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Buff GWF please!



  • daedracdaedrac Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    daradal wrote: »
    What's the secret then? The AOEs don't do that much more damage than the single target at wills, only advantage is I can hit more than one target at a time. Unstoppable? Again, if I'm doing what I should be doing I'm behind the monsters hitting them so I don't take damage my unstoppable doesn't go up because I need to get hit for it to go up. If I'm in front I get hit so hard that I need to run away and pop a pot because I'm nearly dead or try to run because I just popped one and the pot recharge time is ridiculous. Or I get in front get unstoppable up, work on the monster fro a while, he tries to hit me a couple times, I sprint behind him, if the delay doesn't get me, and continue to go to work. Problem with that is sprints out so fast I get maybe two them I'm so slow I can evade any of the attacks, boom hit for a thousand again.

    I understand what I'm supposed to be doing, I'm just having trouble doing it.

    It was hard until 20, than I was ok until I got to about 30, then it started getting harder again. My cleric is getting more and more useless, everythings two levels above me. I'm in Helms hold now. Little example, I pulled a shock troop warlord and it took me I don't know 5 or 6 minutes to kill it, some running, a pot or two. I saw a rogue same level basically drop one no problem. I'm avoiding them over there because they beat me up...hes charging them.

    I love pulling big groups and taking them down but if they powerful at all and you have 5 or 6 on you your health the plummets and even using AOEs your damage can't keep up. I did a foundry mission and I kept getting killed by the mobs at the end, I ran out of health pots and I had a lot.

    Tell me what I'm doing wrong? I want to know, I'm trying. I did just get WMS so maybe that will finally start to help, but up till 35 its been a grind and not always fun.

    Don't take it as Im not having fun, I am, Im just saying that sometimes it very frustrating and there is a problem.

    Leveling is a *****. You just gotta tank it.. it sucks. I had the fortune of doing 50-60 with a GF guildie and it made things a lot faster and easier, since he barely took damage and I dished it out.

    The secret I was referring too was regarding PvP tactics, and actually I now use in PvE to build up AP.
  • daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daedrac wrote: »
    Leveling is a *****. You just gotta tank it.. it sucks. I had the fortune of doing 50-60 with a GF guildie and it made things a lot faster and easier, since he barely took damage and I dished it out.

    The secret I was referring too was regarding PvP tactics, and actually I now use in PvE to build up AP.

    Yeah I did some with a friend and it was WAY easier, now I'm soloing because no on them every play and its a pain. I need to find that tactic to build up AP, because when I can pop slam things get a TON easier lol. Its gotten me out of some jams but I tend to save it for those times because Im afraid if I used then I won't have it when I really need it.

    slam is awesome though. I'll pop it in a boss fight and it will basically drop all the adds and I can go to work on the boss.
  • samanthyasamanthya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    someoneod wrote: »
    "Everything is perfectly fine, I'm amazing, and I say so, therefore nothing needs to change. Did I mention I'm amazing? Every class is perfectly fine and balanced. Just like every other newly released mmo, there is no need to look at balancing."


    It has nothing to do with being the best nor is everything balanced. But the sky is definitely -not- falling as so many in this thread are claiming.

    My point to what I do on each of my classes is to show that if the player works for it and thinks things through then skill > class hands down regardless of current balance issues. In other words, the classes are close enough to make it come down to skill.

    Sorry if you have an issue understanding this or being capable of playing at a skill requiring more then just pressing one button to win.
    epixcomix wrote: »
    Not to troll you or anything, but what level is your GWF and what level PvP are you talking about here? After hundreds of PvP matches, including level 60, the GWF may top the chart sometimes if you are good, but it won't be anywhere near like everytime or even most of the time. GWF has a chance against all the classes, but skilled players at any of the other classes will give you a very hard time, especially the CW and TR that can dish out 15000 damage in a single hit.

