The people who say Rogue isn't OP are the people who have never been stunlocked by a Rogue or one shotted. I think any class that can kill any other class with a single shot or can make it to where that class never even has a chance to get a skill off before they die needs to be nerfed...even if only by disabling certain of their skills while in PvP. I think skills need to be scaled back when in PvP so one shots and stunlocks can't occur. Maybe add a 20 second stun immunity after you have been stunned/cc'd.
The real problem with this game's PvP is that it is solely level based, when level has very little to do with a class' ability to PvP. It should go off of a gear check. Since stats and gear are so important to PvP, it makes very little sense to only check level. It turns a f2p into a p2w for people who are not hardcore and jobless.
nonamesavaliableMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
A GWF going unstoppable will mow over a CW because it ignores all CCs. I believe they have an encounter that ignores cc for 2-3 secs and breaks them out as well. They can roll over a rogue this way as well.
I dare you to play GWF and make that statement again. Let's see how you ROLL over things then...
Tbh, the only reason I play GWF is because i RP as a barbarian, and I don't want to play the FotM classes.
poedapandaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
I play a level 60 TR. Even with epic gear he squishy. CW in PvP is hard to beat in 1vs1 put 2 of them together TR dead every time. The GWF is the biggest pain to kill with the shield, nerf that one first. The PvP battles entirely depend on what the teams are comprised of. TR's have good days and bad days just like every other class and I have yet to see any TR that rules the PvP without the help of another player. Thus the reason PvP is not 1 on 1 play.
Put the TR in PvE and its always the lower damage maker compared to the CW. Add in the fact they die easiest they also tend to be the one with most deaths. Again depends on the make up of the group for a whole. Each class brings something to the battle others can not offer.
samuraikingsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I dare you to play GWF and make that statement again. Let's see how you ROLL over things then...
Tbh, the only reason I play GWF is because i RP as a barbarian, and I don't want to play the FotM classes.
My friend who I play with 8 hours a day is a GWF. I have seen it. Once again, PvP is very skill based. I know you need good gear, of course, but if you don't dodge or break out of certain attacks you will die, if you are good enough to play your class right you can survive and destroy. Plain and simple. It also seems you misunderstood my whole post. I didn't say GWF rolls over everything, I said with unstoppable it can roll over the 2 most "OP" classes in PvP if you know how to play the class right. Every class can more or less work around the others if they have the skill.
For reference, I am a 60 CW and TR, my friend is a 60 GWF and Cleric who I play with everyday and we do everything with those characters, except for Castle Never, we are still gearing for that. Because of what we see each other do and tell each other we both know 4 classes very well. I feel I can speak decently of Guardian since I have been HAMSTER by quite a few good ones, though it's because of my lack of skill against well geared ones, not that they are OP.
I have already stated that the PvP is not perfect, but for a launch it is the best PvP balance any other game I have played at launch has, and I have played almost all of them. As everyone else has also said, just because you can't beat a certain class doesn't exactly mean it's OP. I have died to and killed every class, it's at least DECENTLY balanced. You are just unable to handle something so you claim it as OP.
Foundry Name: "Wolframs Last Stand" (@Holythirst)
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
I don't think the problem is that a class CAN beat another class. I think everyone beyond a small island in the Aegean knows that any class CAN beat any other. I think the problem stems from the perception that one class is guaranteed to beat other classes. Specifically the whole one-shot wonder business.
If all you have to do is make it to a target to win, there are player who might find that excessive, even OP. But of course that doesn't equal a win really. Just a death. Wins come from controlling points and other teamworky stuff. Getting killed is just a cog in the machine of victory or defeat. But a very galling one.
So PVP consists of occasional getting slapped in the face by rogues. It doesn't mean you are guaranteed to lose, just guaranteed to die.
As part of the ceremony for becoming a knight in the SCA one gets smacked across the face with a gauntlet and it is expected to be the last blow one need ever accept unanswered. But not so here. Rogues get to send you back to spawn and you get no return salvo. This silliness about dodging equals zero damage. We both know that's a dodge in itself.
So that's the sentiment that's being expressed here. Not like the staff will care even when they come down from their caffeine blaze during what must be such a trying time at the ole' HQ. But on the off chance that someone in development accidentally clicks on this thread.
