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Buff GWF please!

layol692k7layol692k7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Militia Barracks
:mad:I mean we got nerfed to the floor in closed beta every other class can hit harder than us even a cleric for gods sake! give us a daily like the rogues have that at least guerentees 2 1 shots since balance do not seem to be coming in the past 4 or 5 patches. something I mean throw us a bone most GWF including myself do not even want to pvp for the AD daily much less try and do it for fun!
Post edited by layol692k7 on


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    v4ngelv4ngel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    my gwf can actually kill rogues and cw 1 v 1 pvp..
    once you reach 30+ they should be easy..spam unstoppable and watch them melt the key here is to make sure you hit all your encounters..so when you first get close spam couple at will atks and then after they burn their dodge/teleport..go crazy with encounters

    you should be tanky so make sure you get that defends and hp up
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    realpureshadowrealpureshadow Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2013
    in order for you to get unstoppable you have to lose about 40% of your health. if a cw start at max range. you would use all your sprint to get to him, and he would blink away and use all that to move away. so you are back at square one.

    the other fact is when u have unstoppable up, people can just run away, barrel roll, and blink away to make it useless.

    if unstoppable had a speed buff then that would make it awesome.
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    mreptmrept Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWF is fine after hitting the 30's range. It really needs a buff before that though.
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    v4ngelv4ngel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    not true..if you trait your character right and use that passive steadfast determination you will gain unstoppable fairly quickly..
    i always get my unstoppable up 3 times whenever i do 1 v 1
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    floppydiskettefloppydiskette Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    v4ngel wrote: »
    not true..if you trait your character right and use that passive steadfast determination you will gain unstoppable fairly quickly..
    i always get my unstoppable up 3 times whenever i do 1 v 1

    This!. Using that class feature too when pvp'ng, GWF's are fine, i made mine pure pvp oriented to level up and enjoying it...
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    nemesis788450nemesis788450 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    my only grime with gwf is, that i as i play for dps, i go down sooooooo fast... i should be in the middle, hitting as many enemies as possible - but that means if i get focussed by several mobs, im nearly instad-dead... its less an issue in dungeons where you have the clerics and healing, but even there i die sooo fast...the wizards have the great advantage that they dont have to be in the face of their enemies and can kite...i think that is not paid enough attention.

    This is especially annoying because i found that often skills have a lag or dont react properly or have a very long animation to do...
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    v4ngelv4ngel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    you have to spam unstoppable. and get some defense hp up
    i have around 1k defend at lvl 40 by the pirate area and lvling is a breeze while my mage and rogue friend having problem with the pirate boss there..i didnt even break a sweat just press tab whenever its up.

    the only problem with gwf is probably damage, i agree gwf damage should've been a bit higher because we are using 2handed weapon and not 1h sword
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    realpureshadowrealpureshadow Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2013
    v4ngel wrote: »
    not true..if you trait your character right and use that passive steadfast determination you will gain unstoppable fairly quickly..
    i always get my unstoppable up 3 times whenever i do 1 v 1

    fights with rogues and cw at level 60 only last 10-15 seconds. by the time you get unstoppable the second time you're dead. most cw abilites prevent the use of breaking out with unstoppable. steadfast determination only ticks a few points over time, its not 30% more determination.
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    v4ngelv4ngel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    10 - 15 seconds to me is enough to get at least 2 unstoppable up..
    now granted im not 60 yet but i can get unstoppable easily in 3 - 5 second against rogues, you dont need full determination bar to use unstoppable you know.
    only thing that gwf lack to me is that their at will damage and threat need to be fix
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    bighalsybighalsy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 261 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, GWF needs serious love. It's definitely the red-headed step child of the classes atm. It brings nothing to the table that another class doesn't do MUCH better. I don't even bother PvPing with mine half the time for the dailies and just leave him parked instead because its too depressing going out and unloading everything on ANY other class only to have them barely scratched, smirk at you and casually walk away while yawning.
    Midget soothsayer robs bank. Small medium at large.
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    layol692k7layol692k7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah they seriously do I am glad most people agree with this. I also posted in a thread about the the tricksters striker daily I have been hit yesterday with a 40 k hit with this almost doubled what my hp is. the striker daily allows them guerenteed 2 1 shots a day and that can be game changing espec if they get a hold of the teams healer or healers. and this is game changing in a bad way! like i posted in the rogue forums also tricksters hit like brutal scoundrel rogues do a tricksdter is suppossed to move tap the target a few times or untill noticed and then vanish and run away. that is according to the D&D books anyways
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    samanthyasamanthya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    GWF are fine as is, if anything they are little op with everything being an aoe. Their aoe is untouchable. If you're having issues either leveling or in pvp as one you're doing it wrong. Just gather up very, very large groups of mobs, hit each of your aoe encounters, tab, hold down your 260' at will, collect your loot and move on. You can literally gather up 20-40 mobs, the numbers make no difference and destroy them all. Keep your pulsing aoe daily on cd as well and it's gg. You'll use 1-2 potions max, walk away with full health, and it makes no difference if it's tough mobs or just trash. If there are the tough mobs in there just make sure they are the focus for your encounters when they pop back up.

