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Please fix healer threat

mievhmievh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
Guys at Cryptic: please, PLEASE fix cleric threat.

I've been trying to run a skirmish with little to no results, while taking almost as much damage as the tank. Unless it's a very, very, very good tank, I always get my face smacked by tons of ads, unable to heal or build up Divinity. Last time I went from 100% to dead in almost 3 seconds, and as the game has no burst healing, I fell very quickly.

Tanks aren't able to hold aggro (unless they are very good) making PUG dungeons / skirmishes a chore, rather than fun, for the cleric class.

Please at the very least acknowledge there is a problem, I've taken every Power and Feat available that reduces threat and it serves absolutely nothing, as newly spawned mobs make a beeline straight to me, the boss comes down to me, and almost all ads do, except the one the tank is currently tanking.

Please make the game fun to play... I welcome the challenge to balance the heals between attacks, but this is downright crazy. It's no fun that way.

Why include threat-reducing abilities if they don't work? Why do I have to pay you real-world money to change my powers, when the powers don't work on the first place? It really seems like a trap: You make threat-reducing powers a waste and non-functional so as to make me pay to change skills to something more useful...

Please do something. Acknowledge the problem, or tell us if this is intended, so I can peacefully let my cleric rest and play another character or game.
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
Post edited by mievh on


  • attronachattronach Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    Im Cleric too and only one working way is play any other game and you will be happy like me.

    Side note last rollback punish ONLY non-chating and nonexploiting players.
    This is last drop for me to leave this game. Cleric thread is not bug this is $$$ plan.
  • rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    I'm requesting this one too, I get threat reducing passive class skill plus 5/5 feat for the same thing, total of 45%+ reduced threat, yet I heal all go for me.
  • mievhmievh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    attronach wrote: »
    Im Cleric too and only one working way is play any other game and you will be happy like me.

    Side note last rollback punish ONLY non-chating and nonexploiting players.
    This is last drop for me to leave this game. Cleric thread is not bug this is $$$ plan.
    Leave the side note aside, this is not the place.
    ranguren wrote: »
    I'm requesting this one too, I get threat reducing passive class skill plus 5/5 feat for the same thing, total of 45%+ reduced threat, yet I heal all go for me.
    Indeed... 45% reduced threat, and the only thing that doesn't attack me is the tank's main target.

    Cryptic, at least ACKNOWLEDGE this.

    Didn't Closed Beta served some purpose? Please...
    Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
  • helza123helza123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've already re-rolled because of this and i'm now leveling a CW :) tired of playing a tank.. if i wanted to play a tank i would have rolled a GF :/

    As soon as they'll fix it ill play my Cleric again, no harm done.
  • lottapewpewlottapewpew Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Totally agree with this 'problem', though from a different perspective namely the one of a GF.
    It's so annoying to have only one tactic in this game in the 8300+ dungeons.. stand next to the cleric and work your *** off to get the mobs attention. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to put some effort into tanking, but this is just crazy. Give the healer a skill which drops their threat to zero (reset of aggro) for x amount of seconds or give the GF's a HARD taunt with a descent cooldown. The 'mark the target and deal damage to get aggro'-trick, ain't working. Especially with the amount of mob displacing spells in this game. The moment I mass-mark a pack, some CW or DC gets it into his head to send the entire group flying, resulting in me having to wait for another 15 seconds to throw out a mass mark to hopefully get aggro back again.

    All in all tanking and healing should have some threat-mechanics that give Gf's a hard taunt or DC's a hard reset of aggro (pref. both).
    As the people in the prior posts stated, its a b*tch to heal at the moment, and being a 'tank' right now doens't feel close to actually tanking anything.

    I won't beg for a 'fix', but I'd only say that giving both classes some skills to handle threat generation/reduction more effectively, would make the game a lot better!
  • mievhmievh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Totally agree with this 'problem', though from a different perspective namely the one of a GF.
    It's so annoying to have only one tactic in this game in the 8300+ dungeons.. stand next to the cleric and work your *** off to get the mobs attention. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to put some effort into tanking, but this is just crazy. Give the healer a skill which drops their threat to zero (reset of aggro) for x amount of seconds or give the GF's a HARD taunt with a descent cooldown. The 'mark the target and deal damage to get aggro'-trick, ain't working. Especially with the amount of mob displacing spells in this game. The moment I mass-mark a pack, some CW or DC gets it into his head to send the entire group flying, resulting in me having to wait for another 15 seconds to throw out a mass mark to hopefully get aggro back again.

