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Rogues in pvp TOO MUCH....

cookiebraincookiebrain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
The Daily power one hits you no MATTER what you do.. AS a control Wizard I can barely handle them... We control wizards have, SEMI OKAY damage, but I am so sick of getting in a que with no healer, than BAM... Our team dies, we can't even budge... The rogue daily power crits for 26k... The Cleric AOE heal... Can you heal you against the damage of 4 other players... We need to seriously nerf damage in pvp, but A Great Weapons Fighter, needs a buff... They die no matter what. Come on lets balance pvp?
Post edited by cookiebrain on


  • cookiebraincookiebrain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    May mind you I am in epic pvp glory gear, at level 60.
  • majtrollxmajtrollx Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    You're probably crying because that's the only class you can't kill without your eyes closed.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2013
    You are bad at your mage. 1) Dodging the execution is possible, I've done it many times on my rogue and mage, and had it done to me. 2) every single class can outplay a rogue in pvp, clerics can outheal/tank kite, CW's can EASILY kite, GW's can block and poke and even sustain over them if they have the right daily slotted, GWF's can choose to run away.

    The problem is this: you are being outplayed and their burst damage intimidates you and you feel it is unfair that you cannot do the same burst damage even though that is not what your class excels at. Cry less, get better, move on.
  • supjeremiahsupjeremiah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 569 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It doesn't hit you no matter what. L2dodge/block
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  • nemonusnemonus Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2013
    The Daily power one hits you no MATTER what you do.. AS a control Wizard I can barely handle them...

    Then you need to visit the CW forums and figure out what you're doing wrong, because a good CW is completely dominant in terms of survivability, utility, control, and damage. When I encounter a good CW as a rogue, I just take my hands off the mouse and keyboard because I know there's literally nothing I can do while I'm being choked in the air and all my health is disappearing.
  • tubbyadamtubbyadam Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2013
    All replies are final after our burst you cant really do much and a good control wizzard or tank can be a hard battle
  • aveanavean Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    90% of the CWs I smokebomb avoid it, its more of a locational back off move than combat win, I do use it for combat win, in a 4v4 melee where all hell breaks lose and nobody on the other side notices, but aside from that I use it to demount and push them off the node. literally every CW moves out of it before it "lands"
  • awaveawave Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 104
    edited May 2013
    GWF's can choose to run away.

    LOL it's the only thing we do best! Problem is we get called all sorts of names when we run away and deny someone the satisfaction of an easy kill. :(
  • cookiebraincookiebrain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Aw yes, that is why.. A tank gets a nice ONE HIT by a rogue.. yes.
  • fakatikfakatik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The Daily power one hits you no MATTER what you do.. AS a control Wizard I can barely handle them... We control wizards have, SEMI OKAY damage, but I am so sick of getting in a que with no healer, than BAM... Our team dies, we can't even budge... The rogue daily power crits for 26k... The Cleric AOE heal... Can you heal you against the damage of 4 other players... We need to seriously nerf damage in pvp, but A Great Weapons Fighter, needs a buff... They die no matter what. Come on lets balance pvp?

    Don't know if really stupid or just trying to troll.
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  • sotsotzaiisotsotzaii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 60
    edited May 2013
    Somebody gotta learn how to play in PvP and learn how to handle a pro Rogue and stop whining.
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  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gotta love it. "Nerf rogues, nerf this, nerf that" then, after months of continual QQ; "rogues suck in PvE, might as well take a GWF for all the damage they (rogues) don't do"... Thank you Blizzard, for training the MMO community that learning to play is less important than yelling for nerfs.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gotta love it. "Nerf rogues, nerf this, nerf that" then, after months of continual QQ; "rogues suck in PvE, might as well take a GWF for all the damage they (rogues) don't do"... Thank you Blizzard, for training the MMO community that learning to play is less important than yelling for nerfs.

    By this logic TRs should be terrified right now seeing as how overboard Cryptic went with nerfing the GWF.......
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »
    By this logic TRs should be terrified right now seeing as how overboard Cryptic went with nerfing the GWF.......

    I didn't see them in any betas, and the one I started to get a feel for them is only lvl 5, so I don't know how badly GWFs got hit. However, you did pick up on my intent. The problem with nerf this or that for PvP is that it's carried over. PvP should be a secondary concern, at best, for this game.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • vaichanavaichana Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    Aw yes, that is why.. A tank gets a nice ONE HIT by a rogue.. yes.

