Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    Only in our memories are the days when game companies valued their reputation more then money.
    Money comes and goes, but reputation can only be lost twice. First and last time.

    In real beta:
    -No exploiters get banned, exploiting in encouraged (this is actually true in Neverwinter)
    -Wipe would happen between end of beta and release
    -If cash shop needs testing, usually everyone is given X amount of currency that gets removed in end of beta wipe.
    -Our feedback would have effect
    -We would actually see changes for the problems we report. So far all patches have been either exploit fixing or some completely irrelevant fixes.

    In PWE beta:
    -Our all feedback is really appreciated
    -Neverwinter open beta is on-going success
    -You beta-test the cash shop with real money
    -No wipes will be done even if economy is completely ruined as it is now
    -Beta is only used as an excuse for problems caused by releasing the product 6-12months too early.

    Whatever PWE would have done after "catastrophe" they would have lost lot of players. However path they decided to take was to sacrifice their reputation inorder to keep all the money from cash shop purchases. Technically they killed the game with this decision as now there is no turning back.
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