Snuggle i didn't loose 7 hours of play time i lost 6 days of playtime because of the lost celestial coins. if it was just downtime yesterday and i logged in today was able to invoke and move on i could have cared less i did other things yesterday no big deal , however they cost me 6 days of my time and that is quite a different thing altogether.
People in the times zones that were able to get coins do not care.
That is how those people are.
Ye -its even worse that the rollback hurts ppl from certain timezones more than it hurts others. Still the "thankyou" pack will be the same for all.
The game should have been rolled back 24 hours to take out such effects as different time zones. THAT would have been the only fair way to do a roll back. Then ppl would be able to log in the next day and only loose one coin instead of 10 or more.
Dude, if ALL you are doing when you play is "logging on, praying, logging out", then
A) you've lost like..10 mins of time, tops. 10 mins spread over 6 days, but still: 10 mins. you should really find a different game, because you're not really playing this one.
Of all the things people are raging about, "things you get for free just for bothering to log in" are possibly the last thing I thought would be a deal-breaker.
If my company had made such an egregious error and had trampled all over the idea of customer service in a way such as PWE and cryptic have here it would be my JOB to listen to the tirades of customers just like this then to try and find a way to make them happy again so they would again use our product. You see when you **** all over customer service you should expect to hear from loud angry customers. So in short yes i would listen it is my job to do so and after i would try my hardest to fix the problem, luckily my company for all the mistakes it has made has never **** on its customers like this.
Sounds like you need a new job..
deadalonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
Dude, if ALL you are doing when you play is "logging on, praying, logging out", then
A) you've lost like..10 mins of time, tops. 10 mins spread over 6 days, but still: 10 mins. you should really find a different game, because you're not really playing this one.
Of all the things people are raging about, "things you get for free just for bothering to log in" are possibly the last thing I thought would be a deal-breaker.
This is not about getting things for free. This is about developer putting into a game certain systems that they then deside to devalue themselfs by rolling back the servers without taking into account systems that might get reset based on it. It doesn't matter how big or small those systems are. It matters that they were not considered to be important enough to adjust before putting the servers back online. That shows how little the devs care about their own systems.
And that on its own should be a good signal for players to realise how unprofessional group of devs are working on this game. When a core sytem of any game is not more important than so that a rollback will reset weeks or even months of currency... then its probably a good time to realise the game is not worth spending much time, effort or money on.
Christ, of all the petty things to complain about. They will obviously include some coins as part of the package they give anyone if they have any brains at all. Wait a few days before shedding any more tears.
Mine are gone too, the downtime prevented me from logging in when I had the time to do so and the coins vanished due to the mechanic's time frame. Frustrating, yes... as frustrating as made out to be by the OP, no, certainly not.
I have heard horror stories where PW is involved, I've never played a PW game before so I haven't experienced it first hand, until now. I must say, the game world feels like a used car sales lot. Nice, but not great. Always someone or something lurking to gimmick you outta your cash. The game just feels like one big sales pitch.
My point is, the coin loss is frustrating, but not the end of the world. The problem is, don't expect anything to be done about it, once the car is off the lot, it's your problem to deal with!
cosackMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm not gonna whine about the rollback and it's (intended/unintended) consequences for the average player, instead i'll vote with my wallet and won't be spending anymore of my hard earned cash on this or any other pwi / cryptic game.
Look, a child posted on the forums and shed tears while he typed up a rant that was very immature and full of impotent rage. That's new and exciting... *Yawn*.
Dude, if ALL you are doing when you play is "logging on, praying, logging out", then
A) you've lost like..10 mins of time, tops. 10 mins spread over 6 days, but still: 10 mins. you should really find a different game, because you're not really playing this one.
Of all the things people are raging about, "things you get for free just for bothering to log in" are possibly the last thing I thought would be a deal-breaker.
Well the company is the one that came up with this system, but somehow came up with no way to keep people from losing them when the system goes down. They came up with the coins going away after 24+5 hours and they are the ones that put things priced at 300+ days of invoking.
All of these exploits were also reported to them long ago. They were the ones that decided not to fix them.
I do not really care, but this means I will likely never spend a dime on this game, if I keep playing it.
deadalonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
Christ, of all the petty things to complain about. They will obviously include some coins as part of the package they give anyone if they have any brains at all. Wait a few days before shedding any more tears.
