The story for this quest was fantastic. I loved the idea behind it, and it was exactly what it needed to be: a wonderful, charming, self contained storyline. The goblins were somehow made adorable, with Meeks taking the trophy for most adorable icky creature since Gollum. It draws you in enough to care about the plight of the goblins and the overall story, without forcing hours of dialog and backstory onto you.
Rating: A
Very well written. Some typos here and there, but nothing major. Again, the goblins win out here, as they were written perfectly, with enough humor and cuteness to make you want to keep going!
Rating: A+
Environment was someone basic. The goblin area was mostly well placed, with one slight clipping issue (the wall beside the locked door right after the slavemaster). The Underdark was well designed, with a great use of colors and props. There were a small amount of technical errors here, with the door that is behind you when you first arrive sitting kind of out in the middle of nowhere. There was also a mob stuck in the wall right after the Beastmaster.
Rating: B+
Mobs were well placed, flow of the story was well done, and the designs of the rooms were all well thought out. I did notice a few small issues. When you are freeing the slaves, the numbers go backwards. You free Slave IV first, then go down to Slave I. Also, Slave III didn't actually have a slave there, just chains.
Also, when you meet up with Meeks in the Underdark, he hands you a bag of food. Not really sure what this does for the story, but I like it for flavor reasons. However, when the bag drops, it's named Bag 01. Naming "Bag of Food" or "Meeks Gift" would have been better.
Great quest, great design, and an engaging story! A few minor technical issues and some slightly better placing of rooms in the goblin area would have made this better, but the difference would only be miminal. This is a fantastic quest and a great showing of UGC. Highly recommended!
Final Rating: A-
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Very in depth story. Pay close attention to the dialogue used in this quest as it is a thing of beauty. You really do get drawn in to the world that Daezo has created, but be warned, there is a LOT of story here. In fact, I would say it is probably the majority of the quest. That, however, is not necessarily a bad thing, as, again, the story is very well done.
Rating: A+
LOTS of dialogue. Again, the majority of this quest is dialogue based, and it is heavy. However, it feels brisk, and it feels like it lasts a brief time. The characters have their own identities, and more than anything, not much in the way of types. Though, at one point, you are told to go back across the "bidge", which is an easy to fix but glaring typo.
Rating: A+
The settings were well done. For the most part, it takes place inside a small village, which was handcrafted and looks fantastic. The amount of care and detail that went into the village was fantastic. If there is any complaint about the setting, its the caves at the end. I feel the layout is ok, but kind of confusing, with no clear indication of where to go. But it is a small complaint.
Rating: A
I fell in LOVE with the design of this quest. The side missions, the effects, all the little extras that make a quest feel alive. No quest I have played in the Foundry has felt so much like a living, breathing entity than this one. The combat was fantastic, with several "OH FIDDLESTICKS" moments, especially, the spiders. When I saw them spawning in....oh boy!
I did have issues with the layers of fog on the bridge. Outside of the color (baby HAMSTER green) I felt that there may have been too many layers. I have a pretty respectable, few months old, custom built gaming machine...but once I hit that fog, my system basically said "You're kidding, right?" Maybe have them spaced evenly throughout the bridge so that the whole bridge is covered, as that may help some with the instant video stuttering. Also, because of the way it was layered, it look a little too striking, like, you could actually, physically see the layers and the flat sides. Maybe by having them laid out it wouldn't be as jarring.
Overall, one of the best quests I've played, if a little dialogue heavy. It at least makes up for it in combat near the middle and again at the end. Story is amazing, the level of care and detail is staggering, and the overall quest just FEELS right. Highly recommended.
Final Rating: A
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Pilator presents professional, long story storyline, with two endings, adventure consists of six maps, with interesting characters, dialogue and plot twists ...
"Return to Neverwinter" (ID: NW-DPZS2MN86)
Hello all fans of Neverwinter!
I'm pilator, and this is my first map Foundry. I hope that the story and the gameplay you'll like it. I tried to map was prepared for a really professional. Did I? I'm curious about your comments and feedback
Your name is Argon, you're a former hero of Neverwinter. Its title earned by the defense of the city, defeated the last of the family golden dragons Aldur who wanted to destroy the city Never. For unknown reasons shortly after the victory, decided to go into the unknown. People, however, always remember your name, and believed that one day you will return. It's been 11 years, and you come back to Neverwinter to see how to hold on to things. It's not good, the city returned to the Victoria - once queen golden dragons. Argon will face an important choice.