    All in all tanking and healing should have some threat-mechanics that give Gf's a hard taunt or DC's a hard reset of aggro (pref. both).
    As the people in the prior posts stated, its a b*tch to heal at the moment, and being a 'tank' right now doens't feel close to actually tanking anything.

    I won't beg for a 'fix', but I'd only say that giving both classes some skills to handle threat generation/reduction more effectively, would make the game a lot better!
    Thanks for the info, I didn't really know the Guardian Fighter's perspective into this.
    Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
  • mrvukmrvuk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 396 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013

    I stoped playing my cleric at level 28 and he's gotten to level 30 just by praying several times a day. I decided to make a guardian fighter to see if I could keep agreso off my friends cleric. NOPE. It works for about 3 seconds untill he casts another heal and then all adds are back on his cleric. This realy needs to be fixed soon.
  • lottapewpewlottapewpew Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    not a problem! I don't think it's just one problem or the other. Giving classes that aren't allowed to tank a way to drop aggro, and other classes that want to tank, a way to get a guaranteed attention of the mobs for a descent amount of time.This would do the trick for the entire 'threat'-story in Neverwinter. Look at other MMO's where they use the holy-trinity of Tank-Healer-DPS. They all have tank classes with abilities that can actually tank and produce a lot of aggo on mobs, being with hard taunts, debuffs (dots/aggro generating debuffs) and damage. Next to that Healer and DPS-classes got ways to drop in aggro, mostly with hard resets that drop a class's threat to zero.
    I think it's good to have this discussion because it creates a lot of frustration while PUGing dungeons when these roles cant be executed in a proper way. It's chaos all over the place and people are just shouting at the DC to stop dying all the time, not noticing that the DC has all mobs chasing after him/her in taste of blood. This all while the GF is frantically running around trying to 'shout' mobs off the DC.

    Not to mention the threat generation a TR has...sigh..try taunting a boss off one of those while he just threw out 1 mil. damage in 2 minutes while you tried to gather up the mobs and finally got your team in a safe place for the boss fight (just an example ;) ).

    Some part of me is hoping that the other Paragon paths are providing skills that give these aggro generation/reducing abilities and that the paragon trees that we're using now are just 'a bit of everything'-trees..

    I wonder how other players experience this 'problem'?
  • axer128axer128 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mievh wrote: »
    Thanks for the info, I didn't really know the Guardian Fighter's perspective into this.

    Yea only its far worse then he said.
    As guardians dont even get this so called "mass mark"

    Enforced threat will indeed hit all nearby enemies dealing damage. But it actually only marks 5, and thus only taunts 5. In T2s where you face freakin 30+ enemies at once, its patheticly poor, so much so I usually unslot it.

    It's functional if your VERY GOOD in t1s and constantly spam it and have the wizard help gather with blackhole so you can stab them all.. But T2s it just all falls apart as there are way too many targets, so the only viable tactics becomes "cleric kite" .. Even if the guardian wanted to kite, just cant be done in the current game.

    Problem isnt so much the threat amount, but the fact it decays so quickly, while clerics threat never decays.. The problem is clerics astral shields is the only viable heal, and it generates constant 24/7 threat to 100% of nearby enemies, while guardians can only do 5x target, 15+ second cooldown taunt, that has no real functional ongoing effect, as enhanced mark is fairly useless at 60 (works ok at lower lvls, doesnt scale up to enough at 60)

    There are lots of simple fixes like removing target limit and making enhanced mark deal more threat.. Though a more complex fix that lets clerics burst heal instead of just rely on 1 zero-skill persistant aoe would be more ideal.. Healing well without generating a lot of threat should be challenge, as should tanking.. Atm the clerics job in healing is a joke, whats hard is keeping him alive.
    -Group tools in dire need of improvement, please read and reply to improve our community.
    -Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
    Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
  • decubisdecubis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 90
    edited May 2013
    I play a GF and i totally agree i don't feel likea tank more likea kiting one taunt AoE spell that doesn't solve the problem at all. I can do my fair share of tanking but the threat in this game is totally broken. Boss fights like pirate/spider/frozen/Kurran all end up in me and the cleric runnign around like morons kiting all mobbs. I was looking forward to a degree of holy trinity tank/healer/dps but atm it is just rogue tanking and the rest on boss or add control.
    Greetings Decubis,
    Decubis: Dwarf Guardian Fighter: lvl 60
    Demic: Human Devoted Cleric: lvl 60
    Server: Beholder Guild: The Unnamed
  • taodaotaodao Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I play a cleric and have to agree, the threat mechanic is bonkers. I did read a temporary fix is to un-equip all you items at the start of a dungeon with soothe slotted and then re-equip all your items. I haven't had tested the "fix" yet. If anyone has had a result please post your success.
  • mievhmievh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    axer128 wrote: »
    Yea only its far worse then he said.
    As guardians dont even get this so called "mass mark"

    Enforced threat will indeed hit all nearby enemies dealing damage. But it actually only marks 5, and thus only taunts 5. In T2s where you face freakin 30+ enemies at once, its patheticly poor, so much so I usually unslot it.