    Buffing their single target dps is a terrible idea since all of their attacks are designed for aoe. Their damage is low single target if all of your encounters are down and it takes a few seconds to build your unstoppable, but there isn't a single fight in the game that slows you down or puts you at risk longer then 15 seconds 1v1.

    As for TR's, I also have one of these, if you know the class then it's the easiest class hands down in the game to counter. I solo TR's on my cleric, gf, gwf and cw all day long. Even two of them is no big deal. It's a simple matter of not letting them hit you with three specific attacks they have that have a very clear and obvious build up unless they are stealthed. And if you're trying to fight a tr while they are stealthed and have LA burning then you deserve to shift+2. EVERY SINGLE ONE of their attacks on all classes except the gwf can be avoided by simply hitting shift at the appropriate time.

    All of the whining people make about gwf's made me make one simply to see how bad the class is, and now it's one of my favorites and my sole toon for grinding out large groups of mobs.
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    samanthyasamanthya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    bighalsy wrote: »
    Yeah, GWF needs serious love. It's definitely the red-headed step child of the classes atm. It brings nothing to the table that another class doesn't do MUCH better. I don't even bother PvPing with mine half the time for the dailies and just leave him parked instead because its too depressing going out and unloading everything on ANY other class only to have them barely scratched, smirk at you and casually walk away while yawning.

    You're doing it wrong, very very wrong. You can melt any class in this game with any other class if you know what you are doing. Each class does have one or two that will give them particular trouble, CW ranking on each class list, but can still be handled by any class in a 1v1 setting.

    If you're always losing then either your gear is that bad, or you are that bad. Either way, it's not the classes or mechanics and I'm getting beyond sick of hearing everyone complain about every other class.

    The only thing that needs to be addressed in pvp is the lack of diminishing returns on cc's, and the afk botters. Other then that it's actually fairly balanced out and if you play to win instead of to just kill you can win consistently even when you have one afk botter on your team and all 5 of them are active.
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    notroarwafflenotroarwaffle Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    samanthya wrote: »
    GWF are fine as is, if anything they are little op with everything being an aoe. Their aoe is untouchable. If you're having issues either leveling or in pvp as one you're doing it wrong. Just gather up very, very large groups of mobs, hit each of your aoe encounters, tab, hold down your 260' at will, collect your loot and move on. You can literally gather up 20-40 mobs, the numbers make no difference and destroy them all. Keep your pulsing aoe daily on cd as well and it's gg. You'll use 1-2 potions max, walk away with full health, and it makes no difference if it's tough mobs or just trash. If there are the tough mobs in there just make sure they are the focus for your encounters when they pop back up.

    Buffing their single target dps is a terrible idea since all of their attacks are designed for aoe. Their damage is low single target if all of your encounters are down and it takes a few seconds to build your unstoppable, but there isn't a single fight in the game that slows you down or puts you at risk longer then 15 seconds 1v1.

    As for TR's, I also have one of these, if you know the class then it's the easiest class hands down in the game to counter. I solo TR's on my cleric, gf, gwf and cw all day long. Even two of them is no big deal. It's a simple matter of not letting them hit you with three specific attacks they have that have a very clear and obvious build up unless they are stealthed. And if you're trying to fight a tr while they are stealthed and have LA burning then you deserve to shift+2. EVERY SINGLE ONE of their attacks on all classes except the gwf can be avoided by simply hitting shift at the appropriate time.

    All of the whining people make about gwf's made me make one simply to see how bad the class is, and now it's one of my favorites and my sole toon for grinding out large groups of mobs.

    You mean their SINGLE 360 degree, low damage AoE attack is op, or their low damage, very slow at-wills?

    I mean, I guess they're pretty powerful if you just ignore the existence of CWs or, really, any other class's AoE encounters.