=== WHAT IS IT? - Map offers a rich, role-playing adventure. Map and NPC are customized, maps were created in 3D mode (independently set). MAP HAD GOT 2 ENDS! I can guarantee you that by this adventure will not soon forget FOR AUTHOR: I apologize for any grammatical errors! Trying to my English was the best I can be Enjoy the story! MINUTES: 40max PLAYERS: 1-2max
=== MAP VERSION: 1.1: - 14.05.2013
- Trap in the house Refrot are no longer bugged,
- Respawnpoint at home Refrot has been changed,
- Crystals that you have to collect the Merchant, have been changed to 5,
- Added a variety of costumes creatures of the Mountain of Swords
- Names like "Horse 10" have been changed,
- Added more accessories and decorations to the map,
- Added text traveling, example "Go to Neverwinter" when transporting the maps to the map,
- Flying cobwebs removed from Somewhere
- Added more traps,
Thank playing for finding bugs and made suggestions on what to change 1.0- oryginal
NOTE! Foundry is bugged, if you can not find my map, go to the "Best" and the first line, type ONLY id map! You sure will find.
I hope that you judge. I rated your map, a review can be found in your signature.
"Return to Neverwinter"
Role novel about a former hero of Neverwinter, who returns ...
Wanted to ad that I am not taking anymore submissions for this quest, however, I do have my second quest coming up soon that I will be trading reviews again for, and I will be using this same post to do the reviews in. That will be in a little over a week. Thanks gang!
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Nyghoma, I will add yours to my list for my next quest . In the meantime, if you want to check mine out, feel free, yours will definitely be added to my list for the second quest, however!
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Reviewing yours in hopes of you trying out mine as well.
The dungeon crawl through the caves could use some more details, it seems rather bland. Don't just create rooms to make the dungeon flow longer, for each room you create think "What purpose does this room serve?" besides a place to just stick encounters. Then you'll be able to design each room to have it's own flavor. Like for example, an ore deposit, a smelting room, a kitchen, a dining hall, a break room, an armory, etc.
Found a typo when you talk to Cevon. "Well, once everyone knows you are aligned with The Dark Creed, the council will let Alfraed keep his seat. Your finished" (Should be you're)
That's all the feedback I got for now. If you release a new version with the revisions I suggested give me a holler and I'll review it again.
(If you and your wife are going to review my quest at the same time, be sure to do it on Hard mode, Hard Mode is meant for strong solo players or 2+ players)
Nyghoma, I will add yours to my list for my next quest . In the meantime, if you want to check mine out, feel free, yours will definitely be added to my list for the second quest, however!
Will do. I'll give it a whirl today, when servers are up.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
Reviewing yours in hopes of you trying out mine as well.
The dungeon crawl through the caves could use some more details, it seems rather bland. Don't just create rooms to make the dungeon flow longer, for each room you create think "What purpose does this room serve?" besides a place to just stick encounters. Then you'll be able to design each room to have it's own flavor. Like for example, an ore deposit, a smelting room, a kitchen, a dining hall, a break room, an armory, etc.
Found a typo when you talk to Cevon. "Well, once everyone knows you are aligned with The Dark Creed, the council will let Alfraed keep his seat. Your finished" (Should be you're)
That's all the feedback I got for now. If you release a new version with the revisions I suggested give me a holler and I'll review it again.
(If you and your wife are going to review my quest at the same time, be sure to do it on Hard mode, Hard Mode is meant for strong solo players or 2+ players)
I will add yours to my list for the second part of my campaign. Had a couple points to your thoughts as well
As for the tunnels, lot's of comments on the tunnels. There is actually a reason for the tunnels being the way they are. It is briefly mentioned in the third quest what the deal is with the tunnels, so, mild spoilers ahead *not really*. They were there when the Creed took them over, using it as a means to store kidnapped victims. There were some hastily added well as some creatures that seem to fear the Creed, but react normally to everyone else (this, also, is explained later.)
The first part of the tunnels are much more cleared out than the ones further in, and that is just because of the Creed clearing them out. I know, it sounds dumb, but my original story (a novel that I will never finish) as more in depth story, and I just wanted to stick as closely to it as possible (granted, my story didn't have kobolds, blacklake or was even set in a D&D environment, but we make some
So, essentially, none of the rooms serve a purpose aside from just being places to store captives. Now, the Creed members that ARE there are there for Guard work. You find out a little later, without giving too much away, that there have been other attempts to breach the guard duty was increased to keep people at bay on this very important day for the Creed (again, more to come later.)
Also, thank you for the typo point out. Once the servers are back up I will get that fixed!
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Hey, I reviewed yours, pls if you will have time, look at my quest:)
NW-DDJJA7X98 The Camp and bandits (I made lot of changes so would be great if you leave feedback)
Got it, will add you to the list for my next quest!
