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    saintcharlezsaintcharlez Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is hilarious thread everyone freaking out. The two guys arguing about who is a network engineer is so god **** funny, no one cares if you are one or not, then the lady talking about her <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> kid... omfg this is fun hhahahahaha
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    unimatrixalpha1unimatrixalpha1 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    txhawk wrote: »
    I'm starting to think that the only option is an economy wipe. Not characters - just the economy.

    Here's how I'm imagining this would work:

    1) Wipe all AD from all accounts. (Founders starting AD would be reset).

    2) Wipe all Zen from all accounts.

    3) Refund back to PWE accounts all Zen bought with real money and transferred in Neverwinter. (eg, if you'd bought and transferred 15000 Zen into Neverwinter, you'd get 15000 Zen credited back to your PWE account. If you'd bought another 100000 Zen in game from the AD exchange, that is gone.)

    4) Delete from all characters all items that are only purchasable with AD or Zen, including items that only drop from lockboxes like the Phoera.

    5) Here's the hard part: The items sold on AH. I think they need to rollback all AH sales from the last 72 hours. Trouble is, I have no idea if they can actually do this short of a server-wide rollback. If they do do this rollback, Then I believe it would be wise for them to offer some form of compensation to reduce ragequits. I'd personally prefer this to not be anything that would impact the economy or game balance.

    If they do all this, then it seems to me that the damage to the ongoing economy would be mostly undone, without the need to wipe characters.

    Then again, I have no knowledge of whether all of this is actually possible with the way the game is designed.

    Also, add in the option for a full refund of our purchases back to our credit cards/bank.
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    lilacflame2013lilacflame2013 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    conclain wrote: »
    I'm a paying customer and I wand a wipe, there ya go. Oh and a perm ban for the persons involved with this dupe

    Yeah, we could do that, but it would be so much more fun to tear them apart with out bare hands!! <EG>
    Don't Mess with the Affairs of Dragons for you are Crunchy and Good with KETCHUP!!:p
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    archiewindarchiewind Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wipe, as a founder and someone who has put in another 100bucks worth a zen, 3 level 60's im all for a wipe, I pay to play! becase I work and I have school.. to not wipe... well Dragon prophet here I come
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    creed000creed000 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think this is great this game is going after cheaters and kicking them from Neverwinter. I see so many game companies let cheaters run their games and ruin it for everyone else. We need more game companies to stand up to these cheaters. I do not like the servers being down so long, but i hate cheaters so much more. Servers can be down for as long as they need to get rid of this people that abuse the system.
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    ogcaliko1ogcaliko1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    txhawk wrote: »
    I'm starting to think that the only option is an economy wipe. Not characters - just the economy.

    Here's how I'm imagining this would work:

    1) Wipe all AD from all accounts. (Founders starting AD would be reset).

    2) Wipe all Zen from all accounts.

    3) Refund back to PWE accounts all Zen bought with real money and transferred in Neverwinter. (eg, if you'd bought and transferred 15000 Zen into Neverwinter, you'd get 15000 Zen credited back to your PWE account. If you'd bought another 100000 Zen in game from the AD exchange, that is gone.)

    4) Delete from all characters all items that are only purchasable with AD or Zen, including items that only drop from lockboxes like the Phoera.

    5) Here's the hard part: The items sold on AH. I think they need to rollback all AH sales from the last 72 hours. Trouble is, I have no idea if they can actually do this short of a server-wide rollback. If they do do this rollback, Then I believe it would be wise for them to offer some form of compensation to reduce ragequits. I'd personally prefer this to not be anything that would impact the economy or game balance.

    If they do all this, then it seems to me that the damage to the ongoing economy would be mostly undone, without the need to wipe characters.

    Then again, I have no knowledge of whether all of this is actually possible with the way the game is designed.

    and thats why u are not a developer for the game very horrible ideas.. you didnt even mention banning the cheats

    LET the game creators decide what the **** they want to do to their game and let em do it.. they dont need somone thats not in the gamming industry to put their 2 little cents in.. WHAT ever they decide. you either still play or leave. it dont matter
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    lilacflame2013lilacflame2013 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    conclain wrote: »
    I'm a paying customer and I wand a wipe, there ya go. Oh and a perm ban for the persons involved with this dupe

    Yeah, we could do that, but it would be so much more fun to tear them apart with out bare hands!! <EG>
    Don't Mess with the Affairs of Dragons for you are Crunchy and Good with KETCHUP!!:p
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    lamentleviathanlamentleviathan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
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    xdprophetxdprophet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rhiandriel wrote: »
    Do not find that amusing. I have a special needs son and have had to hear kids living around our area, call my son retarted. He's anything but retarted but a very special and bright boy. Just because someone has special needs you shouldn't descriminate them as "retarted". It annoys me that small brained people like you are prejudist. I find this offensive please Admin remove this from the forums....