    Not to mention the GWF's complete lack of a dodge mechanic, which just happens to be what this game is balanced around. I.E. you cannot dodge attacks simply by "hitting shift at the appropriate time." You'll still get hit, unlike every other class.
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    samanthyasamanthya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    You mean their SINGLE 360 degree, low damage AoE attack is op, or their low damage, very slow at-wills?

    I mean, I guess they're pretty powerful if you just ignore the existence of CWs or, really, any other class's AoE encounters.

    Not to mention the GWF's complete lack of a dodge mechanic, which just happens to be what this game is balanced around. I.E. you cannot dodge attacks simply by "hitting shift at the appropriate time." You'll still get hit, unlike every other class.

    You must have missed that I have a CW as well, so I'm not speaking from lack of knowledge. A cw is heavy aoe but can't take a hit comparatively, a gwf can tank the damage while dealing it out, and if using your 260' at will after pressing tab you'll swing so fast that everything literally melts around you, after you slow back down you hit your encounters.

    GWF > CW for mass aoe farming mobs. Their only handicap is they can't just shift dodge away and range attacks are lol'able, but as a fair trade, we can just hit tab and now we can't be stopped, as well as hold shift to rapidly get to where we want to go.

    I top damage inside dungeons everytime on my GWF, then again I'll top damage on every toon I play save my GF when spec'd purely to tank and my cleric when spec'd for heals. As for pvp I top the charts every time as well in those(in kills, points and least deaths), even if by some strange chance my side loses I'll still be sitting at number one and it's all from farming kills guarding 1 and 3 with the occasional rush to 2 so I can pick off the CW or heals before getting back to my posts.

    It's not the classes that are the issue's, it's the players. Again, the only adjustments that need to be made are the ones I listed above.
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    s3z3s3z3 Member Posts: 216 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Best ingame party composition is 2Tr+2CW+1Cler(or 1 cw 2 cler). With this party any dungeon\instance etc is super easy. That says a lot about usefulness of other classes. I tried GWF up until 50's, loved the animations\idea of mighty warrior, but he's just nothing compared to CW\TR. Yes GWF needs a serious buff, and so does the GF.
    For those who state I'm taking rogue 2 vs 1 like a breathe... don't make me laugh, with t2 epic set Lashing blade hits tanks for 80% of their HP. Rogue are retardedly OP, I'm a rogue, I know.
    Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter

    Seze - Rogue - Necropolis - <3 RIFT
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    samanthya wrote: »
    I solo TR's on my cleric, gf, gwf and cw all day long. Even two of them is no big deal.

    For an otherwise well written post that last line is utter bovine excrement. I don't know what sort of useless TRs you have been facing but I have never been beaten overall by a non-TR or CW in PvP, and there is no way a GWF is taking on two equally skilled and geared TRs and coming out of that fight in anything other than little pieces.
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    someoneodsomeoneod Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    samanthya wrote: »
    You must have missed that I have a CW as well, so I'm not speaking from lack of knowledge. A cw is heavy aoe but can't take a hit comparatively, a gwf can tank the damage while dealing it out, and if using your 260' at will after pressing tab you'll swing so fast that everything literally melts around you, after you slow back down you hit your encounters.

    GWF > CW for mass aoe farming mobs. Their only handicap is they can't just shift dodge away and range attacks are lol'able, but as a fair trade, we can just hit tab and now we can't be stopped, as well as hold shift to rapidly get to where we want to go.

    I top damage inside dungeons everytime on my GWF, then again I'll top damage on every toon I play save my GF when spec'd purely to tank and my cleric when spec'd for heals. As for pvp I top the charts every time as well in those(in kills, points and least deaths), even if by some strange chance my side loses I'll still be sitting at number one and it's all from farming kills guarding 1 and 3 with the occasional rush to 2 so I can pick off the CW or heals before getting back to my posts.

    It's not the classes that are the issue's, it's the players. Again, the only adjustments that need to be made are the ones I listed above.

    "Everything is perfectly fine, I'm amazing, and I say so, therefore nothing needs to change. Did I mention I'm amazing? Every class is perfectly fine and balanced. Just like every other newly released mmo, there is no need to look at balancing."

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    churchilligcchurchilligc Member Posts: 175 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    GWF's damage is not fine, being able to burst another player in PvP by using massive CC and a daily is not the same as "being fine".

    I love the way GWF plays, but it seriously lacks in the damage department.

    Sure Strike could use a 250-300% boost in damage and WMS could use a 150-200% boost. I would err on the side of 300 and 200 respectively. That leaves you not having to re-balance encounters for PvP (though they could use a boost as well) and allows GWF to actually do damage in PVE.