Also, everyone, I did three of the quests on this list yesterday, am currently writing the full reviews for them. I would have done more, but, well, you'll see in teh reviews. The rest were going to be done today after working on my new quest some, but then the servers went down. Once they are back up, I will finish my work for the day on that and then get back to questing. Thanks!
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Hey, I reviewed yours, pls if you will have time, look at my quest:)
NW-DDJJA7X98 The Camp and bandits (I made lot of changes so would be great if you leave feedback)
Got it, will add you to the list for my next quest!
Also, everyone, I did three of the quests on this list yesterday, am currently writing the full reviews for them. I would have done more, but, well, you'll see in teh reviews. The rest were going to be done today after working on my new quest some, but then the servers went down. Once they are back up, I will finish my work for the day on that and then get back to questing. Thanks!
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
This part somewhat confused me. The story in the description and the story presented in front of me didn't seem to be the same. Yes, you travel to an undead world, but they don't seem to be living their lives like you and I. Instead, they seem to all just be standing around in a big (small?) field, pacing around and doing a lot of nothing. I understood were the story was going, and understood the story that was being told to me, but I couldn't see it happening. It was really immersion breaking to hear about this awesome place and then to get there and realize there isn't much there at all.
Rating: F
Dialog was okay in this quest. It was probably the shining point. The characters you spoke with seemed to have some semblance of a personality, some measurement of being. However, there isn't much of it from what I saw. The biggest draw back is dialog is supposed to move the story forward, but this dialog felt like it was there simply because it needed to be there. It didn't feel natural, there wasn't any flow. It often times came off contrived.
Rating: C+
The description led me to believe I would be entering a large, fully realized and laid out, hand crafted, LIVING dead world (pun intended, but also, living as in the sense of it feeling like this world has been there long before I got there.) What was actually delivered was not quite that. The first area is large and bland, with one guy to talk to, who is just pacing back and forth for utterly no reason. The first of the issues that came up here was after talking to this non-descript bad guy (the dialogue was actually decent, but more on that later) I was asked to head into a portal. However, no portal appeared. There was an area, not in the center, but up and to the left of the center of the room, that if I hovered my mouse over it, I got a thing telling me to go to next map. An actual portal in an area that makes sense and a description of what I am clicking would be very helpful.
The next area is the actual living dead world, though dead dead backyard may be a more accurate description. What was laid out before me was the King of Ghouls being attacked by bad guys, then me walking into one of the smallest outdoor maps. The trees where randomly and hastily put down, there was one building, and the mobs were just walking around aimlessly. There was no purpose to this map. It was just there. Nothing had any thought put into it, it was just there. The mobs, for example, were a mix of devils, undead and Gnolls (of all things...), and none of it made sense.
After you leave bland country, you are brought back to the first room, on the same side you started on, but with a LOT of mobs placed there. More on this in a minute. I am not sure if there was anything after this, and I will explain why in the Extras section.
Rating: F
I was not able to finish this quest. Even though I wanted to abandon it multiple times, I couldn't do it. But, at one point, I was just forced to. When you come back to the starting area, there are a ton of random mobs. Again, undead, devils, Gnolls....nothing that shows any semblance of forethought. I couldn't kill the amount of mobs that were placed in one tiny area (I'm talking around 30 bad guys, in one spot, and you have nowhere to go.) Lot's of knockdown affects, stuns, AOEs and more were applied to me. I went through my entire stock of potions and had widdled away maybe half of the group. I feel even a large group would have troubles with this part.
The point, overall, is this. I couldn't finish it. I had to stop the quest. And really, after looking at the scores (4 plays with only 1 star), I am starting to wonder if I am the only one who went through this exact issue. I have no idea if there was more to the story, and to be frank, at this point, I didn't care. It seemed more an exercise in futility than a fun and thrilling adventure.
I can't recommend this quest at all. I'm not saying anything against the Author, as he seemed to have a great concept, just no idea how to implement it. I do realize that after my play through (of which I had tried twice as of this writing), he has updated the quest with some new things. I will cast that shadow of a doubt and try through this again. If it is improved, I will update this review to match that statement. If, however, it is NOT improved, than this review stands.
Advice? Spend more time on the quest. It feels like it was put together in the span of a few hours. Instead, spend days on it. Choose a bigger map, make it feel alive. Have NPCs that are walking around, but dead, and acting like we do over here. Then have the hunting grounds separate. Make the King of Ghouls an intimidating threat, not a pushover. Reduce the amount of mobs when you return to the starting point, but make them better. Maybe ad some custom costumes, create your own ghouls, things of that nature.
As it stands, again, I cannot recommend this half-though, half-hearted attempt at a quest. It lacks substance, it lacks intrigue, it lacks immersion, but most importantly, it lacks heart.
