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neverwinter kills my internet...



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    konnerkonner Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Funny thing, I was actually having this problem. Turns out it's my cable wiring, so my ISP is coming to fix it, cause it was happening after playing neverwinter. But it's weird seeing this thread, after having all these problems.
    My in-game handle is @Ishamii and my STO/CO handle is @konner920 if you wanna add me on anything.

    Shard: Beholder

    Characters: Ishami (GWF level 60, geared for pvp) waiting for the Ranger class to be added

    Neverwinter FTW
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    krucifix6krucifix6 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have the same problem. Mainly when I party up, I immediately get kicked and my entire internet dies for about 30 seconds.
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    nikkalnikkal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This has happened to me as well. It started happening a couple of patches ago (I've lost of how many it's been).

    I initially thought it was just my ISP, but it only happens with Neverwinter so I started poking around. It seems like my system is interpreting some quirk of Neverwinter data streaming as an attack. So it is locking everything down when whatever is causing this problem happens.
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    shanwushanwu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am about to try it again but it seems that they haven't fixed it yet. What a disappointment >.<
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    kllrkeykllrkey Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am also having this problem and not just with this game... I also have had it with perfect worlds STO Star Trek Online... it is a known issue there also....for a very long time.

    So it is an issue imo with the way their server sends or receives packets from the client
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    bokherenbokheren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kllrkey wrote: »
    I am also having this problem and not just with this game... I also have had it with perfect worlds STO Star Trek Online... it is a known issue there also....for a very long time.

    So it is an issue imo with the way their server sends or receives packets from the client

    Well that doesn't bode well for this game then does it...
    We can't let this game ruining crash bug get buried in amongst the chaff bug reports for minor cosmetic fixes - we need this fixed to play!
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    doomcopterdoomcopter Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To throw in my experience, I was having this problem, and for my the symptom was my cable modem would get disconnected and I would have to power cycle the cable modem and my router to fix it. I'm running dd-wrt and turned off SPI, and that has fixed it for me. I think the person who posted about SPI earlier in this thread was spot on.
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    bokherenbokheren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    SPI uninstalled. Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately the problem still exists.
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    chirakuchiraku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    grtaylor wrote: »
    The big thing about restarting your computer is it closes down all background programs that my be running on your bandwidth. If you are pushing close to your max bandwidth your router can handle on one output and than a program (Neverwinter or something else) asks for more it just cant do it.

    Sorry for the late reaction but that makes sense, didnt look at it that way.
    But then its still a small chance it does work, but then again a good one :).
    I will keep this in mind next time when i will give advise about the computer restarting, thanks mate.
    Proud founder of the guild :
    The Gaylords Of Middle Earth
    Have a f@ggoty day
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    agenteusaagenteusa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    The game really has a problem since patch .21a . I had no problems with dc's (never had even one) and after that patch came out I get dc'ed quite a bit and sometimes I lose my connection for 3-4 secs as well.

    So please to the people saying "oh it's your connection" and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. No it's not. Something screwed up packet comm after that patch. I'll bet on that. Or at least it blocked some providers partially or some lines.

    Dunno the cause but I know it happens now and it didn't happen before that patch.
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    agenteusaagenteusa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    nikkal wrote: »
    This has happened to me as well. It started happening a couple of patches ago (I've lost of how many it's been).

    I initially thought it was just my ISP, but it only happens with Neverwinter so I started poking around. It seems like my system is interpreting some quirk of Neverwinter data streaming as an attack. So it is locking everything down when whatever is causing this problem happens.

    Like I said., it started happening after .21a .

    Well your explanation might me the reason who knows.
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    manasiremanasire Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so neverwinter has been literally disconnecting me from my actual internet service for small periods of time when playing. I am wondering if this is happening to anybody else. Again, I dont just get disconnected from the game, I get disconnected from my entire network and I cant even search the web.

    anyone know what this problem is?