    Now if you are referring to your scores when you are running in a premade group of coordinated players vs random groups matched up by the system...then I can find your answer more believable, but with the understanding that it's not really your skill at the class that is the cause of your numbers, just your group.

    Level 60, as far as what level of pvp, I que both solo and with my guild.

    As far as having a hard time 1v1, that's any class if the other player is equally skilled with equal gear or close enough to it. Most of my toons are t1 or in pvp gear. As far as the 15000 in a single hit, yes that hurts -if- you let it hit you. I'm not saying I never die on my GWF, I'm saying 9/10 times I either win the fight or they run away. This is regardless of which class I'm playing on.

    It's fairly simple pvp in this game, don't stand in their aoe's(they even are nice enough to make big red circles on where to get out), don't let their big attacks hit you(they make a nice animation before executing giving you just enough time to escape if you watch for it), and don't stand in a TR's cheese grater(duelist's flurry, anyone who stands in that deserves to die in the 2-3 seconds it takes to leave you as a puddle).

    If you know their class and know yours, you win if they don't know what -you- can do and if you avoid what -they- can do.
  • abooselolabooselol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWF are totally fine.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    samanthya wrote: »

    I top damage inside dungeons everytime on my GWF, then again I'll top damage on every toon I play save my GF when spec'd purely to tank and my cleric when spec'd for heals

    Grats! What you've done in your posts so far is praise you own skill and if we are to take your word for it then you are a very good player - good for you. The fact remains you came here only to glorify yourself hence your contribution to this thread is zero.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    v4ngel wrote: »
    not true..if you trait your character right and use that passive steadfast determination you will gain unstoppable fairly quickly..
    i always get my unstoppable up 3 times whenever i do 1 v 1

    Wow you must kill really slowly for a 1v1 to last 3 unstoppables.
  • samanthyasamanthya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    emilemo wrote: »
    Grats! What you've done in your posts so far is praise you own skill and if we are to take your word for it then you are a very good player - good for you. The fact remains you came here only to glorify yourself hence your contribution to this thread is zero.

    Hmm I contribute zero yet am saying as someone who has virtually every toon in this game at end game, plays them all and does equally well on each one, proving the class is not inferior nor in need of a buff...

    Of course you'd just hear me saying look at how good I am rather that I actually know what I'm talking about where 90% of the people posting in this thread are coming from -only- having a gwf and failing at it.

    I'm sorry, but if this class is to difficult for you, perhaps you should reroll to a TR or a CW, they are definitely easier classes to play and should work out nicely for you. Just don't come whining under this topic after you do how GWF need a nerf because you keep failing.
  • paragon33paragon33 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Top 2 spot allll the time... Players are broken not class.
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    samanthya wrote: »
    Hmm I contribute zero yet am saying as someone who has virtually every toon in this game at end game, plays them all and does equally well on each one, proving the class is not inferior nor in need of a buff...

    Of course you'd just hear me saying look at how good I am rather that I actually know what I'm talking about where 90% of the people posting in this thread are coming from -only- having a gwf and failing at it.

    I'm sorry, but if this class is to difficult for you, perhaps you should reroll to a TR or a CW, they are definitely easier classes to play and should work out nicely for you. Just don't come whining under this topic after you do how GWF need a nerf because you keep failing.

    You said it right there the GWF is a difficult class to play, obviously showing that it does not hold up to the other classes. And you would think that the Fighter classes (especially GWF) would be the simple straight forward classes to play while the wizard and rogue would be the challenging class that could do amazing things with a good strategy and teamwork, but fail horribly without a plan of action. Yet these are the classes that are simply click to win
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gwf can be nice for pvp but for pve they are very bad they have to low damage,control and dont give any sort of buffs to team
  • samanthyasamanthya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    zardoz007 wrote: »
    You said it right there the GWF is a difficult class to play, obviously showing that it does not hold up to the other classes. And you would think that the Fighter classes (especially GWF) would be the simple straight forward classes to play while the wizard and rogue would be the challenging class that could do amazing things with a good strategy and teamwork, but fail horribly without a plan of action. Yet these are the classes that are simply click to win

    And where exactly in this game does it say that the fighter line is the easier class to play?