Final Rating: F
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Before I start with the review, I just want to mention that you can blame this quest for me taking so long in getting these done this weekend...and I mean that in a funny way. I will tell the full story in my review, let's just say, it didn't quite go the way I planned it.....
I really liked the story here. It starts off basic, find a couple kids (though, that did raise concerns to me about how well thought out the story was...why would kids be on a battlefield so close to the actual combat? But, I digress) and help them get back to safety. Of course, all Hell breaks loose (literally) and it becomes so much more.
Are there typos? Yes, but don't let that get in the way of a great story. Very engaging and one of my favorites....had a great horror feel, especially in the burning house. However, some slight nuances in the story force me to lower the score just a tiny bit, but not enough that I would have anything bad to say about it.
Rating: A-
This is a bit hard to rate. On one hand, the dialogue was actually really well thought out, very even, and flowed really well. On the other, it was hard to read. Now, I say this because the author of the quest is not a native english speaker, and it shows. It doesn't hurt the quest any, it just makes following the story and some of the goings on a bit difficult. Still, the dialogue is good, not great, and feels on pace with what is transpiring in the story and on screen.
Rating: A
This is were the quest really shines. The environments were top notch. There were some graphical glitches, and maybe a few TOO many effects in some places, but everything had it's place, and it was well thought out.
Now, there were a few problems. First, in the village, while I didn't notice any floating buildings (and to be fair, the fog was so thick I couldn't begin to make them out) a lot of the textures appeared very blocky. I am assuming this is due to a filter that was used, whether it was a bloom effect or the many layers of rolling fog, I am unsure. But it did break the immersion just a little. In the caves area, which was well laid out and made great use of different styles of interior rooms to obtain a certain effect, there were quite a few graphical errors. Some of the doorways needed to be changed as they had visible gaps in the texture, one of the traps in the crypt is just kind of floating in mid air, etc. There was also a graphical error in the first area you go into, the barn/house where you fight orcs. The bloodstains on the floor were sitting kind of IN the floor, and if they were raised even just a slight amount, it would really add to the setting.
Rating: A
Here is where it get's to be a little fun. The combat was great, there were some great choices of mobs. The three brothers were FANTASTIC. They felt epic, and really, if I had a complaint with them, it's that they weren't the finale and they should have been in a bigger room.
Some of the character choices were a little....concerning. The little girl effect probably could have been better acheived using a halfling to make her. The boy, while possessed, probably shouldn't have a goatee, and some of the dead NPCs stand when you inspect them.
However, these are small issues that can be fixed relatively easily, so they don't affect the score too much.
Now, it did take me three tries to finish this quest, but this was not due to difficulty. My first time in, I was on my cleric going solo. It was difficult, but I was doing it. I get into the dungeons, and there are two doors. On in front, and one to my left. I go to the one to my left, and there is no indication what it is. I click it, and end up in Protector's Enclave. At first, I was angry, and was about to send the author a message and give him the ole' what fer, when I decided I wasn't that far in so I would try again. Went back in with my Cleric, got near the end, went to hit one of my encounter abilities...and hit the number 5 key instead. I had just obtained a new level and a new box, and in that box was a teleport scroll to the protector's enclave. This scroll had placed itself into my empty 5 hotkey. Needless to say, in teh final room, about to finish, and suddenly, I have to start all over again! Needless to say, I turned the game off and took a break, as I was FURIOUS with the game lol.
Thankfully, a few hours later, logged back in, hopped on my CW and my wife got her TR, and we went through the dungeon and completed. One thing I did notice, however, is that the exit door that I clicked in my first go-through, was no longer there. Now, I don't know if in that time the author had changed it or if it was some weird bug that caused the exit to be in a different place, but, it wasn't there this time!
Good quest with a good amount of story and reading, which can be troublesome at times with the broken English and bad grammar. Add that to the multiple texture and placement errors, and it can be somewhat frustrating. However, don't let the small problems take away from what is probably one of the more fun and definitely most environmentally enthralling Foundry quests I have played.
Final Rating: A
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Nyghoma, I will add yours to my list for my next quest . In the meantime, if you want to check mine out, feel free, yours will definitely be added to my list for the second quest, however!
Heya Shor. I did your quest today. I gave a review as honest as possible, without trying to sleight you. I think you story has a lot of potential, and if you just put some time into customizing your environments and mob encounters, you can have a hit. The boss fight, felt a tad out of place and could be ramped-up some, theatrically and challenge level. I hope this criticism helps! :cool:
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
Thanks for the feedback! I have yours down to do as well. I appreciate the criticism, it helps us all! As far as the tunnels and mob encounters are pretty set, as you will see in the next few installments. However, the final boss can be altered some. I have played around with the difficulty, and feel I can make it tougher if need be, but I've also had a few people tell me that it was a tough fight. So, it is really hard for me to find that balance, but I am sure with enough tweaking, it'll get there. Thanks for playing!