    I can't recall getting oneshotted by a rogue from full hps yet. Sure they hit hard even when I have full hps, but kill me outright? No way. Remember that flashing execution or whatever it's called ignores defense, so you can be the tankiest thing around but it won't matter much as far as its damage goes. You can block it if you feel like to be tanky.
  • talvos38talvos38 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From what I have gathered gwf's saw a 60% reduction in their damage. so yeah, be afraid, be very afraid.
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You are bad at your mage. 1) Dodging the execution is possible, I've done it many times on my rogue and mage, and had it done to me. 2) every single class can outplay a rogue in pvp, clerics can outheal/tank kite, CW's can EASILY kite, GW's can block and poke and even sustain over them if they have the right daily slotted, GWF's can choose to run away.

    The problem is this: you are being outplayed and their burst damage intimidates you and you feel it is unfair that you cannot do the same burst damage even though that is not what your class excels at. Cry less, get better, move on.

    Actually Shocking execution hits no matter what. The only thing that cans top it is a GF block or IoC. YOu CANNOT dodge a shocking execution. I play TR...
  • galassiagalassia Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, I've been playing PWE games for years and I'm going to say this just like I said it in game, Rogue is seriously overpowered. And they will end up getting nerfed just like all the over powered classes in all PWE owned games get nerfed and then you're going to see all the rogues crying about it's unfair cause now they can't do anything.....

    In all PWE games the Slayer and mage (aka rogue n wizards) start off overpowered, then after a few patches and complaints they either 1. get nerfed 2. Beef the other classes to give a chance against the OP classes.

    And I hope it's soon, cause the amount of rogues and control wizards in this game is ridiculous lol
  • reaper2142reaper2142 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lol, rogues are designed to be squishy assassins. This means that they deal LOTS of damage but are extremely easy to kill if you can stun them. Saying a rogue is overpowered is your way of saying that you don't know how to counter a rogue.
  • pitpalakpitpalak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i only have a char, a rogue, im lvl 45 and im doing well means in pvp im ok, not owning, and now u tell me after i leanr to love the game that rougue does too much damage. make a rogue char and see what **** defense u have
  • mahlataamahlataa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is no point in making threads like this... sadly every 13 year old rolled a TR after they saw how OP it is , and they all feel obligated to protect the holy OPness by trashing every thread that remotely hints how OP TR is....
  • mannokmannok Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ive played countless matches of PvP as a GWF and from my viewpoint the TR is balanced on the edge of a knife. I've seen rogues being facerolled as much as the opposite, but talking abit nerfing or changing their daily to damage less or perhaps offer some kind of cc, dot or target healing reduced for x amount of time, is something else than saying the WHOLE class is too much :)
  • dskiperdskiper Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A "Rogue is OP! NERF THEM, NERF SO THAT WE CAN WIN PVP!!!" thread again? You know, if they do get nerfed, it will only come to bite you back in pve. Which I remember is more important in this game then pvp.

    They hit hard, but die fast. The secret to fighting rogues? Kill them before they kill you, simple as that.

    Honestly after all these threads I was frightened about facing a rogue in pvp. After facing them I was like.... That's it?

    You may whine all you like and you may not like it, but I got only one thing to say. Learn to play.
  • highlandglenhighlandglen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2
    edited May 2013
    I have a lvl 60 Rouge, Yes at first on lower levels they seem unfair but when you get to end game pvp there Squishy no joke ok ?

    Im now playing a Control Wizard and im only doing PvP to level up, I can honestly say its much easyer as a control wizard to beat rouges. All you need to do is manage your control effects and keep them back Change your Default Fov to 70 or higher.

    It also helps to change your skills to mouse4 and mouse5, taking your fingers of wasd in pvp is not good considering that split second that you took your fingers of movement might get you killed.
    Also spacebar = dodge is much beter for reaction times, just make shift = jump

    Im a serious gamer age 27 have been playing mmorpgs for more than 15 years, my experienced opinion and advice people just need to try out the other classes and find out how they operate, Your judgments wont be so negative, mine certainly changed after trying the other classes in PvP.

    Get a rouge to lvl 60 and pvp with him/her then come back on here and try say there OP in pvp.

    Ive 1 hit a tank who had over 75% HP with shocking execution 21k HP, maybe some calculations need tuned that being said people take this skill out of context as its supposed to be a finisher,,,, yes you will prob die get over it you respawn (but maybe I just had all my debuffs stacked when I used the daily).

    And the very last thing to remember they will release MORE PARAGON PATHS, so chill out every one and stop this nonsense about rouges.

    Edit: I used a guide when i started my CW heres the link, and many thanks to the person that put it up its been very helpful.