    Hmm, nope not seeing it anywhere, oh wait, you're thinking of other games that should hold no sway on the difficulty of the classes in this game since it is, after all, a different game. I don't mean to come across as a complete itch+b here, but I've played too many mmo's that people rage about and get nerfed/ruined to make it what -they- feel the game should be rather then playing it the way the designers want it to be.

    A GWF or GF in the hands of someone who knows how to play the class and understand it's function is deadly, and hold up very nicely to any other class, even if in the hands of someone also skilled. Not once did I claim, nor has pwe(unless I'm wrong here and simply can't find it myself) stated once that this class line will be easy to play.

    A novice GWF/GF vs a novice CW/TR will very likely lose since both the fighter classes require actual understanding of mechanics to be successful.

    The problem here is everyone wants fighters to be easy to play and TR/CW hard to play where they are not in this game.

    That doesn't mean the other classes need a nerf or that this one needs a crazy buff. If they want to -fix- aggro, then by all means I'll gladly agree that they need to do that, since holding aggro on groups of mobs off of a healer is, while possible, extremely difficult to do.

    At the same time, I think people have been looking at the mechanics in this game wrong. From my personal experience, my cleric can handle the smaller adds just fine being on her so long as I keep a hot rolling and burning them down, but the bigger adds can become problematic. Personally I like the feel of it though, the big boss and henchmen are held by the GF and GWF while the smaller adds are burned down by the dps.

    Is it ideal? Not for most people. But is it possible and actually fun to play as a healer under such situations? For me I'd have to say yes.

    The standing around cycling healing spells making green letters appear gets very boring, where having to dps ranged adds, kite melee adds and still keep heals and shields rolling keeps me engaged.
  • daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think the fact that a novice can play a Rogue and do fine and progress easily, yet you need to be skilled as a GWF to be anything more than a meatsack that just dies constantly, says it all.....
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I happen to like my GWF, it cuts through most mobs with AoE, when he gets the chance, like butter.sometimes the CW has nuked those mobs before I can get to them in a team situation. However his single target damage sucks. Against a boss type monster it takes literally a hundred hits from sure strike, and that includes using unstoppable to kill them, and the single target dailies are laughable less than 2000 damage on a single target at level 45. the flourish encounter and restoring strike do more damage. And those are supposed to be alpha strike type abilities?
    @Powerblast in game
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    epixcomix wrote: »
    At the higher levels a GWF has a chance against rogues and cw, but no, it's not easy, and if you think it is, you are probably playing against terrible opponents, especially if you are talking about the level 60 realm of PvP. The CW and the Rogue both can do insanely powerful alpha strikes that do around 15000 damage in one hit regardless of how much defense you have. You on the other hand, have no means of dodging these attacks.

    Again, the GWF has a CHANCE against rogues and cws at the higher end, but it's not easy unless they are bad players or you're talking about 2 or 3 v 1. At level 60 PvP, a coordinated double rogue, double mage, or mage rogue team can instantly kill you in less than 1 second by simply unloading their alpha strikes on you. Just keep that in mind.

    My at wills didnt burn thru the rogue or CW's dodge/tp , in fact the rogue stood in front of me the whole time I unloaded everything on him ( he tanked me pretty much) then when the rest of my team came along he ran and I was frozen in the CW cc.. -and that pretty much accounts for my first ever pvp experience as a GWF. Not cool when even the squishy can tank you.
    And yes this was low lvl pvp like I said first ever on my lvl 12 GWF upped to 19 for the match. Before anyone jumps and tells me to wait till 60 to talk about pve/pvp let me say this - from character creation to endgame it is all part pf the game for me.. equally important every step of the way!
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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