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
So, as of Friday the 24th, I will unpublishing the intro quest to the Dark Creed saga. This is not a bad thing, but instead, a very good thing. A few of you (46 and counting) have been able to play the quest, have been introduced to the story, and know, somewhat, what to expect.
The story is not changing. I will be adding some dialogue options here and there, expand upon some of the ideas that were laid out in the original published version. However, the majority of the quest is getting a MAJOR redesign. A few new paths, new looks, new textures. Again, the character styles, the story, those remain. But expect a big change to the sewers, the tunnels, the abandoned house, everything. The Blacklake portion, while brief, will be more lively, with a few new things thrown in to enhance the story.
Thank you for the initial feedback everyone, and if you want to play it again (or for the first time) get in on it before Friday!
P.S. I will still be reviewing those I said I would review. With work, wife, building and of course, normal playing (still only at 22), I am hoping to get caught up this week. I still have one review to write from a quest I ran this weekend and will hopefully have that up soon. Thanks again!
My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
@Antares Prime
Thank you! I'm going to play your dungeon with my brother.
Author: @HFLORD1
The story for this quest was fantastic. I loved the idea behind it, and it was exactly what it needed to be: a wonderful, charming, self contained storyline. The goblins were somehow made adorable, with Meeks taking the trophy for most adorable icky creature since Gollum. It draws you in enough to care about the plight of the goblins and the overall story, without forcing hours of dialog and backstory onto you.
Rating: A
Very well written. Some typos here and there, but nothing major. Again, the goblins win out here, as they were written perfectly, with enough humor and cuteness to make you want to keep going!
Rating: A+
Environment was someone basic. The goblin area was mostly well placed, with one slight clipping issue (the wall beside the locked door right after the slavemaster). The Underdark was well designed, with a great use of colors and props. There were a small amount of technical errors here, with the door that is behind you when you first arrive sitting kind of out in the middle of nowhere. There was also a mob stuck in the wall right after the Beastmaster.
Rating: B+
Mobs were well placed, flow of the story was well done, and the designs of the rooms were all well thought out. I did notice a few small issues. When you are freeing the slaves, the numbers go backwards. You free Slave IV first, then go down to Slave I. Also, Slave III didn't actually have a slave there, just chains.
Also, when you meet up with Meeks in the Underdark, he hands you a bag of food. Not really sure what this does for the story, but I like it for flavor reasons. However, when the bag drops, it's named Bag 01. Naming "Bag of Food" or "Meeks Gift" would have been better.
Great quest, great design, and an engaging story! A few minor technical issues and some slightly better placing of rooms in the goblin area would have made this better, but the difference would only be miminal. This is a fantastic quest and a great showing of UGC. Highly recommended!
Final Rating: A-
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
I will definitely take a look at it, thanks!
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Short Code: NW-DDE386E52
Author: @DAEZO
Very in depth story. Pay close attention to the dialogue used in this quest as it is a thing of beauty. You really do get drawn in to the world that Daezo has created, but be warned, there is a LOT of story here. In fact, I would say it is probably the majority of the quest. That, however, is not necessarily a bad thing, as, again, the story is very well done.
Rating: A+
LOTS of dialogue. Again, the majority of this quest is dialogue based, and it is heavy. However, it feels brisk, and it feels like it lasts a brief time. The characters have their own identities, and more than anything, not much in the way of types. Though, at one point, you are told to go back across the "bidge", which is an easy to fix but glaring typo.
Rating: A+
The settings were well done. For the most part, it takes place inside a small village, which was handcrafted and looks fantastic. The amount of care and detail that went into the village was fantastic. If there is any complaint about the setting, its the caves at the end. I feel the layout is ok, but kind of confusing, with no clear indication of where to go. But it is a small complaint.
Rating: A
I fell in LOVE with the design of this quest. The side missions, the effects, all the little extras that make a quest feel alive. No quest I have played in the Foundry has felt so much like a living, breathing entity than this one. The combat was fantastic, with several "OH FIDDLESTICKS" moments, especially, the spiders. When I saw them spawning in....oh boy!
I did have issues with the layers of fog on the bridge. Outside of the color (baby HAMSTER green) I felt that there may have been too many layers. I have a pretty respectable, few months old, custom built gaming machine...but once I hit that fog, my system basically said "You're kidding, right?" Maybe have them spaced evenly throughout the bridge so that the whole bridge is covered, as that may help some with the instant video stuttering. Also, because of the way it was layered, it look a little too striking, like, you could actually, physically see the layers and the flat sides. Maybe by having them laid out it wouldn't be as jarring.