The problem isn't that we go back and forth and he manages to win. The problem is that I reach you and then you go home. If you are concerned at all about player experienced don't let players one-shot each other in pvp. I feel like this should be followed with a admonition to drink all your chocolate milk and to go to the bathroom before nap time. But there we are all the same.
As a level 60 rogue, with 10.8k GS, 8.6k Attack, and a 48% chance to crit, PvP is my strong point. And yes, the Shocking Execution has the ability to 1 hit people (usually with 60%ish health remaining). But it all depends on the situation if the rogue is going to win or not. I have died many of times 1 on 1 with about every single class out there. Like I said, it's all accords to the situation you're put into. I can easily be stunned and locked for my whole HP bar by a Control Wizard, so I don't know why you're complaining OP. Learn to play against the harder classes, and respec if it comes down to it. No classes are overpowered when it comes to PvP, it's how you use your skills. Because a CW, DC, GF, or GWF all have their ups and downs, just like a TR.
90% of the CWs I smokebomb avoid it, its more of a locational back off move than combat win, I do use it for combat win, in a 4v4 melee where all hell breaks lose and nobody on the other side notices, but aside from that I use it to demount and push them off the node. literally every CW moves out of it before it "lands"
this is what I have learned I must do when playing as a control wizard, there are clues when you must run or teleport a bit out of place and if you do you avoid the damage but it seems if you turn your back upon anyone you are bound to take a lot of damage really fast and be slowed and unable to move (this is however largely due to my control wizard lacking movement speed boosts) ... my CW worries about rogues and great weapon fighters the most but feels confident against other CWs and most others in 1v1 situations unless they geared way up and I imagine most classes/builds find different classes easier/harder as PvP at least up to level 50 seems well balanced (those who play and level up in PvP often don't bother with slotting up their gear as gear constantly needs replacing and it costs too much to take out ruins).
What I find the hardest and what I hate about rogues is the ability or what appears to be the ability of players to go invisible. If I know where they are and where they are coming from then I can handle them, but if they are invisible and instantly place me into control so that I am dead before even being able to do anything then there is nothing at all I can do against them.
I don't know who you are asking a question, but I'll answer: Neverwinter
TR daily power can 1 hit any other class in the game on a critical hit
1) It has high damage
2) It ignores armor
So even if you have 80% mitigation and 50% deflect etc, you die . From 100%-> 0% health = 1 hit
The tooltip reads ~9k DMG regular. My personal crit severity is 80%, meaning, it can only do 16k or so dmg AT full health WITH a crit. I am sorry that you are seeing these 25k crits, but that is because you are at half health or lower already as the dmg scales with your missing health. It can NOT one-shot anyone at full health. What a TR can do however is stealth crit you with Lashing Blade first for ~10k and then pop the Execution. (These numbers are from a glass-cannon 8.5k GS TR. Most rogues do less dmg than this because they are avid PvPers and gear actual deflection and defensive based stats)
What I don't understand is why so many people are vehemently crying about Execution, not only can it not one-shot anyone from full health, but it can be easily dodged. You know what can't be dodged? Entangle from a CW followed up with an ice spike and Ice knife that can kill ANYONE if both get off, especially if they crit.
One person cries CW can stunlock you to death. Other classes have stun break counters.
One person cries TR can one-shot you to death. It can't and it CAN be dodged.
One person cries DC is invincible and can't be killed. It does **** dmg and can be focus zerged easily.
One person cries GF doesn't take any dmg. It can have it's guard broken and get destroyed.
One person cries GWF can't be CC'd at all. It has no dodge, ****ty stamina and lower dmg than the other classes. It also has to build that unstoppable meter to be immune to CC for that 8 seconds.
It's balanced, any one class can kill another class if you play properly. If someone is better than you it's because you lack either gear or skill, and it's almost always both. There are plenty of tweaks than can be done, no one is denying that, but this is nothing but crying and it's getting old. Cryptic has a lot of work they need to do right now to fix many bugs and they have PWE breathing down their necks with cash shop bull****. Nerfing TR is not on the list and never will be, and tweaks of any sort to PvP is on the bottom of the list right now.
Foundry Name: "Wolframs Last Stand" (@Holythirst)
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA
xbadkirbyxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
PvP should be a secondary concern, at best, for this game.
How can you say PvP should be a secondary concern? Not everyone enjoys PvE more than PvP. PvP was implemented in to the game, therefore it should share equal value in stabilization. I'm not agreeing with the original post, I'm just pointing out that you are completely wrong with that statement.
