There might be an issue with my quest preventing completion... although it could just be a Foundry quest bug. Just a heads up before you try to run it.
Hey, everyone...
So in an effort to get more than 2 reviews (good reviews, at that!) from people I've asked directly, I'm starting yet another review trading thread of my very own. I'm mostly looking to review 15 min.+ quests that don't have many reviews yet to at least get them to the point where they count for doing the daily Foundry quest. But I enjoy running quests of any length to see what people are capable of putting together.

You can find details about my quest
here or the link in my signature. (Code is NW-DEU18DHO6 or search by author seanc84) Feel free to add any feedback here as well.
Once I (hopefully) get some responses, I'll update this post to keep track of my review status. I can run quests in the evening (around 6:00pm my time... 2200 GMT) since I work during the day.
=== Finished Reviews! (Please read and play these!) ===
cuddlesmacheese - Stake and Eggs (NW-DEH9MMOCA)* - Reviewed
slaidz - A Nobleman's Request (NW-DIYMYKKVY)* - Reviewed
jkpark - A Friendly Reminder (NW-DAQN7H5GO)* - Reviewed
(5 stars!)
kyeo138 (
@Drexorn) - Those Steamy Neverwinter Nights (NW-DI8PEGHIB)* - Reviewed
eulerdmoogle - A Small Dwarvish Grudge (NW-DUI8A8I7R)* - Reviewed
maddriver - Path to the Underworld (NW-DA4N8EOZD)* - Reviewed
(5 stars!)
Elimgarak83 - The Bones of Xunvrae (NWS-DNNZST5FJ)* - Reviewed
(5 stars if you ignore the typos!)
savagehenrry - Land of the Sloths (NW-DSAT5DENS)* Reviewed
todocaldo - Easy Coin... Right? (NW-DFGF2UXQH)* Reviewed
(5 stars!)=== Reviews I was unable to complete! ===
notaurious - Invoking the Old God (NW-DJC4R9H3R)* - Attempted
=== Reviews to do ===
ganker3 - Cult of the Dragons (NW-DSTLFFQ5K)
lemonkingi - Sinister Manor - An Invitation (NW-DLZZGA446)
zelrant - The Epic: Secrets of Shiganshina (NW-DFJR2DOH6)
fistantalius - Dark Caverns
voivodak - The Fear That Freeze (NW-DNUZSYEEY)
crimsonconcepts - Emberpaths Planning (NW-DGU6CYPV4)
bmoseley83 (
@voyager4383) - Phantoms (NW-DKKJKFAA8)
boomba66 - Where Has Justice Gone? (NW-DSNZVHDYL)
@RanmaRanma - The Thawking (NW-DORADB5YR)*
TripsOfThrymr - A Strange Merchant (NW-DAK2BFO2X)
Please have a look at "Stake and Eggs" NW-DEH9MMOCA
I would appreciate it.
Part 1 - NW-DB9Q7NCWR
Part 2 - NW-DHKJD78SM
Duration: 15 minutes
I'd appreciate it if you played through and let me know what you think. I'll play yours in a bit.
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
Part 1 - NW-DB9Q7NCWR
Part 2 - NW-DHKJD78SM
The Religion dialog option for the scroll is just for some lore information and isn't required for the quest. There's only a few things that you should have to interact with to finish:
- The open sarcophagus has a body in it with a key.
- That key opens a small bedroom with a book that you have to read. This gives you the name of the antagonist.
- The scroll in the cave room with the crystals that tells you who the ghost is.
Thanks for trying the quest though... sorry you weren't able to finish it. I'll give yours a try when I get home.
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
Details of my quest are in my signature. I probably won't have time to play yours tonight. It's dinner making time already, yikes. But I'll give it a run through tomorrow.
A Friendly Reminder (NW-DAQN7H5GO) - Short, solo, story-driven quest.
Part 1 - NW-DB9Q7NCWR
Part 2 - NW-DHKJD78SM
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
1. First thoughts, I really like the dialog. Makes me realize I need to work on mine
2. I like the patrolling spiders, the move at the right speed
3. The jumping puzzle to get in is genius, very gw2-ish. Loved it
4. I like the waypoint text that conveys feelings (dread, etc...)
5. good job on the variety of the different paths.