    I suspect you are losing DNS access. To check this open a CMD prompt, use 'ipconfig /all' to find you DNS server address, then ping it. If it responds it's obviously not DNS. However, if it doesn't, that's your problem. Reset you router and it will automatically pick up you DNS again. Long story ,short. If you have no DNS, then you can't resolve internet addresses to IP addresses, hence no internet.I'm not going to give you the long story as it wouldn't help. This CAN happen. If it isn't down to DNS then I apologise for wasting your time. Also try flushing DNS cache as mentioned elswhere, this may save a router reset and is more elegent.But if all else fails turn it off and on again!
    A wise man learns more from a foolish question, than a fool learns from a wise answer.
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    brodofragginsbrodofraggins Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Surely this is going to be fixed soon.. I'm running around town rubber banding and getting 1000 ping and then having my net DC still.
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    protarasprotaras Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Having internet disconnection issues as well. Net seems to stay down for longer than 5 minutes unless I restart my modem.

    ISP is Bigpond(Telstra) as I'm attempting to play from Australia. url]http://www.speedtest.net/result/2707511255.png[/url
    Using a Netgear Cable Home Network Gateway CG3100D-2BPAUS
    I downloaded and installed the client from my ISP's gaming website (gamearena.com.au)
    I have no internet connection issues when attempting to perform any other online activities.
    Initially the issues that I was facing were mostly rubber banding, yet it became progressively worse, to the point where now I cannot maintain connection to the game for longer than two minutes.
    Any potential fixes would be appreciated.
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    chanelcorechanelcore Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Happening to me more than ever now. I tried disabling the voice service but that didn't do anything. Please fix!
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    protarasprotaras Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    protaras wrote: »
    Having internet disconnection issues as well. Net seems to stay down for longer than 5 minutes unless I restart my modem.

    ISP is Bigpond(Telstra) as I'm attempting to play from Australia. url]http://www.speedtest.net/result/2707511255.png[/url
    Using a Netgear Cable Home Network Gateway CG3100D-2BPAUS
    I downloaded and installed the client from my ISP's gaming website (gamearena.com.au)
    I have no internet connection issues when attempting to perform any other online activities.
    Initially the issues that I was facing were mostly rubber banding, yet it became progressively worse, to the point where now I cannot maintain connection to the game for longer than two minutes.
    Any potential fixes would be appreciated.

    After reading other comments in this thread, I tried playing with voice communication disabled. This allowed me to play without any internet issues. Seems to be a temporary fix.
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    dannoobdannoob Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same issue. No problems the previous two days, but now being DC every 5 minutes or so. I am not a big tech expert, but would tunnel adapters have anything to do with this issue? I will try the voice comm. fix, but hopefully perfectworld can just fix this problem. I've played MMOs for 10 years with a MIC and never any issue like this.
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    shanwushanwu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't know if u guy can party or not, but whenever i get in a party I will kill my internet right away, so it mean no PVP, no Skirm, no dungeon, no bonus, nothing, just think of it like a free offline game to kill time if u want, don't expect they will fix it. Enjoy ^^
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    treejet25treejet25 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Found two solutions to getting d/c'ed from internet when joining a skirmish or dungeon that worked for me. First one is to disable voice chat. Second one is to run in compatabilty mode (xp service pack 3) and run as administrator. The second option for some reason disables my sound.
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    shanwushanwu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    treejet25 wrote: »
    Found two solutions to getting d/c'ed from internet when joining a skirmish or dungeon that worked for me. First one is to disable voice chat. Second one is to run in compatabilty mode (xp service pack 3) and run as administrator. The second option for some reason disables my sound.

    Thanks for your help but I just tried both solutions. But I still don't even know who will be in my party, just get into the map and the modem just turn off right way. Still enjoy a bit as offline game and some time need to pay for injury kits because if u get disconnect u have to use like 2 or 3 of them to heal. I don't know why but if u r die when u have connection u just need to use one. U get disconnect, get ****, and pay more money lol.
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    jimieusjimieus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited May 2013
    Oh wow - didn't see this thread!