How can you say PvP should be a secondary concern? Not everyone enjoys PvE more than PvP. PvP was implemented in to the game, therefore it should share equal value in stabilization. I'm not agreeing with the original post, I'm just pointing out that you are completely wrong with that statement.
PvP is the game to me, its how I level up and everything else is secondary to getting and affording equipment for PvP play.
I don't know who you are asking a question, but I'll answer: Neverwinter
TR daily power can 1 hit any other class in the game on a critical hit
1) It has high damage
2) It ignores armor
So even if you have 80% mitigation and 50% deflect etc, you die . From 100%-> 0% health = 1 hit
No, you don't, because if you have 100% health shocking execution does 0 bonus damage, and it's impossible that it hits me for the 30k necessary to oneshot me from full health, no matter how geared is the rogue. Get your facts straight then come back posting, thanks.
Besides seeing CWs whining about other classes being OP in pvp is just too fun.
I play rogue and yes I have one shotted some people with execution but it's not always guaranteed, if seen people appear to take no damage from it I have also been in fights where I feel I may aswell not have daggers and hold feathers for all they are worth!
Also what I don't like is Impossible to catch, isn't this supposed to remove CC and make me immune to damage for 3 seconds? In reality I find you can't use it when under the effects of any CC (either greyed out or chained) and when you do use it it stops damage for 0.5 seconds.
I am sure there are some balancing changes that are required and other changes to the actual pvp structure. For me they are as follows
1. Mages range reduced, not sure what spells exactly as I don't play mage but I am sick of being shot from miles away and can't do anything about it.
2. If a caster casts any spell just before I go into stealth it will still hit then ofc reveals my positions making stealth pointless. What should happen is that if I go stealth they loose the shot. I don't want them penalised so it shouldn't cause a cd but just reset it.
3. Change how it detects if its your kill or not, far too often I have done 99% of the damage on someone only to get an assist. Or I will do 100% damage but not do a final blow and either get no kill or again an assist.
4. Change afk to 30 seconds before being kicked from an arena.
5. If you quit or are kicked (server kick only) from an arena you are forced into a pvp cd where you can't queue again for 30 mins
6. Don't force players back from the gate at the start of the arena, I know it's to set everyones position to be fair but if you aren't awake that's you fault.
7. Auto dismiss your companion when joining a a pvp arena and re summon when leaving.
8. If you die at the end and click exit arena you should spawn alive and not dead requiring the use of an injury kit.
9. Prevent any player from being able to attack other players spawn points. Normally rogues who port behind their target who do this, but that's not their fault if the map allows it. A player will think of the best way to achieve a kill.
10. Make the arena heal pot spawn points random. They should be there as a stroke of luck not a guaranteed survival.
11. Add random spawn buffs like the pots but gives things like increased run speed, mount speed, more def etc.
samuraikingsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I play rogue and yes I have one shotted some people with execution but it's not always guaranteed, if seen people appear to take no damage from it I have also been in fights where I feel I may aswell not have daggers and hold feathers for all they are worth!
It is literally impossible to one shot another player as long as they have at least level 60 greens. I think without even having health or health enchants you at least have 20k health on all characters. I am sorry that you do not understand this. It is literally impossible. Once again, i have already stated the numbers but it's about 9k/16k dmg at full health, 16k being a crit. The reason it does so much dmg is because the morte health the target is missing the more dmg it does. Maybe you either popped deft strike and lashing strike before you did it and you considering using all of your burst abilities at once a "one shot", or maybe you were drunk, I don't know.
Foundry Name: "Wolframs Last Stand" (@Holythirst)
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
To many people whine about inequality between classes in pvp in every mmo, not just this one. Classes aren't supposed to be equal. Every class has it's strengths and weaknesses, if they were all equal what would be the point In specific classes. Just get over it and learn how to pvp.:eek:
Then you need to visit the CW forums and figure out what you're doing wrong, because a good CW is completely dominant in terms of survivability, utility, control, and damage. When I encounter a good CW as a rogue, I just take my hands off the mouse and keyboard because I know there's literally nothing I can do while I'm being choked in the air and all my health is disappearing.
Just like people saying you can dodge the rogues daily here, I would like to point out that you can also dodge CW's abilities. What comes around goes around.
The fact of the matter is a rogue can sneak up on you invisible deal damage, then silence you for another 5 seconds or whatever and you're dead by then.