6. Some of the combat got a bit tough (red wizards & bone monstrosity) but i was still able to solo ok.
7. I liked running through the caverns, didn't feel boring at all
8. I got a little stuck after finding the key in the sarcophagus, then the key and scroll in the caves. I just walked around for about 15min in the caves, until I came back to the other side and found a bedroom with zombies and a book in it. I thought I had come by this way already. So maybe a tiny bit more guidance/hint would be nice. Not much though, I like that you have to explore. Maybe just have the ghost point towards the east/west side of the tower instead of just south, depending on which piece you're missing? Just a suggestion
9. Mindflayer dialog/encounter w/book was great!
10. So I read the book, but the ghost still points south. I'm still missing something but not sure where. I went and clicked on all the sarcophagi again, retraced all my steps. 15min later i found another small room I thought I went in already
11. So I was making this much harder than I should've. It took me about an hour, but if I did it again probably 15-20min at most.
12. The last bass was great, about the right difficulty. I survived, my companion didn't.
Great quest, love the environment and story. This is good storytelling through more than just dialog.
Would love it if you checked out mine as well. It's a 15min or so quest, and painfully childish compared to this one
Shortcode: NW-DI8PEGHIB
Name: Those Steamy Neverwinter Nights
Handle: @Drexorn
NW-DI8PEGHIB - "Those Steamy Neverwinter Nights"
Looking forward to trying yours out!
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
Quest Name: Cult of the Dragons
Short Code: NW-DSTLFFQ5K
Duration: 10-20 minutes.
My mission: A small dwarvish grudge. NW-DUI8A8I7R
Solo Mission
Combat and story, some humor.
A Small Dwarvish Grudge: NW-DUI8A8I7R
The Brink of Disaster: NW-DFDJKW9QF (Still in beta)
Overall, 4/5. Good job bro.
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
Thanks for the feedback... it's sounding like I need to make it a little more clear about what to do to finish that objective.
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
The quest I'd like to trade is called Path to the Underworld. It is the first chapter of the Ignum campaign.
Suggestions and constructive criticism would be very welcome.
"The quest for the Book of Ignum"
"I have seen your future. I have seen your end"
First off, Stake and Eggs by @cuddlesmacheese (NW-DEH9MMOCA)
Ok, any quest with a dog is great by default. Also, I like the tie in to Neverwinter lore... just a small thing but it gives it some flavor.
I like that you started off with some simple combat encounters... nothing too tough to get the ball rolling. Lots of detail in the caves too.
Ok, wow, the broodmother fight was very difficult. My healer companion went down several times, and if I didn't have stealth I wouldn't have been able to finish it. I still had to use 3 or 4 potions. Are there a couple encounters stacked here or is that all one?
Really cool transition from the mines to the crypt! I thought it was going to be a simple clear-the-mines quest so this was a nice surprise.
The door leading into the big circular room from the crypt has a gap at the top (I ran into this exact same problem). I used some rocks to cover it up... not sure if there's anything that looks better for a crypt setting. Compared to the spider boss, the last fight in the crypt was kind of anticlimactic. :P
So... did all those spider eggs I destroyed do anything? Other than give me a personal sense of satisfaction at taking revenge on the unborn spawn of my enemies.
Overall I thought it was really good! A pretty straightforward but fun dungeon crawl with a nifty story to go along with it. Only complaint was the spider boss fight being a little tough for my liking.
Aaaaand looks like it bugged out and didn't give me the review page. Time to run through again!
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
Sinister Manor - An Invitation
Short Code: NW-DLZZGA446
A Nobleman's Request by @Senatis (NW-DIYMYKKVY)
Geralt made me laugh. :P
Pretty tough first encounter... my cleric companion almost went down... but it was manageable.
The map looks pretty cool... maybe one suggestion is to have the encounters patrol a little. They look kinda bored standing in one spot. :P You also might want to mix up the encounter types. I see a bunch of groups all with an enforcer and two archers. The enforcers are pretty annoying to kill... not looking forward to having to clear a path to my objective.
"Way to the South Lake courtyard" - not sure what this objective means.
Yay, more dogs!
The inside of the house looks cool... but as I keep fighting I'm thinking that you need more varied encounters. Some without enforcers would be nice.
Hooooly bejeezus that end fight was a pain. I lost track of how many times my cleric hireling went down due to all the AOEs. At least it was a different mob type - that part was cool, I admit.
Overall, the story was interesting, but the sheer number of combat encounters with the same mobs and the difficulty of the fights kinda wore me down. Tone the combat down a little and this would be a great quest!
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
This Veretir guy has a pretty cool-looking house, topped only by his snazzy looks. I'm really liking the detail in this quest... NPCs, room decorations... really well-done.
Wow... Rowley's manor has some epic music!
This was a great quest! Kept me interested through the whole thing, and I'm really looking forward to another one. Really shows what you can do with a story-driven quest with minimal (and very effective) combat. This review's on the shorter side, but that's because there's not much else to say other than play this quest!
Hey - I was your 20th play. Now that it's eligible, this is one I wouldn't mind running for the daily Foundry!