    I have been getting dropped from Neverwinter intermittently (to the point of utter annoyance) at least 10-20 times a night! I have been tearing my hair out checking the router, filters, even calling the ISP. All of this has been to no avail. Now i see this thread... could the game have actually played a part in it? judging from the amount of others experiencing this problem quite possibly!

    Will try de-activating voice chat & what not. Will keep my eye on this thread!!!
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    thebadger613thebadger613 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    I've been getting this issue as well as of the past few days, since a patch or two ago. As with many others it's ONLY Neverwinter that causes this issue.
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    brodofragginsbrodofraggins Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also adding my name on the list, this happens to me every night.
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    chanelcorechanelcore Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It wasn't happening as frequently over the last couple of days but it's back again with the most recent patch. Every 5 minutes my entire network dies when I'm on Neverwinter.
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    rexegrexeg Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Happens to me too. Although recently it hasn't been restarting the internet connection, just disconnecting from server 10 sec after i log on.
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    etherealphantasmetherealphantasm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know this thread is several days old, but I only recently decided to check the forums to see if there were more players with my issue. It seems it's rampant with some players. So, I thought I'd post here, to bring the issue up again, to let them know it's still not resolved. I hope the staff notices this post once again.

    Basically, randomly, usually in instances, Neverwinter will give me the "Disconnected from server" message. If I tab out, I can see that my internet has disconnected/went down/shut off, however, it's not a complete shut off (not an X on the icon, but a yellow triangle with a "!" on it) Also, my other programs (google talk, dropbox) that are readily visible near my clock are showing that they have no internet access either. This lasts for just a few seconds, then my internet reconnects, and everything is fine. Only happens while playing Neverwinter. I can do all sorts of other things just fine: stream movies, play other online games, etc, etc, etc. As stated by several others, this IS related to Neverwinter somehow.

    -Windows 7
    -Time Warner internet (took over New Wave)
    -Motorolla modem (not sure which specific one, but it's a black rectangle that stands up, no external antenna, 3 ethernet ports in the back, it's apparently the newest one they had)
    -Speedtest rates my downstream as 14.77mbs, or 14.78mbs usually.
    -I have plenty of RAM, and my processor is fine.

    Also, this never happened in Closed Beta, and started with one of the fairly recent patches, I can't remember which specifically. I know for certain that it either started right before, or right after they did their "Network Maintenance". But I clearly remember their "Network Maintenance" spiking the issue afterwords, to where I sometimes disconnect 3-4 times within one instance. I did notice, however, that a patch, or two, ago the issue seemed to disappear. Regardless of where I was, zone or dungeon, I never disconnected anymore. And, now, here with the last couple of patches, the issue has come back in full-force again.
    A flood of creativity crashing upon a wall of inability.
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    shanwushanwu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No need to bring it up again and I think all other people in this topic has already quit since even if we file a ticket it will be close and they said they do not have time to care about this small problem. Come back and check forum some time to how long to take a PWI's GM give an answer for a bug that make people can't play a game.
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    devilluk6665devilluk6665 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i been getting disconnected and i lag alot the ping goes to 500 to 1k and makes the game unplayable in pvp is even worse.I got 100mb and there are days when the ping is steady at 195.I am from Eu est so that may be a cause
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    uncleseanouncleseano Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Exactly same issue with me. I turned off voice chat and it worked for an hour or two last night but the problem has started again. Can load up Guild Wars no problem in the huge WvWvW matches
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    damedulocdameduloc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I had a similar sort of issue, however it was with GW2. It's a bit of a story, so bear with me.

    Every time in WvW, I'd get disconnected. I could see that my router logs were auto-resetting the modem. 6 months, and 5 tech visits later, I finally had a competent technician. They could see that the connection was fine to the house, but once inside the house I was losing around 30db.

    Long and the short of it is my house had very old cabling, which required an electrician to update. Since then, no disconnects, no router resets. The older wiring (it was around 14years old) was just not built for the kind of data that flows these days (particularly, gaming).

    Look at your router logs (if you can), insist that a tech comes out, and have them check both to the house and in the house.
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