The damage has already been done. Cryptic made a choice to devalue their own systems with this rollback. They fixed one thing by resetting another. That on its own shows how little value they put into their own systems. And thats why those systems can be exploited.
My job is fine , you are just looking to troll me. Some people get it some don't that tends to be the way things work the other guy is just having fun trying to make me mad which matters little my complaint here is with PWE and cryptic.
I don't just log in and invoke , however a large part of why i do make sure to log in every day and in the last few days had not played other games between rounds of Neverwinter was the invoking for celestial coins, lets give it to them here its a good hook you get on to do that then you do a couple daily's maybe craft some ( i use the gateway to) ext its a good hook. The problem is that due to there poor coding and allowing a glaring exploit they chose to bring the servers down for an indeterminate period( originally said 1 hour lol then the twitter guy was basically just trying to deflect questions for 10 hours).
What they should have done is left the servers run suspend immediately the ad to zin trading and the AH and mail systems thus freezing al ad in place. Then they should have started the mass banning of every account that took place in the exploit and every account they mailed exploit items( cats ext) to. They then should have filtered the ah and the ad zin zin ad conversion table to remove all tainted sources of zin. This should have easily been possible considering its basically the state of the live server right now.
Had they instead dealt with the problem in this way they would have
A. Shown they take exploits seriously and will not tolerate them and
B. they would have shown the people that actually pay (the exploiters dont spend money why would they if they can exploit 100 mil ad) that they have integrity and care about the state of the game and those players.
If you really think they handled the situation well , we differ in opinion and in such a way that i cant even fathom your starting place for logic and so i would say refrain from posting here as it will be obvious we will disagree.
deadalonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
I'm not gonna whine about the rollback and it's (intended/unintended) consequences for the average player, instead i'll vote with my wallet and won't be spending anymore of my hard earned cash on this or any other pwi / cryptic game.
Same here. And I will also do my very best to let other honest players know how little Cryptic values their own core systems with a rollback like we saw last night.
Celestial coins stack to 7, then you basically have to spend them (since nothing costs more than 7 anyway). Ardent coins are the ones that you need 100s of, and they don't fade. Or at least, not that I've seen.
The damage has already been done. Cryptic made a choice to devalue their own systems with this rollback. They fixed one thing by resetting another. That on its own shows how little value they put into their own systems. And thats why those systems can be exploited.
Cry me a river. The system is a joke anyhow. Of all the things to whine about losing a few coins for a few days until they include them in the apology pack is laughable.
radiick507Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
This is the case of "the need of the few (cheaters, liars, scoundrels) outweighed the need of the many (honest players)"!
I was so close to 7 celestial coins..........ah well..........
You know, I came to this forum to complain about losing my Celestial Coins.
But then I read the first post of this thread, and WOW, I don't care THAT much. It's a Beta, stuff happens, not like I lost any money. And hey, word is they're mailing out an apology gift to everyone! Right decent of them. And the downtime was apparently because they were fixing a major bug that people were using to cheat? Good work, that's exactly what a Beta test is for.
alberelleonhartMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 19Arc User
This is EXACTLY why Rollback was NEVER an acceptable solution. It doesn't matter how much those "few" exploiters did. You do not punish OTHER players in a way that affect days or even weeks of their play time like with the celestial coin system.
Total disgrace to see game developer punish the normal players in this way. No "thankyou pack" will fix this.
Not having a rollback would have been much worse given the state of the economy after that exploit. You might have had your celestial coins but your ADs would have been worthless... People crying foul about the rollback really need to educate themselves about what actually happened before claiming what was and wasn't acceptable as a response from Cryptic/PWE. Even with the rollback the fallout from this is going to be evident in the game for quite a while as they did not manage to remove all of the exploited ADs.
boydzinjMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
What about our Celestial Coins ?
I lost all of mine... because i was prevented from accessing the game... and because the game turned on at a weird time... the time has already elapsed that the Celestial Coins have disappeared.
Its a fail developer and publisher they care about cash and not the players , and they dont even seem to care about the cash since they alowed these exploits to take place which will make fewer people want to buy zin to convert to ad
That is how those people are.
Ye -its even worse that the rollback hurts ppl from certain timezones more than it hurts others. Still the "thankyou" pack will be the same for all.