Yea sure if you see each other from miles off you can just shift away as soon as the guy goes invis and just wait that out and then kill him. But in most situations a good rogue sneaks up on you, and you are dead...
Gotta love it. "Nerf rogues, nerf this, nerf that" then, after months of continual QQ; "rogues suck in PvE, might as well take a GWF for all the damage they (rogues) don't do"... Thank you Blizzard, for training the MMO community that learning to play is less important than yelling for nerfs.
QFT, Blizzard and WoW, more so than any other Company/MMO, has taught people to battle especially regarding PVP on the forums by lobbying for nerfs rather than actually fighting in game.
QFT, Blizzard and WoW, more so than any other Company/MMO, has taught people to battle especially regarding PVP on the forums by lobbying for nerfs rather than actually fighting in game.
WoW was never a game about quality at least not past the first expansion. Once it exploded in popularity and became the "best" and most played mmorpg of all time with so many members, they have to appeal to the majority which are casuals, even if this means the quality suffers. As a business they have to keep their subscribers and in the past, making it appeal to casuals is what won them those subs. It's unfortunate that this has bled over into other mmorpgs, there are very few mmorpgs out there that provide an unrelenting challenge anymore.
Now that the market is absolutely flooded with casual F2P ****ware, WoW is starting to lose subs over the last couple of years to those other games that also appeal to casuals. This game is never going to have a big player base, not after ****ing up so much at launch and being published by the cash shop queens, PWE. It's going to have a loyal 100k-200k active players, most of which are somewhat into the hardcore market. Right now what we have are the swarm of ****ty players that are trying the game out since it is free. Once they leave they will be able to focus on harder content. I honestly don't think we will ever see a true(read: bad) nerf in PvP, just some minor tweaks here and there.
For clarity, when I say casual I mean the modern term of the word. It no longer means someone who just plays an hour or two a day. I am referring to those players that don't want to work for anything and expect to be rewarded in one hour with the same stuff a hardcore player spends 20 hours getting. And honestly, this game is probably worse than WoW in that regard since you can buy power. But if you take money out of the equation you have to be good to get your ****. At the very least we won't have to hear "Castle Never is too hard, plsnerf I need armor.", those guys will just buy it for AD that they transfered over from the zen they bought with real money.
Foundry Name: "Wolframs Last Stand" (@Holythirst)
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
The real problem with this game's PvP is that it is solely level based, when level has very little to do with a class' ability to PvP. It should go off of a gear check. Since stats and gear are so important to PvP, it makes very little sense to only check level. It turns a f2p into a p2w for people who are not hardcore and jobless.
I dare you to play GWF and make that statement again. Let's see how you ROLL over things then...
Tbh, the only reason I play GWF is because i RP as a barbarian, and I don't want to play the FotM classes.
Put the TR in PvE and its always the lower damage maker compared to the CW. Add in the fact they die easiest they also tend to be the one with most deaths. Again depends on the make up of the group for a whole. Each class brings something to the battle others can not offer.
My friend who I play with 8 hours a day is a GWF. I have seen it. Once again, PvP is very skill based. I know you need good gear, of course, but if you don't dodge or break out of certain attacks you will die, if you are good enough to play your class right you can survive and destroy. Plain and simple. It also seems you misunderstood my whole post. I didn't say GWF rolls over everything, I said with unstoppable it can roll over the 2 most "OP" classes in PvP if you know how to play the class right. Every class can more or less work around the others if they have the skill.
For reference, I am a 60 CW and TR, my friend is a 60 GWF and Cleric who I play with everyday and we do everything with those characters, except for Castle Never, we are still gearing for that. Because of what we see each other do and tell each other we both know 4 classes very well. I feel I can speak decently of Guardian since I have been HAMSTER by quite a few good ones, though it's because of my lack of skill against well geared ones, not that they are OP.
I have already stated that the PvP is not perfect, but for a launch it is the best PvP balance any other game I have played at launch has, and I have played almost all of them. As everyone else has also said, just because you can't beat a certain class doesn't exactly mean it's OP. I have died to and killed every class, it's at least DECENTLY balanced. You are just unable to handle something so you claim it as OP.
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA
If all you have to do is make it to a target to win, there are player who might find that excessive, even OP. But of course that doesn't equal a win really. Just a death. Wins come from controlling points and other teamworky stuff. Getting killed is just a cog in the machine of victory or defeat. But a very galling one.