    Edit again : I just noticed the OP's 2nd post, maybe you shoulda edited your 1st post so I didnt think you where a bambi =)? but what ever GL on your PVP adventures
  • roninthehoodroninthehood Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 184 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    reaper2142 wrote: »
    Lol, rogues are designed to be squishy assassins. This means that they deal LOTS of damage but are extremely easy to kill if you can stun them. Saying a rogue is overpowered is your way of saying that you don't know how to counter a rogue.

    Most could probably agree with this. BUT it is not true.. there is nothing "squishy" about us rogues. I can tank most dungeons lol. I can be adult about it. I know rogues are a tad insane. I get 12-18k critts regularly. and all other classes at best abd best geared best builds can get 6-10k. NO.. before you say "rogue should do more damage.." that's another ignorant statement. yes rogue should do more. like a mosterous 20-25% more. NOT 50% more. We have high defences and high survival. That's using your arguments about going against a "pro" rogue.
  • dsgxsnipedsgxsnipe Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yes i would like to say when i face a CW 1v1 i can not beat them so if anything needs to be nerf'd it should be the CW because i can never get outta that choke in time to have enough health to get away.
  • nornsavantnornsavant Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have a lvl 60 Rouge, Yes at first on lower levels they seem unfair but when you get to end game pvp there Squishy no joke ok ?

    So they murder through 50 level and everything equals out at 60 huh. Sounds legit.

    In truth there are many many facets of the game that I cannot believe are truly working as intended but if they are working at all the staff must just be counting lucky stars and along with astral diamonds.

    For instance, the change from GWF without a cleric companion to GWF with a cleric companion; its like a whole different class. You go from little more than potion sink with a sword animation to a class that can actually have an effect on mobs. It is an absolute sea change. In fact the change is so great that I cannot believe the devs really intended it to be quite that defining.

    So I would also suspect that the TR is just a product of some statistical tool spitting out some numbers that indicate their balance, but no dev has every played one, specifically in PVP with an objective eye toward whether or not they are just one-shot murder machines.

    After all who has time to play the game? Who has time to balance or test or really touch any part of it when there are astral diamonds to be controlled and micro-transactions to be raked in?

    Trs and Cws will get their day to be balanced but it is far, far in the future. Have your fun now. If PVP is just horrendous try some foundry content.

    Ohhh how about this, match PVPers according to gearscore instead of level. EH? Still wouldnt account for skill but all the supah l33t gear monsters would have other geared up toons with which to wrestle and you would be among similarly geared masochists.

    But wait... that's would remove the impetus for you to spend Zen to get bigger gear... Ahh well. Not exactly a Perfect World.

    Rub some money on it.
  • samuraikingssamuraikings Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A CW stomps on everything in the battlefield with CC. If you are bad and don't dodge that execution, you will die. How is this not fair?

    A GWF going unstoppable will mow over a CW because it ignores all CCs. I believe they have an encounter that ignores cc for 2-3 secs and breaks them out as well. They can roll over a rogue this way as well.

    A TR has the ability to one-shot everything but a tank unless it crits with execution but it's easily dodgeable. TR also has really poor stamina.

    A GF is tanky as **** and can hold off any class for quite a while and when they slot knockbacks they can be some of the most annoying ****ing things ever. They usually stand almost still though with block up and you can break their shield and kill them if you can burst enough or CC.

    A DC is nearly invincible unless 3+ enemies focus burst him down, but he can't do much dmg to anyone.

    Honestly, for a launch, all of these classes in PvP have a weakness to other classes and a strength to other classes. It's a good balance. Perfect? Not at all. How about we focus on the ruined economy, unplayable quest bugs and adding in more/better (leveling) gear and make bosses do something besides spawn 50 adds every 10 seconds before we make PvP perfect.

    You should be glad that they are separating PvE and PvP. TR gets a heavy dmg reduction in PvP. Where I will crit a mob in an epic dungeon delve for 50k on my execution, it will only hit a player for 25k-30k on a crit(if they have low health, I use it as a finisher or cleric killer, at full health it does 10-20k, don't stand there and get hit, dodge it and it will do zero). Be glad we can have an equal PvP and PvE experience. If this was wow, my execution would be nerfed into the ground and I would hit mobs and players for 10k only.

    I play both 60 TR and CW, both are around 8.5k GS atm. I assure you both classes can beat each other in PvP equally. It's about skill not "omg imbalanced one-shotting class qq".
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  • rhonsussrhonsuss Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I find arguing over nerfs to be quite pointless. I play a rogue, level 32 right now, and yeah, my damage is pretty **** good in both pvp and pve. I'm still scared of mages and their stunlocking though. GWF, not a problem really. I don't have shocking execution yet, so I can't really comment on it. Overall, I think that whining that a class is OP just because a person can beat you as it is really pointless.
  • rydar0stormsrydar0storms Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ...double post due to crappy server errors.
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