    Slam should also become uncapped, there's no reason to have a 30' AoE that hits 5 targets. Maybe if I was doing a solo dungeon, but in T2 epics this is just lol. Up until T2 epics, GWF does pretty good. You can routinely come out #1 and #2 on DPS if you don't fall asleep doing T1 or below. After that, it's pretty difficult.

    Right now, GWF doesn't dps, it doesn't cc, it doesn't heal. The only thing I do in dungeons is pull mobs better than other classes to bring them to other people to kill and that only serves the purpose to speed up the run a bit because I'm already slowing it down. If I was a 2nd TR for my group, we would kill faster anyway.
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    layol692k7layol692k7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWF's damage is not fine, being able to burst another player in PvP by using massive CC and a daily is not the same as "being fine".

    I love the way GWF plays, but it seriously lacks in the damage department.

    Sure Strike could use a 250-300% boost in damage and WMS could use a 150-200% boost. I would err on the side of 300 and 200 respectively. That leaves you not having to re-balance encounters for PvP (though they could use a boost as well) and allows GWF to actually do damage in PVE.

    Slam should also become uncapped, there's no reason to have a 30' AoE that hits 5 targets. Maybe if I was doing a solo dungeon, but in T2 epics this is just lol. Up until T2 epics, GWF does pretty good. You can routinely come out #1 and #2 on DPS if you don't fall asleep doing T1 or below. After that, it's pretty difficult.

    Right now, GWF doesn't dps, it doesn't cc, it doesn't heal. The only thing I do in dungeons is pull mobs better than other classes to bring them to other people to kill and that only serves the purpose to speed up the run a bit because I'm already slowing it down. If I was a 2nd TR for my group, we would kill faster anyway.

    I so agree the damage a GWF does is meh at best
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    daedracdaedrac Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    To all the people complaining:

    Learn to play your class.

    GWF's are meatshields and aoe monster's. And for PvP I'm going to stop giving away the severe advantage that is a GWF, you'll have to figure it out or find it.
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    epixcomixepixcomix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    v4ngel wrote: »
    my gwf can actually kill rogues and cw 1 v 1 pvp..
    once you reach 30+ they should be easy..spam unstoppable and watch them melt the key here is to make sure you hit all your encounters..so when you first get close spam couple at will atks and then after they burn their dodge/teleport..go crazy with encounters

    you should be tanky so make sure you get that defends and hp up

    At the higher levels a GWF has a chance against rogues and cw, but no, it's not easy, and if you think it is, you are probably playing against terrible opponents, especially if you are talking about the level 60 realm of PvP. The CW and the Rogue both can do insanely powerful alpha strikes that do around 15000 damage in one hit regardless of how much defense you have. You on the other hand, have no means of dodging these attacks.

    Again, the GWF has a CHANCE against rogues and cws at the higher end, but it's not easy unless they are bad players or you're talking about 2 or 3 v 1. At level 60 PvP, a coordinated double rogue, double mage, or mage rogue team can instantly kill you in less than 1 second by simply unloading their alpha strikes on you. Just keep that in mind.
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    epixcomixepixcomix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    samanthya wrote: »
    You must have missed that I have a CW as well, so I'm not speaking from lack of knowledge. A cw is heavy aoe but can't take a hit comparatively, a gwf can tank the damage while dealing it out, and if using your 260' at will after pressing tab you'll swing so fast that everything literally melts around you, after you slow back down you hit your encounters.

    GWF > CW for mass aoe farming mobs. Their only handicap is they can't just shift dodge away and range attacks are lol'able, but as a fair trade, we can just hit tab and now we can't be stopped, as well as hold shift to rapidly get to where we want to go.

    I top damage inside dungeons everytime on my GWF, then again I'll top damage on every toon I play save my GF when spec'd purely to tank and my cleric when spec'd for heals. As for pvp I top the charts every time as well in those(in kills, points and least deaths), even if by some strange chance my side loses I'll still be sitting at number one and it's all from farming kills guarding 1 and 3 with the occasional rush to 2 so I can pick off the CW or heals before getting back to my posts.

    It's not the classes that are the issue's, it's the players. Again, the only adjustments that need to be made are the ones I listed above.

    Not to troll you or anything, but what level is your GWF and what level PvP are you talking about here? After hundreds of PvP matches, including level 60, the GWF may top the chart sometimes if you are good, but it won't be anywhere near like everytime or even most of the time. GWF has a chance against all the classes, but skilled players at any of the other classes will give you a very hard time, especially the CW and TR that can dish out 15000 damage in a single hit.