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
So glad you enjoyed it.
And yay, finally eligible! It seems the quest is finally polished enough. I can focus properly on the sequel.
I shall play yours shortly!
Edit: Of course, there's maintenance when I try to log on to do your review. >.> Afterwards!
A Friendly Reminder (NW-DAQN7H5GO) - Short, solo, story-driven quest.
1) A jumping puzzle. That's different. It did kinda bug me that the moss covered spire didn't look like it was something I could realistically jump on to, but it was a nice touch.
2) In the crypt you have a problem with things continuing to sparkle long after they've served their purpose. You might want to turn that off.
3) I almost gave up on the mission after wandering around for ages no knowing what to do next. There's exploration, and then there's pointless padding and obtuse quest goals. Your quest wanders into the latter.
In the end I can't really recommend your mission to anyone. You've got a great start on a good mission, but much of the Webcrag Ruins is just too dull. Lots of backtracking without enough story to carry it along. I'm still confident that you can turn this around and make it a better mission.
A Small Dwarvish Grudge: NW-DUI8A8I7R
The Brink of Disaster: NW-DFDJKW9QF (Still in beta)
Got one quest to run before yours... if I don't get to it tonight I should have some time later tomorrow.
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
They really need to add more NPCs you can talk to in the public maps... this Nobleman Burkhard guy betrayed me in another quest.
One suggestion about the brothel... I can walk right past Gruush and open the door. You could put an invisible wall in front of the door with some kind of flavor dialog that disappears when this quest component is complete.
I... er... I mean my friend likes the atmosphere in the brothel. I hope no one's prude enough to report it.
You have a couple traps that are too low to disable. Not sure if that was intentional... but it doesn't help that they're also invisible for non-rogues. Also, it's weird that I could continue in the opposite direction, not find any mobs, then find it packed after killing Syryn (?) for the second time. There's a lot of stuff I have to kill, too.
Haha... there's an enemy beating on Syryn #3.
You can use the teleporter in Gruush's room before you kill him... was kinda odd. I like that the end takes place back in the trashed brothel.
Overall I thought it was pretty good... maybe bit too hack-and-slashy for my own personal taste, but there was a suitable story to hold it together. Maybe a bit more polish around the edges that I mentioned to finish it off.
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
NW-DFJR2DOH6 - The Epic: Secrets of Shiganshina
Recommended Players: 1
Est. Playtime: 10-20mins (depending on the choice you'll make at one point)
-Lots of dialogue
-Cameo appearances of characters from different games, and anime. (I won't spoil them, check my quest to find out!
Thanks in advance!
The first map you travel to is well designed. I absolutely loved the little jumping puzzle. It's a nice touch and a pleasant diversion.
Really enjoyed the amount of exploration and interactive elements you have on your map. It felt like a proper dungeon crawl. I would maybe suggest removing the glowing path from the second map. Most people would be inclined to follow it and miss a lot of the other areas. I found it a little confusing sometimes as well, when I got turned around after a fight. The illithids were a surprising challenge as the difficulty stepped up quite a bit from previous fights. Took me off-guard a bit, which isn't a bad thing. :P
The final battle was a little challenging, but not excessively so. I did notice that some of the dialogue options were greyed out at the end, which I'm assuming means I was lacking an item. But I picked up both keys. And didn't see anything else to pick up, so unsure of the requirements meant for those dialogue options.
The reward chest at the end cuts into the table in the room.
Overall, it's a good quest, with a decent story that is well-written. I enjoyed this one. With some tweaking, it'll be excellent. Well done.
A Friendly Reminder (NW-DAQN7H5GO) - Short, solo, story-driven quest.
Author: @fistantalius
Duration: 48 minutes
Thanks for the feedback! Definitely some good suggestions in there... I'm assuming to remove the trail I just set all the objectives to "None?" I'm wondering if that's the source of confusion for people getting lost... I had thought that I might as well leave it enabled to make the people who use it happy, but maybe that's a bad idea.
And yeah - there are some dialog options that depend on having certain skills. Those are mostly just for some Forgotten Realms lore flavor text.
Thanks again!
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
Ah, certain skills, was it? It usually says the skill (ie; religion or thievery) if it's a skill that's missing instead of an item, and as there was no skill listed, I assumed the latter.
A Friendly Reminder (NW-DAQN7H5GO) - Short, solo, story-driven quest.
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
Memnon: Invoking the old god
Code: NW-DJC4R9H3R
I think it will take the average player about 15 mins due to the encounters. It takes me about 10, and I fully know what to expect and how to handle it. Thanks!! I will post my full review to your quest post.
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R