Overall, one of the best quests I've played, if a little dialogue heavy. It at least makes up for it in combat near the middle and again at the end. Story is amazing, the level of care and detail is staggering, and the overall quest just FEELS right. Highly recommended.
Final Rating: A
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Hello all fans of Neverwinter!
I'm pilator, and this is my first map Foundry. I hope that the story and the gameplay you'll like it. I tried to map was prepared for a really professional. Did I? I'm curious about your comments and feedback
Your name is Argon, you're a former hero of Neverwinter. Its title earned by the defense of the city, defeated the last of the family golden dragons Aldur who wanted to destroy the city Never. For unknown reasons shortly after the victory, decided to go into the unknown. People, however, always remember your name, and believed that one day you will return. It's been 11 years, and you come back to Neverwinter to see how to hold on to things. It's not good, the city returned to the Victoria - once queen golden dragons. Argon will face an important choice.
WHAT IS IT? - Map offers a rich, role-playing adventure. Map and NPC are customized, maps were created in 3D mode (independently set). MAP HAD GOT 2 ENDS! I can guarantee you that by this adventure will not soon forget
FOR AUTHOR: I apologize for any grammatical errors! Trying to my English was the best I can be
MINUTES: 40max
PLAYERS: 1-2max
1.1: - 14.05.2013
- Trap in the house Refrot are no longer bugged,
- Respawnpoint at home Refrot has been changed,
- Crystals that you have to collect the Merchant, have been changed to 5,
- Added a variety of costumes creatures of the Mountain of Swords
- Names like "Horse 10" have been changed,
- Added more accessories and decorations to the map,
- Added text traveling, example "Go to Neverwinter" when transporting the maps to the map,
- Flying cobwebs removed from Somewhere
- Added more traps,
Thank playing for finding bugs and made suggestions on what to change
1.0 - oryginal
Foundry is bugged, if you can not find my map, go to the "Best" and the first line, type ONLY id map! You sure will find.
I hope that you judge. I rated your map, a review can be found in your signature.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
NW-DDJJA7X98 The Camp and bandits (I made lot of changes so would be great if you leave feedback)
Solo quest with a great story
Ezrianova skrysa
The dungeon crawl through the caves could use some more details, it seems rather bland. Don't just create rooms to make the dungeon flow longer, for each room you create think "What purpose does this room serve?" besides a place to just stick encounters. Then you'll be able to design each room to have it's own flavor. Like for example, an ore deposit, a smelting room, a kitchen, a dining hall, a break room, an armory, etc.
Found a typo when you talk to Cevon. "Well, once everyone knows you are aligned with The Dark Creed, the council will let Alfraed keep his seat. Your finished" (Should be you're)
That's all the feedback I got for now. If you release a new version with the revisions I suggested give me a holler and I'll review it again.
(If you and your wife are going to review my quest at the same time, be sure to do it on Hard mode, Hard Mode is meant for strong solo players or 2+ players)
Protect the Caravan
Fun 15-20 Minute Heavy Combat Quest with a difficulty slider. Hand crafted environments and encounters.
Thread URL:
Will do. I'll give it a whirl today, when servers are up.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
I will add yours to my list for the second part of my campaign. Had a couple points to your thoughts as well
As for the tunnels, lot's of comments on the tunnels. There is actually a reason for the tunnels being the way they are. It is briefly mentioned in the third quest what the deal is with the tunnels, so, mild spoilers ahead *not really*. They were there when the Creed took them over, using it as a means to store kidnapped victims. There were some hastily added well as some creatures that seem to fear the Creed, but react normally to everyone else (this, also, is explained later.)
The first part of the tunnels are much more cleared out than the ones further in, and that is just because of the Creed clearing them out. I know, it sounds dumb, but my original story (a novel that I will never finish) as more in depth story, and I just wanted to stick as closely to it as possible (granted, my story didn't have kobolds, blacklake or was even set in a D&D environment, but we make some
So, essentially, none of the rooms serve a purpose aside from just being places to store captives. Now, the Creed members that ARE there are there for Guard work. You find out a little later, without giving too much away, that there have been other attempts to breach the guard duty was increased to keep people at bay on this very important day for the Creed (again, more to come later.)
Also, thank you for the typo point out. Once the servers are back up I will get that fixed!
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Got it, will add you to the list for my next quest!
Also, everyone, I did three of the quests on this list yesterday, am currently writing the full reviews for them. I would have done more, but, well, you'll see in teh reviews. The rest were going to be done today after working on my new quest some, but then the servers went down. Once they are back up, I will finish my work for the day on that and then get back to questing. Thanks!
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Got it, will add you to the list for my next quest!