    Now if you are referring to your scores when you are running in a premade group of coordinated players vs random groups matched up by the system...then I can find your answer more believable, but with the understanding that it's not really your skill at the class that is the cause of your numbers, just your group.
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    s3z3s3z3 Member Posts: 216 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    If u wanna play Neverwinter PVP online go rogue\cw cause atm they are OP, like gwf was before nerf, it's rly easy to lvl up new main, just use all them exploits. I for one play GWF in PVE game and give zero ducks about pvp, prefer dungeons\raids to pvp.
    Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter

    Seze - Rogue - Necropolis - <3 RIFT
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    daedracdaedrac Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    s3z3 wrote: »
    If u wanna play Neverwinter PVP online go rogue\cw cause atm they are OP

    GWF ****'s on rogue/cw.
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've honestly had a lot of fun with my GWF through leveling and PVE/PVP. Are we the best, probably not... Doesn't mean I am not having fun though! ;)

    Now, giving GWF a Dodger? Oh hell yes, I would love that long time! lol
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    daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daedrac wrote: »
    To all the people complaining:

    Learn to play your class.

    GWF's are meatshields and aoe monster's. And for PvP I'm going to stop giving away the severe advantage that is a GWF, you'll have to figure it out or find it.

    What's the secret then? The AOEs don't do that much more damage than the single target at wills, only advantage is I can hit more than one target at a time. Unstoppable? Again, if I'm doing what I should be doing I'm behind the monsters hitting them so I don't take damage my unstoppable doesn't go up because I need to get hit for it to go up. If I'm in front I get hit so hard that I need to run away and pop a pot because I'm nearly dead or try to run because I just popped one and the pot recharge time is ridiculous. Or I get in front get unstoppable up, work on the monster fro a while, he tries to hit me a couple times, I sprint behind him, if the delay doesn't get me, and continue to go to work. Problem with that is sprints out so fast I get maybe two them I'm so slow I can evade any of the attacks, boom hit for a thousand again.

    I understand what I'm supposed to be doing, I'm just having trouble doing it.

    It was hard until 20, than I was ok until I got to about 30, then it started getting harder again. My cleric is getting more and more useless, everythings two levels above me. I'm in Helms hold now. Little example, I pulled a shock troop warlord and it took me I don't know 5 or 6 minutes to kill it, some running, a pot or two. I saw a rogue same level basically drop one no problem. I'm avoiding them over there because they beat me up...hes charging them.

    I love pulling big groups and taking them down but if they powerful at all and you have 5 or 6 on you your health the plummets and even using AOEs your damage can't keep up. I did a foundry mission and I kept getting killed by the mobs at the end, I ran out of health pots and I had a lot.

    Tell me what I'm doing wrong? I want to know, I'm trying. I did just get WMS so maybe that will finally start to help, but up till 35 its been a grind and not always fun.

    Don't take it as Im not having fun, I am, Im just saying that sometimes it very frustrating and there is a problem.
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    v4ngelv4ngel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    15 kills with my gwf on a 4 v 5 match
    and yes i got teamed up with 4 people cause of afker yet i still get 15 kills

    30 - 39 pvp.. i have another for 40 - 49 pvp but forgot to screenie it

    and yes i know we are losing thats why i post that because its a 4 v 5 and its hard to win when you only have 4 people against 5 , but im posting this to let people know that its possible to do good with gwf on pvp even at low lvl bracket
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    theenigma7theenigma7 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    v4ngel wrote: »

    15 kills with my gwf on a 4 v 5 match
    and yes i got teamed up with 4 people cause of afker yet i still get 15 kills

    30 - 39 pvp.. i have another for 40 - 49 pvp but forgot to screenie it

    and yes i know we are losing thats why i post that because its a 4 v 5 and its hard to win when you only have 4 people against 5 , but im posting this to let people know that its possible to do good with gwf on pvp even at low lvl bracket

    Sorry but that screen shot does not prove any thing, it does not prove that GWF is "ok", nor does it show that it is over or under powered.

    Your teammates have mass amounts of assists, showing that all of the kills for your team were all team efforts. All that shows is good group target selection.

    Your teammate rogue and wizard also have the most deaths, assuming an average skill level across the board that can only mean they were perceived as the largest threat and targeted over you.

    A screen shot does nothing to prove the argument of either side.
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    realpureshadowrealpureshadow Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2013
    Must be nice to have a healer. And everyone had like 17 assist (dont sound like 1v1 to me). I guess you got 80% of last hits.
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