    Agreed. That was totally without taste.
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    muliermulier Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    funny thing is : the people crying not to get punished for what some exploiters did , dont really get the thing. they all are getting really shafted if we get no rollback.....
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    js3bjs3b Member Posts: 368 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I dont mind a wipe, as long as they give back all zen that have been spend.
    Founder back a week ago, already pissed by cryptic ''no roll back'' decision

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    argoyletargoylet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm willing to listen to whatever plan they put forward for correcting this exploit/issue, but I fear even the most comprehensive plan won't catch even a majority of the AD/Zen/item transfers; only a full wipe will restore the economy. What makes this entire issue worse is that it was a known issue http://i.imgur.com/oA6Z8.jpg that had already shown up in Star Trek Online. So clearly this exploit has been in practice since day one, meaning that even a 72 hour rollback wouldn't catch even a fraction of the duped AD.

    Anything less taking this issue seriously and restoring the economy, will see me seeking a refund and moving on. I'm not prepared to invest time and money while it takes the game months to years to recover. Pulling the trigger now would restore faith in the company, while anything less leaves the economy suspect and the game a joke in the mmorpg community. I hope they do the right thing.
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    nikmal2013nikmal2013 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 60
    edited May 2013
    ondesvin wrote: »
    yea keep playing on a corrupt server GG and HF, i dont give a **** if you have to work i got work to, and i spend real money on this game for i want to support a good game, but this exploit just killed the economy on all there servers big time, in fact so much that you can compare it with the big crash in the real life back in 1927, that how ****ing bad this is, and everyone are affected by this exploit, the fact that you dont get it, is lol!
    You are comparing this to a stock market crash that people actually committed suicide because of as an analogy for the rollback? That is just... Sad!!! It is a rollback for a FREE game. Talk to me when you pay for the actual game outside of the Zen Store and see my reaction then. Anyone that actually DID buy something in the Zen store will STILL get their Zen that they purchased too. So a free game is STILL free!! Not sure the complaint on a 48 hour rollback is then... at least from your standpoint.
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    pinkysansbrainpinkysansbrain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xdprophet wrote: »
    Idiot. I am now calling you an idiot because you are an idiot. I have been writing networking, proxy, corporate firewall, and enterprise authentication code long before you were likely born. NAT is 95# of the problem. Other 5% is dynamic IP but my guess this game isnt popular enough that computers, that actually could reuse the same dynamic IP address, would all be playing Neverwinter.

    Ahhh yes, the magic IT professional emerges. At least one in every downtime thread, hoo-rah.

    As for your Java comment, it'd require actual proof of your name and contribution than "I did it here you can check"
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    argoyletargoylet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    double post
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    rwdillinrwdillin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There was a link in this thread to redit. The exploit was making players thousands in real money. All Kinds of Bad. I vote hang em by the scroat :)
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    blackwolf3090blackwolf3090 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Does everyone forget this is a free to play game. And that just cause it is released not everything is worked out, Patience is a virtue that we all need. Christ people let them do their work and find something else to do
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    ambermajambermaj Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Neverwinter ‏@NeverwinterGame 2m
    @Madoxide Almost there. We're verifying the exact times right now, so should be soon.
    Cuz you sebestimated me!
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    ogcaliko1ogcaliko1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    txhawk wrote: »
    I'm starting to think that the only option is an economy wipe. Not characters - just the economy.

    Here's how I'm imagining this would work:

    1) Wipe all AD from all accounts. (Founders starting AD would be reset).

    2) Wipe all Zen from all accounts.

    3) Refund back to PWE accounts all Zen bought with real money and transferred in Neverwinter. (eg, if you'd bought and transferred 15000 Zen into Neverwinter, you'd get 15000 Zen credited back to your PWE account. If you'd bought another 100000 Zen in game from the AD exchange, that is gone.)

    4) Delete from all characters all items that are only purchasable with AD or Zen, including items that only drop from lockboxes like the Phoera.

    5) Here's the hard part: The items sold on AH. I think they need to rollback all AH sales from the last 72 hours. Trouble is, I have no idea if they can actually do this short of a server-wide rollback. If they do do this rollback, Then I believe it would be wise for them to offer some form of compensation to reduce ragequits. I'd personally prefer this to not be anything that would impact the economy or game balance.

    If they do all this, then it seems to me that the damage to the ongoing economy would be mostly undone, without the need to wipe characters.