    It's functional if your VERY GOOD in t1s and constantly spam it and have the wizard help gather with blackhole so you can stab them all.. But T2s it just all falls apart as there are way too many targets, so the only viable tactics becomes "cleric kite" .. Even if the guardian wanted to kite, just cant be done in the current game.

    Problem isnt so much the threat amount, but the fact it decays so quickly, while clerics threat never decays.. The problem is clerics astral shields is the only viable heal, and it generates constant 24/7 threat to 100% of nearby enemies, while guardians can only do 5x target, 15+ second cooldown taunt, that has no real functional ongoing effect, as enhanced mark is fairly useless at 60 (works ok at lower lvls, doesnt scale up to enough at 60)

    There are lots of simple fixes like removing target limit and making enhanced mark deal more threat.. Though a more complex fix that lets clerics burst heal instead of just rely on 1 zero-skill persistant aoe would be more ideal.. Healing well without generating a lot of threat should be challenge, as should tanking.. Atm the clerics job in healing is a joke, whats hard is keeping him alive.
    Thanks again on the info.

    And yes, it is as you describe. Forgemaster's Flame and Astral Shield, which are our best heals, generate a lot of threat, even with the 45% total threat reduction that is granted throught the Soothe power and feats. Why with 45% less aggro the mobs run straight to me? Clearly those powers don't work.

    So it's a combination of problems... tanks can't generate enough aggro and aren't able to maintain it for even a few seconds, and healers generate a lot of aggro even with walking.
    Sometimes I do nothing for some seconds, just to see what happens. New mobs run straight to me, even if I haven't casted heals and no HoT is active in the field for more than 10 seconds.
    taodao wrote: »
    I play a cleric and have to agree, the threat mechanic is bonkers. I did read a temporary fix is to un-equip all you items at the start of a dungeon with soothe slotted and then re-equip all your items. I haven't had tested the "fix" yet. If anyone has had a result please post your success.
    I did try that fix, and it somewhat worked while at level 30s, or maybe it was because the tanks were better. But now it doesn't really help... I'm 57 and the Protect The Bridge Skirmish is almost impossible as the amount of mobs is enormous and I can't stand to attack and build Divine Power for Astral Shield and Forgemaster's Flame.

    I don't know why Cryptic is so... err... cryptic about this. No acknowledgment, nothing. They said they're checking it... but c'mon, hasn't this issue popped back in closed beta??

    It's no fun to play a healer this way........
    Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
  • dphoneixdphoneix Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bump ^^
    I too play as a cleric and am in total agreement with all the above problems..i recently played mad dragon with 2 other clerics and 2 rogues. this was one of the most effective ways to handle mobs.since all 3 of us have around the same skills, we could just aggro the mobs in turn and then go heal the others in the meantime..i'd suggest all clerics do that if u want to play in party.a single cleric in a party just sucks right now.
    on a side note, any of u noticed how the paragon At-will power of the cleric doesn't do the damage it shows..the power shows it does a dmg of 600+, when it actually does a lot less than the other at will powers.
  • js3bjs3b Member Posts: 368 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    just like that, i dont think we can expect any dev answer here.... I posted tons of forum and never had ANY answer from them....

    Basicaly wait and hope they fix it....
    You could also put in a ticket and wait 1month to have an answer....

    Threat is wrong in this game...
    Tank can't even keep the threat from TR

    Yes cleric get WAY too much aggro and dont even have good skill to heal himself, have to drink potion over and over again...
    Even the healing for others is just a support healing and they still need potion... no wonder everyone ask for 2 healer for groups...
    Founder back a week ago, already pissed by cryptic ''no roll back'' decision

  • yarrenzeyarrenze Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This actually caused another problem. Lots of Clerics stopped doing dungeons, or they only do it with another cleric in group, making the queues long wait, resulting in most likely a 5dps group.

    From the CW perspective, after few minutes of a fight, I tend to run along with the Cleric, keeping the adds controlled while he focus on doing his job rather than running around with a swarm of adds on him.