Also, everyone, I did three of the quests on this list yesterday, am currently writing the full reviews for them. I would have done more, but, well, you'll see in teh reviews. The rest were going to be done today after working on my new quest some, but then the servers went down. Once they are back up, I will finish my work for the day on that and then get back to questing. Thanks!
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Short Code: NW-DALP70L5M
Author: @odoofmetz
This part somewhat confused me. The story in the description and the story presented in front of me didn't seem to be the same. Yes, you travel to an undead world, but they don't seem to be living their lives like you and I. Instead, they seem to all just be standing around in a big (small?) field, pacing around and doing a lot of nothing. I understood were the story was going, and understood the story that was being told to me, but I couldn't see it happening. It was really immersion breaking to hear about this awesome place and then to get there and realize there isn't much there at all.
Rating: F
Dialog was okay in this quest. It was probably the shining point. The characters you spoke with seemed to have some semblance of a personality, some measurement of being. However, there isn't much of it from what I saw. The biggest draw back is dialog is supposed to move the story forward, but this dialog felt like it was there simply because it needed to be there. It didn't feel natural, there wasn't any flow. It often times came off contrived.
Rating: C+
The description led me to believe I would be entering a large, fully realized and laid out, hand crafted, LIVING dead world (pun intended, but also, living as in the sense of it feeling like this world has been there long before I got there.) What was actually delivered was not quite that. The first area is large and bland, with one guy to talk to, who is just pacing back and forth for utterly no reason. The first of the issues that came up here was after talking to this non-descript bad guy (the dialogue was actually decent, but more on that later) I was asked to head into a portal. However, no portal appeared. There was an area, not in the center, but up and to the left of the center of the room, that if I hovered my mouse over it, I got a thing telling me to go to next map. An actual portal in an area that makes sense and a description of what I am clicking would be very helpful.
The next area is the actual living dead world, though dead dead backyard may be a more accurate description. What was laid out before me was the King of Ghouls being attacked by bad guys, then me walking into one of the smallest outdoor maps. The trees where randomly and hastily put down, there was one building, and the mobs were just walking around aimlessly. There was no purpose to this map. It was just there. Nothing had any thought put into it, it was just there. The mobs, for example, were a mix of devils, undead and Gnolls (of all things...), and none of it made sense.
After you leave bland country, you are brought back to the first room, on the same side you started on, but with a LOT of mobs placed there. More on this in a minute. I am not sure if there was anything after this, and I will explain why in the Extras section.
Rating: F
I was not able to finish this quest. Even though I wanted to abandon it multiple times, I couldn't do it. But, at one point, I was just forced to. When you come back to the starting area, there are a ton of random mobs. Again, undead, devils, Gnolls....nothing that shows any semblance of forethought. I couldn't kill the amount of mobs that were placed in one tiny area (I'm talking around 30 bad guys, in one spot, and you have nowhere to go.) Lot's of knockdown affects, stuns, AOEs and more were applied to me. I went through my entire stock of potions and had widdled away maybe half of the group. I feel even a large group would have troubles with this part.
The point, overall, is this. I couldn't finish it. I had to stop the quest. And really, after looking at the scores (4 plays with only 1 star), I am starting to wonder if I am the only one who went through this exact issue. I have no idea if there was more to the story, and to be frank, at this point, I didn't care. It seemed more an exercise in futility than a fun and thrilling adventure.
I can't recommend this quest at all. I'm not saying anything against the Author, as he seemed to have a great concept, just no idea how to implement it. I do realize that after my play through (of which I had tried twice as of this writing), he has updated the quest with some new things. I will cast that shadow of a doubt and try through this again. If it is improved, I will update this review to match that statement. If, however, it is NOT improved, than this review stands.
Advice? Spend more time on the quest. It feels like it was put together in the span of a few hours. Instead, spend days on it. Choose a bigger map, make it feel alive. Have NPCs that are walking around, but dead, and acting like we do over here. Then have the hunting grounds separate. Make the King of Ghouls an intimidating threat, not a pushover. Reduce the amount of mobs when you return to the starting point, but make them better. Maybe ad some custom costumes, create your own ghouls, things of that nature.
As it stands, again, I cannot recommend this half-though, half-hearted attempt at a quest. It lacks substance, it lacks intrigue, it lacks immersion, but most importantly, it lacks heart.
Final Rating: F
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Author: @voivodak
Before I start with the review, I just want to mention that you can blame this quest for me taking so long in getting these done this weekend...and I mean that in a funny way. I will tell the full story in my review, let's just say, it didn't quite go the way I planned it.....
I really liked the story here. It starts off basic, find a couple kids (though, that did raise concerns to me about how well thought out the story was...why would kids be on a battlefield so close to the actual combat? But, I digress) and help them get back to safety. Of course, all Hell breaks loose (literally) and it becomes so much more.
