It's a patch-as-you go type thing. On the launcher in the options, there is a setting to turn it off and then it will patch everything before letting you play again.
Kie - Renegade Drow - Wizard | Orion - Half Elf - Cleric | Kia - Tiefling - Rogue
I've not had a problem until today - it's been superfast and patching has only ever taken up to 30secs. This is just something that they'll be working on. It is a beta, after all...
I'm sorry to hear that catr1ona, I don't think we'll have a 2gb patch for a long long time, so maybe just this once, chalk it up
No worries Kaskian, as I said, it's a beta and it runs so smoothly most of the time you tend to forget that...when I remember the beta's and even alpha's of certain other MMOs this one certainly comes up shiny I just wish I'd set my profession tasks for the night before starting the patch *facepalm*
No worries Kaskian, as I said, it's a beta and it runs so smoothly most of the time you tend to forget that...when I remember the beta's and even alpha's of certain other MMOs this one certainly comes up shiny I just wish I'd set my profession tasks for the night before starting the patch *facepalm*
For anyone else going through the Perfect World support site, I've tried both proxies with no improvement. I've done a dns flush, and I've forwarded the ports they recommended. Nothing has helped.
I'm going to leave it running for a few hours and play some Metro Last Light. Good luck to the rest of you.
I tried to close client, was just going to bail on the questing and just pvp... but it puts you back into the zone that is patching when you relog, i figured since it didn't finish I'd be back at the town.
This patching thing, seems to be everywhere now, I am helping another friend to level now, and everytime we get to a new place, he have big problems to come in due to patching time.
For some reason I have a 1.5GB patch despite always having on-demand patching turned on. What's the deal here? There hasn't been any maintenance and I've always patched my game.
Yes patching sucks, its taking forever, there are tons of other people patching too... Just disable the on-demand patching, get it going, and go for a friggin walk! Read a book or .... whatever. But don't rage for hours on the designers of a FREE game still in BETA and pretend that you know what the problem is.
Made a party
Joined a dungeon
Patch, it took like 12 minutes for 10 files, with speeds from 5kb to 160 ( i have a 10mbit )
Entered in the dungeon, i was in an other party since everybody got bored of waitin.
Ok i remade a party
PATCH AGAIN , again 12 minutes for 10 files.
This time dungeon didn't even loaded.
I think this patching system has SERIOUS things waiting to be fixed .
Now this is pretty silly, is there a site with the 2gig patch that can actually upload patches other than the official game servers? And no, its not my connection 70/10 is more than enough, so please keep telling me to turn on "Demand patch" because we really need the bump.
Reinstalled game because i wanted the game on my SSD and not my remote HDD; and this happens. I cannot play now and patch is going from 0 kbs to 100 for couple of seconds... should never have reinstalled without having a look at the forums -_-'
WTF happended.. everything worked well and patched normally when the open beta started and now it is impossible to play because of the patching HAMSTER!
i hope there is a fix soon!
My first experience with Neverwinter and I get to download 400mb+ at 10kb/s? Nice way to introduce yourself Perfect World. Solid way to wheel in potential paying customers, err not. :P
Nonetheless, I ticked the "disable on-demand patching" and had to restart the client. Now it isn't downloading but actually patching 2.5GB. I wonder what will be next. *fingers crossed*
The fact that I haven't manged to play over a weekend without some server releated HAMSTER making it impossible to play is keeping me from spending money on this game at all.
Also, to try Patch the full game, check this:
Still going.
****. Thought I was getting it bad.
No worries Kaskian, as I said, it's a beta and it runs so smoothly most of the time you tend to forget that...when I remember the beta's and even alpha's of certain other MMOs this one certainly comes up shiny
Also, you can do that via Gateway!
Have fun
do your professions in gateway on web browser...
Any official word on this? Are they working on it?
I'm going to leave it running for a few hours and play some Metro Last Light. Good luck to the rest of you.
Made a party
Joined a dungeon
Patch, it took like 12 minutes for 10 files, with speeds from 5kb to 160 ( i have a 10mbit )
Entered in the dungeon, i was in an other party since everybody got bored of waitin.
Ok i remade a party
PATCH AGAIN , again 12 minutes for 10 files.
This time dungeon didn't even loaded.
I think this patching system has SERIOUS things waiting to be fixed .
Reinstalled game because i wanted the game on my SSD and not my remote HDD; and this happens. I cannot play now and patch is going from 0 kbs to 100 for couple of seconds... should never have reinstalled without having a look at the forums -_-'
Silly excuse for not having enough money.
i hope there is a fix soon!
Nonetheless, I ticked the "disable on-demand patching" and had to restart the client. Now it isn't downloading but actually patching 2.5GB. I wonder what will be next. *fingers crossed*
The fact that I haven't manged to play over a weekend without some server releated HAMSTER making it impossible to play is keeping me from spending money on this game at all.
How did I not know about this?! I could do my professions while at work...thank you! (and thank you to badteeth too!)
53% to finishing the uber patch - *mops brow* this had better be worth it!