    About GF tanking, I tend not to anything in first 5 seconds except maybe tossing a Singularity on the large pack of mobs so GF can cleave them all and get aggro. Unfortunately, I either die from proxy aggro, because all the mobs go for me, or Cleric gets in trouble if he casts a heal. Giving the Cleric ability to reduce threat is not the best option, since every DPS class will need the same. It is better, in my opinion, to give GF larger threat generation, but not to overdo it, since the DPS wouldn't have to worry about the overaggro, making it less challenging in that case.

    As someone said, most of the T2 dungeons are now based on "Cleric Kite", making other classes in that regard useless. It pains me to see GFs being useless in most of the encounters. Even worse, they have hard time finding the spots in high-end dungeons. What also troubles me, is the new "double cleric" combo, which essentially makes group finding harder than it should be.
    Knowledge is power!
  • adisonmakadisonmak Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    they really should fix this either reducing the amount of threat generated or turn off the 'righteous' mechanic on all places (except pvp)...

    Even the combination of Astral Shield + etc healing skills cant keep me over half the HP bar when every freaking mobs surrounds me. i have to either run around circling within the shield or the map itself.
  • mievhmievh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    adisonmak wrote: »
    Even the combination of Astral Shield + etc healing skills cant keep me over half the HP bar when every freaking mobs surrounds me. i have to either run around circling within the shield or the map itself.

    Not even Astral Shield, Forgemaster's and even potions can keep us alive after that...
    Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
  • mievhmievh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Can we get an answer about this, other than "We're looking into it"? Because it seems it's a lie.
    Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
  • kiry3kiry3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    I'm pretty much done playing due to this issue. If its not an issue and working as intended, then state that please. Either way, it's not fun and that's what I intend to do when playing a game have fun.

    Cleric playstyle is fun. Aggro magnet is not. And a solution of taking off my gear/clothes and putting them back on...is not a solution. it's a workaround, and a clumsy one.

    If the game design is to have a ton of adds with a boss, something needs to be moderated either health of adds, damage of adds, or aggro of us - that's my opinion.
  • kiry3kiry3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    I'm pretty much done playing due to this issue. If its not an issue and working as intended, then state that please. Either way, it's not fun and that's what I intend to do when playing a game have fun.

    Cleric playstyle is fun. Aggro magnet is not. And a solution of taking off my gear/clothes and putting them back on...is not a solution. it's a workaround, and a clumsy one.

    If the game design is to have a ton of adds with a boss, something needs to be moderated either health of adds, damage of adds, or aggro of us - that's my opinion.
  • yarrenzeyarrenze Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Aaaaand.... bump.
    Knowledge is power!
  • pnellesenpnellesen Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Add a bump here.

    I do the "unequip/re-equip" thing myself, and it seems to help some, but I'd really like to not have to resort to that if I don't have to.

    I find it hard to believe the current state of Healer Threat is working exactly as intended. I don't have a problem with SOME aggro (it does make sense to target the enemy healer, after all) but the way it is now, especially in dungeon boss fights, seems way out of proportion (and add the fact that we get a 40% debuff to self-healing... ugh.)
  • lottapewpewlottapewpew Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • woodlandwoods1woodlandwoods1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    This really needs an official response. Any will do.
  • lottapewpewlottapewpew Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    This really needs an official response. Any will do.

    Amen to that
  • mievhmievh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Bump again. This is getting ridiculous.

    And it's no fun.
    Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
  • aarkane1976aarkane1976 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mievh wrote: »
    Bump again. This is getting ridiculous.

    And it's no fun.

    For those that are mad there isn't really a "Ranger" type class, play a Cleric. They have to kite 99% of the time when in a group...
    Devoted Cleric of the Dragon Shard
    Recruit of Grievance
  • flawedmonkeyflawedmonkey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Healer threat is FINE. I run T2's with a standard group of one of each class, I don't even use soothe and it is a cakewalk. Seriously just get a better build and you will be able to heal no problem. Also tell you GF tank to get Knight's Valor. Mandatory tanking ability.
  • rengetsu08rengetsu08 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    Here is what i do for cleric right now, don't use ur Powers available for threat and Feat threat reduction, it doenst work ull be glad to use those point in healing and other effects so that u can at least handle Mobs by ur self
    Half-Elf Devoted Cleric-Divine Oracle Build, Powers and Feats:V1.0, V2.0
  • mievhmievh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    rengetsu08 wrote: »
    Here is what i do for cleric right now, don't use ur Powers available for threat and Feat threat reduction, it doenst work ull be glad to use those point in healing and other effects so that u can at least handle Mobs by ur self

    Yes, the problem is you have to pay money to reset your powers.
    Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
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