So PVP consists of occasional getting slapped in the face by rogues. It doesn't mean you are guaranteed to lose, just guaranteed to die.
As part of the ceremony for becoming a knight in the SCA one gets smacked across the face with a gauntlet and it is expected to be the last blow one need ever accept unanswered. But not so here. Rogues get to send you back to spawn and you get no return salvo. This silliness about dodging equals zero damage. We both know that's a dodge in itself.
So that's the sentiment that's being expressed here. Not like the staff will care even when they come down from their caffeine blaze during what must be such a trying time at the ole' HQ. But on the off chance that someone in development accidentally clicks on this thread.
The problem isn't that we go back and forth and he manages to win. The problem is that I reach you and then you go home. If you are concerned at all about player experienced don't let players one-shot each other in pvp. I feel like this should be followed with a admonition to drink all your chocolate milk and to go to the bathroom before nap time. But there we are all the same.
And put your mats back in your own cubbyholes.
this is what I have learned I must do when playing as a control wizard, there are clues when you must run or teleport a bit out of place and if you do you avoid the damage but it seems if you turn your back upon anyone you are bound to take a lot of damage really fast and be slowed and unable to move (this is however largely due to my control wizard lacking movement speed boosts) ... my CW worries about rogues and great weapon fighters the most but feels confident against other CWs and most others in 1v1 situations unless they geared way up and I imagine most classes/builds find different classes easier/harder as PvP at least up to level 50 seems well balanced (those who play and level up in PvP often don't bother with slotting up their gear as gear constantly needs replacing and it costs too much to take out ruins).
What I find the hardest and what I hate about rogues is the ability or what appears to be the ability of players to go invisible. If I know where they are and where they are coming from then I can handle them, but if they are invisible and instantly place me into control so that I am dead before even being able to do anything then there is nothing at all I can do against them.
I don't know who you are asking a question, but I'll answer: Neverwinter
TR daily power can 1 hit any other class in the game on a critical hit
1) It has high damage
2) It ignores armor
So even if you have 80% mitigation and 50% deflect etc, you die
The tooltip reads ~9k DMG regular. My personal crit severity is 80%, meaning, it can only do 16k or so dmg AT full health WITH a crit. I am sorry that you are seeing these 25k crits, but that is because you are at half health or lower already as the dmg scales with your missing health. It can NOT one-shot anyone at full health. What a TR can do however is stealth crit you with Lashing Blade first for ~10k and then pop the Execution. (These numbers are from a glass-cannon 8.5k GS TR. Most rogues do less dmg than this because they are avid PvPers and gear actual deflection and defensive based stats)
What I don't understand is why so many people are vehemently crying about Execution, not only can it not one-shot anyone from full health, but it can be easily dodged. You know what can't be dodged? Entangle from a CW followed up with an ice spike and Ice knife that can kill ANYONE if both get off, especially if they crit.
One person cries CW can stunlock you to death. Other classes have stun break counters.
One person cries TR can one-shot you to death. It can't and it CAN be dodged.
One person cries DC is invincible and can't be killed. It does **** dmg and can be focus zerged easily.
One person cries GF doesn't take any dmg. It can have it's guard broken and get destroyed.
One person cries GWF can't be CC'd at all. It has no dodge, ****ty stamina and lower dmg than the other classes. It also has to build that unstoppable meter to be immune to CC for that 8 seconds.
It's balanced, any one class can kill another class if you play properly. If someone is better than you it's because you lack either gear or skill, and it's almost always both. There are plenty of tweaks than can be done, no one is denying that, but this is nothing but crying and it's getting old. Cryptic has a lot of work they need to do right now to fix many bugs and they have PWE breathing down their necks with cash shop bull****. Nerfing TR is not on the list and never will be, and tweaks of any sort to PvP is on the bottom of the list right now.
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA
How can you say PvP should be a secondary concern? Not everyone enjoys PvE more than PvP. PvP was implemented in to the game, therefore it should share equal value in stabilization. I'm not agreeing with the original post, I'm just pointing out that you are completely wrong with that statement.
PvP is the game to me, its how I level up and everything else is secondary to getting and affording equipment for PvP play.
No, you don't, because if you have 100% health shocking execution does 0 bonus damage, and it's impossible that it hits me for the 30k necessary to oneshot me from full health, no matter how geared is the rogue. Get your facts straight then come back posting, thanks.