    Then again, I have no knowledge of whether all of this is actually possible with the way the game is designed.

    and thats why u are not a developer for the game very horrible ideas.. you didnt even mention banning the cheats

    LET the game creators decide what the **** they want to do to their game and let em do it.. they dont need somone thats not in the gamming industry to put their 2 little cents in.. WHAT ever they decide. you either still play or leave. it dont matter
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    qiboredqibored Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It seems to me like their is a mole in your camp and assigning blame should start internally. I expect you have already found this person, you can rule out anyone who does not have the skill to create a certain loophole that would allow a client to access a server side action. This action whatever it is was assigned a value which was to allow a transaction by accepting a certain input that could only be passed with a certain character or set of characters or string. In either case you should also include what steps are being taken to ensure that further security issues will not occurred.
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    varatrasvaratras Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I usually don't say much on these boards as most of the content on forums is trash.

    Wiping the servers would be like your doctor saying you have a broken finger so we are going to cut off the whole hand. I'm glad they aren't going to take away the time i put into leveling my characters and gearing them.
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    bladevisebladevise Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More than likely.

    It really isn't that complicated.
    Leaving billions of AD/Zen sitting on Gold Farmer accounts would devalue the hell out of game currency.
    Which would make it pretty **** hard for PWE to maintain Zen sales...

    Free to Play only works if part of the player base is paying.
    Seriously, PWE is a company, it does not exist for charity.
    It needs to make a profit or it will fail.

    So don't worry so much those of you screaming about mules;
    a company is not going to leave massive outside controlled funds
    on their own game servers where they are also trying to sell currency.
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    ondesvinondesvin Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    falson1 wrote: »
    Yea I will keep playing, I will also keep giving them money because its a game I enjoy. Now go cry somewhere else, I hear WOW has openings for crybabys

    ahh you are one of "those" players eh! :eek: its funny how you arent as pissed off as the rest of us that spend real money in this game and just found out, we got ****ed over 100%
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    asdfasdfgfasdfasdfgf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 237 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    People need to breath. Exploiters will be hung by their short hairs. This is how business works.

    Exploiter - abuse bug for mass amounts of AD
    Exploiter - sells AD to gold selling site
    Gold selling site - buys AD for USD via paypal
    Exploiter - cashes in on exploit claiming USD
    PWE - Wipes all exploit traced AD from accounts
    Gold selling site - Charges back funds transfered to exploiter
    Exploiter - paypal now a negative balance and sent to collectors
    Exploiter - credit score impacted with possible criminal charges for grand theft

    Bring the servers back up! :D
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    rhiandrielrhiandriel Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>* <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>* Discriminate* <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>* Prejudiced*.

    I see where he gets it from.

    I see you're an elitist that just has to make a dig at anyone who makes spelling mistakes, so I'm slightly dislexic and can't spell properly does that make me <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and worthy of some jokes, no, not in my eyes. As I said it's people like you that get kicks out of making fun of people that are different and will probably teach your kids that it's okay to make fun of people that are different, because that's how you're parents bought you up. I feel sorry for your small mindedness. As it happens my son doesn't "get it from me" he autistic. Is that a crime? Cos I'm not appologizing for my son being different....
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    snappypantssnappypants Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rhiandriel wrote: »
    Do not find that amusing. I have a special needs son and have had to hear kids living around our area, call my son retarted. He's anything but retarted but a very special and bright boy. Just because someone has special needs you shouldn't descriminate them as "retarted". It annoys me that small brained people like you are prejudist. I find this offensive please Admin remove this from the forums....

    I could not agree more with what you have said. I think the original poster should receive a 72 hour forum ban and that post should be taken down.
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    briynahbriynah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh SURE....it's the COMPANY that is screwed up, not the pantywaists that are too pathetic to play the game right but have to exploit and cheat! THEY are the culprits! Get your frustration out on those that deserve it!!

    I agree, though I'm annoyed that I can't suppress my addiction on my lazy Sunday /cry. It's not the company's fault. It' the twits who used an exploit that they obviously knew was one. Because of THEM the game had to be taken down for the day. It's because of them that our toons that we've spent time (which is worth money to some) on may be ask risk for whatever actions are needed to balance the economy. Without an active, healthy economy the game will die.
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    jester0075jester0075 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    after everything i have read here i want a full wipe too or i will dispute every charge i have made with paypal....if you guys know whats good for you you will do what your paying users want in this situation and that is a full wipe and a refund of all AD/Zen... thank you and good luck
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    aztecjustinaztecjustin Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I vote for a wipe. A complete wipe. People have been abusing this exploit since the release of open beta. It's the only real solution, and honestly it looks like it will <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off less people than a rollback would.
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    microdragonxmicrodragonx Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just want the game to be back up so I will know what to do. if my Cleric still there or I need to remake or make a totally different character and use my zen on boxes to try and get my fire bird back
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