Are there typos? Yes, but don't let that get in the way of a great story. Very engaging and one of my favorites....had a great horror feel, especially in the burning house. However, some slight nuances in the story force me to lower the score just a tiny bit, but not enough that I would have anything bad to say about it.
Rating: A-
This is a bit hard to rate. On one hand, the dialogue was actually really well thought out, very even, and flowed really well. On the other, it was hard to read. Now, I say this because the author of the quest is not a native english speaker, and it shows. It doesn't hurt the quest any, it just makes following the story and some of the goings on a bit difficult. Still, the dialogue is good, not great, and feels on pace with what is transpiring in the story and on screen.
Rating: A
This is were the quest really shines. The environments were top notch. There were some graphical glitches, and maybe a few TOO many effects in some places, but everything had it's place, and it was well thought out.
Now, there were a few problems. First, in the village, while I didn't notice any floating buildings (and to be fair, the fog was so thick I couldn't begin to make them out) a lot of the textures appeared very blocky. I am assuming this is due to a filter that was used, whether it was a bloom effect or the many layers of rolling fog, I am unsure. But it did break the immersion just a little. In the caves area, which was well laid out and made great use of different styles of interior rooms to obtain a certain effect, there were quite a few graphical errors. Some of the doorways needed to be changed as they had visible gaps in the texture, one of the traps in the crypt is just kind of floating in mid air, etc. There was also a graphical error in the first area you go into, the barn/house where you fight orcs. The bloodstains on the floor were sitting kind of IN the floor, and if they were raised even just a slight amount, it would really add to the setting.
Rating: A
Here is where it get's to be a little fun. The combat was great, there were some great choices of mobs. The three brothers were FANTASTIC. They felt epic, and really, if I had a complaint with them, it's that they weren't the finale and they should have been in a bigger room.
Some of the character choices were a little....concerning. The little girl effect probably could have been better acheived using a halfling to make her. The boy, while possessed, probably shouldn't have a goatee, and some of the dead NPCs stand when you inspect them.
However, these are small issues that can be fixed relatively easily, so they don't affect the score too much.
Now, it did take me three tries to finish this quest, but this was not due to difficulty. My first time in, I was on my cleric going solo. It was difficult, but I was doing it. I get into the dungeons, and there are two doors. On in front, and one to my left. I go to the one to my left, and there is no indication what it is. I click it, and end up in Protector's Enclave. At first, I was angry, and was about to send the author a message and give him the ole' what fer, when I decided I wasn't that far in so I would try again. Went back in with my Cleric, got near the end, went to hit one of my encounter abilities...and hit the number 5 key instead. I had just obtained a new level and a new box, and in that box was a teleport scroll to the protector's enclave. This scroll had placed itself into my empty 5 hotkey. Needless to say, in teh final room, about to finish, and suddenly, I have to start all over again! Needless to say, I turned the game off and took a break, as I was FURIOUS with the game lol.
Thankfully, a few hours later, logged back in, hopped on my CW and my wife got her TR, and we went through the dungeon and completed. One thing I did notice, however, is that the exit door that I clicked in my first go-through, was no longer there. Now, I don't know if in that time the author had changed it or if it was some weird bug that caused the exit to be in a different place, but, it wasn't there this time!
Good quest with a good amount of story and reading, which can be troublesome at times with the broken English and bad grammar. Add that to the multiple texture and placement errors, and it can be somewhat frustrating. However, don't let the small problems take away from what is probably one of the more fun and definitely most environmentally enthralling Foundry quests I have played.
Final Rating: A
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Heya Shor. I did your quest today. I gave a review as honest as possible, without trying to sleight you. I think you story has a lot of potential, and if you just put some time into customizing your environments and mob encounters, you can have a hit. The boss fight, felt a tad out of place and could be ramped-up some, theatrically and challenge level. I hope this criticism helps! :cool:
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
The story is not changing. I will be adding some dialogue options here and there, expand upon some of the ideas that were laid out in the original published version. However, the majority of the quest is getting a MAJOR redesign. A few new paths, new looks, new textures. Again, the character styles, the story, those remain. But expect a big change to the sewers, the tunnels, the abandoned house, everything. The Blacklake portion, while brief, will be more lively, with a few new things thrown in to enhance the story.
Thank you for the initial feedback everyone, and if you want to play it again (or for the first time) get in on it before Friday!
P.S. I will still be reviewing those I said I would review. With work, wife, building and of course, normal playing (still only at 22), I am hoping to get caught up this week. I still have one review to write from a quest I ran this weekend and will hopefully have that up soon. Thanks again!
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013