The game should have been rolled back 24 hours to take out such effects as different time zones. THAT would have been the only fair way to do a roll back. Then ppl would be able to log in the next day and only loose one coin instead of 10 or more.
A) you've lost like..10 mins of time, tops. 10 mins spread over 6 days, but still: 10 mins.
Of all the things people are raging about, "things you get for free just for bothering to log in" are possibly the last thing I thought would be a deal-breaker.
Sounds like you need a new job..
This is not about getting things for free. This is about developer putting into a game certain systems that they then deside to devalue themselfs by rolling back the servers without taking into account systems that might get reset based on it. It doesn't matter how big or small those systems are. It matters that they were not considered to be important enough to adjust before putting the servers back online. That shows how little the devs care about their own systems.
And that on its own should be a good signal for players to realise how unprofessional group of devs are working on this game. When a core sytem of any game is not more important than so that a rollback will reset weeks or even months of currency... then its probably a good time to realise the game is not worth spending much time, effort or money on.
I have heard horror stories where PW is involved, I've never played a PW game before so I haven't experienced it first hand, until now. I must say, the game world feels like a used car sales lot. Nice, but not great. Always someone or something lurking to gimmick you outta your cash. The game just feels like one big sales pitch.
My point is, the coin loss is frustrating, but not the end of the world. The problem is, don't expect anything to be done about it, once the car is off the lot, it's your problem to deal with!
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Well the company is the one that came up with this system, but somehow came up with no way to keep people from losing them when the system goes down. They came up with the coins going away after 24+5 hours and they are the ones that put things priced at 300+ days of invoking.
All of these exploits were also reported to them long ago. They were the ones that decided not to fix them.
I do not really care, but this means I will likely never spend a dime on this game, if I keep playing it.
The damage has already been done. Cryptic made a choice to devalue their own systems with this rollback. They fixed one thing by resetting another. That on its own shows how little value they put into their own systems. And thats why those systems can be exploited.
I don't just log in and invoke , however a large part of why i do make sure to log in every day and in the last few days had not played other games between rounds of Neverwinter was the invoking for celestial coins, lets give it to them here its a good hook you get on to do that then you do a couple daily's maybe craft some ( i use the gateway to) ext its a good hook. The problem is that due to there poor coding and allowing a glaring exploit they chose to bring the servers down for an indeterminate period( originally said 1 hour lol then the twitter guy was basically just trying to deflect questions for 10 hours).
What they should have done is left the servers run suspend immediately the ad to zin trading and the AH and mail systems thus freezing al ad in place. Then they should have started the mass banning of every account that took place in the exploit and every account they mailed exploit items( cats ext) to. They then should have filtered the ah and the ad zin zin ad conversion table to remove all tainted sources of zin. This should have easily been possible considering its basically the state of the live server right now.
Had they instead dealt with the problem in this way they would have
A. Shown they take exploits seriously and will not tolerate them and
B. they would have shown the people that actually pay (the exploiters dont spend money why would they if they can exploit 100 mil ad) that they have integrity and care about the state of the game and those players.
If you really think they handled the situation well , we differ in opinion and in such a way that i cant even fathom your starting place for logic and so i would say refrain from posting here as it will be obvious we will disagree.
Same here. And I will also do my very best to let other honest players know how little Cryptic values their own core systems with a rollback like we saw last night.
Cry me a river. The system is a joke anyhow. Of all the things to whine about losing a few coins for a few days until they include them in the apology pack is laughable.
I was so close to 7 celestial coins..........ah well..........
But then I read the first post of this thread, and WOW, I don't care THAT much. It's a Beta, stuff happens, not like I lost any money. And hey, word is they're mailing out an apology gift to everyone! Right decent of them. And the downtime was apparently because they were fixing a major bug that people were using to cheat? Good work, that's exactly what a Beta test is for.
Not having a rollback would have been much worse given the state of the economy after that exploit. You might have had your celestial coins but your ADs would have been worthless... People crying foul about the rollback really need to educate themselves about what actually happened before claiming what was and wasn't acceptable as a response from Cryptic/PWE. Even with the rollback the fallout from this is going to be evident in the game for quite a while as they did not manage to remove all of the exploited ADs.
I lost all of mine... because i was prevented from accessing the game... and because the game turned on at a weird time... the time has already elapsed that the Celestial Coins have disappeared.
It would probably be easier to overlook if all of these exploits had not already been reported ages ago, and nothing was done.