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new GF lvl60 help

trilobytestrilobytes Member Posts: 17 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Militia Barracks
A few days ago my GF reached lvl60, its my first char to lvl60, and so far I was using gear that I had picked up via drops and quest items, mostly green stuff. Now that I'm lvl60, i'm a bit confused at how, as a GF, I should go about getting the next stage in gear. My gear score is very low(5.4k) so where should I start looking for lvl60 gear now?

If I was a cleric, I don't think I would have much of a problem joining Q for a dungeon, but after seeing some post and in-game chat, it seems its hard for a GF to Q for a lvl60 dungeon. I also thought about PvP, the only worry is that now that I'm lvl60, is the PvP system going to match me with people who have far superior gear?

Any and all feed back is welcome. :)
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  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    trilobytes wrote: »
    A few days ago my GF reached lvl60, its my first char to lvl60, and so far I was using gear that I had picked up via drops and quest items, mostly green stuff. Now that I'm lvl60, i'm a bit confused at how, as a GF, I should go about getting the next stage in gear. My gear score is very low(5.4k) so where should I start looking for lvl60 gear now?

    If I was a cleric, I don't think I would have much of a problem joining Q for a dungeon, but after seeing some post and in-game chat, it seems its hard for a GF to Q for a lvl60 dungeon. I also thought about PvP, the only worry is that now that I'm lvl60, is the PvP system going to match me with people who have far superior gear?

    Any and all feed back is welcome. :)

    When the auction house gets back up, go shopping.

    You could, at least last week, get 4-6 epics for something like 65k total.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
  • khail33khail33 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    etherealj wrote: »
    When the auction house gets back up, go shopping.

    You could, at least last week, get 4-6 epics for something like 65k total.

    You can also go PVP and get at least a decent weapon and a shield.
  • gigplaygigplay Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Buy a brutal lizardfolk scimitar off AH (they should be pretty cheap by now) and you should be good, dps wise, and I hope you chose the conqueror path because if not, I suggest you respec. After that just do some pvp and pick up the indomitable set. Leave the shield though and buy either a valiant warrior shield, timeless hero shield, or shield of the crusher from the AH, whichever fits your budget. As far as pvp goes, don't worry too much about people who are all "geared up." Just make use of your knockdown skills and you'll get kills.
  • khail33khail33 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And use Anvil of the lulz.
  • trilobytestrilobytes Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ty all for the feed back. I guess my next goal is to buy a nice weapon when auction comes back online and start a bit of PvP. I already know I need to respec because I went down the middle tree to compare it with the GF my friend was making(he chose the conqueror). I am really disappoint in that tree :(

    So far I am enjoying the class and game play though.
  • perfectindigoperfectindigo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PvP gear is a pretty good start and doesn't take that long to grind up, especially at level 60 when you get 350 glory for losing and 700 for winning (more during pvp event and more if you aren't bottom of the charts). A couple wins and a few losses and you can get a new piece of pvp gear. The real question is what you want to gear up for ... like most mmos, the only real point of end game itemization is to grind more end game itemization. So, if you enjoy that, great, but if you're looking for new content, you might be better off looking for Foundry missions, which don't require grinding.
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