I've noticed a couple of times now that while I have been using the stone golem companion, if i have sent him off for training and then log out without summoning another companion. When I log back in after his training is finished the companion is back next to you as normal, however his portrait does not appear next to yours.
If at that point you go to the companion screen and dismiss and re-summon that companion you end up with 2 companions, and they but seem fully functional as far as combat goes.
Also seems this glitch/bug/exploit only lasts until you transition to a new map at which point it then clears.
Here is an image of me with the 2 companions:
Thought i'd better report this in case somebody reports me for having 2 companions as this was discovered by accident. I have only seen it while using the stone golem, not sure if other companions behave in a similar way.