Besides seeing CWs whining about other classes being OP in pvp is just too fun.
Also what I don't like is Impossible to catch, isn't this supposed to remove CC and make me immune to damage for 3 seconds? In reality I find you can't use it when under the effects of any CC (either greyed out or chained) and when you do use it it stops damage for 0.5 seconds.
I am sure there are some balancing changes that are required and other changes to the actual pvp structure. For me they are as follows
1. Mages range reduced, not sure what spells exactly as I don't play mage but I am sick of being shot from miles away and can't do anything about it.
2. If a caster casts any spell just before I go into stealth it will still hit then ofc reveals my positions making stealth pointless. What should happen is that if I go stealth they loose the shot. I don't want them penalised so it shouldn't cause a cd but just reset it.
3. Change how it detects if its your kill or not, far too often I have done 99% of the damage on someone only to get an assist. Or I will do 100% damage but not do a final blow and either get no kill or again an assist.
4. Change afk to 30 seconds before being kicked from an arena.
5. If you quit or are kicked (server kick only) from an arena you are forced into a pvp cd where you can't queue again for 30 mins
6. Don't force players back from the gate at the start of the arena, I know it's to set everyones position to be fair but if you aren't awake that's you fault.
7. Auto dismiss your companion when joining a a pvp arena and re summon when leaving.
8. If you die at the end and click exit arena you should spawn alive and not dead requiring the use of an injury kit.
9. Prevent any player from being able to attack other players spawn points. Normally rogues who port behind their target who do this, but that's not their fault if the map allows it. A player will think of the best way to achieve a kill.
10. Make the arena heal pot spawn points random. They should be there as a stroke of luck not a guaranteed survival.
11. Add random spawn buffs like the pots but gives things like increased run speed, mount speed, more def etc.
It is literally impossible to one shot another player as long as they have at least level 60 greens. I think without even having health or health enchants you at least have 20k health on all characters. I am sorry that you do not understand this. It is literally impossible. Once again, i have already stated the numbers but it's about 9k/16k dmg at full health, 16k being a crit. The reason it does so much dmg is because the morte health the target is missing the more dmg it does. Maybe you either popped deft strike and lashing strike before you did it and you considering using all of your burst abilities at once a "one shot", or maybe you were drunk, I don't know.
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA
Just like people saying you can dodge the rogues daily here, I would like to point out that you can also dodge CW's abilities. What comes around goes around.
The fact of the matter is a rogue can sneak up on you invisible deal damage, then silence you for another 5 seconds or whatever and you're dead by then.
Yea sure if you see each other from miles off you can just shift away as soon as the guy goes invis and just wait that out and then kill him. But in most situations a good rogue sneaks up on you, and you are dead...
QFT, Blizzard and WoW, more so than any other Company/MMO, has taught people to battle especially regarding PVP on the forums by lobbying for nerfs rather than actually fighting in game.
WoW was never a game about quality at least not past the first expansion. Once it exploded in popularity and became the "best" and most played mmorpg of all time with so many members, they have to appeal to the majority which are casuals, even if this means the quality suffers. As a business they have to keep their subscribers and in the past, making it appeal to casuals is what won them those subs. It's unfortunate that this has bled over into other mmorpgs, there are very few mmorpgs out there that provide an unrelenting challenge anymore.
Now that the market is absolutely flooded with casual F2P ****ware, WoW is starting to lose subs over the last couple of years to those other games that also appeal to casuals. This game is never going to have a big player base, not after ****ing up so much at launch and being published by the cash shop queens, PWE. It's going to have a loyal 100k-200k active players, most of which are somewhat into the hardcore market. Right now what we have are the swarm of ****ty players that are trying the game out since it is free. Once they leave they will be able to focus on harder content. I honestly don't think we will ever see a true(read: bad) nerf in PvP, just some minor tweaks here and there.
For clarity, when I say casual I mean the modern term of the word. It no longer means someone who just plays an hour or two a day. I am referring to those players that don't want to work for anything and expect to be rewarded in one hour with the same stuff a hardcore player spends 20 hours getting. And honestly, this game is probably worse than WoW in that regard since you can buy power. But if you take money out of the equation you have to be good to get your ****. At the very least we won't have to hear "Castle Never is too hard, plsnerf I need armor.", those guys will just buy it for AD that they transfered over from the zen they bought with real money.
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA