Within the alter area in town, portable alter or campfire, my Invocation skill is black:

Outside of those areas it is white:

The skill will not function by clicking the icon or keyboard shortcut.
I've restarted the game, re-logged, zoned and nothing changes.
EDIT: I forgot to add, when mousing over the icon area, it says "You may slot a invocation power here".
Glad to see it's not just me lol. I am sorry you're experiencing it too though
What really sucks is that were getting screwed out of rewards every single hour this is broke!
I suspect they'll give me back pay in coins right? [/sarcasm] ROFLMA, a good company would do this.
Do I need to re-roll again? (Made a Dorf the first time, don't ask why lol)
As stated above... "This is a fairly important function in the game" however I'd say it's a 'main function" since the "Astral Diamonds" are part of the Economy/Trade system of the game.
I'm sorry, but i can read this no other way than yea, you have a game breakign issue, you have been in teh ticket system for 15 days, and we have already dropped your ticket once before because we have to many tickets to deal with, but as a favor to you, we are going to go ahead and do you a favor drop your ticket a second time without even reading it so that you don't have to sit in the que forever.
I guess my only choice from this point forward is to make a new ticket every other day so when they go ahead and drop the next round of tickets I don't have to wait so long to be dropped again.